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I've just seen an excellent post on social media. Baby Reindeer is the 'true story' of Donny Dunn - ie, a 'fictional character'.....Gadd has used bits of his life to tell Dunn's story........I hope Netflix lawyers will use this argument! Fiona's victims are the ones who have the right to sue HER
I think if it goes ahead this case (whoever “wins”) may well end up being a landmark one in terms of how much people can can get away with artistic license on a show that is portrayed as a “true story” and whether or not fictional character aspects are acceptable.
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I’m giving serious side eye to anyone who seems to prefer anything this woman says over Gadd’s account that he has already said isn’t all true for a tv drama. Like the kind of people who can sympathise with this woman can’t be normal either. She is fucking awful. I think all the attention is only fuelling her as she’s getting more and more awful with the things she’s saying
oh thats a dichotomy I'm not certain needs to be a thing - she can be awful and full of it without Gadd being accurate, fair or even sane.
she is mentally ill 100% and mean spirited.
there is still a very cynical strategy at play with inventing things like a court scene, guilty plea, jail term and calling the show "true" in every opening scene. even the barmaid who has spoken introduced relevant small details like that Fiona would go to the pub looking for general human interaction, it wasn't that she knew Gadds full roster and waited for him and she would sit in the corner, not in front of the bar constantly harassing him
lends even more to the notion that he is also a kind of obsessive and loved the thought of someone being utterly consumed by his existence until it got in the way of his other relationships
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Sir Lancelot

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They are still there I've just seen them.
You're right!
They weren't showing when I looked on my laptop but are there when I look on my phone. Weird.


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She hasn't got a team of lawyers unless it's Sue Grabbit & Run, next to the Bookies where she lives.

No reputable firm would take her on as a client, honestly.
I'm trying to be nice.

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While I think she's absolutely crazy. I find it strange that GAdd stars as the leading role in this film and he's quite the actor. Something's not adding up. Where is the proof she did time and is a convicted stalker
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It might also be that English lawyers have now told her she has no chance but the American ones would give it a go. A bit like when there’s cases like Charlie Gard, the treating doctors have all the info, doctors from abroad fall over themselves to offer a treatment without the full facts then can’t when they do have the info.

I don't doubt it. Just that the language used feels quite unprofessional to me.
It’s very dramatic, we wouldn’t write like that in legal documents over here
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According to Richard Osmand on The Rest Is Entertainment podcast it's quite difficult under English Law to prove libel.

As I have zero knowledge of law practice, I'll take his word for it! Unless one of the knowledgeable Tattlers can clarify?
Also - Defamation, Libel, Slander - a very quick Google suggests they're all very similar? Would she sue for one or all 3?
Defamation is the group word : spoken word = slander - libel = written form
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Feather fans

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Piers is a bit of a bully but I don't think he went very hard on her compared to what I've seen him do with other people. I thought he was trying to be fair at least.
I think he knew presenting the situation as controversial and planting the seed of doubt would create more of a discussion and lead to more interviews and more clicks for his channel and mentions etc. if he got her to crack and exposed her madness people would absolutely talk a lot about it and watch and then forget, because he would have proved Gadd was saying the truth. The focus would then shift to the series and Gadd himself. That’s why I think he made sure there is a seed of doubt
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Feather fans

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There’s also an email sent from Fiona from the Baby Reindeer book. He knew she would come for his money and I have no doubt he already was prepared for the backlash, from both personal and legal perspectives.

An email from the book. Made me raise an eyebrow

Made me think it’s more intentional. I mean isn’t that what she said she’s doing now? Going after Netflix and Gadd. Idk

View attachment 2949456View attachment 2949457
I think she deliberately made sure she is discoverable by opening up / keeping all tweets. She is very capable of planning ahead. She knew (by her own admission to Pierse) he had a stand up show about her for what - five years? She could have taken steps to protect herself then. Im not even sure how much "internet sleuths” discovered (although they are pretty good) and how much she put herself out there making her name known to the press etc.
No doubt she was trolled (there are plenty of sickos out there who look for victims and spend their life trolling others) and that is not right regardless of what she is like, but Im sure her "discovery" is very planned and staged - by her
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People are saying she can’t have any convictions because no journalist has found evidence of any. But if they did expose this sort of information, couldn’t that be contrary to the data protection act? I am not sure but this whole thing seems to run and run and I wonder what the conclusion will be.

It’s fairly obvious that FH has some kind of personality disorder. People like that don’t know when to stop.
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Chatty Member
Oh dear, she’s crying data protection breach, it isn’t there to protect the shite that she spews out, unless they whacked her full name and DOB on there, but she’s a lawyer she should already know that 🙃
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Unfortunately stuff gets removed from even an enhanced DBS after a while. If she was nicked years ago it likely wouldn't show up. This link explains it all quite well:

I think there's going to be lots of stuff coming out though especially if that girl's blog from the psych unit is true and she does have either diagnosed MH issues, convictions, or both. She said she didn't go to prison, she never actually said she wasn't e.g. detained in hospital, obviously not the same as prison but think people would find that relevant info
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