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Chatty Member
Just a quick copied comment from the AI Scammer page. This lady hit it right on!!!! Shows how Val manipulation of Jess makes Jess out to be a fool. Apparently mother of the year does not care what she has to do to make money!
This is the kind of crap that APS needs to see!!

Just my opinion but I think that Val was the same kind of person that HH is. She needed attention and got it by getting knocked up. Then mommy had to pay attention to her. I think her sister Alison was mommies favorite and Val was just a screw up.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!!!
They all treat Jessica like a trained circus freak. Clap like a seal. She embarrasses Jessica so much and makes her out to be way more disabled than she is. I see Abigail Maass and don’t get me wrong I depose them
Especially Priscilla the pig but Asa works with Abby a lot and Abby can do way more than Jessica will ever be able to do. Abby does chores, makes her own bed, dresses herself, washes her own hair and brushes it. And she is severely severely disabled. Jessica is just a lazy spoiled overgrown toddler that’s it and that’s all she’ll ever be. And the latest video the caption about Jessica being happy the only time she’s happy is when junk food is involved and the way Val made it sound when Jessica is happy we all get to be happy but when she is being a miserable brat we are all miserable and can’t be happy. The whole house revolves around one persons mood day to day it’s sick and twisted.
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winnie woo

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From the scammer page and thank you to whoever finds them!!!
Couldn't bear to watch the whole 18 minutes....but look at how much of a fool Val looks! She claims she has a tight budget and uses her Disney card for purchases. And she pays it off every month....nope not buying it.
They go at least 4-5 times a years so how many points can she accrue in 2 months? Why does she spew this crap..lie after lie!
And Val lose the Disney ears...not becoming on a 50 year old woman!!
Go ahead Val tell us how you save money wearing your expensive ears, sporting your Mickey Mouse popcorn container, and your ugly Disney apron on your way to the gift shop for a few coffee mugs, a Disney princess, a few tees and whatever else strikes your fancy, then on to some fine dining, then head back to your Disney resort, only top of the line on-site stays for you. Oh wait, why not tell us the truth, most of these luxuries are at the expense of the gullible followers who fall for the tall tales you tell, so guillable they can’t see that a family where nobody works, cannot afford 3-4 Disney trips per year, much less all the extras.
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Well tonight's video shows Jessica back to her normal miserable, argumentative, bratty, greedy self...such big difference from the 5 days with Hannah to being back with mommy dearest.

It's clear Val was pissed, Jessica obviously had a tantrum earlier but now tells Val she's happy...because Val resentfully gave in and let Baby Huey have pizza, but the fight over sauce was classic... Jessica had her whiney wounded animal, argument full throttle but Val was quick to grab that spoon and spew her venom to gain control.
Lots of jump cuts, too many to count.

Val and Val alone is the hub of the household.... There's an expression ... " if momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy" and that's exactly how it is whatever roof Val resides under even if it's not her own.

She's 56 with a supposed 36 year old " autistic " adult with IDD, who she herself refused to parent or teach manners, life skills, basic hygiene, sharing, rules and consequences now not only does she have to live with her monstrous creation but so does everyone else.
The kicker is Val feels she deserves pity, and sympathy and a staff and pats on the back with 3,4,5 lavish Disney vacations every year as well as " taking care of the care taker " shopping trips and lunches paid for by her mother.

Considering Val has Marlow or Hannah showering Jessica all week, and trading mornings off getting up early to make breakfast with Hannah and Campbell, and Marlow to pick up prescriptions and run errands, Nonnie and Grandpa taking Jess every Thursday morning for breakfast, shopping, pick up mail at the P.O then lunch..... Campbell to walk Zoe, and Hannah and Marlow to babysit... Val says Marlow works 4-5 days a week....also Nathan does full dinner one day a week, and Hannah and Campbell both take turns cooking...

Val truly believes she's so hard done by, and lifes just so unfair and she has so much pressure..

I don't have a house full of helpers, most families dont... Yes we utilize programs and therapies and adult education or placements for volunteer jobs etc... But that's to help our children..not me.

But just listening to Val in tonight's video hearing her resentment... With all the help she has she's so bitter it's amazing .
She's an unfit parent plain and simple....and she's reeping her rewards.

Karma Val..... And just think Jessica will get worse and worse .....and eventually you will lose Hannah and Marlow.... And both your parents .... And it will really be just you and your feral monster..that YOU created.

Good luck with that! I'm sure it will make your Bessy very happy!!!!!
Insert seal clap here.
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winnie woo

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F Off Val!!!! I will not watch this crap!!! Stop with the Bullie shit! You need a reality check and stop making Marlow do your crap! No video over the weekend because it was your birthday!!! Who cares!!!! And nope we aren't bullying you bitch....we are calling you out!!!! Done, done and done! The people who need to know are already on notice! And you are now screwed! APS will be contacting you!!!!
Sorry kids!!! But I will not put up with this! Done with kind! This crappy woman does not dish us for supposedly be being us! She is an awful mother! She has no right to be cruel. She has nothing to do with Autism!! Val you are an ass!!!!
I may get blocked! So be it!!!!
I hear ya Susan, I’ve avoided getting banned despite some snarky comments and questions I’ve made but it’s getting harder everyday to bite my tongue not to let my fingers do the talking. Tired of their Holier Than Tho Bullshit! Porn Boy and Wife, sitting in the wings on a deck paid for under false pretences by followers , performing lewd acts for the internet for the ungodly dollar and Val sitting back lying through her teeth, with her Halo on , adjusting her crown blaming every one else for her failures. Knowing the exposure and negativity is on her mind driving her crazy is some solace. Her posts are far and few between, is she embarrased to show her face. She should be. Hypocrites.. every single one of them.
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I have to wonder about the common sense Val.has..or in this case doesn't .

First of all clearly she's read here and has acknowledged hundreds of people have told hard to make home made nuggets. ( with 4 adults home all day every day there zero reason meal prep, and home cooked meals shouldn't be the norm.

I have no idea where to even begin ...with whatever that was she was attempting to make ...and reading the comments no one else knows either.

First of all buy ground chicken or grind it at home...secondly common sense should of told you that onion was enormous ...and thirdly potato????

Whenever Val cooks it's so painful to watch, she behaves like she's being punished.

Personally I make home made breaded Italian chicken fingers once a month, I do a batch cooking then freeze I make about 2 dozen. They don't have hunks of onion or potato in them.
I looked on youtube..found about 700 better recipes then whatever that was you made.
I honestly think Val cooks crap on purpose so Jessica won't like it and Val can say told you so...this is why I buy them frozen.Vals lazy..doesn't want to cook she's too busy cuddling with Zoe watching Netflix.

The issue I have is Jessica is incapable of CHOOSING healthy options on her own ....she even argued in the video that her frozen store bought nuggetd ARE healthy! They are not.

That being said ...since Jessica doesn't grocery shop on her own, buy her own food, cook on her own , look up recipes etc... The only way she is aware of prepackaged nuggets, hash browns, canned chilli, beefaroni, canned soup,stew, frozen Tator tots, chocolate cake....and all the over processed foods she eats is because YOU introduced them to her...YOU buy them.

I have never bought or fed beefaroni to my family. Yes I ate it in college ...but would never feed that garbage to my family!

If you had fed Jessica better foods... Like home made chicken soup, chilli, home made fries, chicken fingers, fruits, veg, salads etc..... She wouldn't even know what that over processed canned crap tasted like.

She only wants to eat HER favourites ...all day every day .....period. That's not autism that's spoiled 36 year old middle aged brat that will pitch a tantrum rolling her head around and making up her rules of manipulation.

Stop lying to her and letting her think her canned crap, and over processed frozen tots and nuggets are healthy....TELL her the truth!.TELL her NO! Give her the choice between homemade chilli or home made soup, hot cereal or cold, home made banana nut muffins or blueberry.

She can have choices ... But YOU need to make the options HEALTHY ones for her to choose from.
Stop blaming texture sensitivity and autism .... You're a liar.
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If Hannah is looking for a lifelong illness, I’ll gladly give her my type 1 diabetes that can’t be cured. I’ll gladly give her my hydrocephalus and shunt revisions that can’t be cured.
You all are right. Hannah is lazy and attention seeking.
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Ok... Another " casserow"...why they don't correct her pronunciation is simply deplorable, it's not's simply a passive aggressive way to humiliate her and to make sure everrrrrrryone knows Jessica is mentally disabled helps Vals narrative and gets viewers to think it's cute.

Know who thinks it's cute? NOT other mothers of autistic children ....NOT real autistic parents of nonverbal autistic children who spend years in speech therapy working to help teach proper pronunciation ...( After 12 years of lip, mouth, tongue exercises to form sounds ) ....

We have seen Nathan correct her many times, even Campbell...but Val prefers to make sure Jessica looks her worst sounds her worst and behaves as ID, feral and crazy obsessed as she can and then films her....for those sympathy Disney dollars!!

Tonight watching Val.....her FAKE smile and giggles ....PLEASE....that was her new personality ...The helpful autistic mom!
Sorry after 7 years of videos...and 2943 chicken casserow videos we know the real Val. She was not in tonight's video.
Clearly they practiced for tonight's show...and carefully edit out any sigh, any change in tone, and moment of Val grunting " uhhuh" to Jessica obsessing over questions ....
Val was in perfect form.

The calorie and salt content in that meal made me nauseated, the spoonful of canned peas offer on Jessica's plate for our benefit were never touched I'm sure.

Smiling for the camera after you've coached Jessica doesn't change anything....all I saw was her another extremely unhealthy meal that has zero health benefits of nutrients for your severely IDD daughter who has mild CP.
People with CP...require lots of calcium.., Milk, dairy, dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, fish tofu, and vitamin D.
I've never seen Jessica eat fish, tofu, dark leafy greens, seeds, nuts yoghurt, ...and as for vitamin D..she should be outside in the sun at least 30 minutes every day ..why isn't she??
Not to mention with CP...she NEEDS exercise and physio therapy ...but of course Jessica has none of that.
Which is why she is all hunched over and shuffles around the house.

Again...3 adults in that house 4 "caregivers" yet not one person CAREGIVER can incorporate a daily walk with Jessica??

Just because Val and Hannah hate to leave the house ( unless it's for vacations) hate to exercise , hate to walk their dogs, hate to be involved in anything community related, hate church, hate socializing , basically hate anything outside of the house.... They have created that hermit recluse lifestyle for Jessica ...she literally has no life....
My eyes sting with tears writing this...because it's ABUSE....and there doesn't seem like I can do anything about it.
That abuse would not fly here where I live.... The fact her son is supposedly a doctor it's his responsibility to report the neglect and abuse in Canada a mandated reporter who fails to report suspected neglect / abuse could lose their licence ....

Keep smiling Val...we see you...and the abuse.
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Grabbed this off the AI Scammer page and look what Val thinks she is doing vs what she really is...exploiting Jess! However she can make her look really disabled she will do it! And HH has learned the lie game from her mother too!
Things have been pretty quiet on this page so what's up? I know it's been slim pickins as far as videos so maybe that's it. I may back off too since I refuse to watch Dumb and Dumber.....


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winnie woo

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This is on the scammer page if you want to watch it. I chose not to but have seen it before. Mother of the year makes a mountain out of a mole hill!
Why even devote a video to this. Jess is just being her pain in the ass self and wants to argue!
This should have been a we are going and left it at that. But nope if you don't make Jess look like a fool you don't make money! Val you are disgusting!
After all the anxiety bull crap in this video, how the heck did Val conclude the main reason was princess wanted to ride in the front seat, further into the video a happy Jess being her obsessive annoying self, having a great time. As my Dad used to say, they’re as phony as a three dollar bill. Other than a bite of food Jess has been noticibly absent from video. Maybe the lawyer she boasted about, advised her it would be in her best interest to keep Jess off camera. They sure are ignoring The question when asked why.
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winnie woo

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A video popped up in my feed. Jess and Val in a car convo, started by Jess saying she helped Augustina answer questions to get a job here. We know that was the plan till it wasn’t. I think they’re plan was to sponsor her, till it wasn’t , she is a talented graphic artist, they no doubt seen this as a financial scamming opportunity, only to find out sponsorship requires responsibility, and financial stability aka employment. Jess often referred to her as foster daughter, bringing August here must not have been profitable enough for them to bother. She seemed very childish however maybe not gullible enough to be used. The video ended with Val and Jess engaging in the same We had to put Abby down, what did I say, it was time, did I make the right decision spiel. Then came Jess and Val in unison singing the dreaded doggy to love song….thankfully it’s been awhile since we’ve been subjected to that .
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I'm not sure if anyone here ever watched the lives on Thursday Val did last year?

If you remember when during the live a viewer hit the YouTube cash button..and instead of $4. Donation it was $40? This happened twice I believe during the live...the woman posted it in chat, and was very upset, even stating she was on a disability income?

It was from the woman who often posted about her " babydolls" being ill, tonsilities and kept asking Jessica what she should name her new " baby"
This is the first time I stepped in...She was very upset...and Vals response was out loud in front of everyone ,3,4 times... " I'm sorry that's all youtube...I have nothing to do with that " and moved on....while others tried to help her in chat. Val didn't lift a finger to help this girl or offer to return some of the funds or contact youtube......nothing.

That women is on the spectrum with the mentality of a child ...and Val..self proclaimed autism mother of the year who believes HER autistic daughter should be the world's priority while this other autistic girl was just duped into losing her money while the kindness of her heart felt moved to make a small donation to Jessica.

Val never helped this fact I heard she ended up blocking her because she kept messaging Val. ( I don't have proof of the blocking but I believe I read about it on here before I left last year)

This is the sort of scammer Val is...she is well aware many of her viewers are IDD, autistic or otherwise challenged ....those are the people she targets. Those are the people who need to see these pages and hopefully understand the danger of narcissistic SCAMMERS like The Brooks Crooks.
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Well said ladies!!! We have all done what we need to do to get through this life! We didn't hide and act like we couldn't handle things. We pulled up our big girl panties and pushed through. And Gramma of 4 your daughter is right about that certain age group! My boys are in their 40's and both are very successful because they wanted it and not a hand out.
Hypochondriac Hannah has been making crap up since she was 18 and none has ever been diagnosed! Even her last sleep study that she was so excited to get a bad result she got a clean bill of health! Remember she just couldn't talk about it because she was so upset!!! Ever since she is adding new ailments everyday! Give it a rest HH because we all see through your little charade.
And Marlow you aren't any better! Adding dyslexia to your growing list was your undoing!!! We see you both!!👀
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Chatty Member
Wallfly wouldn't you have loved to be a fly on the wall when Val discovered the new Facebook group?

Oh you are a fly on the wall. LOL
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winnie woo

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Seems like Mommie Dearest is still in hiding. The exposure prob has her in her room engulfed in a state of deep depression, wallowing in self pity! Her son the neurologist, being exposed publicly, with proof in pictures that can’t be denied has to be embarrassing, knowing the entire online Autism community sees the truth.
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Let's make lemon chicken without lemons! And hey...let's just wing it and add cayenne pepper because I know Campbell hates spicey food and my entire staff is off camping so I'm left here on my own with baby J, having to do allllllll the work.

Vals doing cooking videos because let's face it ......what else does she have? She does absolutely nothing ..except drink her way desperately trying to get through the day of face slaps, " is your Bessy happy? " listening to Jessica obsess , scratch , sniff, eavesdrop, repeat the same questions she's been asking for 28 years and listen to her slip into various personalities carrying conversations with the voices in her head that she brings to life.

Val has no friends, no outside interests, no autism groups, community or outreach....even her " caring for the caregiver " is with the Only two women in her life her mom and daughter....she's not interesting and has absolute nothing to offer ...even her followers are not wanting to watch her without Jessica ....No one likes Val....noone.

You can see Jessica is stressed out ..she gets nervous when Val is in her moods and then Jessica doesn't sleep, she texts Val all night, it's the only time Jessica says " I love you bunches"
And keeps asking if she's being good, her picking gets out of control ...we only see her face her shins are horribly scarred...and I'm sure they are a mess too. Val knows what stresses Jessica out and that's when Val decided to make a new dish? The chicken was frozen, she had no lemons so obviously this dinner wasn't planned....looks to me like she intentionally wanted to irritate the already stressed Jessica out for a video.

There's a lot going on over at the Brooks Asylum.....isn't there Val.
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winnie woo

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If you look at the people's profiles who are "missing Jessica" in the explains alot.

I'm not going to post names here, but I did open a few profiles to get a glimpse of who..would be " missing" and not seeing the true picture the true facts of Vals money maker.

Two profiles were of elderly ladies 65-70 had 8 friends and no husband or family it seems, the other I'm assuming was in mental decline or uneducated because every post on there page was filled with typos and horrific English.

Another was from India...and from their profile had to be a scammer, some of these profiles last entry on there page was from 2010, 2014...which is odd.

And finally a couple were simply woman actually angry ...saying Val needs to post whether Jessica is in the video up in the bio...sorry but that's ....crazy.

Many are newer viewers many are older in age and honestly have zero understanding of autism and seem to think Jessica is a child and it's cute watching her mother use her for content.

You really have to look at the mental state of some of these people ....what I will never understand is this...
Some of these viewers seem to believe they are Jessica's cheering section as she learns to stir, stir, stir, or crack an egg, or put a headband THIRTYSIX.
They look at Jessica like she is recovering from a recent accident and struggling to learn all over.
They really can't seem to grasp the fact that these basic tasks ...hairbrushing, showering, knowing where the frozen tator tots are...putting your plate in the dishwasher these things at THIRTYSIX years of age should be routine.....and accomplished decades ago..!

So.many of these viewers simply don't get it or lack the mentality to understand that.
I’ve also notice how her page has such a turnover, subscribers are inconsistent, so many basic questions . old is Jess? ..who is Nathan? Is she blind? Are you sisters? Lucy lookers tuning in for a brief time. Her true followers are jumping ship. The scam exposure is taking its toll. Most of the generous gift senders have disappeared. For Jessica to say IF I have gifts at the PO I’ll open them. They are not near as plentiful.
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I can’t believe Val turned this around making followers think there is a fb group out there that hate Jessica. The followers here and the fb scam group do not hate Jessica, the hate is for Val and what she’s done to Jessica, making her a spoiled, greedy, dislikeable brat, that’s on mommy dearest not Jess. Criticism is not cyber bullying. What can a lawyer do, nothing. Slander is oral. Libel, is a crime unless proven to be true, eg..facts about pornboy which are true. Defamation , that dog won’t hunt either, Val can justify what she says about every professional who has ever entered Jessica’s life but can’t handle the reverse. Val can’t handle the truth! Her BS damage control has brought more attention to the group, she should have kept silent, every Lucy looker will be checking it out and possibly seeing things they never knew. Many of her new followers have no idea of the truth. They ask who’s who, how old is Jess etc etc. They will now. Trying to scare people off from exposing her scams by talking lawyers and help from face book.
I thought she was shooting herself in the foot by mentioning the new group too!!! Now everyone on there will check out the page! And the videos on there are all real and came out of Vals mouth. Can't wait to see who defects from her AI group!!!!
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Here’s something sort of off topic, but I’m still trying to figure out who it might be. I’ve mentioned this before and I don’t think anyone knew any more than I do. Maybe with people from FBScam possibly reading over here, someone will know more. I think it was The first 4th of July after they moved, which is coming up on two years ago, Val explained that a “certain person” would be attending the big family 4th celebration so Val and family would have to skip it that year. Now that I think about it, it might have been the year before they moved. At any rate, she said that because of Jessica’s obsession with the person, they just had to stay home. I got the impression that it was a family member or someone closely connected. Here are my questions. Who do you think it might be? But more importantly, what kind of behaviors might Jessica engage in that it’s so bad that they’d rather miss a big family gathering than deal with it?? That’s the most bizarre part to me. What does she DO that is so obsessive? We only see what they want for us to see and there hasn’t been a whole lot of really awful behavior in the videos. So this one has me baffled. AT&T being down I remember brought out the nasty in her and a couple of other things, but what on earth might this be about??
I remember that video and also wondered what was so triggering about that person that caused her to get so upset. Now they have that yearly gingerbread decorating where it seems like both sides of the family is there and that never seems to be an issue. Maybe it’s just a person who won’t tolerate Jessica’s rude behaviors and it doesn’t sit well with Val but it’s easier to blame Jessica.
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So...I came across a few more truths to contradict Vals lies/excuses and thought I'd post a few photos all within the last 2 years...of week handed Jessica who can't stir, brush her hair or open most things ( unless it's a present of course) pouring a jug of milk into her cereal, eating cold cereal along with Val writing about all the cereals Jess LOVES...and eating cinnamon toast...and Jessica saying she loved it. Val looks into her camera explaining food and texture issue with Jessica ....due to her "autism" of her infamous excuses ...when in fact it's not true. It's 100% simply spoiled bratty Jessica wanting HER favourites only...and Val too lazy to parent , too lazy to teach, and to lazy to really care.

It's simply easier to do everything Jessica demands and answer her in baby talk, tell her "guuuuuuuuud job!" And how proud she is of her for blinking.
This lazy negligent parenting Val has given Jessica has done nothing to help her in life, nothing to help her with real independence.

It's horrifically sad for Jessica who has been so neglected, and isolated from the world and spoon fed lies about her being a registered nurse, moving out with her girlfriend Keely, buying her own house, getting a licence so she can buy a car that drives her around, telling Jess Zoe is HER dog when it's clear she's Vals.

Jessica is utterly clueless and that's not autism ... That's manipulative. Controlling behaviour from the one person who she trusts the mosts...lying to her, preventing her from growing , learning and being involved in the autism community.

Val has spent her whole life playing the victim .... Using Jessica to gain pity and her entire life revolves around Disney ..Vals happy place...not Jessicas.

Val ...we see you and you are the real monster.


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