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Of course she won’t! I’m going to drone on here, but I’ve been of the opinion for ages that there are things that Jessica will NEVER do! Instead of continually dragging her into the kitchen and pretending that she will EVER crack an egg, touch slimy stuff, stir stir stir, etc etc ad nauseum, just fix her meals for her. She doesn’t really care about being independent. I’d wager that she doesn’t even know what independent means. It’s just part of the script she’s been given in order to help the family grift for “decks and Disney dollars”. She has, at the very best, the intellect of a 4 to 5 year old, but more like a 3 year old. Instead of trying to teach her things she will never be able to do independently, how about a daily walk? How about some braille practice? How about swimming in a real pool two or three times a week? How about attempting a day program one day a week, even if someone has to go with her because of her learned inability to follow rules? Easing her into a program might still work. And for goodness sake, stop the ridiculous oooooing and ahhhing and gooooooood when Jessica has shoved a trowel full of something into mouth and pronounced, “I love it”, while her servants stand around with their breaths drawn expectantly. Can you imagine what a lifetime of their mother’s guilt and co-dependence with Jessica did to her siblings? Oh….yeah. One gave up a medical career to do porn with his wife, and the other is a neurotic hypochondriac still living at home, looking for mommy’s attention. Nothing new here. Just venting. 😔
Well said FairlyCertain!!!! Since Val would never let the Professionals do their job so Jess is as good as she is going to get. I saw on the AI scammer page saw a video where she was practicing braille. And doing pretty well at it. Could you imagine if she had continued she could be reading books instead of flipping cards all day. Val is a crappy mother and she will get hers one day!
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I am so tired of this fake illness crap. There are people working at fast food places in wheelchairs. There are people working for the social security admin that don’t have an arm. I have seen 75 year old women with braces on their legs working at Costco. THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO NEED SSDI. Not 30 something lazy ass insipid giggling idiots. I pray, I really do, that Hannah and Marlow are NEVER granted ssdi. I am so sick of this society of the entitled and lazy.
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They reached 1000 followers today!! It's obvious their presence having open and public postings has actually done an amazing job getting the word out that there is a safe place to gather and share the truth about The Brooks Crooks.

Hopefully more and more people who have been used by the Brooks ,taken advantage of and sadly parted with money due to their own kindness and generosity find comfort in that group sharing their truths and knowing they are not alone in their concerns about the neglect and abuse of Jessica.

Great job to Amy and all the mods and of course the members of our favourite Face Book group!!
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You know they are desperate for content. She mentioned a roommate a while back. From little bits you see it’s a brick (or partial brick) house. She also mentions upstairs a lot. I think it belongs to her mom. A house that size will be expensive upkeep even if she doesn’t have to pay a mortgage. I need to do some looking.
It's not even the fact of moving's if they don't want to answer questions , or show the place , or get bitchy with comments then why post it in the first place. I agree desperation.
Just read a long informative post over on FACEBOOKs Autistic Interpretations A Joyful . From an Anonymous contributor with some good info.

I do believe a lot of what was written especially the fact that Val and Jessica are so dependant on each other it's not doing Jessica any favours preparing her for a future when Vals no longer here.
Val is Jessica's biggest setback. She was and would be far more successful if professionals were still allowed to be part of Jessica's care team.

I do believe Jessica's teachers were right in asking Val to get her tested for schizophrenia, As an autism infuriates me that Val uses autism as her personal punching bag blaming everything Jess does , her BAD behaviours , her rudeness, violence, greed and selfishness, her mean and nasty disposition on autism.

Again I have to point out... According to Val own words in her blog and vlogs... Jessica use to be much more independent..she stayed home alone in her early 20's, she walked with her cane to take the bus to her placement job, she was involved in more activities ...when Val wanted to go to nursing school and work she didn't start that until she moved out from Campbells....

So clearly Jessica was left to her own devices .....often, not assuming just going by Vals blog.

That being said it's a huge RED flag and you have to wonder what changed...because Jessica at one time was high functioning ...and today she can't wash her hands, toilet, figure out the fridge from the freezer...

Sorry...I don't buy it for one second. When Val decided she preferred staying at home rather than working she needed a reason ...and Jessica became it. Jess use to go to school all day every day, even went away to school, went to a volunteer job, slept over at Nonnies, Hannah's, Marlows..
Now she can't be away from Val supposedly for 5 minutes. I think Val created that unhealthy "attachment " deliberately ...because she needed an excuse to go back to staying home all day.

Jessica is/ WAS high functioning ....I don't believe autism is her main diagnosis...her autism is mild, however her IDD and her hydrocephalus and I believe she has schizophrenia...are bigger contributors to Jessica but the her biggest problem.
As for her mild CPP... I believe that as well....her " siezures" we know was a lie....she's not and never was an epileptic..( Since there is no cure but Val no longer comments as uses seizures and epilepsy as another excuse)

Obviously Jessica has serious issues but... She's fully capable of being and doing much more in her life ..she did for years and years....until Munchausen mom wanted to not have to work anymore...when Val was working they were only going to Disney once a year, even missed a year or two.... It's funny how you can quit a job, handball of a sudden afford yearly family passes and 3,4,5 vacations to Disney a year.

No matter how you look at it.. Val does more harm to Jessica for obvious reasons ....and has undone all the work teachers and therapists put in, made Jessica a recluse, took away all of her outside support systems .....took away her walking stick..... And forces Jessica to HAVE to depend fully on Val.
We've caught and exposed so many lies, scams, family secrets, neglect and abuse under Vals roof....with PROOF that it's no wonder she's hiding out.

I still hope the day comes where APS gets involved and helps Jessica.
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So where do we think Munchausen Momma is?
Could be any one of the things you listed, or, in an effort to quiet things down a little, they have decided to post less mama and Jess. Their strategy has worked. Look how long this site has been on installment #21! Plus, the FB scam page has started doing some unflattering name calling and criticizing their personal hygiene habits, how they look, etc. because there’s not much else to talk about. The Brooks clan has slowed down throwing fuel on the fire of our dislike of them. 🤷‍♂️ (personally, I think she has probably had an emotional breakdown and is being protected. Aww heck, more likely, a Disney trip) 🤓
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My husband and I are raising our four year old autistic grandson. He’s non verbal. We also both work full time. Our son is doing well and he will probably end up back with his father in a few months. In the meantime we have our one year old granddaughter with us. She has major heart issues but is doing well. I’m thankful my MIL has recently moved in with us. She has been a big help. Our grandson starts his program on Monday. We tried to get him in sooner but his mother kept sabotaging the plan. We got custody of him and now things are moving forward. I work in the public school so am grateful for that also since I have my summers off. Hopefully some day we will go to Disney and travel but right now we are focusing on our grandchildren and their well being. I can’t even watch the Brooks family because it is so upsetting to me the way they exploit Jessica and the way they live to make money. I don’t know how they sleep at night
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Does Val really believe for a moment anyone is buying her... " I'm so busy communing with nature" vibe?

It's right up there with " we're just staying at Campbell's temporarily because we're divorced ...on paper" or " Jessica is studying to be an RN" and my favourite .. " I'm going to run a 5k once a month! " so many does she keep up?
Val is a schemer she has been her entire life..the world owes her for her miserable life...she is only happy, if you can call it that, when she's receiving compensation of some sort for ALLLLL her troubles , whether it be sympathy , pats on the back ( not to be confused with Jessica's " loving" face slaps!), and of course cold hard cash....the 3 or 4 trips to Disney doesn't hurt either.

If you go to day one..of her blogging and read you see Val...the person she wanted to be, today we simply see the real person she is, the victim, the liar, the scammer, the manipulative story teller and puppet master of her 2 daughters one with severe IDD and untreated schizophrenia, the other with zero self esteem and desperate for her mothers attention, whose a chip off the old block with munchausen ...taking a page from mommy dearest who has munchausen by proxy..jessica.
Hannah be ill, striving to find that one illness where it validates her laziness and ensures the government with pay her cash!

Val has moved everyone back into Campbell's house , under the pretence it's " temporary" as they are ending year....TWO.. Pretty much taking over..getting rid of the pool table, gardening, moving Campbell out of the dinning room ,replacing his dinning room table with a new one she bought ...while Jessica asks if they will be taking it to the new house? Is this the house Val tells her she is buying in Florida with her married girlfriend Keely? Or the house for Val and Jess with a big pool?. Where Jess says Hannah can't come?

Regardless ....obviously Val and Campbell are divorced on paper only, another scheme so Val qualifies for more government perks for Jessica ...and fingers crossed Hannah if she can convince one..just one physician she's " disabled" by her anxiety , or sleep issues, or stomach problems or food textures, or headaches....etc....

Well Val...enjoy your handful of mentally unstable followers who are unable to understand 2+2=4...and are sending you their donations from their own disability checks to ensure you and your family enjoy another year of fun filled Disney vacays!! Even if you go on the sly...and premake videos to play in your absence .....

We still see you Val.
Well over a THOUSAND of us....and counting.
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winnie woo

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Val received some criticism on her what’s the deal video, Jessica’s interrogation of servers is not playing out as cute. Imo Jess asking do u have a dog, what’s its name should end it. People are sensitive about the loss of a pet, not everyone plans for their next dog 15 yrs ahead of time. Asking the particulars of a pets death can be hurtful. Jess is obsessed with death, her answer to losing a pet is no big deal, just get another one. She’s never been taught to avoid questions that might be hurtful, and when to stop.
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The last 3 videos were all the same day...these were done when The Staff went camping..last week..Wed or Thursday...of course Vals in a mood...she's had her Baby J all to her self for the week.
Of course Jessica is all involved when it's HER chocolate cake, Val didn't want any which she knows bothers Jessica....when Jessica tells people what to eat and they don't do as they are told...she gets irritable.( Val knows this same with her short answers to Jessica's asinine questions..notice Jess keep repeating herself looking right at Val..and Val deliberately ignored her! Vals infamous passive aggressive " fuck YOU" to Jessica.

The "bad doggie" I don't love her..etc... Is not a stim, she only does it when she wants control ...she's nervous trying to change Vals mood. The squeals are a stim...there's a difference. Val knows exactly how to get Jessica nervous.

The hitting, slapping, loud smack kissing, screaming be quiet to the dogs, and continuously calling them not stimming it's deliberate behaviour and bad behaviour at that.
Of course lazy ass Val refuses to ever correct Jessica ..because then she will be moody and drive Val nuts.

It's crystal clear Val HATES having to deal with Jessica on her own...even though she quit her job to be a full time care giver...
A care giver that requires staff, who shamed and bullied her other daughter to move back home and pitch in, along with her bff Marlow! While Val deligates responsibilities that she herself should be doing but instead lays around in the biggest bedroom of Campbell's house with her private bathroom, her room set up like her own apt. Away from the realities and responsibilities of her life.

We see you Val.
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Over on FACEBOOK Autistic Interpretations A Joyful Scam...someone posted an older video of Val discussing Jessica and how she gets her to the hairdresser and dentist ...which is really how she just doesn't bother.

As parents of any children we tend to pick our battles ...and this is extremely important in an autism/IDD household. Truth be told ALL of my children (4) I pretty much held up to the same rules, same responsibilities and same a point.

For example when picking battles...I believe in choices so when I cook dinner I make 2 vegetables so there's choice, one day a week has always been dedicated to trying something new started that when kids began solid foods all through their teens...then of course I hid things they didn't like in smoothie or muffins.
Because children need good food, good nutrition ...and if I can avoid a battle by hiding some extra veggies or fruit in muffins they love...then so be it. It's worth it.

Dentist appointments are tough on many kids....but that's a battle hill I will fight on...because it's extremely important. ( one would think a NURSE would know this)
When the kids were smaller it was cleanings and rewards....we are big teeth brushes after EVERY meal and before bed, low sugar household, and floss floss floss! All time consuming but after 26 years... Only 1 tiny cavity. Which required no freezing it was so small.
Yes it's work to get an autistic child to brush their teeth once a day let alone floss each night...but I chose that battle to ensure easier dental visits that are positive and pain free.

I've discussed hairdressers before as many autism parents follow the similar ideas of short visits , to desensitize and make the visit easier.
But...of course Val has excuses why that doesn't work for Jessica ...because she has no problem going to the salon to visit and talk about dead just can't touch her hair...and poor Val doesn't like to brush or cut Jessica's hair because Jessica screams rude mean nasty things at Val and in another video cries how it hurts her mommy feelings. So her solution is avoidance Marlow to brush her hair and suffer through a trim once every two years....if that.

As for Dental visits Val blames the dental community for asking Jessica to not return because she's verbally and physically violent and Val wants her to see a children's dentist but Jessica's feral violent outbreaks terrify the children she's been kicked out of a few dentist offices according to Val.
( if you go to Vals page and type in Dentist of hairdresser a few other videos on these topics come up) and the bottom line is Val simply ignores the fact Jessica requires dental cleanings, check ups, or haircuts .
If you notice Val even talks about the temporary cap on Jessica's front tooth that should of been replaced like a decade ago.

Because Val doesn't teach Jessica or discipline her she knows zero consequences for hitting, screaming, threatening, swearing and abusing others...Jessica has no grasp on the importance of clean teeth, Val can barely get her to brush once a day again that job falls on Marlow.
Val expects dentists to preform miracles on Jessica while she's throwing her head around, eye's rolling to the back of her head, spitting , swearing and screaming I HATE YOU!!!
When in reality ....what Jessica needs is young priest and and old priest. ( if you know)

All that being Vals world it's everyone else's fault but hers....and Jessica will only go to a dentist if/when her teeth become so broken, rotted and infected she's in pain, and sadly Val won't even take the initiative to work on Jessica's mouth care 3,4 times a day...after every meal and before bed...that's too much work for lazy, stay home all day Val.

When you're a lazy narcissist's only about you. Right Val.
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Someone on the joyful scam page wondered about no one taking Jessica swimming. I won’t comment there but Val met Campbell at a swim meet. She was on a swim team. Hannah and Madison had a swim coach, Jessica mentions her a lot. The coach was coach Jessica that Jess obsessed over. So the whole family knows how to swim, used to compete. There really isn’t any good excuse for Jessica not being able to go to the pools.
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I read the victim statement ...I mean " poem" of Vals over on Autistic Interpretations A Joyful Scam....and all I could do was feel more sorry for Madison and Hannah children, and as adults reading that poem that their mother posted online for the world to see.

I understand the choices and consequences of being a teen mother myself in an unwed mothers home back in the 80's with only a grade 11 education. I made choices and accepted the consequences ...that being said....I chose a different strategy and path for my life with a baby on my own.
I chose to finish highschool then do night courses part time in college till my then baby started pre-season kindergarten at age 4. I didn't get married and have more kids one after the other, instead I chose to wait.

So....I have a difficult time reading Vals words of self pity..the ohhhhh why me??? When she CHOSE to have 3 kids in 5 years....two more while struggling with a blind toddler...with undiagnosed autism.

Val made her own choices and at ages, 20,22,24 she's no longer a child....and sadly to this day never takes any responsibility for her choices but instead prefers to play the victim who unwillingly just was handed this life she herself created.

Everyone has a story....everyone has made decisions at one time or another they may have regretted or chose differently's called life experience. This is how we grow as people, as women, as mothers.
Reading Vals words ....she is so filled with pity for herself..she's a professional victim...that's her identity above all else.

I understand hard days, regret, self doubt....I understand being tired...and feeling left out at times. Trying to balance a household around all my children when they were little...and not solely on our autistic child. I do understand the tears...the worry.....the fears.
But instead of writing about my life, my children from a victims point of view ....almost blaming them for my life which Val makes sound so miserable....I chose to better my life, educate myself, work hard, even therapy and a self help group for other autism families which I'm still apart of 26 years later.

Again Val chose to get married at 20 and have more one forced her. She has far exceeded the age of accountability and has chosen to exploit her IDD daughter, as well as her other daughter whose desperate for attention in order to cash in and make money by staying at home laying around in sweats and watching Netflix ....hiding in her bedroom she's made for herself in Campbell's home.

Valerie Brooks chose her life...and the true victims are her children.
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Yourself and Wallfly are inspirational. Truly. Hardworking mothers who love ❤ your families very much.
Thank you, just wanting some sense banged in H’s head and M’s head! They are truly wasting their lives! I love my family and as long as I’m alive they, plus my other responsibilities, will be taken care of. I don’t intend to wallow in it, I prayed last night that I knew there was nothing that I physically could do to change things or to heal them so I placed it in God’s hands to handle according to his will! I will still do all I can for my family, my home and myself. I am so glad to know so many of you here in tattle land, and I know that you are all fantastic moms, grandmoms and do all you can, even though none of us has ever met the other, but definitely not true in Brooksland!
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Can someone teach Hannah and Marlow that " over processed foods" doesn't mean just eating fruits and vegetables .🙄

clearly they don't understand that it means COOKING from SCRATCH instead of buying prepackaged things like sidekicks, canned chicken, bags of tots, hashbrowns, canned soups..etc.. Frozen pizzas, those things are processed ...instead make home made pizzas, home made soups, rice or pasta with your added herbs and veggies, buying real chicken not canned....making home made sauces instead of store bought ....

Bottom line is processed foods means lazy and you need to learn to cook! 30 year old women nuking frozen corn dogs, nurse Val adding canned creamed soups to bagged tator tots pre-season shredded cheese and canned chicken is a crime against wonder you are all sickly.

learn to cook real food.
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WallFly said it all! Whole video on just their mental health issues. I couldn't watch much of it. They are trying to one up each other! I have never, ever seen such a group (Val included) of absolutely pathetic people who are trying to gain sympathy all the time!! Their is nothing wrong with any of them that a good doctor, counseling and the right meds wouldn't cure! But they just want to complain and lay in bed. That is so sad as I suffer from depression and anxiety but I have taken care of my health through counseling and the right meds. No self diagnosis on my part. I left that up to the professionals and I follow up on this. I have had this for years and I am 70 now. I worked, raised kids, kept a clean house, shopped, cooked and everything a normal person who takes care of themselves does!!!! I didn't hide or lay in bed all day!!!!
So you 3 stooges keep trying to play the system because it will come back and bite you in the butt..and soon.


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Random thoughts.

I don’t watch the videos anymore. They’re a ridiculous pile of nothing that reek of desperation, and I feel like I’d have to take a shower if I watched them. Trashy, trashy people.

It irritates me so much that Val and clan talk about “a group of mean old lady haters” that are picking on a poor, autistic woman and her devoted family. No, no, no. You have it wrong. The truth is that there are people who see clearly through Val’s co-dependency with her daughter. Remember, Val, you can’t unring a bell. I wouldn’t even try to find this in the videos, but this comment stuck with me. “Sometimes I don’t know where Jess ends and I begin”. Speaks volumes! Here’s the truth. There are a growing number who see clearly that autism is not Jess’s main diagnosis. For whatever reason she has brain damage and is emotionally and intellectually disabled. However, as long as things go her way (meaning food, playing cards and dirty garbage rap cd’s), she’s pretty tame, just like every other little kid on the planet who is allowed to rule the familial roost and given everything they want. There is absolutely no excuse for not disciplining her. For goodness sake, she gets it!! She’s not a tree stump! Just like any little kid, she can be taught right from wrong. What people hate is that she has been nurtured into an unlikeable, spoiled brat who is coddled to a nauseating degree. That’s what people don’t like, and that is why, inevitably, the trail leads to the people who nurtured her! By the way, we all see adults and children that truly do have autism, and truly do get deregulated, and truly DO have meltdowns. We don’t dislike them! We understand that. What Jessica does is throw a baby fit until she gets her way. There’s a big difference

As WALLFLY always says, “we see you”. We see that this poor girl has been cheated out of a much fuller life. I won’t even delve into how shocking it is to see how quickly she has aged. To add insult to injury, she is being exploited for profit. How does pointing this abuse out translate to “Jessica haters”? Simply not true.

I won’t even begin to think about Jessica’s siblings and what their mom’s neglect has done to them. These are just my thoughts after taking time off from the grifters and coming back to catch up on posts. Seems that life just happily goes along and they just hit “delete” and “block” and continue to collect Disney dollars. Sad. Nothing will ever change.
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Again, not really sure the purpose of " Cooking at Nathans" ....He does all the work while Jessica complains and stands there.
Nothing new, nothing educational , nothing interesting ...just something for Val to cash in on.

By now we all know Jessica's excuses to not do things, or help, her argumentative attitude if everyone and everything isn't exactly HER way. The food is always dumbed down for Jessica so she can get her favourites ....chicken, casserow.
And we know she doesn't want to touch the cheese and she will shovel in piping hot, steaming food because Val refuses to parent or teach Jessica to blow, or wait.

Jessica's verbal chatter of nonsense is always the same and we can tell when she's been scripted or bribed... Or when Vals threatened to not make any more videos...Jessica Herschel anxious and repeatedly will ask if she's happy, if it's a good bideo, etc..

So...nothing he here progression ..nothing, just an attempt for Val to earn a few Disney Dollars by exploiting Jessica and taking advantage of Nathan.

The manic water spilling at the end is yet another example of Val simply accepting and encouraging bad behaviour. Watching Jessica get excitedly manic over purposely spilling water and threatening Nathan by telling him she's going to intentionally pour water in his new car is extremely sad.
Jessica loves to see and make others upset ...loves to hurt, slap, threaten , make cry, ...all inappropriate social behaviours that 99.9% of loving caring parents work extremely hard to correct in their autistic IDD children...loooooooong before they turn into adults.

At the end of the day... It's crystal clear that Val is an unfit parent and the proof is apparent in all of her children, sadly Jessica can't fight back of stand up for herself .... Val has taking all her rights away and the only true victim in her.
I will keep on reporting her, contacting APS in GA, and doing what I can from here. It may not be much but it's all I can do for now.
Someone mentioned the cooking video wardrobe done the same day as the baking cookies ...So Val " cleverly" made two videos to post separately ...the fact they now only go to Nathan's bi- weekly ( Nathan quit hosting them once a week) so this video could of been 4 weeks old....

all lies, lies, and more lies.

it's obvious Val is hiding the Disney vacations and her and Hannah are stretching out videos , bulk recording and stock piling , splitting up videos to hide away and use while At Disney ....

we see you Val.... So do your Good ones! 😇
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F Off Val!!!! I will not watch this crap!!! Stop with the Bullie shit! You need a reality check and stop making Marlow do your crap! No video over the weekend because it was your birthday!!! Who cares!!!! And nope we aren't bullying you bitch....we are calling you out!!!! Done, done and done! The people who need to know are already on notice! And you are now screwed! APS will be contacting you!!!!
Sorry kids!!! But I will not put up with this! Done with kind! This crappy woman does not dish us for supposedly be being us! She is an awful mother! She has no right to be cruel. She has nothing to do with Autism!! Val you are an ass!!!!
I may get blocked! So be it!!!!


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Jessica is incapable of showing love because she has zero empathy for others, she just likes certain things touching, kissing, slapping ..because it excites her, not to show feelings for others.
I feel the same way. They’re always talking about how sweet J is. I don’t think so. She’s actually got a really dark personality, pretty scary if you ask me. Zero empathy.
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