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This came off the AI Scammer page. I just got a few screenshots! This shows Val in one HUGE lie! Remember when she said this past week that it was the very first time Jess put on her headband the right way??? Well damn Val your daughter put her headband on the correct way with NO coaching in this video from 3 years ago! And no screen cuts on it either. Oh and when Jess got her little Debbie she had no problem opening it! So much for the small motor issues and mild CP. And she mentioned that when she runs out people will send more! Greedy glutton!
Val stop the frickin lying! We all see you and it's coming to bite you in the ass now and will just get worse!
The end of this video shows Jess ask if she can pat Val. It was slapping and for a long time! WTH....that is disgusting!
The fact Val mutters " makes me nauseated " watching Jess eat like a pig...says it all. There's no reason for that piggish shovelling of food into her mouth...Vals had decades to teach her manners.
Vals lazy plain and's easier to blame autism or a teacher 19 years ago didn't give in to Jessica's food daughter is autistic she doesn't shove enormous spoonfuls of piping not good in her face, cram 1/2 a dessert bar into her mouth cheeks bulging AND talk!

Jessica eats like she was raised by wild animals's disgusting and disgraceful YOU make money off of showing here at like an animal ...while you mutter you're nauseated and your so called staff sits there laughing at Jess..whilst you video it and post it online!!!
That's a teaching moment ...Jessica is in her mid 30's and eats like she's been on a deserted Island her entire life.

What kind of " mother" are you ??? Another video for APS to see how you abuse Jessica online for DISNEY Dollars.
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I believe nothing on either page the Brooks Crooks put out. In all honesty from his We see Hannah make 3,4,5 videos a day and stretch them out over a week...and how she posted past camping and.Italy videos WEEKS after she was already home ....It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Hannah and her trusty sidekick have already been camping for days... And doing what they do best.....LIE.

It's always smoke And mirrors with this family.... All schemes and scams.

As for the cake ... Again pour, pour, pour, stir, stir, stir, and half crack an egg while obsessing over greedy guts TWO pieces... Of course Val lies to her because Jessica doesnt deserve to be TAUGHT portion control, or manners or that ONE piece of cake is plenty for dessert. It's easier for VAL to lie to Jessica taking advantage of her vision impairment and IDD.
That's such respectful and living parenting.

Neglect and abuse... 101.

It's obvious Jessica is still digging at that crator on her forehead...I can only imagine her arms and legs...which Val strategically keeps covered with long sleeves and pants 99% of the time. But it's safe to say the self harm , skin picking is at an all time high especially with Vals chronic mood swings and resentful attitude and tone which sends Jessica over the edge.

It's very stressful making sure Jessica doesn't talk too much about Disney, vacations, "visitors" ,money and other secrets that only Vals monthly PAYING subscribers are privy to.... Good luck with that Val! 😁

We HEAR you Val! 😎
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The bottom line is the entire Brooks family are all scheming, selling, begging online for money no one has real jobs yet they can afford to eat out 2-3 times a week, go to Disney 3,4,5 times a year, buy new cars trucks campers, take off camping on a whim, everyone has cell phones , tablets and computers , not to mention car, truck, camper insurance ...and they want us to believe during this economy when most people with 2-3 real full time incomes are struggling and not vacationing 6,7,8 ,10 times a year that Vals 2 crappy channels is supporting her, Jessica Hannah and Marlow??? Not just paying a few bills but supporting them so lavishly no one needs a job outside of Jessica making crispies and Hannah trying to start a fire camping ????
These aren't even educational or creative .....

They are all liars, SCAMMERS and frauds.
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winnie woo

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I would like nothing better for both those girls to come to the realization of just how toxic Val is and how she’s using them to suffer along in her existence.
First thing they need to do is free themselves from the dysfunction of Val, realize Jessica is not the responsibility of anyone other than Val and Cambell. They both have college educations, gain some independence Val preaches to Jess but discourages for Hannah, maybe start being more than a caregiver. Break away from that joyful life of doom and gloom and depression. Stop complaining and do something with their life. Hannah needs serious therapy to realize what Val has done to her.
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Gramma of 4

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Don't know for sure but there is no way that Val would be paying Marlow out of her own pocket. I just Googled caregivers in GA and there is ton of articles, programs and resources for the disabled. I don't think Val can be a paid one but HH maybe. Maybe someone with a better knowledge of it would know.
Well Jess LOVES to work and I am sure mommy told her to say that. And Val is on low carbs this week so just go to a Greek and Italian restaurant! And spend the kind of money they did when they could have gone somewhere less expensive. She ordered an antipasto salad and took home more than half. And the huge piece of chocolate cake they did take home half of it. I am sure princess threw a fit!
This was Tuesday and was just posted today! Must be Nathan is gone again!
Oh and Jess had to interrogate the waitress. Didn't show it but talked about it. And Jess was delighted because they could talk about dead dogs. The waitress had one put down and now has another dog. Surprised Jess didn't tell her that she could let her know when she can get a new one! That poor waitress.....
All in all boring and next time Jess goes there she will have chicken tenders!!! Lol. Mentioned she thought about having them this time because they are on the children's menu!!!! SHE IS NOT A CHILD VAL!!! And should not be allowed to order from a kids menu!
Huge pet peeve, why do they ask her anything when she just takes a bite of food? Her mouth was so full she could barely talk. Just trashy.
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Well well...another chicken dinner but sounds like this is their lunch! Lemon pepper but of course Val had to improvise! There really is a reason Val that you put the lemon slices on the bottom!!!! It's because they are fresh and taste better than that powdered lemon you mixed with water...gross. It was basically boiled in that liquid!!!
And then she has to use a bigger pan...didn't need it! And the chicken was fresh out of the freezer! So when she checked it at 10 minutes and when she spooned the watery lemon water over it you could tell it was still very raw!!!! So instead of 20 minutes she needed 30.
You could tell Val hated it even though she said hmmmm. Jess likes it though but glutton would eat shoe leather!
Jess wanted fried, slapped Val, said I want my doggie and said she loves mommy a couple times. So she was treading on thin ice and you could tell Val was pissy too.
My opinion I have never seen lemon chicken look that gross. Nor have I ever had to put cayenne in mine!!! BIG FAIL VAL!!!
And…we can look forward to the okra cooking tomorrow!
Look at the pics Susan shared. Do y’all remember Val commenting they would go to Disney whe Jess stopped picking? Well that hole in her forehead is worse!! But, Val never follows through. She is the one wanting to go so their reservations are probably made.
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Checking out Hannah and Marlowe instagram page and some interesting finds . Marlow goes by she/they and has a link to a extensive Amazon wishlist. Even asking for $35 dog peanut butter for Benny like WTH. The prices on the things she wants is ridiculous, like $35 magnetic measuring cups. Go to the darn dollar store like most of us do for those items. So apparently she’s wanting followers to gift her housewarming gifts. Maybe get off her ass and go offer classes reading to the children at the library. Oh I forgot she’s now newly diagnosed dyslexic and ADHD .

Hannah and Marlowe for having such extreme anxiety issues they sure have done some traveling and concerts . It looks like Marlowe moved back to Georgia in December 2019 which I believe she was away at college. Didn’t her and Madison lived to together and dated while attending college.
Hannah and Marlowe went together to London in 2021, Harry Styles concert 2021, April 2023 Eras Tour and of course numerous Disney trips . Oh I see another reason Harry the cat isn’t allowed in is because Hannah also has pet allergies. I find that odd because no issues with Abbie or Darryl. One thing that stuck out is how much more active both Hannah and Marlowe were before they moved back with Val . They were both had jobs , an apartment , traveling, having girl nights with friends, going to concerts and now they say getting out of bed is hard or getting a library card cause anxiety . Clearly we can see the decline of their mental health and physical appearance since returning to the dungeon of Val .


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winnie woo

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Didn’t Katie Straus the one that use to moderator for Val finally come to terms that Val was a piece of crap ? I think at one point she went onto the new scam page and many weren’t very forgiving or trusting of her joining. I know her professional job was coaching people with fibromyalgia I believe. Really would like to know what it took for her to see the light ? I think all she has left now is Allison Bruce aka Hannah left .
Harriett Lundt is another strong defender know it all, always putting in her 2 cents and unsolicited advice. If you creep her profile she’s another nutjob. She’s an assisted suicide wannabe according to her fb posts. Most of the nasty defenders seemed to have abandoned ship. I think she lost lots of followers when Augustina disappeared, Val ignoring questions, her name never being spoken again, made people wonder what went on. Hannah quitting her job didn’t do them any favors, ending the livestreams was their YouTube money maker. I think Val is laying low, hoping for new followers that know nothing about them except what she wants them to know. Out with the old, in with the new is prob her hope. With so much fb negative exposure that ship has sailed.
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Well....Campbell hardworking for all the princesses!! One wants no seasoning , one wants no salt ...and you know Jessica wasn't eating any of that!

Funny Campbell doesn't like spicy, hit, sauce yet when the " loving" ladies are cooking they sneak it in disregarding Campbell's requests ....he's the only healthy person in that house he eats healthy exercises every day ....and allows those unemployed freeloaders to live in HIS house.

Amazing how Vals on her another diet fad...but could care less what her IDD daughter who has mild CP, eats. Zero effort put into anything remotely healthy, nutritious or beneficial in Jessica's diet...ever.
Just fried food, casserows loaded with cheese and high salt canned soups, tater tots, rice and sausage and gravy and chocolate cake ...canned chilli or beefaroni for special occasion and an entire party pizza every Friday .
That's Jessica's entire menu.
No fish, no nuts, fiber, no fruit, no veg....

Love how Vals hiding .... No one even commenting on Campbell's dinner but he has to comment on every chicken rice casserow, and craptastik meal the ladies make.

Hannah's hiding too it seems. You can run ladies ..but you can't hide. you get Val? The taxman? .....
Good luck!!
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Well Hannah created the most obnoxious video of all time....GOOOOOOD BOYYYYYY!!!!!!!
Loved the comments ...of course there's never many comments because no one really watches the boring " I'm scared" " I'm depressed" shit show...of Hannah trying to cook.

She's complaining as usual about her life ...Daryl eating nuts that fall from the backyard trees.

Solutions for you NitWit;
1: train your damn dog.
2: you're uenemployed HOME all day every RAKE the back yard! Or use the lawn mower.
3: leave your dog inside! It's a 3 yr. Old DOG! They don't require babysitters!.

The comments...the few that were there complained about your Goooooooooood boyyyyyyyyy every 25 seconds!
The others commenting about Val and disheartened viewers who are seeing the truth and all.Vals lies and scams....

Darlene and Amy along with many many others are starting to question the finances ...the extravagant ,3,4,5 Disney vacations, Italy, new cars,trucks, campers , Taylor Swift tickets....
Wondering how you all can afford these things when no one works???
Editing a few videos isn't going to get you never ending Disney vacays, and new vehicles and definitely not 10 days in Italy AFTER a clothing shopping spree....

People are smartening up...seeing how your brother Madison / Leo Cross and his nasty wife make their money selling filthy fetish porn...made in your mom's old house!!!!

You are no better than your mother .....a SCAMMER through and through.
You are so right on the comments on this video!!! People are tired of her and her being obnoxious. Even some mentioned mental health!!! That page is doomed!
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Sorry..watching Hannah cook..skeeves me out, knowing she doesn't shower I just can't .

Of course Val is FILMING Hannah can't use the tripod and do anything on her own even though she's a " CREATIVE"!
Between her and mom...they couldn't figure out to trim that fat off the chicken and put the pieces into a Ziploc to marinate?

And as usual its a 3 min video but they filmed longer..just dividing it up over 2-3 days chicken one video, rice second video, I'm sure dessert will be the third.

That's one of their scams. It's not the quality of their CREATION it's the quantity.

Remember to use the platforms when watching that they don't get paid for also clicking off the video before it ends shows it wasn't watched to completion also if you see an add click skip. I have add blockers and use a third party site where they don't get paid.
Here’s something sort of off topic, but I’m still trying to figure out who it might be. I’ve mentioned this before and I don’t think anyone knew any more than I do. Maybe with people from FBScam possibly reading over here, someone will know more. I think it was The first 4th of July after they moved, which is coming up on two years ago, Val explained that a “certain person” would be attending the big family 4th celebration so Val and family would have to skip it that year. Now that I think about it, it might have been the year before they moved. At any rate, she said that because of Jessica’s obsession with the person, they just had to stay home. I got the impression that it was a family member or someone closely connected. Here are my questions. Who do you think it might be? But more importantly, what kind of behaviors might Jessica engage in that it’s so bad that they’d rather miss a big family gathering than deal with it?? That’s the most bizarre part to me. What does she DO that is so obsessive? We only see what they want for us to see and there hasn’t been a whole lot of really awful behavior in the videos. So this one has me baffled. AT&T being down I remember brought out the nasty in her and a couple of other things, but what on earth might this be about??
From what I've seen about Jessica how Val and " most" of the immediate family deal with Jess...they all seen to do as Val and Nonnie say.

But... Val has mentioned numerous times even from her first few videos about some family members not " understanding Jessica or autism" which really means not agreeing with his Val doesn't teach, discipline or have consequences for jessica.

We know Madison left home because of it, Allison and Val have gotten into it over Jessica's aggression towards her little son who was 3 or 4...Jessica's anger and violen towards the dogs and cat.

I've seen Jessica inappropriately touch, sit almost on top of people ,manipulate their time and conversation with Jessica's dead dog fetish talk ...also asking people to make crying sounds because again stimulates her. She wants to kiss and touch their faces....and if Val or anyone else tried to interrupt or change the conversation Jessica becomes violent she did at her job placement hitting a nurse because Jessica was obsessed over one of the residence and refused to leave her room when her family came to visit.
if you search obsessive attachments or inappropriate attachments ...something like that videos may come up on AI.
Also...Val is not allowed to talk to Keely anymore which is why she's no longer allowed at the house...Jessica can't have anyone talk to keely, she's possessive its....she obsesse s, and Val allows it and blames autism .....
So there are family members that Do NOT blame autism but blame Vals parenting Val avoids them.
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I borrowed this from the AI Scammer page from 2 years ago. Just watched the beginning because I couldn't take 25 minutes of Jess being super schizophrenic! The talking to herself in voices, the head shaking and the inappropriate laughing are really bad in this one. She needs the right meds and not just what Val tells the doctor she wants Jess on!!! This is sad and pathetic to put online Val for views and sympathy! You have made your daughter a trained monkey to scam people out of money. Your day is coming will have to answer for this crap!


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Over on Facebook on Autistic Interpretations A Joyful Scam....
They are discussing health, dental appointments....we've all seen the horrific video of Jessica and Val talking in the kitchen about Jessica simply meeting a new dentist.

IT'S absolutely ridiculous Jessica's outrageous behaviours, anger, threats, throwing her head back, making up lies over and over manipulating the situation ....she's 33 ish in that video....Dental appointments should of been routine years and years ago ...

It take time, patience, CONSISTANCY and a plan to make these crucial appointments part of our autistic children's lives.

There are various things that can be done and ways to achieve this ...
Begin when they are young...we started about 4 yrs. Old...
Find a dentist that specializes with autism or in the very least children.
Read your children stories about dental visits
Incorporate mini visits....scheduled with the dentists
Work with an ABA therapist that comes to the home and helps prepare and desensitize children.

These things take time....and some appointments will be easy others won't.
Our daughter was ok till about 11 then she really struggled so...we worked harder practices more started mini visits 6 weeks before her scheduled appointment just going to the dental office sitting in the waiting room 15 minutes, then next time talking with a tech...
There were times we had to use mild sedation ...but we stayed consistant...we haven't needed that in 4 years.

Our daughter is 26 now and goes every ,9 months for a check up and we still do about a week of prep work.... Talking about it, making the date on the calendar a pre-visit..we usually stop in a day or two before bringing coffees!
We also have a photo book...she takes a photo each visit to remind her it was a good visit.

At Jessica's age... She should have a better handle on this if Val had been consistent, worked with therapists , and stopped blaming everyone for not " understanding " Jessica instead of Val putting in the WORK and time to help Jessica understand the Dentist .

If anyone follows Cody Speaks ...He's 21 his mother posts Dental.visits ...he's awsome!
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The video that opened my eyes that everything they do depends on how Jessica reacts was when Augustina was visiting, the famous biscuits and gravy was on the breakfast menu, the wee hrs of the morning Jess was obsessed her guest was still sleeping, therefore Val announced Aug would be be shipped off to spend overnights at Allyson’s in order for Princess not to be upset because Aug had the nerve to not March to Jessica’s drummer, when shit hit the fan Val commented it was always the plan for Augustina to stay with Allyson , who along with Nonnie and grandad had arranged the whole trip in the first place. I hope Augustina has come to realize that being ostracized from this family was truly a blessing.
Fairlycertains post was dead on. Yes Jessica has issued but it's not a Get out of jail free card.

She's NOT a stump. She is or WAS quite teachable , she knows when she's making up her lies/ stories to manipulate everyone and get her way, she knows hitting is wrong , she knows threatening violence screaming shut up get out, \etc.. Is wrong!!!

But YOU make everyone take her crap, her abuse, her tantrums because YOU don't want to have to put the work Jessica consistent repercussions for her outlandish abusive behaviours is work! You just find it much easier to control everyone else and make them do as Jessica demands, even risking Jessica's health just to keep the peace.

Jessica is absolutely feral and it's a direct reflection on you Val and your lack of's not her autism its YOU.

Jessica behaves like a monster because You do nothing to teach her otherwise, she obsesses over EVERYTHING you feed her fast food, fried garbage and the same 4 dishes or canned beefaroni day in day out....because you don't want to parent her, teach just give in to her to shut her up's easier than having to be " the bad guy" you blame her autism , and make up excuses for every single bad behaviour and craziness Jessica does.

There's a dozen other autism channels I can name off the top of my head...with kids/adults with more ailments and severity than Jessica who do not run the houshold! Who are infact TAUGHT to cope with issues, TAUGHT manners, sharing, how to self soothe, self regulate... Others who do go to regular doctor, dentists and hair appointments...

Whether your child is autistic or not....blind or not.....IDD or not....verbal or not....they still deserve to be taught and given the opportunity to learn throughout their life to help them succeed!!! Yes it's a lot of work, frustration , sleepless nights, Repitition .....but that's what parents do! nothing for anyone that doesn't benefit you. Period. You used Augustina, you use Jessica , use Hannah.... Marlow... Your " good ones" that you sell Jessica's time to.

You are a disgraceful human being.
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Well today's video is hungover and glassey eyed Marlow filling the mini fridge. Along with promises of many recipes to film. Nope didn't watch just got the screen shot....
Now is this still the original camping trip they have shot a zillion videos of getting ready for it? Or is this a new camping trip??? This one should keep them in scammer videos for a month! So Hypochondriac Hannah do not tell us how hard you work everyday!
You have your father on the payroll deleting negative comments so you must just lay in bed, keep your migraine hat on, watch TV and sleep! I know of no other people your age who don't go to work every week. You and Marlow are just lazy. It will catch up with you....
How does a 36 year old not know what goes in the refrigerator? Is this the person you would hire to be caregiver to a family member?

I don't normally say much about Marlow..but honestly ....what is with the I'm stupid, I'm shy, I'm scared, I'm nervous routine?? Nothing is more unattractive than a grown woman playing stupid.
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Ok... Another " casserow"...why they don't correct her pronunciation is simply deplorable, it's not's simply a passive aggressive way to humiliate her and to make sure everrrrrrryone knows Jessica is mentally disabled helps Vals narrative and gets viewers to think it's cute.

Know who thinks it's cute? NOT other mothers of autistic children ....NOT real autistic parents of nonverbal autistic children who spend years in speech therapy working to help teach proper pronunciation ...( After 12 years of lip, mouth, tongue exercises to form sounds ) ....

We have seen Nathan correct her many times, even Campbell...but Val prefers to make sure Jessica looks her worst sounds her worst and behaves as ID, feral and crazy obsessed as she can and then films her....for those sympathy Disney dollars!!

Tonight watching Val.....her FAKE smile and giggles ....PLEASE....that was her new personality ...The helpful autistic mom!
Sorry after 7 years of videos...and 2943 chicken casserow videos we know the real Val. She was not in tonight's video.
Clearly they practiced for tonight's show...and carefully edit out any sigh, any change in tone, and moment of Val grunting " uhhuh" to Jessica obsessing over questions ....
Val was in perfect form.

The calorie and salt content in that meal made me nauseated, the spoonful of canned peas offer on Jessica's plate for our benefit were never touched I'm sure.

Smiling for the camera after you've coached Jessica doesn't change anything....all I saw was her another extremely unhealthy meal that has zero health benefits of nutrients for your severely IDD daughter who has mild CP.
People with CP...require lots of calcium.., Milk, dairy, dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, fish tofu, and vitamin D.
I've never seen Jessica eat fish, tofu, dark leafy greens, seeds, nuts yoghurt, ...and as for vitamin D..she should be outside in the sun at least 30 minutes every day ..why isn't she??
Not to mention with CP...she NEEDS exercise and physio therapy ...but of course Jessica has none of that.
Which is why she is all hunched over and shuffles around the house.

Again...3 adults in that house 4 "caregivers" yet not one person CAREGIVER can incorporate a daily walk with Jessica??

Just because Val and Hannah hate to leave the house ( unless it's for vacations) hate to exercise , hate to walk their dogs, hate to be involved in anything community related, hate church, hate socializing , basically hate anything outside of the house.... They have created that hermit recluse lifestyle for Jessica ...she literally has no life....
My eyes sting with tears writing this...because it's ABUSE....and there doesn't seem like I can do anything about it.
That abuse would not fly here where I live.... The fact her son is supposedly a doctor it's his responsibility to report the neglect and abuse in Canada a mandated reporter who fails to report suspected neglect / abuse could lose their licence ....

Keep smiling Val...we see you...and the abuse.
Wallfly it is sad but that type of abuse is all over. Yesterday I took my son to his favorite restaurant for some catfish (I can’t cook it right) and was seated next to a family who had one member who was non verbal and autistic. She would make sounds when she wanted something, or just “being herself” I assume. The waiter ask her to lower her voice. And just a few minutes later came back and told them their meal had been taken care of and they could leave. We were almost finished, but after that I was done. I paid and left. Now stuck explaining discrimination to my son who I’m still not sure understands it. He only understands we will never go back there. I’ve been so mad I haven’t slept all night trying to decide if contacting the ADA or any other organization would do any good. I have blasted them on Facebook so they have lost some business. I wonder if the Brooks have ever been asked to leave? Val would eat that up. Sorry for the long post, just giving an example as to what we as parents of special kids face. This world is messed up.
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I'm with Susan...watching Greedy Guts rip open those presents just disgusts me, notice how strong Jessica's hands are when it's for something she wants, but when it's to do work, help with chores or hold a fork ....her hands hurt.
Not autism , manipulation.

If you look at the profiles of the people sending gifts explains a lot. I'll leave it at that.

As for Dumb and Dumber trying to outdo the other with their stress and depression over on DSGP...I couldn't watch the whole thing because they give real people who suffer from depression , stress and anxiety a bad name.

I have to ask what exactly brings so much stress to Hannah's life? She has no job, no Boss, no need to be anywhere on time, no work related issues, no travel or parking worries, she lives with her parents so.. No rent or mortgage, no utilities bills, no worry about buying food budgeting or even cooking ....
Sooooo...she helps on certain days babysit her 36 year old sister, doesn't help her shower because shes " afraid of water" ( which I believe is about as real as her lactose intolerance ) Val complains Hannah doesn't help do dishes or help clean the house. So besides laying around with Daryl, and playing her video game on her lap top, reading and watching TV...she does absolutely NOTHING...NADA... But she's stressed!?!?!?!?

She is lazy, like her mother.... Laziness isn't an illness its a choice.

At 31... What are women doing? Working full time, married, saving up money with a mate for a house or travel? Working out or on a team? Girls night out with friends co-workers? Planning on a baby or already a mother, wife...paying bills, budgeting for the future? Having date night? Etc...

Hannah is unemployed thinks she's a creator with a handful of followers from a page her mommy started that gets a very small amount of comments the money from that page wouldn't be enough to fill up her truck, let alone live off of.
She babysits Jessica for Val when she's had enough of the Boss slapping her and arguing with her over everything and has to hide in her room with Zoe and her wine.

Hannah had an apt. A roommate ( Marlow) a full time real job... And bills and that lasted a year and she moved back home to mommies to Jessica's dismay...Jessica hates Hannah living there, hates living at Campbell's house, hates Daryl, hates the cat.... Etc.

Watching Hannah complain about her stress ... Is ridiculous .
I understand depression ...but it's people like Hannah who abuse the system ....crying stress and depression to get out of working, using depression as their excuse to do nothing and be lazy....

If Hannah was under the care of a professional for her " depression" she would be working together with them on a plan, taking action etc...
But she naps, reads, watches TV and it's obvious she's not seeing a therapist of any kind.

Hannah has problems for sure.... Ignored her entire life, desperate for attention from mommy, lots of resentments being used as another mother to Jessica .... Bathing and wiping your sister's backside has to of affected her mental state....

Val has destroyed all lives she touches.... She's toxic and injects her nastiness into her children, her animals her relationships ...( Notice none of these people have friends ? Besides Marlow and HER friend Taylor)
Keeley and Vals friendship ended.... Yet Jessica has one with Keeley?

Val is an extremely sick toxic woman and you can see exactly how toxic by watching 5 minutes I Hannah or Jessica .....and especially Pornboy.

Shame on Campbell for not protecting his children from the crazy that is Val.
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Gramma of 4

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I always noticed in Lives she would always rotating her head to emphasize her neck hurt. She’s the worst whine ass I have ever watched or met . Even if Hannah has depression and anxiety the best thing you could ever do for herself is keep placing one foot in front of the other because once you surrender that hill becomes a mountain and it’s so much harder to reach the summit. But like myself and most of us here we didn’t have the option to quit because bills had to be paid and children to be provide for. As long as all of them keep avoiding reality they will be left emotionally empty and unhappy.
I've noticed her doing that on lives also. Look at me and my hurt neck! Trying to make people feel sorry for her hoping for gifts and money. Disgusting.
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The fb scam page had a video of Val “helping Jessica study” to be a nurse. All she is doing is repeating words. Words she has no knowledge of their meanings. What a waste of time. Instead of wasting time with that, take her outside, go for a walk, take her to a zoo. SOMETHING! Teach her about nature, let her experience life. Keeping her shut up in her room flipping cards and talking to herself is the reason she is obsessed with others. If you only talk to 6 people in your life, what are you learning. Expand Jessica’s world. If she got out regularly with a lot of different people, she wouldn’t obsess about the 3 she is allowed to talk to on the phone.
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winnie woo

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Watching this mornings " Bideo of the morning" the only thing that comes to mind is PAINFUL!

It's one of Vals back pocket content hacks...the cracking an the egg with the proverbial egg cracker...over the YEARS I've personally counted 4 various egg crackers NONE of which Val purchased of course, but were sent in as gifts for Jessica ( which she could care less about because it's not cards, cds, or edible)

But the ongoing saga of 36 year old IDD Jessica cracking an egg is one of Vals best scams....she knows it's a money maker because people don't like to see Jessica Val knowing how Jessica will hate/ struggle with the egg is a sure way to get the viewers thinking .. " how can I help!? " so...they hit the face book stars of pity, or scroll Amazon for egg crackers, or start putting a care box with egg crackers , cards and cake mixes together for Jessica !

We will see Jessica use the new device usually once then Hannah or Sara or Marlow will get it for Christmas and we'll never see it again . That's how Val does most of her Christmas shopping snatching up gifts sent that she tucked away under the bed till closer to Christmas !

As a mother myself of an autistic young adult I have grown along side my daughter whose now 26. She will probably never crack an egg...and live a fulfilling life, we choose our battles and priorities ...we buy liquid eggs as well as regular and honestly it's not a priority, our daughter can add liquid egg to her muffin mix , or her skillet...or simply ask for assistance of even choose to eat yoghurt and mixed berries, or a home made blueberry muffin, or a bowll of cereal with a cut up banana! She eats a multitude of foods....and will survive not wanting to crack an egg.

At 36.... Val might want to re-prioritise what Jessica could be learning to add to HER quality of life instead of using this same old egg cracking scam for pity donations.

Perhaps put more energy into toileting, using a hair brush, washing hands properly with soap AND drying them ..not on her chest, but scheme towel! Showering and properly washing herself so friends and family don't have to draw straws to see who has to shower Jessica because Val doesn't feel like it, and Hannah is afraid of ....shower water.

There are a million other things Jessica should be learning or in all honesty already learned...years hygiene , reading Braille, manners, sharing ...kindness to others and pets, how to behave at the Dentist, hairdresser etc... Boundaries of others , phone rules...there are far far more important things Jessica requires focus on than cracking an egg....things that will add to her life.
But they don't fit into Vals agenda....right Val?
Wallfly, I couldn’t agree with u more! In view of the vast amount of tasks jessica Has never been taught, in what world does cracking an egg take centre stage . There are far more important things! Jess will never be living independently, why not teach her the life skills she is expected to do, and capable of, so she isn’t completely dependant. A 3 min video of Jess being patiently taught by Val to crack an egg is Val’s easy way out, jessica will never crack an egg and Val knows it, but seen by gullible followers as the patient loving mother who never gives up. It’s evident when the camera stops recording, the teaching stops, the patience ends. It’s all for the poor Jess, Martyr mommy show. She has the act perfected. It takes longer for some to see through it.
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