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This girl reminds me so much of an American autistic girl who also posts with headphones on, not able to hold eye contact either, the only difference being is that the American girl is more hyper but strangely coincidental how similar the both accounts are
Not sure if it's the same girl, the bug girl, Nicole?
Can't remember her username?
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Pip and Dodo account posted that Anna had reported her to the police for the videos she’s made saying she had been scammed. I am absolutely heartbroken for these 20 couples. Why can’t she just progress this by either giving the USB hard drive that people have offered to pick up and deliver to the couples or just admit they are gone so they can move past this. So upsetting.

It also devastates me that she is using autism and fibromyalgia as an excuse to treat people this way. I suffer with both and work full time (to my own detriment at times) but I would never ever do something like that to anyone regardless of my level of burnout or skill regression.

Rant over sorry! Just found this thread after following this farce on TikTok for months.
shocking she reported her to the police! Her latest video is good. I think they are actually taking the right approach given the lack of options they have at the moment. Anna is saying she has the photos, so they need to keep putting the pressure on until she says otherwise. And as frustrating as it is, it’s right to try and stay civil especially now we know Anna reported her to the police also.

Anna will hate that this is so public on TikTok and getting in the way of whatever benefit she gets from
posting videos. I wonder what she will do next. Probably another victim style video where she threatens suicide again. Eventually she might just disappear completely again.

I saw a comment saying she has deleted her original ‘apology’ video (part 1 of 2) and it’s right, it’s missing.
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What’s their plan if she doesn’t have the raw files? Might be why she’s ghosting them atp
I think they need to consider it is highly likely she doesn't have them. I appreciate they're clinging to the hope of getting their photos but IMO I don't think it's gonna happen.
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I still personally don't understand how she can owe so many people their photos. Over a year or more? Ow whatever it is?
Surely if she realised she couldn't do the first lot of ones, she shouldn't have taken more on? And continued to do so?
Didn't someone say she had taken over 35k.
I don't know how much she charged but that's more than a few couples.
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Oh wow, what wonderful news! I can’t imagine how they felt when they finally got them as it brought a tear to my eye! I’m so glad they didn’t give up.

I wonder if Anna will come back to TikTok. She had a lot of people on her side excusing her so I think she will eventually.
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No that video is fucking awful. I know people mask, especially females, but i don’t think you can mask to the extent that she’s now suddenly non-verbal and uncontrollable stimming etc and she’s showing it in 100% of her videos where she was able to hide it all before. She also changes quite quickly with the dog. How is she able to take care of a dog, a demand outside of her own personal needs, but not the demands of paying customers?

Her explanation of the skills required to do the job also seemed off as she actually explained what needed to be done really well but then said she doesn’t have the skills.

Also she was saying she was coming out of her autistic burnout in November 2023 but then the photography situation made her regress. It’s emotional manipulation and deflection. I don’t buy it one single bit.
Yet on her lives, she's completely different.
Until someone mentions it of course, and then she'll act the way she does in her videos for a few minutes until she forgets again.
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Thanks for making the thread! I wasn’t sure how and was really keen to discuss her somewhere. I’ll paste the info from my post on the other thread below this one as I think it’s important info for anyone coming across the thread.

I don’t know how she thought she’d get away with it all tbh, especially once her TikTok started gaining momentum. It was only ever a matter of time before someone recognised her.

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I found some old videos of her doing FB lives back in 2019/2020 promoting her photography business back then and she comes across like a whole different person. Plenty of eye contact with the camera, no stimming, seemed confident, spoke quickly, laughed a lot. I know ‘masking’ is a thing (I have ASD myself) but this was completely different to anything she has posted on TikTok so far, and it was only a few years ago. Complete juxtaposition to the girl rocking back and forth and speaking at snails pace she does now.

I personally don’t buy that she has ASD at all, I know people can experience it differently but too much doesn’t add up with her. She comes across very performative and even some comments she makes in response to people look blatantly forced and taken wrong purposefully. I find her ‘portrayal’ of ASD insulting, as do many others with autism.

Also interesting to note she’s not from the UK originally (she moved here when she was 20, she’s originally from Sweden) and she was married in 2016 but is no longer with the guy, so would assume she’s now divorced.

about the photos: she was ghosting people who had their weddings in July 2021 whilst continuing to shoot weddings up until August 2022 so her excuse about her health suddenly declining being why she didn’t deliver the photos is complete crap. She also has a post on her FB from 2018 about how important photographers insurance is. I’m wondering why if she had this she didn’t ever use to it compensate and/or battle the clients in court? Depending on the type of cover she had she may well have been covered.
I have a theory relating to people who may not truly be neurodivergent but present as such online or actually believe they are when they aren’t. Firstly, the abundance of knowledge available on TikTok makes it very easy for people to present a certain way. Secondly, the lockdowns had a massive impact on people, more so than I think a lot of us realise, I have become a lot more sensitive in many ways and also a lot more socially anxious since lockdowns began. I have wondered a lot (way before TikTok came along) if there was something wrong with me but I certainly see how the changes that happened over those couple of years could easily influence people into thinking they are neurodivergent.

I’m gonna stay mainly quiet on my thoughts about her but I do agree something is very off!
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Why does she need to pay to access the photos?
I’m actually wrong and I rewatched both of the videos:

- she needs to pay to regain access to her business email account
- she mentions she would need to get in contact with all of the couples and categorise the ones who have CCJ orders against her and double check the responsibilities she has towards them
- she mentions that there are two options:
(1) regain access to the email account and upload the unedited pictures to an online gallery so that all of the couples can get their photos
(2) edit the photos herself slowly or pay for someone else with a similar style to do that
= both of these options require funds. Her PIP would only pay partially towards this and she mentions she could set up a GFM

In the second video, after a long time of talking about how TikTok helped her find a community, she concludes the video with her solution being to pay for someone else of a similar style to edit the pictures for her. You know, one of the two more expensive (presumably) options 🤭

I probably got confused because the videos were so damn slow and even speeding through them is a bit of a pain, but also the fact that she was leaning towards the more expensive and longer option does make me think that she probably doesn’t have the files any longer and this was a delay tactic for her
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Chatty Member
Pip&Dodo has said is the comments they did try small claims, and clearly it’s not worked, so what happens after that, legally?
Nothing they can do if she doesn’t have assets for bailiffs to take really

I don’t believe she has the photos either. She needs to at least be honest about it
Would it be classed as fraud as they paid and she never sent the goods? I’m not clued up on this stuff x
no because there wasnt a criminal intention
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Surely she could've just told them that though and I'm sure they'd have been understanding.
If she'd have done her job properly the CCJs could've been avoided too. It just seems like she's caused herself so much unnecessary stress.
Being understanding doesn’t mean they would have automatically agreed with them. She may also not have known about the possibility of getting them removed that way, hence advice part of it all

the way she behaved throughout this is hardly ideal
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I don’t believe she has the photos either. She needs to at least be honest about it
If she had them she'd have sent them by now surely, the way she's avoiding it just makes me think she deleted them ages ago and hoped nobody would ever say anything.
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She was doing a jigsaw when I saw her on the live last night.

I feel for the couples, must be hard to know what action to take because i imagine at this point they just want the photos and after finding her on TikTok they possibly thought there might be a chance so would want to keep her sweet.
They shouldn't have to keep her sweet though they have a right to be upset. How hard is it to send a few files over?

I genuinely think she doesn't have them anymore and hoped they'd all forget. These are wedding photos though, you're not just gonna let go.
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I feel sorry for the people wanting their photos because they're also getting a lot of hate, being called abelists and all sorts.
One of them said theh've had death threats
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Chatty Member
Yep live now too. Plenty of eye contact with camera, speaking, smiling, no sign of the rocking back and forth ‘selective mutism’ she was claiming months ago. :rolleyes:


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Oh I did a few screen records yesterday because the only time her speech would slow and her eyes would roll and she would do those hand movements was if it was a question she didn’t like.
I just put behind a spoiler so as not to clog up the thread.

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