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Susan is back on the new FB page. I hope they just leave her alone and let her babble! 🤣🤣
PS: Her name is in the list of members. Didn’t see any comments from her.
Susan A just posted on either AI or DSGP how much she loved the Brooks…and she is on the scam page again???
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My my my...Valdawg had her B I T C H onnnnn!
She says it's Saturday ...must of been last Saturday ...regardless seems like everyone in the Brooks Asylum was is a mood.

Val was clearly pissed....Jessica was not permitted to help, but she was lurking eavesdropping until Val turned off the cam and sent her to room.
Poor Campbell was terrified to make a coffee...until Val miserably gave him permission to grab a coffee... In HIS own kitchen.
Seems our house guest Val has forgotten it's NOT HER HOUSE but Campbells. Bless her heart.

Even Hannah didn't say good morning....

Id like to think this was filmed after Val and Fam. Found out and read the FB SCAMMER page revealing all the truths and HER lies.
Maybe this was filmed yesterday morning when AT&T was down? Who knows,...

Is it me or does this video not seem...joyful?
If this face doesn't scream JOYFUL I don't know what does.
If I were you Campbell...I'd sleep with one eye open!
That truly was bitch Val in fine form. That’s probably her without alcohol. It’s also likely how she is 99 percent of the time off camera, which would explain why Jessica likes to make videos so much. That’s when Val is more patient and involved with her.
Does anyone know how to change the new Facebook group to public again from private? If you do can you please comment on the page for admin. Lady has put a post on asking for help from tattle ladies.
I googled this. Looks like 3 steps.
Oh, also wanted to add, what made this “big breakfast” Saturday? This is Jessica’s meal 4 days a week.


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Jessica’s BD is July. Val’s maiden name is Vaughn
Thanks, I saw on people search they had 2 for Jess, one January 1982 and August 1982 which shows either 41 or 42 years old, but I don’t believe either of those are right.
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The profile picture is Jessica licking her plate....what a wonderful mother to use her child like that to hide behind on her alias Facebook account...
That is absolutely disgusting! Would that be tolerated by APS??? Looks like she is starving! Damn!
You are absolutely right...Val is living in her 17 year old self, completely self centred, childish self....every 16-17 year old thinks the world revolves around them ...we allow go through that phase of life....but once she had Jessica in her eyes...her life was ruined, I'm sure Nonnie made her life miserable ....
But Val tries to relive, recapture the years she " missed out on ' she simply refused to grow up and has this self entitled chip on her shoulder...she thinks she deserves her teenage years back... I mean look what she wrote on her Natali Von Facebook page ...
The resentment is clear.

My daughters dignity is one of my priorities....she dressed well, understands good hygiene , yes I help her shower....more so to make sure she funded and all the shampoo is out... Etc... I would never pay family friends to shower my daughter !
I would never post photos or video on my Facebook of my daughter rubbing her crotch, bed head, picking her nose, in her pyjamas braless...etc...
Val seems to get pleasure humiliating Jessica's disgraceful.
Val Brook aka Natali Von only cares about herself . That profile picture is heart wrenching
On the weekly Val said she was going to Trivia night with HH, Marlow and Taylor! Come on Val you are an adult, the 3 girls are adults but they all act like teenie-boppers! These women are all nuttier than a fruitcake!!!! But it got canceled and Val had been thinking of asking Jess along! Why????? Ummm, ummm, ummm at a trivia night and arguing with them all.
Wonder which one of their lackies posted this?? Lol or which one of them???


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I've been reading Susan Ayers posts again on the new AI scam page. Thats not Susan. Its someone trying hard to appear "slow". Susan was never chatty and never used grammar properly. Val? Hannah?
I think your right someone hiding behind her name.
FairlyCertain I agree with you.
I went and checked her Facebook page I think just maybe she’s legit because she not speaking highly of Val which is a plus to me .
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winnie woo

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I saw this on the new page. I had never seen this before because I just signed up for Instagram.
Jessica’s was completely panicked! And at one point she started to hyperventilate. STOP it mom, make it stop, I am scared, I don't like it, make it STOP!!! Through the entire thing! And this should not have been posted. Severe panic is not something to share! Val you are an absolutely disgusting human being!
And who wants to lay bets that Val will take Disney by herself? She couldn't stand her for 2 days of camping!
Susan if you click the Disney icon on their instagram page, there are many rides of terror!
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I agree, she is 36…if you look at the picture of J and Campbell where it says a family since 1989 she looks to be about 2 years old so that would make her birth year 1987, thus 36 years old
Thanks for the picture. I have never seen it!
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Ok I noticed on the Italy announcement video that all the comments that were replied to, were answered by Marlow. When they reply to a comment they always end the commen with either -H or -M…..every one that was replied to had the -M. Why is Marlow replying to comments for Hannah. Hmmmm is Mallow going too?
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Some screen shots to go with WallFly's synopsis of the breakfast video. Damn Val you do look like the biotch from hell. And why do you need to film biscuits and gravy for the 200th time??? We could all make them in our sleep!
And your frying pan that you think is so special is nothing but Tfal! I have a whole set...not just one piece. AND that cookie sheet is not seasoned it's just got burnt on crap on it! Aluminum pans don't season like cast iron. Damn you are an idiot!
Thanks for showing your true colors this morning and don't worry we see through you!!!!


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Gramma of 4

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I broke down and watched the weekly video because still under the weather but bored. Here is a ton of pictures.
Just a couple things...why does Jess need waterproof cards???? Has anyone ever seen her with them in the pool? It's frickin ridiculous these people send all of these. She could care less after she opens them. Someone spent alot of money on the family picture cards! And of course mother of the year had to mention one was from the day they put Abby down. Why Val??? Was that necessary to get her to obsess? You are an ass!
And she will dump the camper like someone mentioned earlier. She was back peddling when she said she may keep it one more season. Won't happen!
And Jess is getting more and more argumentative and very unlikeable. Like at gift opening. Just tell her to shut her mouth because it's annoying. But nope to scared of her. And one day she will erupt and someone will get hurt.
Check out Vals face...the alcoholic spiders are getting bad. We see you Val and know you drank all evening after Jess left.
And what's with the butch stocking hat?? And as Hypochondriac Hannah sits on her ass Marlow cooked!
Also when talking about the camper, she was getting at that camping is too much work. We'll we all know she doesn't like work. Loser.
I'm sure she's mad that her plans of turning her " unfair burden" into her golden goose is being seen for what is it.....a scam for Val to take advantage of her daughters illnesses for sympathy and income and let's be honest ....Vals Disney obsession .

Hopefully outting Val...and her scamming will result in her being forced to go back to work, which will get Hannah out and working , and stop the Brooks Crooks from taking advantage of Jessica online...and maybe real professionals will be inclined to intervene and help Jessica with REAL independence out from under Vals manipulation ...Val should not be Jessica's sole guardian ...Val should be required by law to have consistent doctors evaluations for Jessica and required to have Jessica involved in community, and on the proper medication for her schizophrenia...
Jessica legally should have an outside advocate who oversees her care under the Brooks roof...ensuring proper dentist appointments, proper hygiene, haircuts, doctors appointments and proper therapies that help Jessica to grow.

Jessica's money should be used to help in HER quality of life, ABA therapy , attending peer groups and being used for her future .... She should have a dietician work with her and be involved in a regular exercise program.
All these things could be attainable if APS...stepped in and ordered proper care for Jessica ....Val is simply unstable and between the victim narcissist mentality and her constant state of living in a fantasy world behaving like she's 17years old.... She only has her best interest at heart...not Jessica's, not Hannah's.....and definitely not pornboys.

Hopefully..... More people will see the abuse and neglect.
The sad thing is, I'm sure Medicaid would pay for a lot of her therapies. But Val wants to keep Jessica as she is, more sympathy that way.
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On the Natali page. She gave Jess a bandaid to snap on her wrist and if she doesn't pick fir a week she gets chicken nuggets. Someone just mentioned that she is bribed with food! And I can bet Val didn't follow through like everything else. And the whole time Val was laughing at Jess. Disgusting!


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My bad, I’m sorry. Someone over on the scam fb page caught that the Val brooks suing was in california. Sorry for the misinformation
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Just watched this morning video and boy Val was totally wearing her bitch face. You can see Jessica way across the other side of the kitchen scouring, Campbell was so scared he couldn’t decide to get his coffee or stay hidden and Hannah appeared but disappeared like a ghost . Also when Val was reciting the recipe she wasn’t making a bit of sense. Numerous followers commenting not again with the sausage gravy recipe. One comment I found was a follower asking why so many comments are getting deleted. It’s like if you can’t find better content then this to offer hang it up . Maybe what we saw this morning was the aftermath of Val finding out about the AI scam page on Facebook. Nothing makes a narcissist more livid then not having control. She can’t delete, comment or block people posting the truth. I personally see a ticking time bomb 💣 where the truth is about to get real .

I think they already deleted most of them . That’s probably what the follower meant Stephanie Mathis asking why all the deleting of comments and how it makes people wonder.
I agree.... Val is not a happy camper... But she has no one to blame but herself ones interested in watching her make shit biscuits and gravy for the thousandth time.
She has nothing to offer...nothing to teach nothing to share...and no ones interested in what she's trying to cook on that filthy stove or that filthy toaster oven. House full of unemployed adults collecting government checks and grifting online for donations to go to Disney 4 times a year....but no one can clean??

Vals going into hiding to scheme up her next scam.

It's really too bad the other site went private on FB. Thinking about messaging someone from there ...but I don't even recognize any names, and I dont want to overstep..telling someone how to run their page.
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