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As per usual all the excuses come out in regards to viewers seeking why Jessica has to throw the cake into the bowl, like she throws everything she's not interested in.. ( Notice she places her nuggets, crispies, hash browns perfectly on the tray never throws them down .
She pulls her pissy attitude when the food is not HER favourite ... And we knowledge doesn't like white cake or strawberries ...and there's no chocolate ...also She was her whiney self when Val tried to correct/ fix the cake .....
All indicators of Jessica being pissy because the dessert wasn't HER favourite....hilariously enough Jessica had the argumentative audacity to scold Hannah in her exasperated tone saying she wished Hannah would just eat the pudding .
It's funny how Val makes a big deal out of Hannah being picky about food but when it's Jessica ....then everyone must comply.
Even though we know Hannah only complains for attention from mommy dearest.

If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black.

Of course Campbel answered the comments making excuses for Jessica throwing the cake into the bowl being it was due to her vision impairment ....but we know that's more BS.
She throws things as I said to show her disapproval ...she was bribed into making the dessert, we all know it..her pissy mood is intentional ..not autism.

Of course Campbel knows to follow the script Val has laid out for him while he sits in the back room answering comments.

Remember when he use to sit at his lap top in the dining room? But now Val has moved him out of sight ,so many people kept asking what he does ALL day EVERY day on his laptop .....I'm sure besides answering questions for Val...he's " working " over on one of the 12 sites Madison and Sara have going... The " Family Business" is where Campbell spends most of his time.

No matter what Jessica does, her bad intentional and deliberate behaviours that she pulls out whenever she doesn't get HER way not autism's intentional's simply had behaviour Val.didn't want to fix or work on because it was easier to just ignore it.....keep Jessica happy by never correcting her... No matter what.

If Jessica is happy then everyone is happy. House rules.
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DSGP is Hypochondriac Hannah wanting us to watch her camper!! She films that everytime so I am sure tomorrow she will show the set up again and the day after a tour of the camper! Predictable HH!!!
And all the other videos will be either she or Marlow making disgusting meals!
Not sure why they just don't do burgers and hot dogs? Sandwiches????....Not sure why they make it so difficult!
Just like Val who thinks she is super chef! Next video will just be another chicken and rice so princess is happy!
I watched the numbers and 32 minutes after this was posted there was 1.8k views and 6 comments...😂😂😂😂😂
Now after 4 hours... Almost 5k views! And 13 comments??? Out of 5000 views??

they simply replay the videos...the " shares" are then sending the video to other devices, other platforms to simply replay for hours. Between that and buying views....
I'm sorry but I doubt 5000 people care where Hannah keeps her paper plates and hammock.

all scams for DISNEY dollars.
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Out of boredom, I watched DSGP yesterday. Marlow is cleaning out her mom’s old house that she either bought or is renting. Ripping up carpets, that sounds like her mom was a cat lover and a slob. The carpets were so bad, Marlow wouldn’t show them on camera. She looks like she is really working hard on this project. I found it interesting that she was waiting for some friends to come lend a hand. The people came but not on camera. Good for her. But what I noticed that HANNAH, the ride or die friend was no where to be seen. Of course, HANNAH can’t be expected to help anyone else out. Even though Marlow has been there for her through all her made up drama and illnesses. I am really hoping that Marlow gets her act together and moves on from the Brooks circus. Marlow looks healthier in this video, someone asked if she had high blood pressure since she was so red faced. I can say, you don’t need to have high blood pressure to look tired and red after going up and down stairs all day and physically cutting and ripping up carpet and padding by yourself. She is working hard on this project and I do wish her well. Remodeling is hard work. Go Marlow.
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In the short video of Hannah on DSGP, all I saw was her filthy finger nails, dry crusty lips with a sore, and her dandruff.

Who puts on make up with filthy hands? Obviously she didn't shower the green crud under her nails made me want to vomit.
Her dirty hands look like and little boys hands whose been playing outside all day in the dirt.

There vicariously something wrong with her.....I'm not even going to mention the dingy white dirty tank too she was wearing.


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winnie woo

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I came across this video and it really shows Jessica's need to control things. She wants pizza for supper but Val said how about chili and hot dogs and that was a big no.
Then talking to Marlow and Marlow asks what would you like for lunch and Val suggested a packet of orzo and broccoli and Jess says no it makes 4 servings. They tried to tell her 2 for today and 2 for tomorrow and Jess says no. She keeps harping on it and finally Marlow said I will eat with you and we can use up the 4 servings and that was also a big NO. She was trying to get them to say she could eat all 4 servings. Said there won't be enough for 2 servings another time! Val shut off the camera saying I am getting frustrated! They should have never started the 2 servings shit in the first place. She does not need that much food.
Oh and here is something that was sad. Marlow had told Jess they could go for a stroll that day and when Jess asked if they could go Marlow said sorry I forgot my shoes!!!! Now that was Jess asking to go out for a walk! But nope Marlow had no intention of taking her! Marlow was all sprawled out on the couch looking very hungover!
Remember though Susan when Jess says stroll she means push me around in my wheelchair, nevertheless Marlow is far too lazy, why else would she choose caring for Jessica a career choice. She has a college education, it baffles me how that happened considering her level of mentality.
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I wonder how Val will manage with the new Disney rules. I read that they are cracking down on the amount of people that can tag along the handicapped person on the rides. Also, to use the handicapped access into parks, it has to be 120 days between visits.
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I'm not sure why they bother doing a cooking at Nathan's's nothing more than miserable ,whiney baby J...moaning, bitching and making up excuses for not helping's nothing more than Chaos for content.

When she's at Nathan's now she's comfortable enough to act the bossy manipulating brat she is at home . In the beginning she was she around Nathan and really did what he said ..not anymore ...she rules the roost and you can see Nathan's over it. He's even winding her up which I'm sure pisses off Munchausen momma. Nathan is not buying Jessica's whiney attitude.

Jessica is like a bull in a China shop in Nathan's kitchen ....just rubbing her hands together fretting over EVERYTHING....almost knocking the baby over and arguing about everything 36 she has zero tools to cope, none....and Val simply coddels her instead of teach her.
She doesn't listen , she simply looks at Val and does her pitchy whiney animal sounds and Val tells her what she wants to hear, or she says.. " no, no, no" starting a fit simply because she's not getting HER way.

In all honesty there's absolutely NO reason to have Jessica " working" as she calls it, in the kitchen ...none. I could understand if she was being TAUGHT how to understand and cope with food choices, changes, actually learning something ...if Val was using kitchen time, cooking time to HELP Jessica get over her supposed " food aversion " or help introduce and understand healthy nutrition etc.....
But no....Vals simply getting a few shots of " stir, stir, stir " and A few seconds of Jessica looking interested ....and parroting what Val tells her to say.. It's simply staged for content nothing more.

Jessica is 36 still can't stir, still can't /won't crack an egg, dry her hands, eat with a fork, change from HER same 4 food dishes , won't compromise won't accept any change in her diet or God forbid be told what to do or given any consequence for her outrageous arguing in the kitchen over the slightest thing not being to her specifications.
She shouldn't be in the kitchen period.I

Everything's too sharp, she screams at the dogs, screams watch out a dozen times like a lunatic ...she's always miserable and argumentative...why is she in the kitchen pretending she's learning to cook independently for when she moving to her own house with her girlfriend whose married with a family ?( More lies)

Independence begins with personal hygiene , proper toileting, not wetting the bed at night then texting mommy to come clean it, brushing your own hair, proper showering, getting dressed, making your bed, feeding and walking your dog.
She's never going to live in her own....ever....she's never going to turn on the stove to correct temp. and cook her breakfast ...ever...she will NEVER be independent cooking in the kitchen unsupervised.
So why pretend with stuff she will never do, stuff that's adds nothing to her actual independence...instead of focusing on REAL hygiene , social skills, manners, how to not eat like an animal ....learning Braille, how to brush her hair, teeth, make her bed etc....

It's all for show...for content so Val can make her Disney Dollars....nothing more..
Jessica needs ABA therapy , and real professionals in her life to help her step up and actually learn.....she had that until Val took it all away and started teaching Jessica her way.....the lazy neglectful it's 13 years later and Jessica is a helpless recluse that mommy makes money from.
9 years of " stir,stir,stir" and she still doesn't know how! Give it up Val! Who do you think you're kidding !?!?

I did love when Jess glared at Val threatened to slap her, and Nathan said You better not.
what kind of behaviour is that especially in front of small children? It's not acceptable, but no rules for Jessica .
The " mommy do you have anything sad to tell me? " was obviously not edited out.
There's a couple videos where Jessica says something like that...she use to tell Hannah to pretend to cry, This was back at the other house.
Jessica even said I loves being sad a lot.

In earlier videos we saw a lot of unedited behaviours.... Val is so use to those behaviours she never edited them out until others mentioned it In comments. Jessica loving hearing dogs barking in distress , people crying, Jessica telling people to cry. The constant crotch rubbing, then finger sniffing which is repulsive ...and is why Jessica has chronic UTI's.

Val and Hannah started only filming Jessica from the elbows up...and edited out many of the crotch rubbing...but if you watch Jessica's arms see her still doing it they just have the camera higher...but you can't miss it.

The face slapping yelling ouch, knowing and wanting it to hurt, wanting to see/ hear people sad and crying , loves asking people about their dead dogs, wants to hear people are sick, asking mommy to tell her sad things...

Jessica is mentally unwell. That sadistic behaviour is common with schizophrenia to induce manic episodes ....Jessica loves the way it makes her feel, when hearing sad things, or invoking pain to others, she grins.... She physically loves how it makes her feel , same with the crotch rubbing....these things are addressed when they present themselves ..masturbation is normal can't allow your child to do it wherever they want! So you teach them young... The fact Jessica still does it everywhere in front of anyone shows again Vals lazy parenting know at school she was not permitted to do that ...but under Vals care, or lack thereof rules no consequences....same with the face slaps, it's not affection ...but lazy Val won't correct bad behaviours .....

These are the reasons Val has removed all professionals from Jessicas life......they would all see the lack of care, structure and neglect Jess lives with...and EVERYONE would blame poor parenting.

Serial killers also enjoy other people's sadness and pain not to mention hurting animals enjoying their cries.
Another reason teachers told Val to have Jessica 're evaluated for schizophrenia.

But yes Val... Go tell Jessica things that make her sad while she rubs herself and slaps the stupid out of you.
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We all know The Brooks well enough to know when " something's up".

The sausage balls we all know are only made at holidays and before Disney vacations. We also know from the horses mouth herself that she's read both sites and is well aware between FB and here over a thousand of her viewers have seen the light and are making sure others do too.
We have listened to Val threaten the people exposing her lies and protecting those she tried to entice to join her private channel....for a FEE of course, the " good ones" are her bread and butter for Disney.

We know Vals hiding....if they did go to Disney I doubt she will advertise on her regular FB page...Val knows she will proving everything people are saying and seeing to be credible .

Regardless ...Vals like a cockroach ...she is a survivor and is drinking her booze and scheming her next idea...she can scatter like a roach when seen...and hide...but she'll come back out after she deals with her hang over and has a new scam in place.

More and more people are watching her videos on nonpay platforms, shutting off ads, and being smart so that there's no Disney Dollars for Valdawg to take her 67th trip to Disney.

We see you Val. 👁👁
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I hate when she picks her cuts and tells Val “it wasn’t on purpose though” and Val agrees. Yes it was on purpose. She is self harming and it’s attention seeking behavior. Jessica does a lot of things “not on purpose” for attention. And it’s never ever her fault anything she does on purpose. Val will not discipline her at all. She claims cause she’s an “adult” no idiot her age is adult age but she is a toddler mind wise.
I agree! Jess is the master manipulator in that house. "I can't do that, I don't know where it is, my hand hurts and on and on! And the I didn't do it on purpose crap is only when Val is seething.
HH is trying but not succeeding to be one too! The followers see through her and are learning. She makes up crap by the day then contradicts herself by doing what she claims she can't. Go back to work HH, get your own place and get out from under your mother's thumb.
They are all sick puppies including no balls!
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This is for the idiot whose accusing me of photoshopping Vals always I only post what I can prove.

not sure the link will work here ...but please here's the photo and you can find it by typing bandaid on Vals page...and scroll down, about 18-20 ish videos... looking at ALL the humiliation videos that I didn't Photoshop to " exaggerate " Vals abusive behaviour and parading Jessica around looking God awful!

Maybe someone over on FACEBOOK Autistic Interpretations A Joyful Scam will post it there just for you Lydia Garcia Alvarez.


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Over on FACEBOOK Amy brought up an article on face blindness....a term Val used recently.

As we call know Val does not take Jessica to the doctor , dentists, specialists etc... She only gets a 5 min. Shunt check once every two years..

If you recall Val has changed Jessica's ailments over the years ..and out right lied. Val posted in her blog and in videos...Jessica was an epileptic, having up to 100 seizures a day. This was proven to be a lie during covid after Jessica's EEG.... Miraculously Jess was cured and hasn't had a seizure since!! Interestingly enough is the fact epilepsy is NOT curable's manageable with medication but for years Val mentioned Jessica's seizures ..her zoning out...that's why she easel tired required naps.....but it's never been mentioned again since her EEG...that they made sure to film, get Jessica's freak out... But of course we never heard the results....Val simply removed the word seizure from her spiel. Much like Hannah .....we never get the real diagnosis or test results after non stop telling everyone about it.
This is called ....munchausen.

That being said ...Val reads and because she read " face blindness" and autism in the same scenario she automatically diagnosed Jessica with it....but she's never mentioned it in the 9 years of blogging.... Val read people with hydrocephalus MAY have seizures Val diagnosed Jessica as an epileptic ....

This is munchausen by proxy.

Val has done many videos on Jessica's vision which Val loves to call BLINDNESS...Jessica is sounds more dramatic than severely visually impaired.
Blind people dont wear prescription glasses to help with vision..Blind people don't reach across the table to eat cookie crumbs or look at good and say I'm not eating that.

Val is a pro at lying and manipulation...she has her spiel down pat...until real doctors correct her then we never hear about it again.
Val has also admitted in many videos she's unsure what Jess can see...but now she claims she has face blindness....

I call.bullshit. If you stood 5 people she knew in a row she could walk up and look at their faces and know Vals from Hannah, Campbell from Porn boy etc....
She may not see them clearly from across the room because of the distance , the lighting and her pure laziness ..... Instead of focusing Jessica will ask a a general question hear the voices and know exactly whose in the room.

Val is a very mentally ill woman ....she's very similar to DeeDee Blanchard ...the isolating , removing real doctors and any medical or therapist from Jessica's care team, only permitting Jessica to be with family and a very few TRUSTED people like Marlow whose known the family well over a decade, but people are expendable previous cult/$80 a month " goodones" Augustina and Hannah Tinkle.

The constant exaggerated diagnosis Val herself looks up, reads, and adds to Jessica's lists of ailments ....Val is no different than DeeDee in many regards....and I really hope with all the complaints to APS...someone takes notice before it's too late.
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Well seems Val has emerged with a 5 minute info-session on HER diagnosis with full uneducated opinion about Jessica's vision impairment which she loves to call blindness.

It's obvious Jessica has serious visual impairments...but I also think Jessica definitely sees more than Val wants the world to know...Jessica's vision is connected 100% to how interested she is and how many distractions are around.

We can clearly see Jessica can spot crumbs , see across the highway at land markers on her drive to Disney. We've seen her notice a text on Vals phone, see if there's more nuggets left on the tray...
If it's food....and HER food..she pays attention very well.

Her vision ...can be attributed to her mood...and she's had 36 years of Val doing things for her so..Jessica has become lazy when having to " see" when she announces ... " I don't know know how" every time she simply doesn't feel like doing something .

Jessica knows who lives in the house and she hears everything always she doesn't need to look at who she's speaking to she just rolls her head back and barks out demands.

That being said ...Vals video seems to be her way of showing up but keeping it impersonal ...trying to remind the viewers who are questioning her about the basics of Jessica's ailments.

Vals been busy deleting, banning, editing and reading can bet she's up to something .
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Here Val represents her family as sharing a joyful life . Well I found this on her blog where Madison, Sara and Hannah came home to visit but Jessica was shipped off to stay with others because they say she became agitated and doesn’t like noise but prefers to go to her bedroom to listen to barking dogs on tv. How in the hect does that make any sense. It’s less about Jessica becoming agitated but more about Madison dislike of Jessica. But they sent her to stay with others the majority of the family visit. Why not just have Madison, Sara and Hannah stay at the dads but they completely excluded her. I get that Jessica isn’t the most like able but considering Madison went to study as a neurologist where’s his empathy? I could understand sending her off with family if they wanted to go out for a nice dinner or maybe a night to just enjoy each others time but she was totally excluded. That’s one strange family dynamic and dysfunctional at the best . View attachment 2864943
That was a totally unacceptable thing to do! Jess once again got her way because she doesn't care for Madison either and she wants all the attention...mommie, mommie!!! He truly dislikes her and I think it stems from being a kid having his mother insist he take care of her too just like HH. I guess things must have improved after they decided Jess should open things in her bedroom now that porn boy and 💩 girl come over.
I remember a picture of Jess laying in a hammocks and pornboy sitting next to her. He was looking at her so creepy! But basically that's like the disdain HH has for her. The looks, eye rolls and more snapping at her. Val your kids don't want to take care of her!!!!
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winnie woo

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Do the gift senders not have enough sense to realize unless they send card Jessica could care less. Those finger guards or shoe horn will never be used nor seen again. If Jess can’t use a knife or put on her shoes at 36, there’s not much hope it will ever happen. Did Val say the shoe horn was to hold the tongue of the shoe up? Seriously? Val is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, the lights are on but no one’s home.
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I think there are two types of people that enjoy watching Greedy Guts open parcels she received from viewers ...
1. The viewer who themselves are elderly, alone a little overly naive and simply give gifts as a little feel good ...after a couple times they learn they don't really see gratitude or the gift being used. Then they stop.
2. Vals viewers who she herself chats privately with ...her " good ones" we've seen the typed of viewers that defend Val, mentally impaired , elderly, desperately lonely and feel important when they receive a personal greeting or hear their name in chat....
I've read many of the profiles ...real and fake ( Allyson Ecurb) and the profiles show the mental state of many of the kool aid drinkers...and Val, Hannah and " staff" can sniff out those lonely, unstable ,desperate women and have no problem messaging them creating a " relationship" with these .....vulnerable people.

The fact Val takes advantage of real autistic people online, befriending them for personal gain ...then disposing of them when they have served their purpose.
Just ask Agustina....she sent gifts, cards, paintings of Jess, did the waterborne cartoon intros on older videos, taught Hannah how to edit and Photoshop ....she paid to visit bringing gifts for everyone.
Then Val cut ties...we saw Augustine in chats, the live chats until.......Val had her blocked after she booked another trip to visit ..... Hannah Tinsel, is another.

There are new people who simply don't know enough yet to see the scams...and realize the unemployed Brooks are all online Crooks.

Notice there's not really comments of support from REAL autistic moms, or any type of autism professionals....
Because we see the neglect the abuse and the lack of any type of parenting in regards to Jessica who as we know is unlikable to say the least .
She's not unlikable because she's "autistic "..she's unlikable because Val refused, and still refuses to this day to HELP Jessica with manners, kindness, sharing, helping, contributing and simply reinforcing Jessica's idea that she's the boss....everyone must do and act and give Jessica what she wants when she want it.

There's no rules of consequences for Jessica....I guess because she's autistic ?
Val blames autism, blindness, mild CP, food aversion , texture sensitivity, supposed food depravity from 18 years ago, bad teachers, doctors, schools, care givers, learning programs, and other family members for everything Jessica struggles with's never Vals fault for simply not being consistent in teaching Jessica BAD behaviours have consequences, never being consistent and teaching Jessica manners, patience, sharing, that OTHER people are allowed to make choices and contribute .....Jessica is not the boss.
But Val has taught Jessica that she IS the boss, Jessica is more important that Madison or Hannah, or Campbell, or Graham, all family members, pets, and everyone must do as Jess wants.
Jessica has learned that If she doesn't get HER way, her nuggets, her chocolate cake, more decks of cards, or if someone touches HER things she can and will throw a whiney, adult sized temper tantrum and make everyone miserable with her constant whining, head throwing, arguing and threats.
But SHE can touch and claim everything as HERS, not share, eat the biggest and most portions , make everyone eat or not eat what she decides...
She knows...she can turn that entire household hostage till she gets her way...and Val has sacrificed her life, her other children's lives, her pets, ( poor Harry kicked out because Jessica says so) and Campbell...whose not even Jessica's biological father ...but stepped up while Val, Jessica and Hannah walk all over him.

Jessica s biggest disability is munchausen momma Val.
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winnie woo

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I was watching a livestream posted on the scam page, Jess is tied up in traffic with Nonnie and granddad, Val and Hannah have the floor. Half way in they discuss Hannah’s mystery disease that almost killed her, I believe there was a disease, surely it can’t all be lies, it was ultimately determined to be AHUS a very rare incurable disease affecting about 2 people every million. I had seen it before but watching again it stuck out to me knowing Val better now, how critical she was of the Drs who ultimately saved Hannah’s life. Her treatment according to these two freaks was not good enough, had she been a nurse then she would have known which Drs were incompetent, and chose the best. This incompetence is why Hannah fears doctors, umm,didn’t these Drs figure it out and save her life..yes but not fast enough or professional enough. Their ungrateful attitude is appalling. . And what treatment is she receiving for this incurable disease that requires lifetime treatment. She said the cost of the drug to treat Hannah was astronomical, they didn’t care but insurance covered most of the cost, goes on to say the drug was experimental so no cost. It can’t be both. Hannah stopped her drugs because of unknown long term affects. On to the sleep study final results, Hannah is still too emotional to discuss. Their sense of entitlement is overwhelming. They are so important nothing in their life is good enough.
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Love you right back Amy!! You're all doing a great job sharing facts and information on autism.
Hopefully we are protecting some of those vulnerable viewers from sending their money to the Brooks Crooks.
Val is so predictable.
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Public places like restaurants, church, movies, school..etc....are difficult for most families with spectrum kids...there's a lot of work, time, patience help from professionals and consistency using and working with your team to achieve goals and all work together with the same rules, boundaries and consequences ....over time outings , gatherings family dinners can become "easier" .

This is why ...we put in so much work when the kids are younger it becomes routine to them, it's better understood and easier when out in a restaurant if they have been taught over the years good behaviour and non acceptable behaviours...

But with that means having to know and understand your child ,their stressors, their moods, their fears, watching for drivers and warning signs when going out for dinner to a restaurant ..and having a plan B in place. In the early years we often had to leave the restaurant get out good to go, or ask to be seated in a back room. Big family gatherings often one parent was the designated " emergency take home person" and we had many times we just declined the invitation to go out.

But this is why we put all the work in so our autistic children along with their family can go to a restaurant and can enjoy the experience together.

Stimming...and bad behaviour/ tantrums are very different ...stims we don't really stop ( any unsafe stims have already been worked on from the beginning our daughter is nonverbal so yelling or squeezing is not an issue for us )

Gentle hands is a big " behaviour " issue for us so... We always make sure boundaries are understood , gentle hands ( no grabbing, hitting , throwing ) all things we've worked on since she could walk..

Stimming usually happens when excited ,over stimulated or afraid ...this is where knowing the stressors are important.

Bottom line I am responsible for my child's behaviours in a restaurant ....I do expect a certain level of understanding ...but if I can't control of change the behaviours ..we leave.
I don't expect every other family to have to endure bad behaviours.

It's a balancing act..but it gets to much better the older they get IF you put the work in early.

Jessica has no bounderies...and acts just as feral in public as she does at home some cases I've watched Val allow her to be worse in public.
Hunched over her plate hair in her food eating with both hands like an animal ...remember Val use to feed Jess desserts in public she wouldn't make a Jessica's chin deep in her cake.

I'm all for Autism Awareness....and being respected in public , but I also have a responsibility to ensure my family isn't being a wrecking ball in everyone else's life in public like church, restaurants etc.... As well as my own daughters comfort .

Again this is why Jessica is isolated away from peers, work programs, classes her own community. Val keeps her at home, feeds her lies, and let's her run the roost till Val needs to tap out and call in Hannah and Marlow ....while Val hides in her room with a bottle of wine and HER dog.

Btw: remember when they went to the parade and put service dog vests on Daryl and Zoe?
Can you imagine Daryl a service dog???
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Well Campbell cooked on tonight's video. Hypochondriac Hannah had to have her steak one way and a few zucchini her way too. Val needed her steak another way! What a crock...They are all so frickin wierd. HH didn't want salt on hers so she could salt it herself! And Val who knows!
Sorry at my house we had all the same things but maybe someone would have wanted their steak cooked more. But the veggies were not made to order!
And of course we didn't see Jess because we know she wouldn't eat steak. Want to bet she had chicken nuggets?? Probably the 2nd time today! They aren't a family. They just run a restaurant!
Not only would Jessica not eat the steak, she wouldn’t eat squash unless it was fried. More and more we are seeing Jessica left out of videos. She is probably acting out since Val has to be being a complete bitch since the scam page keeps outing more and more of their lies.
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