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VIP Member
Pip&Dodo has said is the comments they did try small claims, and clearly it’s not worked, so what happens after that, legally?
She does have CCJs against her and it sounds like she may have had them for a while now. Also, she said she received more letters from court the last time she was doing mail around Christmas time

I’m not entirely sure how the whole bailiff process works but I think the people affected would have to kick start it? Unlikely to happen given how nice they’re being with these videos

Also her saying she needs to be careful about it makes me think that she probably wants to remove the CCJ in the future? Not sure how it all works so
Bailiffs would be a massive pain in the arse because she lives alone and she does appear to have real diagnoses so she’d be classed as vulnerable.

Which means they can’t just go round and force entry if she’s there alone and more than likely they’d end up putting her on a payment plan that would take ages for them to get anything meaningful from her. Far more hassle than it’s worth especially as I suspect she’s switched on enough to alert them that she’s vulnerable - many bailiffs wouldn’t even agree to try and enforce something so (in the grand scheme of things) small because of the hassle they’d have.


VIP Member
She's on live right now where only paying subs csn ask questions, but she's interacting fluently and not speaking 2 words a minute like usual...she's obviously faking.
She's completely different. Even when answering questions/talking to people.
Not a single pause and completely looking at the camera.

Unless someone mentions the Autism and reminds her.
Like she just said about not being fit to work and all of a sudden, she's back like it.
And then forgets again.


VIP Member
I’m actually wrong and I rewatched both of the videos:

- she needs to pay to regain access to her business email account
- she mentions she would need to get in contact with all of the couples and categorise the ones who have CCJ orders against her and double check the responsibilities she has towards them
- she mentions that there are two options:
(1) regain access to the email account and upload the unedited pictures to an online gallery so that all of the couples can get their photos
(2) edit the photos herself slowly or pay for someone else with a similar style to do that
= both of these options require funds. Her PIP would only pay partially towards this and she mentions she could set up a GFM

In the second video, after a long time of talking about how TikTok helped her find a community, she concludes the video with her solution being to pay for someone else of a similar style to edit the pictures for her. You know, one of the two more expensive (presumably) options 🤭

I probably got confused because the videos were so damn slow and even speeding through them is a bit of a pain, but also the fact that she was leaning towards the more expensive and longer option does make me think that she probably doesn’t have the files any longer and this was a delay tactic for her
She says she has access to the photos and knows at least 5 of the couples... and has known of them for over a year, and still hasn't sent them their photos even though the poor couples have practically begged her!


VIP Member
She mentioned having to get advice on the CCJs previously so it could be that

I’m pretty sure she can ask for the couples to consent to removing them or something
Surely she could've just told them that though and I'm sure they'd have been understanding.
If she'd have done her job properly the CCJs could've been avoided too. It just seems like she's caused herself so much unnecessary stress.


Chatty Member
absolute con artist
how does she even claim pip ? she can’t be a british citizen surely? i thought there’s earnings criteria
I think she must have settled status, which would entitle her. She was married to a British citizen for a few years too which may have helped.


VIP Member
I may be imagining it or getting it wrong. But I'm sure she said when dealing with the photos etc, she has to be careful of the ones that has CCJs against her.
I may be wrong though!
To be fair I wouldn’t be surprised if she has,
Pip & Dodo has uploaded a TikTok with an update on behalf of all of the couples. Looks like no progress and she hasn’t heard from Anna since 7th Dec. They’ve reported her to the police and re-written the contract so all she has to do is send them the RAW files and that will stop them pursuing any legal action against her and she still hasn’t replied. She can’t have the files still. If the police interviewing her over it didn’t scare her into handing them over there’s surely no way she still has them.
Yeah I’d be really surprised if the police actually interviewed her tbh, this is a civil matter and I would expect them to say they’re not getting involved especially if there’s already been a CCJ against Anna for it.

They might have spoken briefly to her but an interview just doesn’t ring true.
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VIP Member
Pip&Dodo has said is the comments they did try small claims, and clearly it’s not worked, so what happens after that, legally?

Enforcing a judgment ^