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Off topic but why do none of them wear shoes or slippers. I have never seen an indoor video where they have shoes on.
I am guilty of being barefoot in the house too! I have neuropathy in my feet and it's more comfortable for me. I think I like being able to feel the carpet/flooring for as much as I can on the bottom of my feet. Socks and slippers on, I feel nothing.
Tonight's videos of all the EXPLANATIONS that fit perfectly into Vals excuses for Jessica's rude behaviours ...

Jessica throws the food seeking auditory stimulation
Jessica throws the food only when she has attitude and doesn't want to do something that she's being told to do...she HATES being told or corrected....if it was chocolate cake for HER she wouldn't be throwing it...or whinning.... " no no no that's enough!! "

The shoving food to her nose...Val claims is for help processing new foods?? she shoves EVERYTHING up to her nose, colouring books, cards, cups, cds, yes...another made up excuse lying about autism and playing her viewers for sympathy.

Of course we see Jessica s newest obsession sitting beside Baby Huey... " hold my hand hold my hand!! Hannah" it must be extremely terrifying to spoon strawberries into a bowl!!!!!! Poor Jessica needed her obsession to hold her for bravery!!!

We know Jessica's real life mermaid girlfriend left days ago this was last since she's been gone...this Hannah Tinsel will be talked about incessantly day in day out!! Looks like the Keely obsession is being replaced!

Poor kid has no idea how Jessica will obsess over her for years to come.

Enjoy this new obsession Val!!
That throwing the food is an absolute disgusting terrible habit they are letting her get away with. She never used to do that but the first time she did everyone laughed so she keeps doing it! What a teaching moment it could be just to say lay it gently!! But nope the trained seal gets attention!🤮
And hold my hand made me want to puke too! Maybe this stranger they invited into CAMPBELL'S house is going to learn to be a grifter too and wanted to learn from pros?? Or maybe this is their way of coming out! Lol
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Their Lives were always a joke but Hannah and the sign language just makes it more unbearable to watch. Why not just offer captions for the ones with hearing impairments because this robotic chatter is definitely not helping their channel.
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winnie woo

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Video of the morning! The description should read. Here’s part two of Fridays biscuits and gravy video you’ve seen thousands of time, but hey let’s call it Monday because our followers are too stupid to know the difference, they believe I it’s Monday even thought the biscuits are Disney and our clothes are the same.
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Look at how disgusting her forehead is. Freshly picked. It’s so gross and probably infected but Val keep giving her what she wants and while she continues to pick. No consequences at all. We all know Jessica can stop when she wants dessert and then she gets that dessert and picks again. Why not say no dessert til they are gone completely. But nope Val is afraid of the 36 year old baby’s temper tantrum
Sadly the picking, the tantrums, the threats, the OBSESSING, the manipulating the constant eavesdropping and repeating everything, the constant crotch rubbing, finger sniffing, the hitting, the " no no no no no.... " whining every time she wants to get out of doing anything, the greedy obsession with having presents, cards, packages every week,her shovelling piping not good into her mouth obsessing over more food!bigger servings etc....
Allllllll these bad habits,learned behaviours are here to stay and progressively get worse...
There is no one to stop Jessica, teach her, or redirect and offer better choices...she's 35..she will never change...her body is riddled with sores, scabs, infected wounds ...and Vals more focused on her next Disney trip, her camper and how to scam more people.
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I remember a couple of years ago Val and Jessica were talking and Val said “someday” that she and J wanted to get a camper and just travel. Okay. Nothing wrong with a goal like that. I was so shocked when she rushed her timeline, someday became right now, and she purchased one. I’m even more shocked that she’s already talking about getting rid of it after ONE trip!! So that they can move. I’m really naive! She appears to have NO emotional or common sense boundaries, no personal governors at all. She wants it, she gets it. Oops, mistake. Get rid of it. I’m not going to state things as fact on here that no one really knows the truth about, but she had to have spent the house money on the whole setup. If you have to beg from strangers to build a deck on your house, then you sure as H*** can’t afford all that. She is not having a joyful life. She is either an out and out grifter or so trapped feeling that she’s making really bad decisions and getting worse. When will she ever, ever find some sort of day program for Jessica?!?! Good luck with that. Cody’s mom did a video the other day about aging out of the school system. It has taken months on a waiting list to find a 2 day a week program where he can go. It’s probably way to late for Jess. She’s had few if any boundaries herself and is just about as obnoxious and unlikable as they come! Her mother’s guilt feelings have done nothing for her but make her a spoiled, bossy brat. Tragic.
Val makes decisions and lives her life like she's an entitled teenager with only HER needs as her priority.
As a parent ...any parent ...common sense would be... Our first priority to have a HOME to reside in, a HOME a safe place for our mentally ill adult child who is 100% dependant on us, a investment in our child's future... But no, not Val....she puts Disney passes and 4,5 trips a year as her too priority then a new camper and car...and throw pillows, camping equipment ..colour coordinated grey and pink blankets...

Val lays around wishing for a life she doesn't have...and desperately tries to create a life she plays in her head...she feels entitled because she was a teen mom and had Jessica who as we severely Intellectually delayed, extreme low IQ, schizophrenic and requires full time attention.

Codys very hands on and always puts codys needs first....she puts the work, love and effort in..without having to pay family members to help her with his basic needs...she's not lazy like Val. Val removed Jessica from any and all forms of professional classes, education, therapies,ABA, adult programs etc... because 1. Val refuses to properly medicated Jess for her schizophrenia, and no one is permitted to upset Jessica or give her rules....simply put Val doesn't want to put the work in.

Val has isolated Jessica from the world filled her head full of lies and make believe because it shuts her up...and Val can hide in her room and plan the next Disney vacation to ride the same 8-10 rides and eat...

What mid 50's adult mother with no home, no job goes back to crash at the ex's house with her 35 yr.old mentally ill daughter and buys Disney passes a new truck and tiny camper...before a place to live???

We just paid off our mortgage I'mq 2yrs.older than Val.
What banks going to give an unemployed 55yr. Old a 25 yr. Mortgage ???

Val has the mentality of a teenager.
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If they are replaying last Friday’s morning video, this morning must have been a doozy. Someone is probably crabby, someone has had a meltdown or they just aren’t camera ready. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
I'm sure it's been a glorious weekend at the Brooks Asylum ...Jessica is still OBSESSING over no packages last week...demanding 100 times a day they go back to the PO....she's been OBSESSING over Marlo not coming to wait of her and entertain her, she's OBSESSED over sausage gravy and biscuits alllllllllll weekend, OBSESSED there's not enough for your Bessy!
Vals in a mood because she's desperate to get rid of her camper..regretting blowing all the house money on it and not buying a house for her family like she was suppose to. ( buyers remorse after realizing she's not a camper!)
She's trying to keep up with all the lies and secrets and hide her plans from Campbell...she's read here...and knows more and more people are aware of Madison/Serleo Cross and his Mistress LoraCross...aka..princess of 💩... know Val is pissy because Hannah loves her camper and is taking a vacation ...leaving Val to actually be a parent and take care of Jessica for once.

I'm sure the Brooks Asylum is a very miserable place to be.
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They should have cooked for him! This group even sponges off of their own family even on that persons birthday! And don't give me Jess was anxious...she is just a lazy piece of shit! She didn't really like the food they were making so she wanted nothing to do with helping. And Hannah STFU about Jess being nervous about Nathan and Dana going on a trip. Why do they ever even tell her crap? 🙄 Idiots!!
And there was plenty of food that those nuggets were not necessary! Why do they cater to her so??? If it were my kid she could wait till we get home to eat nuggets!
Val and Nonnie aren't you both so proud of how you raised Jess?? A real piece of work there...and you two are no better!
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I can't imagine raising a child disabled or not that you would not train that violence is wrong! Val thinks princess can do anything she damn well pleases with no consequences! She has said in the past that she is an adult so they don't punish here...well why didn't you do it when she was a kid??
As I mentioned one other time we had a couple family friends who had Downs Syndrome boys. One was brought up right just like his brothers and they were disciplined and turned out great. And his mom was a widowed early on and had no help!! The other boy was led to believe nothing he did was wrong and if he hit you oh well! It's just his way!! And that he could drive and other things that we knew he could not accomplish due to the severity of his Downs. So it's the way you bring kids up...they need boundaries no matter what! And Jess has none! And Val you failed as a mother. Your daughter is an adult in body only...mentally a young child!
It's a lot of work, routine, sleepless nights, CONSISTENCY to work on habits and behaviours and life skills and manners and hygiene's work with any child it's called parenting.
Val simple doesn't want it didn't want to put the work in raising Jessica ..first Nonnie had custody because Vals was a party brat with a bad temper and zero motherly instincts , then Campbell came along did most of the work while Val and nonnie faught with schools, professionals and diagnoses...then Val shipped Jessica off to a school so far she lived with a family who were told Jessica was autistic but failed to mention her severe IDD, schizophrenia and violent behaviours ...
When this house mother tried to help jess, feed her REAL food, keep her healthy Jessica faught of...course Val blames this women along with doctors etc...for Jess's food issues.

Bottom line Val did ZERO work, ZERO follow through or consistency as Jessica grew up which is why at 36 Jessica is a violent angry manipulate feral brat who has to be removed from society and requires 4 adults to take care of her round the clock.

Jessica knows no consequences, has no empathy or remorse, no manners, she's a violent mentally ill, severely IDD schizophrenic that now at 36 holds Val hostage ...and Val grabbed as many family members as she can to do as she says and basically babysit Jessica , bathe her and feed her keep her happy at ALL costs.

These are not caregivers they are glorified babysitters and staff for Vals channel..caregivers don't make videos for content creators...that's not part of their job discription.

Enjoy your joyful life you created with that feral monster Val. You deserve every minute.
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On the plus we see daily... Vals life is a sad sad life.

She's in her mid 50's...

with no home of her own, crashing at her ex-husbands house that still set in the early 90's, has no friends, or love life.
Has her constantly horny, grabby, crotch rubbing,scab picking severely IDD/schizophrenic 36 year old grey haired daughter sharing her bed most nights.
She has to deal with her grabby hands and mouth all over her face slapping and trying to make out with her all night while trying to sleep.
She has no job, no social life, in debt out the wazoooo, a camper she hates, a son who threw away his entire medical education / career to do fetish porn on the internet for the world to see, a thirty year old daughter unemployed living back at home and screwing the help while googling any and every illness that will give her the chance to receive government funds as well as a little attention she's starving for from mommy dearest.

Vals aged a decade in the last couple years, she looks awful as does Jessica, her views have declined her AI platforms are at an all time low as all her lies and bullshit are being noticed and called out...

Jessica's vile aggressive temper has increased as has her selfishness, her demands and inability to stop spilling all the family lies that Val desperately tries to hide...even her bribes to Jessica about money for her banks and Disney aren't stopping Jess from opening her big mouth...

The constant tension in that house with Campbell, and Madison when he shows up...Jessica is a mess for days!

THIS is Valerie Brooks JOYFUL life!! And just know it is only going to get worse and worse no amount of Disney will change her miserable life stuck with her exhusband..dependant on him, having vicious angry crazy Jessica glued to her day in day out... For the rest of her life!!!! As Jess declines..regressing back to a overweight, violent, angry, needy, mean toddler.

So can pretend your life is joyous ...but your face, your actions, your miserable facial eye rolls and fake smiles ...we see it all.

This is your karma.... Your payback...lack of parenting catching up with you...and as Jessica declines, her temper, threats and demands will all be directed at you face schlaaaaaaaps included!

Hannah...will eventually have enough and move out and have a mate...Campbell will kick your lazy ass out with the help of Madison .... Nonnie will croak, and it will just be YOU and the violent needy monster you created.

As you hide, locked in your room at Campbell's house eating chips and reading know everything written here is the truth...which is why you address it all the time.
" truth hurts" right?

No one feels sorry for you...
I have noticed that the slapping is getting harder and harder. The other day (whichever one hard to tell) when she was slapping Hannah it had to have hurt! But no one says stop. They cringe and take it....dumb asses! Slap her back and see how she likes it! Bet you could get that nasty habit to stop quickly!!!
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How much biscuits and gravy can 1 person eat. It's fucking gross and just like shoveling so much food into her that just sits and rots. I've never seen people that are more sedentary than a LITERALSLOTH. They are just hurting themselves because they'll be the ones wiping her ass when she older because she'll be so unhealthy. She can eat whatever she wants but for the love of God try and have her walker excersise or something for the love of I am in complete shock at the just not giving a shit about her health. If she has so many issues have you noticed they don't take her to the doctor that much and also I have never seen people that have that many prescriptions everytime they are out literally a few times a week. Isn't that a sign???? She look terrible and like she aged 10000 years. They get enough money and free stuff to buy her some clothes and proper under garments. Literally u can buy 2 new cars and campers but they are the cheapest people and always crying poor mouth with 2 loaves of bread under each arm. Buy the girl some support tanks and underwear. She says how Jess doesn't have clothes issues so what's the excuse. They put literal garbage on her. T shirts that people buy because mis prints or whatever. Instead of 10000000 packs cards or maybe sacrifice 1 meal a week to buy something. Lord knows people send you all enough money as well as the money u make and the money we don't know about. This just blows my mind that they can continue they way they are and not be embaressed or humiliated with the way they are and how people talk about them. It's really SAD!
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The greed is getting noticed by followers. I kinda keep on the commenters and the average time they comment regularly is about 6 months and then they fade away. We aren’t the only ones sick of the grifting.
Their rein will be coming to an end sooner than later! Hannah begging for gifts and trying to run the show, Val being sick of camping already and always tired, and greedy Jess who is like the movie Groundhog Day...same shit different day! People are starting to see through them quicker these days. The gifts for Jess are getting less but not understanding why they send to Hypochondriac Hannah? Do they not realize she spends like a drunken sailor? Those Taylor Swift tickets start out depending where you see her are starting at $500.00 but most likely higher and are for the cheap seats. Some go as high as $2000.00! If she can afford that, she can buy her own crap!
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winnie woo

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What exactly should they be proud of? One is an unemployed hypochondriac who lives off the back of her mentally schizophrenic sister and her overbearing mother. And the other is a big spoiled brat baby who argues about everything and can’t even wash her hands properly. What’s there to be proud of 🤣 also look at this comment about Jessica’s sugar. Val lies so much it’s disgusting. The only time they have showed her going to any doctor was just for her shunt and that was only twice in 3 years and never once mentioned a physical or blood work or a mammogram or dentist nothing at all. Big crock of shit you’re Val

These captions were on an older video during the pandemic when granddad and nonnie brought baby McDonald’s. They trim off the chicken even tho fried it’s still protein and give her two fries and extremely greasy hash browns and a big buttery biscuit. Yea that little chicken u took off is sure going to make it a healthy meal. And this is the stupid ass bull shit they do to cater to Jessica. Nonnie calls her after they get the McDonald’s to tell her they checked the bag seriously this is absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary they deserve to live the rest of their life with violent feral animal Jessica.
I have seen many chicken patty deliveries and not once have I seen them trim the chicken, Jessica won’t even let them touch it let alone trim it, they smash a bit of grease from the 2 hasbrowms she eats. I think marlowe heard of the Thursday meltdown fiasco, and conveniently got a selective headache to avoid the inevitable Friday Shitshow that was sure to follow.
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winnie woo

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Wonder where grandad is? Is Nathan his son or just nonnies, have we ever seen anniversary celebrations for the happy couple. No surprises Dana was absent from the table. So this is Nathan’s birthday celebration so he gets to cook for the queen, and her royal family.Nonnie and Val made chicken livers , umm Val never lifted a finger. Her wide ass retreating to the other room was quite a sight. Jess is so worried about Nathan that she can’t remember why. Assclowns is a perfect name for them.
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I know it's been said but Hannah STFU! Nobody cares what you are doing!

Today Tales of a Educated Debutant did a video about taking her autistic son's IPad away from him. She said it totally changed his life. He became much more social and started to do new activites he never did before. What a concept! You should watch it Valdawg.
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I honestly completely stopped watching any of the videos. You watch one you’ve watched them all. Same shit, different day. There’s no way even people who “love” them aren’t starting to see the bull crap and and are getting bored with everything. Ever since Hannah quit her job the whole thing has gone downhill. I do believe Val is just done with everything and is in a complete and utter depression of what her life has become. This is a ticking time bomb.
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This afternoons video proves no doubt they read here!!!!
Went to the camper store and the sales person was "very receptive" to Vals concerns!!! Lol probably gave the sales person the resting bitch face and she had no choice. Found out no camping till July so plenty of time to fix the camper! The bloom is off the rose on camping huh Val!
Next we mentioned just the other day about her sister and Alison was brought up several times at the nature trail! Acting like they are getting excersise...what a joke! Val talking about getting a 2 person kayak! Keep spending that money! Jess just talking away about her stupid stuff! Sorry I was hoping a snake would slither by them!!!! Nope...
Then Jess decided she needed a new coloring book so of course they had to go to 2 stores looking! keep saying she is blind, even brought her cane today, so buy her something that has animals because she will forget all about it in an hour! She did not need something that she made up in her mind!!! SHE SHOULD NOT RUN YOUR LIVES!!!!! You Brooks people deserve every bad thing that happens in your lives...all of you!
And again Hannah STFU!!! We could care less about your opinion, you are not anything special like you think you are and you are just fucking obnoxious!!!! Let your mother talk. Even though Val lies through her teeth she is not as obnoxious as Hannah!
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The comments on this mornings video go to show us NONE of these commenters have a clue about Autism or obsessing....NONE.
I read a dozen comments saying that it was so.. "Cute!!!"

THAT'S frightening's not cute, not one bit..Vals typing over the scene doesn't even make sense. Jessica doesn't understand humor...she's not making a game of trying to be cute, funny....she's obsessing and the truth is...this " Zoe don't need it and Bad doggie" is what Jessica screams when Val was giving Zoe's attention petting her..and Jessie hates anyone getting attention other than her. Val turned it into a " game" not Jessica.

Jessica is ALL animals...not because of sensory issues...because they get Vals attention...the fact Val let's Jessica continuously day in day out yell at the dogs especially Daryl, and tells them they are awful... And she raises her voice saying it with anger...she's not playing It's not cute...and Val. should of corrected this anger outburst from the beginning ...but she herself wanted the dog, it's Vals dog not Jessica's ...Val lies to Jessica telling her she bought Zoe for her Bessy....we see you Val can lie to Jessica but we see the truth.
It's another Brooks lie...whenever they want massively like something or use something they tell her it's hers, because they know she's greedy ....

That behaviour Jessica displays is mean..period Jessica is violent has a temper hits yells screams and verbally abuses anyone she doesn't like, she threatens people ask any dentist in GA. Teacher, bus driver, etc...

She's severely mentally disturbed without proper medication or professional help.'s easier to just keep Jess in her room flipping cards and lie to her.

Such a joyful life.
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Gramma of 4

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You know I absolutely despise Asa and Priscilla Maass for all the exploitation they have done of Abigail but one thing i can say about Asa is he makes Abby contribute to the household and doesn’t wait on her hand and foot. He makes her help clean, do laundry, vacuum, clear the dinner table. And when she starts to throw a tantrum he works through it but makes her still do the task she is throwing the fit over. And I’m sure we can all agree Abigail is way more delayed and disabled than the greedy brat Jessica. It just goes to show it’s all Val’s fault Jessica is that way. At 35 years old she can’t even clean up her plate from the table after she gouges her food down. It’s disgusting that she can’t do a damn thing herself. She is absolutely useless and contributes absolutely nothing to the household or society. Val has made Jessica extremely u likable. I honestly can’t stand her and her bratty ways.
She CAN clean up her plate, Val just has always waited on her hand and foot making her a lazy ungrateful brat. Just like she can get her own water, clean up the mess of crap she always has all over her bed, etc. Val has mentioned a few times that Jessica is spoiled and she (Val) wouldn't have it any other way. If that's how she feels then she needs to quit being bitchy and making Marlow wait on the brat. Why should the state pay for someone to wait on her when Val taught Jessica to be a spoiled, entitled, greedy, selfish brat. She created that mess that is Jessica, she should be the one dealing with her 24/7.
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What I want to know is what exactly IS the purpose of the Autistic Interpretations channels, blogs..etc...
Exactly! For whatever reason, but probably due to the amount of “caregivers” that are being supported, AI is now pumping out quantity over quality, and boy does it show! When I first found them, Val was doing Q&A’s about real issues and solutions and the posts showed her coaching Jessica. I don’t want to point fingers but Hannah’s videos are awful. Just nothing there besides “what Jessica is going to eat that day and do that day, and I’m so PROUD of you. And every video as short as she can make it, and don’t get me started on the so called cooking videos. I think they’re trying to segue to a travel and cooking vlog with Jessica as a sideshow. News flash! They need to keep their day jobs, as the saying goes. Do you think Leasa would ever subject her child to such humiliation on Cody Speaks? It’s laughable. Anyway, that’s my rant for today.
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The refrigerator part was great! You can tell right there that Jess is not bright at all and can't follow directions. And part of that is because she didn't want to get it out. She wanted someone else to do it for her!!! And the fact of not being able to open the bottle of juice was ridiculous too! And Val it's not her "mild CP" it's being lazy!
Then the teaching moment that was lost! When she was throwing the nuggets on the plate and she over shot and it bounced off on the table they should have said "that is why we place them on the plate carefully so we don't lose any"!!! But nope...just laugh! Like I said they are idiots! Jess never threw food on plates or in bowls until that video at Nathan’ it's all the time! Break her of that!!!
Jessica throws food when she is irritated .She's's her way of of showing she's mad.
At 35 Jessica knows where the fridge door is, she knows how to reach in and feel for her juice and if she can see crumbs on a plate she can see an Apple juice bottle....we hear her ALwAYS saying...
" where is it? " " I don't know how " " I'm not suppose to " . ..all her infamous e,causes for simply NOT wanting to do something ..she is LAZY.

So she's vision impaired ...not blind...even if she were blind BLIND people are independent!!! If she's so " blind" why is/was she not taught by professionals who teach blind people how to manoeuvre ??? Read?? Understand Braille??

Why can't she reach in and FEEL a Braille label on HER jug of juice??
Autism is NOT the problem, vision impairment is not the problem her " mild CP" is not the problem ....
VAL is the problem because her 35 year old toddler is a SCHIZOPHRENIC IDD lazy ass that refuses to brush her own hair or wipe her own ass!! And Val was too lazy to address anything.

You know if Jessica won't touch anything won't brush her own hair...she absolutely is not wiping her own backside....that's Absolutly insanity. Talk about independence?? Throwing chicken nuggets on a cookie sheet is not independence granddaughter is 3 and PLACES them on her tray perfectly because she was TAUGHT.

Teach Jessica manners and anger control with some hygiene THAT'S progress and YOU following through being consistent is where the determination comes's been 35 years now Val... Start being a real parent.
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