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Hannah has told Val.... Just refer people to older videos when they ask questions....because it's 💰💰💰💰💰

Vals hiding in her room patrolling the comments drinking wine while the government subsidised " staff" members take care of miss independent. I don't know why Val just doesn't go back to work and get out of Campbell's house and leave the staff the wait on Jessica?.why does it take 3 adults on the payroll plus Campbell to care for Jessica ...

I have 2 dogs, a cat and an autistic adult at home who requires care round the clock...and I manage to cook for her, make sure she's showered etc...we have routine ... Sure I get breaks when I take her to swim class or physio, AND therapy... An hour here and there then my husband's home and he takes over for a couple hours so I can take a bubble bath, or have a tea and read, Take the dogs for a walk, work out, etc..

Val seems to think caring for Jessica is beneath her...and her privilege demands a staff to help 7 days a week.... Paid for by government funding.

Hopefully her fraudulent behaviours are resolved soon by authorities.
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You know you’re Dumb as a rock when you can’t even get an accessibility description right.
I never caught that 😂 Boy she should be so proud of hiring her daughter to be a content creator and be so bad at it. Val did a far better job at in alone vs when Hannah joined her. Like many have mentioned she tapes one day of videos
and literally chops it up into a week of content. Then she can’t even put it in proper order to be viewed. People see a baking video of Nathan’s birthday dinner but they post the birthday dinner first. And to say they are so tired or busy . WTH
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winnie woo

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Poor Jessica has never had dark Choc cake, guess all those restaurant lava Cakes she devours don’t count. Unless it’s milk chocolate it’s dark, devils food is also dark, it doesn’t take a genius. And by the way Val today is next week, last time at Nathan’s Jess asked are u abailable next week and he said yes May 9. That would be today, just because you post a week late doesn’t change the date. A pantry full of chocolate cake mixes and they shop for another, heaven forbid they use one from Jessica’s stash. Buttercream is white, vanilla is also white, but those nitwits couldn’t figure out Nathan prob meant white as opposed to chocolate. The level of stupidity is unbelievable! Dumb and Dumber!
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Tonight a video of Jess watering the vegetable plants...actually she was drowning them! Plus she asked her mother why they need water!!!! Is she that frickin stupid??? 😳 And of course she has to argue about everything! She really is a very miserable person. No wonder they have no friends!!!!
I noticed the water hammering of the poor, delicate new plants, and the whiney objection at the first mention of turning the water down. I don’t like myself for disliking someone so disabled, but damn, she’s spoiled and obnoxious, and it’s so unnecessary.
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She's so fake. I don't know how Campbell stand any of them.
Did he cheat on her?? Is that what she has on him?
I remember way back Val talking about how it's taken her a long time for her to get over their martial problems.
Why no slapping today? I wish she'd slap that evil grin off her face!
I really think he's just afraid of her she's mean a bully with a temper, Campbell only stands up to her when Madison is around..because Madison has put Val on blast many times, choosing to live with Campbel even spend holidays away from Val and Jess.
I think the majority of the marriage problems were from she handled Jessica, the lack of discipline and how Val favours Jess over Campbell's kids, he is very aware of how Val lies, manipulated and scams people for money, I'm sure they didn't see eye to eye on removing Jessica from seeing any professionals etc... He sees more than we do..

Val is a bully and clearly doesn't care let alone like it respect Campbell...she used him, like everyone else.
She and Jessica were only suppose to stay with Campbell till the new year..the plan was in the spring but a house for her and Jessica.... But now she's spent most of her house money, has no steady legitimate income that could carry a new mortgage, she instead blew money on two trips to Disney this year alone, the camper, new car... Her stuff was brand new not used like Hannah's ...only the best for our Val.
So now... Campbell's stuck with them...and Hannah has now been " hired" as a care giver and mommies videographer 🙄

Campbell doesn't stand a chance against Val and her cunning ways.

Did you all notice how clean the kitchen was?? the counters were spotless, no clutter, no dirty dishes in the sink, kitchen was organized... He must of cleaned it top to bottom while the 3 stooges went to Disney.
And Val was pissy about having to grocery shop the day after they got home...but Campbell eats healthy foods not the fatty saucy sludge Val and Greedy Guts consume.

Val can plaster that fake smile on her pasty face as much as she wants...she's as bad of an actress as she is a mother...her voice, her mannerisms, her nasty attitude show us the real joy or lack thereof.
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Chatty Member
All is know is that I’d LOVE them to do another video of making biscuits and gravy. It’s been so long since they’ve done one..
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About all the wishlists and begging for deck money, and camper money. I find it so hard to believe that Val’s family would condone this shameless grifting, especially Granddad and Nonnie. When I first found AI, it was full of such good information, both past and present. Of course now, we all know it’s just the same performances, coached and edited, doing the same things very poorly over and over, and no informative Q&A’s at all. I think the new page should be called, “watch us spend YOUR hard earned money”. Anyway, I first smelled a rat when the deck thing came up, actually shocked. Then just very shortly after, not nearly enough time to raise enough money, there were Nathan and Granddad building it. I thought, well thank goodness. They must have seen how awful the begging looked and thrown in the money and gotten it done. Don’t know if that was the case or not, but at least that ended. My whole point in this is to say that if Jess was my granddaughter and this business was going on, I’d be so far up my daughter’s a**, she wouldn’t know what hit her. No way I would support any of this. I won’t call Jessica names because she is absolutely not to blame. Just like any toddler (pretty damned smart) she has responded very well to the nurturing she has had all her life and it has created a person who is pretty obnoxious, spoiled and unlikeable.
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It must be really bothering Val bc she posted another video about marlow . Lmao Val and Hannah are the ones that caused all this drama!
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I don't know how Val can show her face online knowing Madison aka Leocross and his nasty wife " loracross" have their disgusting sex lives, fetishes, and FACES not to mention every orafice on display for the world to see.
I'm sorry but seriously ......that entire family needs some help.

You know she's ashamed ..she still has him in her bio as a medical student ...yet looking up his name or see videos dated back to 2019.. I couldn't look anymore I wanted to be sick seeing that filth.

I'm not sure how or who found out about Madison and his wife but's safe to say if we know the entire family knows. 🐖
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I can only imagine the chaos that showed back up to Campbell's house!

You know as soon as they got back to his peaceful , clean, quiet home...all hell broke loose, the parking the trailors, the packing up hailing stuff out back into the house, cleaning out the fridge and trash, all the dirty clothes and wet dog stinking blankets and throw pillows, all while Jessica obsesses over her next meal, repeating her asinine questions about what makes your Bessy happy?? You know she's so frail she is zero help...and everything will be left up to Val...who will order Hannah to help of course Hannah will be weak..and sore from suffering another Disney trip...

I'm sure the next few days Val will be hiding in her room feeling sorry for herself because everyone ruined HER Disney vacation...bless her heart. She's the true victim you know..but Hannah will pull 3 or 4 days of Disney videos Im sure... There's going to be what's the deal videos, and the video, I'm sure some parade footage, and a few brief snippets of Jessica not complaining and sweaty Val with her thinning hair plastered to her forehead and her fake smile...walking through Disney like she owns the joint.

I did hear Jessica call one of the the rides hers...she was asking Val if that was her ride..of course Val tells her everything belongs to Jess...feeding that greed is what makes her Bessy long as you tell Jessica something is HERS she likes it...( Like Zoe) same with Disney ...

Again it's nice to see karma find Val.
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I wonder if val and Campbell bought each other flowers for Mother's day? Cause he ain't nothing but a biiiitch😅
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I’m in Canada so maybe different but can you get routine lab work while you wait. Where I live call Dr for results in 10 days unless emergency or in a hospital setting, even then it takes hrs. Her Instagram yesterday said she was heading to routine yearly Dr appointment.
ya...and no video.

We know Val, Nonnie, and the family read here, we know they lie, we know Allyson Ecurb is a fake account for the Brooks to monitor chat, we know when we hit a nerve Val has to address it in a video...

We spoke about Jessica's disgusting diet, poor nutrition and cholesterol then 2-3 days later all of a sudden Vals claiming they are on their way to a yearly physical? But there's no video in the car or at the app. Or no video of Jessica's anxiety about the appointment? No fasting before hand?

I'd pay to see a video of Val telling Jessica no breakfast till after her appointment! She can't even tell her to brush her hair!
Val always videos that stuff...

I don't believe Jessica had an appointment, I don't believe IF she did that the results were in the next day ... Lol...

Valerie Brooks.......we see you.
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Campbell is terrified of Val...that's obvious, look how she treats him, the snide comments and criticism she shades him with....he's kind enough to allow HER to live in his house rearrange his life his home for the dogs, help her with the camper, jessica, and basically be a good person... And she just takes...and is ungrateful , rude, petty and feels she deserves his help.
Like he owes her.

Campbell does a lot for the kids, he owes Val nothing... She's a bully towards everyone...because she is a narcissist and incapable of feeling for others or putting others first...not even her severely mentally ill, schizophrenic IDD daughter. That right there says it all.

Hannah is so far up Vals ass desperate for any attention or validation from Val..she treats her own father as hard as Vals does.
Did any of y’all read the comment on the brownie video by this lady named Jan? As of now 40 people have jumped on her about it. She really should find us to understand what the real deal is.
I saw that... But it's true...I mean it is shocking and unbelievable that in 35 years no ones bothered to teach Jessica proper hygiene 5 year old grand daughter can wipe her butt and brush her hair.... We know why Jessica doesn't even have enough strength in her hand to stir flour with a fork... But she can flip hundreds of decks of cards for hours a day holding an entire deck and fanning them... Then flipping them

Jessica only does what she wanted to do ...any other time she wants to be pushed in her wheel chair , have her ass wiped, her body washed, hair shampooed, fed chocolate cake, tucked in, have others pick up her dirty rap mess.
That's not Autism ....that's lazy parenting.
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We adopted all of our children through public adoption. We got them when they were babies. We have one daughter who has special needs. Not autism. Deletion 22q. We actually just learned of this diagnosis. We knew something wasn’t right with her while she was growing up but never really had a diagnosis. We got her help and worked as a team with her school. It’s been quite a journey with her. She is doing well now. I worked throughout our children’s childhood. I did something to generate an income out of my home. No MLMs 😂😂. More like marketing etc. When they got older I went back to my original career. Never begged off of anyone and I’m grateful to God for all He has provided to us. Now we are enjoying the grandchildren. I have aches and pains and catch every virus there is because of my job as a teacher but I get up everyday and go to work and have never been to Disney. 😂😂 and have no desire to go.
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My 25 yr. Old daughter is severely autistic , has stims , can be loud and disruptive ..all the usual things that accompany autism...
But NEVER would my daughter scream out OUUUUUUCCHHHH!!!! While slapping people public or at home for that matter.

Also my daughter would not be permitted to go up to strangers and ask what's your name followed by a barrage of inappropriate questions..
we've taught her appropriate behaviour , keeping her hands to herself , respecting others...etc.

Jessica's behaviour is continuously rude, loud, overbearing, pushy, bossy, needy, and demanding ...she has zero social skills after 35 years! Zero.

Again this is because of laziness on Vals part.
Well now Val can enjoy her work...or lack thereof for the next 35-40 years..complete with texts all night long, big baby huey sleeping with mommy, and face slaps!!

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winnie woo

VIP Member
You sound like an Amazing mother to your daughter! She is very lucky to have you as her mother. Simply put Jessica is nothing but a big burden on Val. She has raised her to be feral. She has no manners (and that includes table manners), she is extremely selfish and self centered, she doesnt have good hygiene at all and she’s very unhealthy. Like Jessica said In the casserole video she’s an adult she makes the decisions.
Val has brought Jess up to be useless. She’s incapable of doing anything without help. They make excuses for her, why she can’t touch food, why she can’t read braille, why she can’t stir, why she can’t walk, why she doesn’t say thank you, why she takes big bites and is a glutton, why she doesn’t use a cane, why she hits, spits, kicks and swears when angered.. She’s 36 yrs old in July and hasn’t been taught a single life skill or coping mechanism. She has learned how to be greedy, self centred, argumentative, mannerless, controlling spoiled unlikeable BRAT. Take a bow Val, you must be so proud!
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Allison Bruce you are an ass licking insecure idiot.😄.you have no life.and you actually think your well liked by the Brooks family. Your more of an idiot than you look. And as for Nonnie commenting she cant talk with her mouth full or she will get into trouble is downright disgusting. I know from my son law how much of a vicious woman she is. She thinks it's funny we all have manners and think its vile the way they cram food into their mouths then talk. At least all our kids have manners and aren't feral.its not out fault Jessica is schizophrenic. Once Nonnie and Allison/Allyson read this I hope they have a wonderful day .😁😉
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Anyone notice in the video where they showed them riding the slinky dog dash or whatever the hell ,when Hannah is walking her to the wheelchair she easily steps over to avoid the leg peds! But yep,she's blind !
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winnie woo

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I'm curious why her sister Alison doesn't appear anymore in videos. They don't visit her she doesn't visit them and they used to see her alot as well as grad dad him and Nathan built the deck for her from donated money. Grand dad used to help val alot and video when they went out and I think he was a moderator for a while. Aunt Alison used to bring bags of Lil Debbie's all the time. They might still receive but don't show. It's strange how they don't see them at all anymore.i feel bad for hannah because she had to watch Jess alot growing up during high school she was her main caregiver while val.worked and hannah was very sick and it was very bad. How sad she had to almost die to get Un divided attention and I doubt she did anyway. She does so much for val and even then she doesn't get vals attention theway she craves it. I have sympathy for well but imagine waking up everyday knowing you basically live like groundhogs day with Jess. I would be probably as bitter as her. Yes she did make Jess like this butI do believe Jess is regressing and what do you do when they didn't do aba therapy or follow through to make her productive and she's so bad at this point it's easier to give in then deal with her. Look how she is when 1 thi g doesn't go her way. It literally disrupts the entire house and everyone in it. It's just a sad existence to wake up to Jess and knowing it will only get worse for the rest of vals life. It's GRIM!
Like the rest of us I am not a Hannah fan but I do feel sorry for her for so many reasons. Since she was born she realized Jessica was the disabled one, the important one, nothing else mattered but Jessica’s needs and wants. Jessica was to be rooted for, clapped for, cheered on and given her way at all costs, and the needs of Madison and Hannah were not important. No life was the way of life for Hannah. She was groomed to be subservient to the master. It was Val’s plan. Caring for Jessica was Hannah’s job, before school, at lunchtime, after school in the years when she should have been enjoying herself. By Val’s own admission she was depressed, never allowing Madison or Hannah individual time with her or space away from Jessica. Val and Campbell both failed their children, Campbell let the phycological abuse happen, he seriously lacks backbone and balls, divorcing her but stuck to her for life. Wtf is that relationship about, Not one of them have a life independent of the other. Dysfunction at the highest level.
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This family.... some days I can hardly stand to watch! Last week's video and the 50th time we have been "taught" how to make biscuits and gravy! Val we could care less that Jess could stir them! She did not make anything so just stop! And anyone else notice how the sausage magically appears in the gravy at the end? Woo hoo...and of course Jess needs to know "is the sausage in there"? And the amount of salt was ridiculous! The added salt, the bacon fat and the sausage...must be so tasty! Not!!!!

Val and Hannah quit your day job and go get real ones! Leave Jess to the professionals and she may actually learn something besides bad doggies, good ones, and is your Bessie happy! Marlow is not a professional and you dictate her every move with Jess. Give your daughter a bit of a chance in life! At this point you have done so much damage hard to say if it can be fixed!!!
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