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Yes. Absolutely
Long rant...sorry.
This may be an unpopular post and not paint me in a good light to some ..but since no one knows me and I think I'm known for at least being truthful I'm going to say this only one time..because it's really just my opinion based on the last 26 years of living with and dealing with others who have autism, IDD in their home along with REAL diagnosed illness..such as cancer, lupus, diabetic , thyroid disease, dementia and bouts of depression in my family.

What bothers me is that whenever a " new" illness disease or the like becomes popular or gets a lot of attention all of a sudden everyone jumps on the band wagon..I see it a lot with autism , fibromyalgia, OCD, ADD, " chronic fatigue " ....and it seems it's always younger people who have worked for a short period of time decide they don't like working and then their lives become all about being sick.

Yet... My generation and older...we struggled through and still do. In my 40s I battled breast cancer while having lupus and still raised 4 children one autistic ....of course I had family support and wonderful husband.. But he worked 50 hours a week to support our family so a lot was on my plate.... That being of the ladies in my Families of Autism group... Is right now 58 battling cancer recently diagnosed with early onset dementia and has two autistic boys at home...her house is clean , meals made, boys get to their appointments etc....

So...when I see Hannah with her sore shoulder and headaches ...unemployed Laying around with her cold cap on editing her 10 day Italy vacation photos while mommy makes her " salt free" dinner it makes me sick.

Both Hannah and Marlow have really taken to playing the victim ...Val has definitely influenced these ladies.
Hannah is desperate to have an illness....she had some mystery illness years ago that they hint at but don't mention by name....which leads me to believe it was probably self induced or self diagnosed ...we've caught her in so many lies she contradicts herself consistently....

Lactose intollerant, chronic fatigue, insomnia ..she even had a sleep study done twice ..., Claims food allergies , anxiety, Claims she can't sit for 2 minutes? Yet manages to sit on 10 hr. Drives to Disney, 9 hour flights to Italy.... No reason she cant sit at a desk. She can walk around Disney, Italy , stand for 4 hours at a Taylor Swift concert....she can stand at a check out.

All of her ailments are to get her out of working a job outside the house, get her sympathy to live rent free back at home in her old bedtoom, be lazy and have zero on social media put up her wish lists and get pity presents from strangers online she's conned playing sick...
She is a clear case of munchausen and Val munchausen by proxy..... They are both the same .

Bottom line is we all have stuff going on in our lives, we all have real issues, aches, pains, problems and still manage to have homes, lives, kids, responsibilities and some of us are twice Hannah's age with REAL health issues.... But she acts like she's on her death bed whenever that camera is rolling.

It's the people like HER who abuse the system ....crying wolf... Taxing the limited resources made for REAL people who need it, who have family, kids, mortgages, responsibilities ...not living with mommy going to concerts, Italy and Disney.
I agree. You’re right. Not to dismiss people who do truly have issues but it does seem like this is the case. Migraines is the other one. If you truly have migraines you do not go on social media and talk about it. You’re lying in bed not moving.
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Today is the first time Jessica has been seen in a video since last Wednesday I think. Who knows what day is what since they mix the video days up so much, but I think this one is probably yesterday since Jess was complaining about not having Easter eggs while Val pushes off the cardboard tree as their Easter. Jessica is also sporting a huge bandaid on her forehead so she has probably been picking all weekend with Val’s birthday and Mommy being drunk. Joyful Easter???
I caught that Jessica saying are we taking it to the NEW ? I think when Val mentioned some new exciting news in a recent video and all the looking at new houses that maybe they bought a new house. Like why would you buy a house now with rates so high and houses selling for almost double then maybe a few years ago. I can’t imagine they are leaving Campbell behind because he’s the only one with secure financial stability. I think that home isn’t bad just needs some paint and update the kitchen. The layout is odd but a contractor could help create a better floor plan. He would be nuts to go in debt at this time in his life. Now would they move to Florida or stay local is the question? I couldn’t imagine them moving from Val’s family and Marlowe. Because without them Val wouldn’t have anyone to take Jessica off her hands.
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If Hannah LOVES camping so much, and sitting outside and breathing fresh air while taking walks....then why can't she walk her dog daily? Or go sit out in their huge back yard?
On the other hand ...she hates the weather, the humidity , the bugs, but loooooves camping!

Even though she has been having ear issues for over a week ....but doesn't go to a doctor just self diagnosed herself with Shingles which isn't contagious BUT can pass the virus to others that causes I'm sure everyone she's around will appreciate that.

But don't go to the doctors....just keep googling and hoping it's something. Maybe she should try showering once in a while.

Let's be honest about her Camping ....she loves that particular site because it's down the street from mommys, it's simply convenient because by the looks of it it's nothing special ...and Hannah the reason it's so empty on a Tuesday is because unlike you..people have JOBS they go to...not everyone lives with mommy and daddy at age 31, and naps and relaxes all day.
It's obvious her " camping " is just a bedroom on wheels ....where she can play house getting away from Jessica and mommy duty that Val has saddled her with.

It's obvious Val and Campbell have taken off together probably bumping uglies at Disney the happiest place on earth, because that's what normal divorced people do...

Jessica is miserable some slop with Hannah ...who of course orgasmically claims it's delicious...and how excited she is to taste it.

New drinking game every time Hannah says.. " I'm so excited" obviously it doesn't take much.

Bottom line is... It's clear we have all made an impact on Val....ever since the Facebook page Autistic Interpretations A Joyful Scam opened 3 months ago, over 1100 people have joined there, more people have caught in to the scams, lies,and done the math seeing the income of this houseful of unemployed adults isn't adding up.

More and more are seeing you.
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This mornings video ...simply sad, and very telling.

We see you Val, even though you're trying to hide...your attitude , resentment and bitchiness not only come across in your tone...but your infamous " hmhmm" short " hmhmms" in response to Jessica's questions ..which you KNOW make her anxious but it's your passive aggressive way to let her and everrrrrryone know you're in a mood.

We can see and hear Jessica's uncomfortable, worried....listening to your tone, your responses ...quickly reverting to her nervous chatter " will this make your bessy happy? " " did you buy your bessy a new doggie? " ...then the big one ...your ADULT 36 year old asks you...
" am I being a good girl? " thats...beyond pathetic .

Her nervous anxiety on full tilt....because YOU are making Her life miserable....obviously you have threatened no more videos ...she's scared shitless. You've filled her head with so many lies to manipulate her , using her, using autism to cash in on. She associated videos with to move, money for her pool, money for her bank to novelist with her " girlfriend" money to go to Disney now she's panicked because you're hiding and not doing many videos.
You're a bully Val.

You are an abusive nasty and extremely jaded woman..I'm thinking APS has been in contact ...
Your scamming days are coming to an end.

Everyone sees the lies...and everyone knows where the real money comes from ...Madison's porn Industry the " family business".


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winnie woo

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Lemon Chicken, Fried Ocra, then lava cakes all 3 same day was too much Jessica for Val. You could tell she was annoyed by her . Jump cut what was obviously a slap in the face. It’s obvious when Val is pissy, Jess immediately goes into her good doggie, bad doggie mode to lighten Val’s mood, looking right into her face for approval, which Val ignores. I love you bunches Mommy, is a dead giveaway. Val’s running scared of criticism these days. She only films one bite of food for Jess, no slaps, trying to ward off negativity from followers. Her page has less content than ever. Even her caregivers are jumping ship, doing their own thing. Poor pitiful Val standing in the front yard, abandoned, being left alone with the monster she created.


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In typical Val fashion in tonight's video ....Val.puts the blame of " haters" on Jessica. It's Jessica's fault because she's hated.,'s YOU that's the problem... It's YOU that uses. Abuses Jessica to make money off of, grift followers, hint about wants, post wish lists even for Hannah, ask for MONATRY gifts and donations ....lie about your finances ,your son the porn star and wife worth about $5million, you contradict yourself time and time again...changing illnesses, diagnosis , your stories etc...

We've seen your " staff" Hannah and Marlow laugh AT Jessica too many times to count, lie to Jessica about her life...being a nurse , " studying" working. Buying a house at's heart breaking to watch.

We've watched and listened to YOU, bad mouth, bitch, complain and whine about every single doctor, nurse, technician, teacher, therapist, health care provider, REAL.caregiver, friends, exfriends, even family ...along with every autism outreach, government affiliated programs Jessica was enrolled in....right down to the cashiers at your local grocery store....not to mention strangers in the check out .
You've bashed, belittled, blamed and snubbed everyone and anyone including followers who asks any questions you don't like switch over to one of your fake accounts, Allyson Ecurb, or Natali or whom ever and attack commenters .

All that YOU.
YOU are the one people have issues with ...YOU are the one smiling that FAKE smile into your camera seeking donations and messaging the few vulnerable ,older viewers many on disability or on the spectrum themselves telling them how much " Jessica appreciates them" buffering them up to join your private chat ...paying you upwards of $80 or more for private chats and texts and video calls with Jessica ....that makes you...uhm...a pimp....and taking advantage of Jessica selling HER time her presence with strangers online.
All for Disney, Disney, Disney......
Not medical reasons, not to help Jessica obtain a better quality of life, not for Braille lessons, etc..... Disney season family passes! Hotel rooms at Disney, shopping at Disney, souviners from Disney! Eating out at Disney!!!!!

Madison and his wife aka...Loracross and Leocross do pretty much the same thing...don't they.

Yes.. Many people do not like Jessica but again that's because YOU go out of your way to make her unlikeable, you film her at her worst, she's rude crude behaves horribly and has zero manners and REAL parents of mentally disadvantaged children know and see her behaviours are because YOU have isolated her....removed any and all professionals from helping her grow because it wasn't done your way .... It was too much work.

If low life unemployed scam artists like you can use their own IDD daughter and sell time with her in your private group( we've seen the chats) and verbally abuse every professional online, show videos of your daughter rubbing her crotch and kissing you in a frenzy while her eyes roll to the back of her head... Parade her around online braless, in the midst of a schizophrenic manic episode ..if YOU can post that garbage... And your son can post videos of himself tied down, gagged, naked while " Lora" has her face buried up his backside...

I'm pretty sure people gathering on a page(s) sharing their anger and concerns about Jessica even with the occasional outburst out of frustration ..... And of course our freedom of speech...I'm sure your " high powered" lawyers will laugh you right out of Disney!
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My husband and I are raising our four year old autistic grandson. He’s non verbal. We also both work full time. Our son is doing well and he will probably end up back with his father in a few months. In the meantime we have our one year old granddaughter with us. She has major heart issues but is doing well. I’m thankful my MIL has recently moved in with us. She has been a big help. Our grandson starts his program on Monday. We tried to get him in sooner but his mother kept sabotaging the plan. We got custody of him and now things are moving forward. I work in the public school so am grateful for that also since I have my summers off. Hopefully some day we will go to Disney and travel but right now we are focusing on our grandchildren and their well being. I can’t even watch the Brooks family because it is so upsetting to me the way they exploit Jessica and the way they live to make money. I don’t know how they sleep at night
My heart sends you strength and support, my daughter started her first program at 4 also quite a few years back...communication / speech and ABA were life changing for all of us in such a good way.
In the beginning when they are younger I think it's the hardest everything is new, chaotic, and uncertain feels like it's never ending ...but as they grow...the days roll and so quickly things change ...usually for the better I find ...knowledge is power and the more they learn ...the more we learn ... The better things get...good luck with your program!

Disney can wait...from what I've seen you're not missing much!!
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Over on FACEBOOK Autistic Interpretations A Joyful Scam's been brought up about .. " the dogs"

My two cents on the dog issue is this.
Val was looking into getting dog as Abby was getting older, but Val knows Jessica hates real animals. ( Abby was 14 Jess had her half her life of so...she was use to her and she was calm , quiet)
So the manipulating munchausen mother kept telling Jessica ( and still does) that Zoe is HER dog, we all know Jessica is GREEDY and always asks .. " whose is this? " when anything new comes into the house, clothes, packages, kitchen wars etc... And they always tell Jess it's telling Jessica something is HERS she less likely to pitch fit and have one of her tantrums .

So..Val continuously tells Jessica Zoe is HER dog, she's not. Once at Nathan's Val was irritated with Jessica over obsessing about her phone and keely....that during the filming of dinner Jess started her obsessive nervous chatter about " your bessy" she does when she knows Vals in a mood....
Jessica said to Val.... " did you get your Bessy a new dog to make her happy? "
Vals response: "I got US a dog"

Right away that response set Jessica off....and her and Val went back and forth about Zoe being our dog.

That's Vals way of hurting Jessica...she knows exactly what sets her off and intentionally did it because she was mad at Jess.

In order for Val to be able to have a dog she has to lie to Jessica, manipulate her make a game out of loving Zoe....when in reality we see and hear that Jessica hates all animals she hates Daryl and Benny ....but on occasion you hear Jess say " MY dogs " including Daryl long as she believes everything is HERS it's allowed.
The camper also HERS.

Hannah got a dog because mommy did ....and then Marlow ....all these lonely single ladies needed cuddle buddies.
In the beginning Val and Hannah tried to say service dog, even made a few videos of Zoe ticking Jess in... ( coaxed with a great of course for the cam) they put the dogs in orange " service dog" vests when they went to a parade ....
The dogs like Jessica are untrained and just walking nerves at the mercy of the lunatics at the Brooks Asylum.....

Jessica only like hearing lots of dogs barking at once all frantic and in distress...she enjoys hearing them in " pain " just like she enjoys people saying ouch or asking them to cry....
Makes her " feel good".
The cat which we never see has basically just been sent outside to live its life...not permitted back inside because Jess says so.

It's been a few years now and they still have to tell Jessica to love the dogs because she hates them. Jessica is incapable of showing love because she has zero empathy for others, she just likes certain things touching, kissing, slapping ..because it excites her, not to show feelings for others.
She screams like a lunatic at Daryl ...and it's sad.
No one in that house should have pets....they are all unfit.
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Have you noticed Hannah has not made one reply to any of the comments left on her " Gooooooooooooood Boyyyyyyyyyyyyy" nutty nuts video? Not one....Marlow didn't even defend her...
Out of the 114 comments 95% of them were questioning her so called anxiety wondering why the hell she simply can't just rake the yard! Leave the dog inside ? I mean she's neurotic and creates her own anxiety over the stupidest things which people are looking at her like she's an idiot.

She can walk through crowds at Disney pushing her sister in a wheel chair for 10 hrs a day 5 days in a row...but can't rake her yard for an hour once or twice a week? Again she lives in a house with 3 other adults who are ALL home 24/7 !

Val hires people to bathe Jessica hire someone to do your lawn!! Or get off your lazy unemployed asses and do it yourself you all claim to be such " nature lovers"

I'm betting Val will tell Hannah to delete the video ....
Goooooooooooooood Hannaaaaaaaaaaaah!
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I didn’t watch all the cooking thing, just went to the end and another no Jess. Grabbed a few comments. People are not liking it.
Of course people are complaining about Vals page..........again.

She started 8 years ago with her Blog....which STILL says Madison is a doctor even though we know, with proof of him buck naked spread eagle, handcuffed with his wife and others buried in his backside on hundreds of videos and dozens on p*rn websites selling filthy movies, photos, live chats etc.....

Vals site also claims Jessica is blind and an epileptic....which yes she's " legally blind" which means she won't be driving but she can see food crumbs across the counter.... And she's not an epileptic.
Vals blog, then her Autistic Interpretations channel.use to be according to goodpooch badpooch...a TEACHING channel to help educate others on autism and how this family functions with an autistic adult.

Val has changed what her channels about 3 times since I've been watching as well as started her second page DSGP...which was suppose to be for her " what's the deals," cooking, camping and Disney ...but that's changed now too and yes Hannah and Marlow run it....but its still Vals, her name , under goodpooch badpooch...

Val changes things quickly when she is afraid of being caught abusing Jessica online, fearful of whose channel is whose come TAX TIME...she's a scammer.... And she runs and hides when she's scared.

When we do see Jess now....she's rigid, she's medicated and has clearly been instructed on what to say.... And threatened.. " if you don't cooperate we won't make anymore videos" we know this because Jessica asks Val during videos ...we see it.

I believe APS...has been in contact with Val and she's being very careful ...trying to do damage control.
I personally filed 4 complaints this year, 2 last year, contacted FB and reported many videos on I know for sure was removed by YouTube and Val was deonitized. I've recently spoken to a caseworker here showing her 5 specific videos and 2 blogs. She was mortified and said she would now have to contact the proper channels ....

So... I'm hoping something positive comes out of it for Jessica ..... As more and more of Vals lies, scams, abuse and manipulation are exposed and reported.
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There's always mention of Jessica's diet...and I agree it's not easy to get autistic children with REAL texture issues, food aversion or picky eaters to try new foods or understand the importance of healthy nutrition . It's work, and it's frustrating , and therefore be other communication issues etc... I've lived it, I get it.

In Jessica's case , she's fully verbal, she has no problem touching anything and everything on her plate or bowl, but will refuse to touch 99% of everything to prepare meals, if she is asked to help...God forbid. It's obvious at 36, she's only ever asked to help in the kitchen when she's been bribed/ told she's going to make a video for money, because of she had been helping all along since childhood she's know after 30 years where the nuggets are. She has zero routine memory for helping or doing anything she simply doesn't want to do.

As for food... I believe Val is a liar when it comes to claiming all these " food aversions, textile issues, etc... "
Jessica shovels food in ... And we have seen her eat things she wasn't find of even saying " it's not MY favourite" but still are her TWO servings.... Cleaning her plate then when asked again she claims she didn't love it...which means I don't want that again.
That's not a food aversion or tactile issues... That's a brat.

She loves chicken but WANTS it fried... I've seen Val lie over and over using words to trick Jessica into eating fried rice... Same with the chickpea pasta.
Val added pork to rice and told her it was chicken she ate it.... So Jessica has the ability to eat foods that arent her favourite ..she just doesnt want to ..... There's a difference between can't and won't .

Jessica loves cake there's no reason Val can't blend fruit and use applesauce etc... Into a sheet cake or muffins... Jessica would never know. Same with spaghetti sauce blend in vegetables ...
Jessica use to eat cold cereal at the old house , we deserves I'ce cream ....but Val claims Jessica has a hard time with cold foods... No... She simply wants sausage gravy and biscuits or potato tots because it's her FAVOURITE.

Jessica is bribed to make videos... Bribed to get her hair cut... She understands the dynamic of.. " if you cooperate you will get " this" as you're reward"
So... There's no reason she can't be spoken to... At 36 and told ... Sausage and gravy is only Sat, cereal is Tues. And Friday, Thursday she eats out etc...

Jessica LOVES a schedule .....Val could of incorporated a scheduled meal plan for Jessica decades ago... And by the time she was the age she is now..... She wouldn't be eating the crap she eats.

It took us... Years... My daughters nonverbal and 26.. But we started routines for food from the beginning and still do to this day.
Jessica is able to have conversations ... Val simply has never put in the work, she's lazy and always has been in every aspect of Jessicas life.

Val should of worked with professionals on this issue... Along with many others. Yes I agree it's not easy but Jessica simply wants her FAVOURITE foods only... And is always given want she wants for one reason ..... It makes Vals life easier.... Because the rule is no matter what keep Jessica happy at all costs!
Let her eat what she wants, let her open everyone's gifts because it makes her happy, let Jessica decide what everyone eats, where everyone goes to eat, everyone talk baby talk to Jessica and never correct her bad behaviours ever!

That's Vals rules.... Because it's simply too much work to teach, discipline, guide, help or have consequences in place to help Jessica.
Jessica is able to eat other foods ... There's no " medical " reason she can't .... Val just raised her giving in to whatever she shut her up. Period.
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Everything out of Vals mouth is lies for the sole purpose of gaining sympathy to feed her victim mentality which she cashes in from kindness of good people, using " autism" as her hook....all for Disney Dollars.

She never spends money on Jessica to enrich her life her future ....just dollar store colouring books , clearance rack poor fitting clothes, and junk food.

She's a disgrace.
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What happened to the "week in the life" videos that were being posted every Sat? Does Val ever follow through with anything???
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Blind persons can sense who is in the room. Sense of smell, awareness of movements, small indicators of who is around them. She can also tell which dog is by her. She doesn’t need anyone telling her these things. It’s for attention and control. Manipulation at its finest. Jessica is playing the whole family. And they know they are being played. They are just too lazy to stand up and correct her.
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I think Val finally had a real mental break down. Not the fake ones she complains about daily, but the never ending task of trying to hang on to all the lies she tells. It’s always easier to tell the truth, you don’t have to remember every lie. But Val hasn’t figured that out. Even though all her lies are documented on every video. A person can only keep up the fake fascade for so long. She’s probably gone through all the profit (if she made any) from the sale of the house to porn boy. It’s all caught up with her now. Run, Val, run! You’re exploiting days are numbered. Let’s all hope that every state in the US passes a bill making exploitation of kids and vulnerable adults illegal. Some have but very few. Joyful life, my foot.
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I have been to Texas Roadhouse many times. It is good food. Very generous portions. But why go to a steakhouse, if all you order is a baked potato and Jessica orders the same frickin thing as every other place she goes. Chicken tender, fries and choc cake. Val, you only ordered a baked potato! What a waste of money. You could take her to McDonald s. She wouldn’t have cared where you are. She just wants to eat. You disgust me, Val. Your daughter has the worse diet, teenagers eat better. And the lips and closeness to Val was creepy and gross. Ish!
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Is there any proof Jess wears diapers? I’ve seen some pictures that look like she’s wearing a diaper or her ass is that big. can see by the way her pants fit...but also there are 2 where Val talks about something Jessica did, but says she won't say it in the video...but she does write about her blog, and there's a photo where Val writes above it saying Jessica threw her peed in pajamas and adult diaper wrapping them up together.... Throwing them down stairs at the old house, I'm not 100% sure....but by the way her pants fit ..also the photo of Jessica in Vals lap... Her shirts up and you can see the pull up.( Adult diaper)

It's one of those things Val deleted in comments, and rarely talks about .... Being that Jessica can't remember to not fart, pick scabs or pick her nose on cam....I highly doubt she is disciplined enough to get to the bathroom ,unbutton, unzip her jeans , be coordinated enough to pull down underware and jeans...not to mention take a safe amount of toilet paper ..wipe herself ...etc...
She can't remember where the milk is or stir flour....she refuses to brush her teeth or hair...there is a video where Val and Jess are sitting on the loveseat and Jess is miserable whinning when Val mentioned Jessica being difficult and Not brushing her teeth ..Jessica snapped at her and said.. " but we're not going to talk about that!! "

So...I'm just really assuming by what I see.... I mean you can tell really by now her pants fit, all squared and low in the back ...

Regardless all Jessica's personal hygiene is non existent but if you look at Val and Hannah whose admitted she's afraid of water/ showering.. And uses baby wipes... It explains a lot.
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winnie woo

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Out of boredom, I watched DSGP yesterday. Marlow is cleaning out her mom’s old house that she either bought or is renting. Ripping up carpets, that sounds like her mom was a cat lover and a slob. The carpets were so bad, Marlow wouldn’t show them on camera. She looks like she is really working hard on this project. I found it interesting that she was waiting for some friends to come lend a hand. The people came but not on camera. Good for her. But what I noticed that HANNAH, the ride or die friend was no where to be seen. Of course, HANNAH can’t be expected to help anyone else out. Even though Marlow has been there for her through all her made up drama and illnesses. I am really hoping that Marlow gets her act together and moves on from the Brooks circus. Marlow looks healthier in this video, someone asked if she had high blood pressure since she was so red faced. I can say, you don’t need to have high blood pressure to look tired and red after going up and down stairs all day and physically cutting and ripping up carpet and padding by yourself. She is working hard on this project and I do wish her well. Remodeling is hard work. Go Marlow.
Marlow needs to find better friend and a new job. She seems sweet, yet naive and gullible, a people pleaser, the very type preyed upon by the Ghastly Trio. She has a college education, former preschool teacher, settling for a part time job as a servant for a family of losers!
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