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I just saw this on AI scammers and loved it! She also included why you don't cook frozen chicken! Thaw it Val. And FairlyCertain posted above that as the chicken thaws it produces water which basically boils it in the oven! And that powdered lemon. Good lord...
Again this is an adult woman a mother , someone who can obviously read yet we've seen her put frozen chicken in a pan or crockpot with canned beans ( that only require heating up ) and raw potatos.....
and she believes all these will magically cook at the same time and be perfect.

whenever she cooks chicken she always says it will be done in 20 what world does frozen chicken breasts cook in 20-30 minutes in an oven???

Val who always looks uncomfortable in her own skin is painful to watch cooking, it's worse than watching her use her pastey crepe paper hands shove her bangs to the side a hundred times.
Between her and Jess how much hair do you think they get in the food they are preparing??? Val needs a headband too!


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So where do we think Munchausen Momma is?

1. Hiding in her bachlorette apt. (bedrom) with HER dog, wine and Netflix?
2. Hiding outside in her camper so Jessica can't find her?
3. Solo trip to Disney reliving her teenage fantasies ?
4. Ran away with her sister for a beach getaway!
5. Pornboy took mommy on a vacay.

Since she's been a no show in videos since her staff came home last Tuesday from Camping , and Hannah's doing all the cooking, Marlows bathing Jessica and changing her pullups, Campbell's grocery shopping and monitoring the comment sections of the videos ...seems like it's ALL hands on deck! While Val hides away.

Maybe APS caught up with her and threw her in jail!!!!
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I just read over on FB Scam that Val has returned pets that didn’t work out for them to the shelter instead of rehoming them or telling Miss Jessica to sit down and STFU! I don’t get worked up often, but here I am!! Had I known that, I would have quit the Brooks bunch sooner than I did. I was upset about how they treated Abby, but I can’t even think about that. I am an unreasonable, rabid, kookie, nutty lover and rescuer of animals. I have found that people who don’t like, or mistreat animals are not trustworthy, and end up not being very nice people. I know they claim their love for the dogs, but I feel so sorry for all those poodles. They are completely feral, as in not socialized at all, untrained, and neurotic from Jessica shouting at them. They can’t even leave them alone! And don’t get me started on the poor cat, all because Ms Thing doesn’t like cats. I need to go take my blood pressure. Ugh!😑
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It is suspicious why he would retire at such an early age. He’s very physically fit, and he worked as a top HR executive, there would be no manual labor. He’s been retired quite a while before the vultures moved into his house.
I wouldn’t be surprised he retired to support his son’s career and play a big part behind scenes in running all the platforms. They are all part of it right down to planning out the scam so all of them to stay home calling their jobs content creators. Maybe the whole AI is a cover for what’s really going on within that demented family. And just imagine if Marlowe call it quits they are big time screwed. If she was smart she should be playing that for all it’s worth . We all know no one will ever come into that house to put up with what she does. It’s one big smoke screen to cover up lie after lie .
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Wow she just asked Nathan and Val “do u have anything sad to tell me” like wtf?! She is definitely OBSESSED with sad news and death and dying. It’s very creepy! And Val says she doesn’t need any services! Look at her plate compared to Val’s. And she has a fork or spoon in her left hand and she’s eating with her right hand. It’s disgusting
Ick! Who allows their child to obsess over death. Sick! And I’m sure the dog trainer that Hannah and Marlow took a class from is cringing over how they handle their dogs now.
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Chatty Member
Jess knew exactly what those gifts were. They were pre opened.val said happy Friday, no way greedy guts waited from PO day Thursday till Friday to open gifts. Then again who really knows what day it was or even what week.
And STILL no thank you unless prompted. I’d throw it in the trash off camera until she learned. Ooh that grates my nerves so badly!!
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Cooking at Nathan's was obviously last week while Val was MIA, and I noticed a couple things.

1. Jessica was under medicated ...she was easily excitable, chatty, talking fast, clapping, squealing and doing many sound stims...squealing into her hand for example.
I think number one...Hannah would never over medicate Jess, where as Val does it very often....
Notice with Val Jessica talks slow, takes longer to process, her voice is lower and she is distant ...simply repeating in a monotoned voice what Val tells her.
It's like night and day when Hannah works with Jessica rather than Val.

2. It's obvious now the only food Nathan's cooking is what Jessica demands...her chicken casserows, her chicken and rice, her attire tot casserows..... Long gone are the lasagnas, and other Italian meals.

I did notice that Hannah was on point about the servings Jess always has to have her two servings... I think Hannah is desperate to please mommy dearest to gain a little attention.

So basically all week we saw Hannah deal with Jessica without munchausen mommy, we saw Jessica more alert, even opening her gifts she didn't seem as grabby and panicked, she used a fork each meal we saw and she didn't seem as argumentative and whiney.
( except for being outside with Nathan's dog....let's face it Jessica HATES animals just like babies, children, fruit, sandwiches and sharing.... Val has tried brainwashing Jessica by lying continuously trying to convince Jessica Zoe is HER dog..we know it's not, but that's the only way Val could manage sneaking in a new dog for Val to cuddle with. )
Jessica loses it when Benny or Daryl graze against her leg walking by, she squeals out like a wounded animal... Only when Val tells her it was HER dog is she okay with it.
Nothing wrong with being afraid of dogs ...but stop lying pretending it's Jessica's dog, like everything Jessica LOVES being told everything is hers... She's always asking " whose is this? ".
She's selfish not just about food...but everything .... Val knows how she is that's why she lies to Jessica and tells her things belong to's munchausen mommies manipulative ways.

We all know Val has returned ...from where, were not sure...maybe a getaway with pornboy, or a solo camping trip that Campbell helped set up close to home so Val could sleep in her airconditioned camper with Zoe, nap, get drunk on her wine, lay in her hammock and forget that she has responsibilities only for herself and not being ordered around by baby huey and slapped around.

Welcome home Val.
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Wow..three videos tonight 2 from DSGP...and 1 from AI.

Val of course is not showing her face, because that's what people with a guilty conscious do.

The Video of Marlow at the library ....honestly I wish to God she would get away from Hannah and the Brooks Crooks. They absolutely do her no good. Sadly Marlow simply doesn't see she's being used , taken advantage of and sucked into the chronic mental.sickness and manipulation of this toxic " family".

The fact Marlow is only permitted to deal with Jessica as directed by Val and that Marlow is slowly becoming Hannah's personal support person helping her to overcome her alleged " anxiety and depression " That's not Marlows job... Marlow would do so much better if she got rid of Hannah and focused on her other real friends, go back to teaching , and just enjoying life without Hannah dragging her down.

The dogpark/ baseball video of course was all filmed prior and Hannah chopped it up into various videos ( That's her specialty one day and make 7 days of videos) it seems Marlow wants to get out be in the community, meet local people even though she's not a big baseball fan...she looks for the fun, the positive and tries to get out there....
Hannah of course doesn't want to leave the house, shower, head at from mommy..she's a lazy cow. She mentioned half a dozen times she didn't want to go... But Marlow convinced her....of course a couple dogs got into a scuffle ...which yes is unfortunate but the dog that was bit..stayed so it couldn't of been as dramatic as Hannah made it out to be.
But Hannah will now add this to her traumatized excuse basket....and won't leave the house for a month ...or shower.

The final video...seems Marlow took her stupid pills and between her Hannah and Jess there's not a brain cell between them .
Small counter oven too small for huge lasagne pan sized cake.

I have that exact Breville....except mine is CLEAN....and if I was baking a cake it would be an 8" by 8" pan or bread pan. . And on a lower rack using the convection setting .
A pan that size I would do in the regular oven. They've used that Breville that was bought by a crispie btw, ( about $340) for years.. Learn how to use it...and clean it.

Of course Greedy Guts wants to know whose cake mix it is? How many pieces she can have, and if there's more in the cupboard ...she also wants ice cream and is cooking HER pizza tonight and informed Hannah she can't have any....what a sweet middle aged old battle ax our Bessie is!! And get her face out of the pan.

Of course she had to add that extra squirt of whipped topping at the end... When ever she's told its enough or is told she can have a certain amount every single time mitzvah argument..every time... She must have more and will argue to the death and make her wounded animal sounds like the gluttonous brat she has been raised to be.

All in all.... It's clear Val has pretty much given up on her social media forums ... And I hope she just closes shop all together because we know she won't change, she won't use her formats to actually help others, or raise funds for community of autism or give back in any way.
She has zero professionals to lean on , step in and help teach others....her platforms are for the sole purpose of filling wish lists, getting donations which she can refund for cash or gift cards, and get stars and cash donations for all her Disney vacays! It is ALL about lining the Brooks pockets for DISNEY, campers, cars and of course.. Nothing for Jessica's quality of life, or future .. " family" will take care of Jessica after she's gone that she must mean Hannah.. Hannah who is afraid to shower and leave the house ...Hannah who can't take care of herself or her neurotic dog...but she's going to care for Jessica ?
Perhaps less money on Disney and more on Jessica's future.
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Here’s something sort of off topic, but I’m still trying to figure out who it might be. I’ve mentioned this before and I don’t think anyone knew any more than I do. Maybe with people from FBScam possibly reading over here, someone will know more. I think it was The first 4th of July after they moved, which is coming up on two years ago, Val explained that a “certain person” would be attending the big family 4th celebration so Val and family would have to skip it that year. Now that I think about it, it might have been the year before they moved. At any rate, she said that because of Jessica’s obsession with the person, they just had to stay home. I got the impression that it was a family member or someone closely connected. Here are my questions. Who do you think it might be? But more importantly, what kind of behaviors might Jessica engage in that it’s so bad that they’d rather miss a big family gathering than deal with it?? That’s the most bizarre part to me. What does she DO that is so obsessive? We only see what they want for us to see and there hasn’t been a whole lot of really awful behavior in the videos. So this one has me baffled. AT&T being down I remember brought out the nasty in her and a couple of other things, but what on earth might this be about??
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Very well put Winnie!

It's true, every word. We can see without a doubt that Jessica is jumping through hoops pulling out all her nervous attention seeking behaviours while staring directly at Val for the correct response's The Game.

That is the entire existence of Jessica ...her life. Do you notice in videos when ever Jessica "challanges" of adds HER version of something ..for example ( Val says they're making healthy choices tonight and Jessica will " add her version" turning to look directly at Val...and adds matter of factly.. " well my healthy chicken nuggets are ok " completely making up something, lying to get her way and watches Val for a reaction ...ready to argue.

She does it all the time...that's 100% intentional , it's her manipulation and nervousness at Vals response to her " game" of getting her way. Last night's video she did exactly that..staring at Val repeating her words over and over trying to get Val to reply....gage her mood...make her act the way Jessica wants her to...all the while Val is playing her miserable pissy pants game by intentionally not answering Jessica knowing it makes her nervous, then either just talking over her cutting Jess off or giving her the infamous .... Short, curt "mhmm" which Jess hates .

To quote munchausen momma.. " no one knows Jessica like I do" or " sometimes I can't tell where I end and Jessica begins "'s safe to say when Val gets in her moods she knows exactly how to work Jessica into a frenzied state. Sadly it's Vals way of hurting Jessica because Vals in her poor me mode.

Being the narcissist Val is...she even videos herself doing it...thinking no one is as smart as one else will see it.

We see it Val. As do over 1100 people over on FACEBOOKs Autistic Interpretations A Joyful Scam! 1100 and growing.

You have your bought views, and subscribers, FAKE accounts and bots, and your HANDFUL of "good ones" all playing your videos on replay to boost your views, your pennies and all your doing is giving us who call out your lies, scams and bullshit more and more credibility .

Thank you Val.
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Hannah wants so desperately to be sick with something ...she believes her " forgetfulness" is a symptom of one of her imaginary illnesses....when In fact the simple truth is she does NOTHING...doesn't have a full time job, a career , go to school, have a boyfriend or some real relationship ....she doesn't even walk her dog at home her father does.

She has no schedule no responsibility , no house to run, nothing.....your brain is a muscle use it or lose it.
She plays on her laptop and reads then rereads the same books that she obsesses over.

These idiots go camping to sit inside the camper on their beds to read and eat..why not just do that in your driveway!! Everything is an ordeal for Hannah....this girl wants zero responsibility..she's stuck at age 15...faking an illness trying to make herself fit into some type of diagnosis is her way to stay a child with no responsibility.

She's forgetful because she's irresponsible and lazy.
She's always tired because she gets no exercse,poor diet, and is lazy because she does nothing!

I just can not with these two lazy asses.
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winnie woo

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Autism, blind or not, Jess eating vegetables fried or otherwise with her hands is disgusting! All hunched over nose in her plate to shovel it in quicker. Like a pig slurping out of its trough. Actually pig slop probably has a better visual presentation than Val’s fried okra and boiled in lemonade chicken. They eat so much chicken I’m surprised they don’t cluck.
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I feel bad for J. This is really not her fault. She does and acts the way she has been taught, trained and allowed to do and act. It is now too late to educate her and try to turn her around.

I absolutely agree with everything you said! I actually watched this morning’s video, mainly because I thought Val’s written intro was talking directly to us and FB scam, but the whole video was riddled with jump cuts. It was so obvious that poor old obnoxious Jess was just as clueless (maybe worse) than she always is. She didn’t pour the juice “independent”. It would have gone everywhere without Val ‘s help. This time Jess failed twice to know the difference between the freezer and the refrigerator, and she still had to be stepped through the whole process. She just waits for someone to tell her what to do next. Probably afraid to do otherwise. Is this continued abuse of her daughter just Val being defiant? I’ll show YOU, you mean haters!!! ???? It is criminal how she keeps being used to create content for a greedy family. Val always makes sure to ask Jessica if she WANTS to make videos. The reply is always yes. But, I’ll bet you a nickel that all you’d have to do is tell her that’s it’s bad to make videos and she’d go right along with it. Whatever mommy wants because Jessica has the mental capacity of a three year old. Just sad and criminal.
Dressing? Being completely independent??
IF that was ever true...then WTF happened that now she requires 4 adults to take care of her?
Lies..Val...everyone sees them.
Yes, we do! And it is just disgusting.
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Jessica is a middle aged mean , nasty manipulative, violent bully because Val refuses to put the work in to TEACH and show her consequences...bad behaviours , and attitudes, bad aggressive violent outbursts , rudeness , harming children pets...all unacceptable and have consequences!

Whether it be a time out, loss of privilages, no phone for an CAKE. Etc..

Codys mom takes his devices away..when he hits or kicks his devices are unavailable.

My daughter has consequences as well.... She's lost dessert, we have rules...a checkmark system ...a chart system ...with rewards at night...a special book to read or an extra treat, or a Sunday " funday" etc.... Those rewards can be lost if bad behaviours happen...if it's in public ..then we leave etc...

We have gentle reminders ... If she forgets to say thank you, or gets " grabby" we say ....gentle hands ..we are consistent and good behaviours get good checkmark which result in Sunday Funday....which is maybe out for a frozen yoghurt, or the bird sanctuary which she loves, picnic lunch in the back yard etc...

It's called discipline teaching rules , manners , expectations , social skills, kindness and teaching consequences.

Val simply is lazy and's too much work for her to teach Jessica it's easier to demand everyone jump and coddle Jessica ....the way Jessica treats Graham and Daryl even disgusting ....I would never allow Jessica near my children or animals.
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There is a woman on TikTok with a 12 year old autistic son. He’s a big guy, taller than she is, and outweighs her. He’s violent if he doesn’t get his way. There’s one clip of him trying to strangle her, but she’s very good at calming him down. One day, though, who knows what will happen. I personally can’t stand her because she’s so exploiting the situation for views, plus her poor little kids seem exhausted and needy because this kid doesn’t sleep much. Anyway, that’s another whole story. My point here is that the other day she showed a clip of him full on kissing her on the mouth, had her head laid back on the sofa, and she freaking let him do it. Then let him kiss all over her face while holding her jaw. Absolutely disgusting. Of course he can’t be blamed, but she sure as he** can be. She narrated, and was talking to him about how he needed some cuddling and loving. He sure did need some redirection, but I couldn’t finish watching it to see if she did. The comments absolutely slammed her.
It's defiantly an issue that needs to be addressed ....aggression is very common for various reasons , stimulation, frustration, excitement , sleep deprived illness etc...

Why someone would also that and film that is beyond me...same for Jessica ...
It's a part of life but not everything needs to be online.

Like I mentioned we took classes to help us learn the best ways to handle these situations , how to successfully teach our daughter without it turning into a game with her...99% of the time their behaviour is a cry for reactions acting out, kissing, " spilling water" learning how to react is key. Everything can quickly become a game an obsession of you reinforce behaviours by laughing, playing along, squeezing , telling etc...

As parents it's our job to learn and try out best to do what's best for our kids.
I don't know about any of you, but I am so jealous that I don't live with my ex, have no home of my own, my son doesn't do porn, that I have no disabled person to exploit, not a narcissist, don't beg for money and gifts, etc etc. Whatever will I do with my life Allyson Ecurb (Hannah/Val)? too! The fact Val/HANNAH is the main one behind Allyson Ecurbs posts and wants to believe we all don't know Allyson isn't real. Is hilarious
Another no show " bideo of the morning" hmmmmm...wonder why?

Let's see....
Val is either on a week long birthday bender....
Val is hung over hiding in Campbell's master bedroom she took as her own bachlorette apt. With her 50 inch TV, twinkle lights, private bathroom and of course HER dog Zoe.Or
She's already at Disney hiding and not posting her vacation because hundreds and HUNDREDS of her viewers are seeing her for the con artist she is.

Time will tell.....
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Oh my goodness!!! Read the last line of AI's response about HH!! "She has no disabilities"! This was on the scammer page and thanks to whoever posted it! So this was from a year ago and look at the BS HH is trying to pull since then!
It's just like another post that was on there stating HH had tests done and they found absolutely nothing wrong with her! Why the hell would a 31 year old try and make herself disabled? Hell if she was so depressed or anxiety ridden how could she have gone to Norway last year and Italy this year?
Hypochondriac Hannah we see you and your BS just like your mother!!!👀
They talked about her illness when she was like 18yrs old but what’s the serious health issues from a few years ago? I watched the video it was a Live 2/23 and in this video Munchausen by proxy is so evident. First they blame a hamburger for the cause of her mysterious illness and how she left the hospital weighing a 100lbs. But did Val forget that she mentioned that she had weighed that before because of something happening in her home life way before she even got sick. Even if any of it had truth what does it have to do with not wanting to shower and all the other phobias she has 12 yrs later? Oh I love the dig Val mentioned in the videos that the nurses told the doctor Hannah was too anemic to operate on and he brushed them off. First no nurse would have ever told Val what was discussed in an operating room because they wouldn’t risk their job to appease erratic Val . If Hannah had this rare blood disease than why isn’t she still following up with a specialist because I read up on it and it doesn’t just go away. Nothing makes sense it’s all they have is they think she may of had. Could you imagine dealing with Val as a doctor when she doesn’t like what they say . But all of it reminds me of exactly how she treated the professional who worked with Jessica and how it was always someone else’s fault. She has Hannah’s mind so twisted she can’t think for herself or speak for herself. Such classic signs of Munchausen by proxy . This family is just to much like what planet are they on? They need to lock Val up and throw away the key .


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Amy over on Facebooks Autistic Interpretations A Joyful Scam....posted the infamous Haircut Day which shows a then 34 year old rude, mean, nasty, out of control bratty Jessica lying, threatening and getting all worked up making up lies and excuses ..because she doesn't want her haircut....and as we see and know doesn't like her rats nest brushed.

This is one of my fav. Videos that I truly wish those who think this is cute behaviour would get their heads checked. This is outrageous and 100% completely unacceptable behaviour from bratty 34 year old whose mother refused to work on this task along with daily hair brushing ...for THIRTY FOUR YEARS.

Had Val worked on daily hair brushing from an early age along with Jessica's therapist she would of been desensitized to it DECADES ago. This video is the result of lazy parenting , unfit caregiving, zero follow through and absolutely no consistency .....

It's the same reasons Jessica wears pullups, deliberately pees on her bedroom floor, refuses to brush her hair, teeth , visit a dentist, threatens people including children and pets, she's foul mouthed and violent , hits, spits, uses her cane and behaves like a feral animal.

Val is/ was too lazy to be bothered to work on anything long term with consistency with Jessica ....Jess only learned what she was taught at school ....but today she's been held captive isolated away from school, teachers, adult programs, therapists and all professionals for over 15 years now...she's long forgotten most routines, acceptable social behaviours , any manners ...and has regressed severely.

But the idiots who praise Val in the comments on these videos are people who are themselves mentally challenged or have zero concept about autism .... Autism is not a Get out of jail free card, it's not an excuse that dismisses violence , threats, tantrums, urinating on the floor etc...

Val had/has a responsibility to educate Jessica on good and bad, right and wrong behaviours as well as expectations.
Jessica makes extremely bad choices and chooses to behave any way showcases knowing there are no consequences....ever. Only rewards like tots, chocolate cake, little Debbies, colouring books , cards, eating out.
No consequences just rewards..... This video is a perfect example . Vals bribing and offering rewards colouring books, ( notice Jessica manipulated Val into buying her a new one...started whining and lying when Val said they could take one from her pile to read..... That's 1000000% manipulation ....Jessica knew exactly what she was doing )

Val has taught Jessica to be the feral, unlikable , mean, bratty, tyrant she is today.

There's other videos , one where Jessica is in her pool, and says to Hannah " I'm the Boss, and you have to do as I say" and Hannah replied from her hammock ... " ohhhhh I know" .
( I'll look for it)

But the fact Jessica says that..... Shows she knows exactly what she's doing.

She's Vals monster.
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Autism, blind or not, Jess eating vegetables fried or otherwise with her hands is disgusting! All hunched over nose in her plate to shovel it in quicker. Like a pig slurping out of its trough. Actually pig slop probably has a better visual presentation than Val’s fried okra and boiled in lemonade chicken. They eat so much chicken I’m surprised they don’t cluck.
One of our volunteers is blind on the spectrum and eats like a human being with a utensil ...her food is placed on her plate like a clock.....taught to her because she is blind. Routine and consistency ...none of which Jessica has in her life.
Being blind doesn't mean you eat with your hands, autistic doesn't mean you shovel food into your mouth by enormous mouthfuls and talk with food in your mouth and falling out all over yourself and the table, like a dog. Mild cp..doesn't mean you rest your chin on your plate and shovel food in.

All excuses that fit Vals narrative
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Another "What's the deal"

Which was started for the sole purpose of having viewers send them gift cards to support their dinning out habit and give their "review" which is useless to 99% of the viewers who live thousands of miles away if not in other countries as well as unable to afford a $60 meal as they themselves live on pensions and disabilities.

Seems Val has tweaked her What's the Deal by all of a sudden asking Jessica her opinions on loudness, easy access, etc... Desperate to try to make it look like they are on the hunt for good restaurants that cater to autism or's all nonesense.

They go early to avoid people and of course its quiet no ones arriving before 5 for dinner.

Obviously Val made Jessica choose ..she could only have the mozza sticks if she DIDN'T order chicken tenders ...she told Jess she could have the mozza sticks if she ordered the STRIMP.
Even though she edited it out....
We still see you Val.

Of course Val is on another "diet " but still enables greedy guts to fill up on FRIED shrimp, FRIED rice,FRIED mozza sticks, no veg, no greens, no fruit, and a $8.99 enormous size of chocolate cake.
How she managed to keep 1/2 away from Jessica I have idea... Bribery or Val ordered an extra to take home....

The conversation that Jessica has with EVERY person she runs into is disturbing others have even pointed out.
Whether is servers, cashiers, fellow shoppers, strangers in a check out line ....its ALWAYS the same...

" Do you have a dog? " and " What happened to it"? She knows exactly what questions to ask to get HER DESIRED response...the one response that stimulates her... She needs to hear.. " my dog died"
Then.... She gets excited....

She LOVES hearing the sadness, the infraction in the voice of the person, it stimulates her hearing the sadness coupled with the details .....
Jessica is a seeker of stimulation, sensory seeking ...hence the picking, slapping, loud kissy sounds...knowing it hurts , the crotch rubbing, finger sniffing, barking dogs in distress, sitting by roller coasters listening to people excites her.

As a parent myself of a sensory seeker, which they start pretty much by age's our job to help them...and teach them appropriate and inappropriate sensory seeking.
Screaming in public, removing clothes, hitting, causing harm to hear painful cries or get an angry reaction, self harm, etc..
As our children get older they figure out patterns and responses... For example..when I pull the dogs fur it barks " when I spill my drink Mom jumps up and runs around to clean makes me laugh...etc...

Jessica at 36 has all those things figured out.... She knows certain things she says triggers Val...and she looks directly at Val like in the car when she said next time she might order chicken tenders...she KNOWS that conversation is a hot topic, and looks directly at Val to see if She got mad, She likes to purposely spill water because she gets a certain reaction ....sadly they all make it a game, like calling Campbell bad daddy....

They do it because disciplining Jess, or giving her a negative consequence will send her into a tantrum. It's all about not rocking the boat... So they let her say, do and behave any way she wants...which is why she was kicked out of classes, job placements , the bus and why Jessica only has family in her life....because she has been taught by Val....there are ZERO consequences for her bad behaviours.

Jessica getting stimulated over her dead dog fetish should not be allowed by Val. Jessica accosts strangers by manipulating the conversation cornering people who are trying to be polite even though the conversation is uncomfortable.... Jessica is relentless when shes asking cashiers rapid fire questions as they are trying to do their jobs ...personal questions where do they live, where do their kids live, what street, why did your dog die etc.... All the whole mommy dearest is FILMING without consent of course and letting Jessica harrass people with her inappropriate questioning .
You can look in the search on Vals page...under grocery shopping and watch Jessica in many of them harassing people with her inappropriate questioning.

One day... Someone will tell Jessica to stfu...and mind her manners. Val has turned Jessica into a very unlikable problem..... And sadly when the day comes Val no longer calls the shots Jessica's life will change and she won't know what hit her.


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