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Chatty Member
From the AI scammers page! Thanks Preeble you rock for finding these. Now this is truly disturbing!! What kind of a mother would put this on a public site. Sick but now we know what Val allows!
I find this picture so disturbing. Looks like it came off the porn site! Sorry but not sorry.
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Thanks WallFly...seems I am in the area that FB is down and they don't know why. So at least I got to find out what happened this morning.
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At Top golf for Granddads birthday. Jess wandering around bothering people. She did hit a couple balls and honest to God did better than Hypochondriac Hannah! Come on HH you can't be that inept!!!! Nothing exciting folks.


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Question, is there now 2 pages? I saw they made one page then they must have renamed it and made it public. Is there another page that has been made? Thanks in advance for any help you can give me. 💕 💕
Porn Boy took his wife on the trip too. So HH is the 3rd wheel. I heard her voice on the video HH posted about getting on the plane. As HH is walking into the Airport she says I'm going to have to take a shot of something. But yes, the butt licker is definitely on the trip too. Nasty!
They probably brought HH so she could film them while they pick up strays on their trip
I would have thought if she was also on the trip she would be sitting with him. H bragged that no one else was sitting in the 3rd seat and that allowed them more room.
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Isn't there some kind of law that states they can't beg for money because they aren't a non profit page?? Or even a for profit page. I am sure you need a license for both of those. And shouldn't they be declaring this on taxes because this is income?? I am sure scammer Val has or does neither.
I did a screenshot from the new AI scammer page (thank you ladies because couldnt find these pages you posted) and these are supposed to be things they can use for crafts with Jess!!! Hello these are all for HH and her friends when they make bracelets like teenagers!!! Why can't followers see through their scams. No way could Jess string bracelets....she is blind Val and HH or is that just a convenient thing to say when you need to lie and explain why she is a brat????
Looks like there is the Disney fund (for lodging, food and souviners), the camper fund, Amazon Wish lists and soon the pool for Jess fund!!!! WTH! How many of my fellow tattlers beg for things like that. My opinion for Val and Hypochondriac Hannah is go back to work you free one owes you anything! Val you f***ed up and had Jess because you were drunk or stoned so you raise her and provide for her yourself! She is no one else's responsibility!!
Sorry for the rant....these folks need to be taken down.
Yes, there were several stipulations concerning selling, receiving money and gifts, does anyone remember?
A few pictures for you. Carla, the host of the upcoming pizza night, slimmer and trimmer Hannah with “the doctor” aka porn boy and if you thought Hannah’s bangs and hair were awful, check out those bangs with the unknown male.
Also a couple of screenshots from the morning video. After my comments about the bandaid yesterday it’s off today and not a thick scab like I thought but the beginning of a hole. It’s red and looks pretty freshly picked. Val, get your daughter some help!
The guy in the photo is on some soap opera. . . . Maybe photo shopped herself in the picture? Another of their fantasy relationships???
Have been running errands all day so this is the first I saw the video of the morning.
I am just going to say ummm, ummmmu, ummmm!!! And they are not STREDDED...teach her the right words. And HH had the audacity to eat some of the hash browns. Doesn't she know they are all for princess
And now Dana gave her money! To!! Are they all f***ing nuts??? And chicken nugget casserole at Nathan's and she wants chicken and rice for dinner.
And VAL NO YOUR DAUGHTER DOES NOT WORK AND HAVE A JOB!!! You have her on like a trained monkey telling her what to say. Whole stupid video of that! Now she can't help cooking because she is making videos!!! And you might want to train the monkey not to argue with you!!! No one cares about her opinions. Doggie, food, eating out, phone calls with people who are as stupid as the Brooks family and begging for money! Did I get all of her obsessions Val??
We need to reach out to the people who should be monitoring Jess again. It's getting worse and worse and they need to know how they are exploiting her!
Reporting to IRS and APS again
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I think Jessica has had a haircut. In the video from a couple days ago where it was down, but in a headband, it’s curly and bouncy and barely shoulder length. The headband would not have shortened it that much. In the ponytail vids, it’s shorter. I hope I’m right. When they cut it, it releases her curls and she looks so much better.
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Chatty Member
Save yourselves! DSGP just posted a cookie video for the superbowl party. And…. They’re Taylor Swift cookies……And Marlow is wearing her Swift shirt!! Some ignorance and stupidity just can’t be made up. At least HH isn’t wearing her headache cap.
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My my my...Valdawg had her B I T C H onnnnn!
She says it's Saturday ...must of been last Saturday ...regardless seems like everyone in the Brooks Asylum was is a mood.

Val was clearly pissed....Jessica was not permitted to help, but she was lurking eavesdropping until Val turned off the cam and sent her to room.
Poor Campbell was terrified to make a coffee...until Val miserably gave him permission to grab a coffee... In HIS own kitchen.
Seems our house guest Val has forgotten it's NOT HER HOUSE but Campbells. Bless her heart.

Even Hannah didn't say good morning....

Id like to think this was filmed after Val and Fam. Found out and read the FB SCAMMER page revealing all the truths and HER lies.
Maybe this was filmed yesterday morning when AT&T was down? Who knows,...

Is it me or does this video not seem...joyful?
If this face doesn't scream JOYFUL I don't know what does.
If I were you Campbell...I'd sleep with one eye open!
And yet another biscuits and gravy video 🙄
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"You can help me put the clip on and matter of fact you can help me put them up"!!! That was Jess talking to Val! And when she was looking for the crispy crowns Val told Jess to ask her dad if he could help her!!! WTF! Val was right there pouring her coffee ( you could hear her pour). But she was so lazy she could not walk around that island! And Campbell is not her dad...he is her step dad!!!!
Oh and folks read the caption on the one picture...Val tells Jess she may go to Disney by herself!!!! Did we call it right or what!!!! That selfish, lazy 54 year old piece of crap needs a vacation to Disney alone??? For what....they were just there last month! WOW...someone needs to get involved in this misuse of money!
And during the video Marlow and Hypochondriac Hannah were both in the kitchen. HH woo hooing because Jess supposedly did her juice herself....nope folks. Had to ask and say I don't know where it is. They are some liars. And Marlow you are a caregiver so stop all the laughing at Jess. She really needs to be reported....that is not what caregivers do especially on camera.
Jess is just a big joke to them all more and more these days!
And if Val going to Disney alone is the first step should we start taking bets on Jess going to a group home???


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What a stupid dessert video..Jess argues she won't peel oranges but does one till she gets juice on her fingers! Marlow does that dumb ass giggling through the whole video and as they pan to Hypochondriac Hannah she is walking around wearing the headache cap! Oh good lord! They look like a bunch of hillbillies! Plus HH looks to have that ugly green jumper on that no one else even wears anymore!
The dessert was gross but they put some icing on Jessica’s and she loved it!! It had tangerines in it and she ate it. So she will eat fruit if doctored up enough.
This video was a minus 10!!! Oh one picture explains about Jess and her right sided weakness. And that only occurs when she cooks! But flipping cards not an issue! 🙄🙄🙄


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Just curious. Where is the post about Leo that was on the new FB page?? I don’t see it. Is it down in the comments? Hoping it was a post of its own so new people will see it.
On the other FB page The post Amy Ortell posted read the comments, Susan Ayer is the one that mentioned Madison doing porn. No one commented back to her though so they probably didn’t believe it.
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Amy posted this on the AI scam page. I don't have Instagram so I had no sound. But if you do Instagram you can see this. Apparently Jess was making another video with the way she was swinging the selfie stick around!!!
Look at Jessica’s forehead!!!! It's doubled so she must be picking alot!
This was at the old house the one Madison bought.
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Just got home and WallFly posted pretty much about their camping. 2 things...are they camping with Marlow, HH and Taylor??? And check out butch Val in her hat to look like the young girls. But look at the close up of her. That chin shows exactly how much she is drinking. See the spider veins? Her hat is shading her face but they are on her cheeks too! And yup I am in recovery and know many people, luckily not me, that have faces like that. Keep drinking Val...
Val looks like a trucker in that stupid hat. Not a feminine bone in her body.
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This just hit me….wonder how Val feels that Madison is taking Hannah to Italy and not her? Val and him have done local stuff, Chattanooga, incline , etc…but never a long out of the country trip.
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