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I watched bits of the live and had to laugh at Val making herself out to be some sort of martyr - “Hannah and Marlow are away, I’ll have to do my own job, Hannah’s job and Marlow’s job” - seriously? She’s supposed to be the mum (or ‘caregiver’ as she calls herself 🙄), so why doesn’t she just get on with it. It’s not as if Jess needs 24/7 supervision - she spends hours in her room in her own flipping her cards etc. Val also snapped at Campbell when he corrected her by saying Hannah wasn’t alone as Marlow was with her - Val snapped back that she was alone as she wasn’t with her! Jess kept going on about getting more and more cards. I haven’t seen the part where Val told her off for saying about her birthday - that’s a shock! Someone asked in the comments if Jess would like more cards or independent things (whatever that means) and Campbell replied, “She wants independent things.” Not she would like, but she wants! He’s as bad as the rest of them. He could have chosen to ignore that question - they ignore plenty that they don’t want to answer - or he could have said thank you but she really doesn’t need anything. As for that Hannah ‘Tinsel’, what a pain she is. On a positive note, looks like once again there wasn’t a huge PO haul - pity there was anything at all! 😋
I caught the Hannah being alone because I am not with her! That is so sick and sad! Hannah is 30, an adult and she does not need her mommy with her 24/7. I also found it strange that they did not pick a place where Drayl and Benny could not go along. They just LOVE those dogs so much!! BS....they are both sick of them already but don't know how to get out of their commitment to them! I expect that Daryl will be re-homed soon!
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Seriously look at the “adult”playing in the baby pool. I thought no water says til the sores clear up. Another lie Val. No follow through at all. And jeez look at the awful scaring on her leg that’s insane it goes all around to the back. Get her help you loser Val.
And that's only the part we can see!!
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I was just catching up on A Dose of ZMan a Day. Wow what a difference. He’s so enjoyable to watch. He plays golf with his stepdad, he ran in a marathon, he made shepherds pie, he went out to eat and used his napkin and says thank you without being prompted. They are doing such a wonderful job with him. His mom is so great with him.
tellinitlikeitis hes such a beautiful mannered young man.such lovely manners he has and yes his mom is wonderful with him. Such a difference from him and feral Jessica. Very very sad and disgusting.
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One quick thing. I noticed they bleeped out where Natha
Yes it was bleeped out where he was going, so wonder how this person knew? I even had closed captions on and it didn’t pick it up either. Why would they care to announce where he was going?
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Found the replay of the instagram live….that post was gone…are we surprised???? No!!
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Does anyone else find it odd that men follow them? 🤔 To me it's a bit strange following womens days. Maybe I am jaded but not real safe!
I’ve said this time and time again. Been in a stalker situation, it is so dangerous. They need the attention and the money.
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I don’t buy that. Wasn’t it a private group?
Yes,it’s just another of Val’s lies
The list of things wrong with it was long but her main one was the black tank had a bad smell. We’ll, of course it does when Baby Huey eats garbage all day then dumps in it!! 😂 😂
She’s an idiot if she didn’t know that would smell! if done correctly you would not smell it during camping AND doubtful she knew how to empty it
Hypochondriac Hannah is the same way with things but especially health. One day she has such a limited diet according to her but the next day she eats all the crap she says she can't eat! Her mother actually had to remind her even if it's not true at the restaurant last week when she was eating all the spicy food! Told her remember we have a long ride home. And Hannah just ignored her and kept on talking!!! Because she knows it's not true! Same with Daryl and obedience classes. Anyone remember her "terrible" headaches? Poof they are gone! Her stiff and sore neck..poof those are gone! She just has issues with booze just like Val and Marlow! I can see that because I have been in recovery for a good amount of time!!! The spiders on Vals face, the redness in Marlows face and Hannah just acts goofy on anything after lunch! Hell she was drinking at Disney around 10am a couple times. Yuppers Hannah that is an issue!!
As big of liar as Val
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How many times during vlogmus did followers ask where they could donate to the brooks family favorite charity. Of course, the brooks family charity is themselves. I still can’t get over Hannah openly asking for things of her wish list. That just floors me.
Does anyone know how to see Hannah’s wish list
It’s on her instagram page
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How many times during vlogmus did followers ask where they could donate to the brooks family favorite charity. Of course, the brooks family charity is themselves. I still can’t get over Hannah openly asking for things of her wish list. That just floors me.
Does anyone know how to see Hannah’s wish list
I believe it's on her Instagram page. I don't do Instagram so I can't say what's on it.
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Another from 2019 when she had a fit Val said don’t feel obligated. The greed has always been present! In this video jess says in answer to Val asking, what are you most looking forward to? Getting more stuff.
What's the heading of that video please
Another from 2019 when she had a fit Val said don’t feel obligated. The greed has always been present! In this video jess says in answer to Val asking, what are you most looking forward to? Getting more stuff.
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Ummm, I think it's just a suggestion to start a new thread with some comments from the last thread so people can continue their
I think we can all figure out what we want to talk about after the 800th Disney trip with Bessie & the clowns.
Thanks Oompaloompa 🙂
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I got on and watched. All you have to do is log on your google account. Anyway nothing spectacular. Visit to magic kingdom, eating and showing what they ate and giving reviews. Hannah and Marlow talking about Marlow being in “prison” and laughing about it. Hannah had to move sites even though it’s their last day. So if you can’t see it you’ve not missed much.
It’s on invidious
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It's the live from Friday on Facebook.
Well, we guessed it....the camper lasted what? 2 months?? Val probably screwed it all up!

Did anyone catch what she whispered to J when J asked "so we'll wait a year and get another one or save up for something else?" Val whispered what they'd save up for.....
I can’t bring myself to watch it but am curious about the camper van - has she got rid of it already?
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Boy, I was gone one day and had to read three pages to catch up! Thanks Oompaloompa for setting up the thread.
I don’t care if Marlow was joking or not with Hannah about staying in campground jail, it was way too obvious to not only all of us but to so many of their viewers. We all can’t be wrong in our opinion that they don’t treat Marlow very well. Hannah makes the comment that Marlow got to enjoy alone time. Marlow has alone time all the time. I think she lives with someone for a short time but being alone all the time is not good for your mental health. And Hannah, what would you know about enjoying alone time, you live at home and are NEVER alone. You really don’t what being alone is like. Even when you had an apartment with Marlow, you visited your mom every day.
Jessica looked so zoned out today, do you think even she got bored with Disney. Val is going to have to find another idiot to go with her 5 times a year. The constant repeating the days events reminds me of some cable shows that review the story every time it comes back from a break. This just goes to show they have no content, have nothing new to say every 15 minutes and should shut up. I feel so bad that Val and the clowns had to suffer inside that restaurant for a few minutes until they were granted specialty seating. Because the noise was too much for Jessica. :LOL: :LOL: She’s one of the noisiest people there. Don’t go to Disney and expect peace and quiet, it’s loud, busy and hectic. Deal with it. The long ride home should be hell on wheels, literally. The next camp trip will probably be Val alone or with her sister.
Val, get rid of the hat, you look ridiculous at your age wearing that.
Like someone said, This is a private site, we aren’t saying anything on Val’s page and she can’t control what we say here.

whheww got that out of my system!

one more thing, Hannah get a decent manicure or take off the polish completely
Great comment! And I thought I was alone in that thought on Hannah’s nails! They were dirty, broken and so thick! And that white was ghastly! I think she is doing an at home dip...yikes!
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