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Chatty Member
What an absolute joke. Her performative BS is so insulting. As someone who has struggled with selective mutism as a child she clearly has no clue how selective mutism works because it doesn’t mean you suddenly go entirely non-verbal, it’s situational depending on who you are in the presence of. She’s alone in her room at home, there’s nobody even there??! If it’s to do with the camera then idk, turn it off??! She’s gone the whole holiday period without addressing any of this photography stuff while being on live for hours on end, she doesn’t even allow comments so what was the sudden need to make this bull crap video addressing it other than for attention and sympathy?

she make me sooo bloody angry, she’s making a complete mockery and shit show of neurodiversity and autism.
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Chatty Member
I'm locked in for this one.

As someone who is neurodivergent myself, I am not quick to judge others as I appreciate that it is a spectrum and everyone is affected differently, but idk my spidey senses are tingling for this one. It just feels SO off.
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Her latest TikTok is so bizarre. Using an AAC device for the video and rocking back and forth with a cuddly toy really just feels like she's trying to display some kind of disability porn (for lack of a better phrase) when surely she could have not shown herself if she isn't able to communicate verbally?

Maybe I am incredibly privileged in my situation as a neurodivergent woman but this just feels so... off. I can't quite put my finger on why this doesn't sit right with me but it just doesn't...
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Chatty Member
Thanks for making the thread! I wasn’t sure how and was really keen to discuss her somewhere. I’ll paste the info from my post on the other thread below this one as I think it’s important info for anyone coming across the thread.

I don’t know how she thought she’d get away with it all tbh, especially once her TikTok started gaining momentum. It was only ever a matter of time before someone recognised her.

- - -

I found some old videos of her doing FB lives back in 2019/2020 promoting her photography business back then and she comes across like a whole different person. Plenty of eye contact with the camera, no stimming, seemed confident, spoke quickly, laughed a lot. I know ‘masking’ is a thing (I have ASD myself) but this was completely different to anything she has posted on TikTok so far, and it was only a few years ago. Complete juxtaposition to the girl rocking back and forth and speaking at snails pace she does now.

I personally don’t buy that she has ASD at all, I know people can experience it differently but too much doesn’t add up with her. She comes across very performative and even some comments she makes in response to people look blatantly forced and taken wrong purposefully. I find her ‘portrayal’ of ASD insulting, as do many others with autism.

Also interesting to note she’s not from the UK originally (she moved here when she was 20, she’s originally from Sweden) and she was married in 2016 but is no longer with the guy, so would assume she’s now divorced.

about the photos: she was ghosting people who had their weddings in July 2021 whilst continuing to shoot weddings up until August 2022 so her excuse about her health suddenly declining being why she didn’t deliver the photos is complete crap. She also has a post on her FB from 2018 about how important photographers insurance is. I’m wondering why if she had this she didn’t ever use to it compensate and/or battle the clients in court? Depending on the type of cover she had she may well have been covered.
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VIP Member
It’s honestly time they unprivated their videos about her, it was naive at best to agree to private them in response to her.

I don’t think she has the pictures to send tbh but on the off chance she does, the only thing that seems to be forcing her to act at all was the pressure of their videos… so the only way they stand a chance to get them back is to keep that pressure up.
Autism or not, I'm leaning towards not, it isn't an excuse for her behavior.
I get being burnt out and struggling with executive dysfunction but she's been on live doing other things enough that she could've just sorted the photos. If she has them, again I'm leaning towards not.
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As an adult female with ASD, raising a tween female with ASD, I’m embarrassed.

I’m not disputing she’s autistic. But to use the fact that she’s autistic as an excuse to scam people is sickening.

And as for the hammy overacting…this is why no one takes us seriously dammit!!!
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Her apology video was the first I knew of her - or so I thought. After looking at her profile I realise I'd previously seen her pinned video reacting to a comment about her getting a job.

It doesn't make sense to me at all how one year you can be capable of being a photographer - a very socially demanding job in terms of being approachable, friendly, easy to work with etc (I 100% wouldn't be capable of it!) and then a few years later be unable to speak fluently and make 'eye contact' with your camera. Does autism really work like that? I thought you 'regress' into it in your early years and then that's who you are...

Okay, so let's say she is suffering from fibromyalgia (another munchie favourite). I understand not being able to be a photographer anymore, as it is physically demanding. But editing photos on a screen? Not even editing but even just sorting and processing the raw files into something that can be sent out? Surely that's no less demanding than making all these bloody tik toks fighting with every comment that tells her to get a job.

I think she's full of shit personally. I've also noticed her speech pattern (edit - when she feels like it) is very similar to Carrie Redhead (redheadresidence) who has waldmanns disease. Wonder if that's another little snippet of personality snatching
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I can’t get my head around how she had the audacity to complain to the police about one of the brides making a video on TikTok when she knows she’s kept the money but not delivered the photos.

She can have autism and still be a horrible person.
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She could have done a video with text on it. Plenty of people do it. But no, we had to have this performance instead. At this point she's taking the piss out of people who actually do struggle with mutism and people with autism in general.
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Chatty Member
It looks like the couples finally got their wedding photos, so glad for them. Surprised she really did have them still. I wonder if now this is over she’ll pop back up again as if nothing happened.
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Chatty Member
I’ve never been happier to see a thread! The absolute audacity of her!

The “autism” is the most performative, badly-acted and offensive thing I’ve see in some time.

in one of the “apology” videos, she says something like “man, I loved that time” and it was something from a bad channel 5 film 😂
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Chatty Member
It’s all a bit cringe. Aren’t those knee braces just non-medical compression knee sleeves from any chemis/supermarket? Looks like disability cosplay.
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She popped up on my fyp shortly before the photography dram and boy have I wanted to discuss it all

She does come off as very performative. From the fidget toys, to the purposefully not looking at the camera, to even the tone of voice. There’s nothing at all that feels “genuine” about it and it feels very carefully crafted to give a very one dimensional view

The not looking at the camera specifically is just pure silly imo

Her “apology” videos all came off as “me me me”. Going so far as to throw in suicide and her dog. A lot of it wasn’t relevant to the fact that these couples don’t have the photos

I don’t think it matters if the couples send her USBs. In her original video she said she’d have to pay to access the photos to begin with and that she doesn’t have the money to do that. I expect her to come up with another excuse because I suspect the photos are long gone
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VIP Member
This girl is such a fraud.
Do i genuinely think she is disabled? Honestly no, I think she’s a munchie revelling in the TikTok attention she was gaining, and now she’s a fraudster. Well well well, I’ll enjoy watching this unfold.
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Chatty Member
I’ve never been happier to see a thread! The absolute audacity of her!

The “autism” is the most performative, badly-acted and offensive thing I’ve see in some time.

in one of the “apology” videos, she says something like “man, I loved that time” and it was something from a bad channel 5 film 😂
The outtakes she included were ridiculous too, on what planet did she think that was an appropriate thing to do on that video?

I also really didn’t like how her ‘apology’ video seemed to mainly address her followers on TikTok too, she speaks as if she is talking to them rather than the actual victims of her fraudulent behaviour. That didn’t sit right with me, as it comes off as though she’s only doing the video to address her ‘fans’ rather than because the victims deserve a response/apology.
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Chatty Member
There’s no excuse for what she’s done to those people. It’s very Jack Monroe, taking money and delivering nothing but excuses. Plenty of people with autism are self-employed and manage their own deadlines and honour their commitments (myself included) but these grifters use it as an excuse to rip people off. I’m sick of it now.
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VIP Member
No that video is fucking awful. I know people mask, especially females, but i don’t think you can mask to the extent that she’s now suddenly non-verbal and uncontrollable stimming etc and she’s showing it in 100% of her videos where she was able to hide it all before. She also changes quite quickly with the dog. How is she able to take care of a dog, a demand outside of her own personal needs, but not the demands of paying customers?

Her explanation of the skills required to do the job also seemed off as she actually explained what needed to be done really well but then said she doesn’t have the skills.

Also she was saying she was coming out of her autistic burnout in November 2023 but then the photography situation made her regress. It’s emotional manipulation and deflection. I don’t buy it one single bit.
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I hope there’s a point at which the couples start blasting her on tiktok because clearly she’s not going to give these pictures back

I understand things being overwhelming because I’ve been there myself and getting started on doing those things actually being hard, but with her recent lives I’m sure she would have found the motivation to sit down and drag some pictures onto USBs
It’s honestly time they unprivated their videos about her, it was naive at best to agree to private them in response to her.

I don’t think she has the pictures to send tbh but on the off chance she does, the only thing that seems to be forcing her to act at all was the pressure of their videos… so the only way they stand a chance to get them back is to keep that pressure up.
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VIP Member
She deffo doesn’t have the photos anymore or she would have done it by now, my sympathy lies with the poor couples who have waited ages to try and get what they paid for
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VIP Member
It looks like the couples finally got their wedding photos, so glad for them. Surprised she really did have them still. I wonder if now this is over she’ll pop back up again as if nothing happened.
Never in a million years did I think they’d get that result. I’m thrilled for them!
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