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Pip and Dodo sharing messages.

Of course Anna is capable of reply when she isn’t happy about a public video 🙄

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And the fact she's made her lives subscriber only (for comments) means she's still getting money from people. Except she's too lazy to fake the stimming on the lives too. She's so vile.
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I was the same at school, especially primary but it continued well into secondary for me it made my life very difficult and I was an easy target for bullies. Made school a miserable experience for me and my selective mutism meant I couldn't speak up about the difficulties I was facing. Honestly seeing people mock such a disabling condition knocks me sick.

Absolute beg, she just wants everything for free that's why she doesn't care at all about taking these people's money and the 'autism card' is something she thought she could use to get off without being punished. I hope these couples take this further, she's a liar and a scammer.
Absolutely, I feel the same. It feels like she’s cosplaying as an autistic person and it’s infuriating when you’re someone who’s actual daily life that is. It isn’t something we can turn on/off for TikTok clout and sympathy.

I really hope so too. I don’t know much about how citizenship/settlement works when you move to the UK from the EU pre-Brexit but it would be interesting to know whether the CCJ’s against her would effect what her status here is since she isn’t a British national and is no longer in a relationship with her former British husband.

It also looks like she’s removed/deleted her photography page she had up on FB.
In case anyone didn’t see this before she removed the FB page, this was her in 2019.

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I get that they’re upset they don’t have the photos and they have every right to be but honestly implying they’ll never be able to think of their wedding without anxious pain because of it is ridiculously overdramatic. Photos of one day aren’t the bee all and end all and I find it really hard to believe that a wedding that took place in 2022 has no photos at all for the son to see Mummy and Daddy because of Anna. I didn’t have a professional photographer at my wedding but I’ve got plenty of photos other people took and I doubt a child is going to go “But mummy this isn’t a professional photo!!!”

I think the only way they’re going to stand a chance of getting any files she may have is to go to the press about it now like they’ve all apparently been contacted to do.
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I wonder if she had knowledge that the couples would be discussing it on TikTok again hence the non-verbal video that was meant to make everyone feel sorry for her
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So glad there’s a thread. I came across this girl last night and went down a rabbit hole.

I felt guilty think she was acting the whole thing, but I’m pleased others have noticed this too. It all absolutely stinks of fake.

People like this will always meet their demise.
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Just seen another TikTok by Pip&Dodo saying they’ve still not heard anything from Anna and she seems to have abandoned TikTok for now. Such a shame she still hasn’t done the right thing. There’s no way she can have the photos anymore, otherwise this behaviour makes no sense. You’d surely want rid of the entire problem & all the hate and anxiety that is coming with it and just hand them over in whatever form they’re in. She’s had so many people offer to edit, pick them up, etc., it would require 0 effort on her part. The only logical explanation is she doesn’t have them.
She's so wrong for just ghosting them. She can't run away from this, she needs to just come clean at this point. I'm sure the couples would appreciate her honestly, even if it's late, it gives them closure.
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If she really couldn’t even face sorting the photos out to work out which ones were which, surely she could have just sent everything to one of the many other photographers offering to help - or even to one of the couples. I doubt any of them would have cared at this point about a third party doing the sorting and thus seeing some of their photos.

It’s all ridiculous excuses that make no sense, and her behaviour is awful, if she really wanted to post the latest shit explanation it would have been far better as a text post - which she’s done before so she can’t claim she doesn’t know how.
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Oh I did a few screen records yesterday because the only time her speech would slow and her eyes would roll and she would do those hand movements was if it was a question she didn’t like.
I just put behind a spoiler so as not to clog up the thread.

This is what I mentioned before after watching one of her live. Her "Autism" would only show up when someone reminded her she had it 😂
She was just talking about Sweden so I presume that is where she's from.
Says she's been here 12 years
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I still personally don't understand how she can owe so many people their photos. Over a year or more? Ow whatever it is?
Surely if she realised she couldn't do the first lot of ones, she shouldn't have taken more on? And continued to do so?
Didn't someone say she had taken over 35k.
I don't know how much she charged but that's more than a few couples.
her prices were 1400 for a half day so guessing a full day is 2800, plus 500 deposit
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has she just disappeared?
Her account is still there but she’s not posted anything since she used the aac just before the couples started posting again. It’s not clear if the couples have had any contact.

I saw in comments they actually know where she lives but they have been advised not to go round because it could be seen as harassment!! It must be so tempting though.
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She could have done a video with text on it. Plenty of people do it. But no, we had to have this performance instead. At this point she's taking the piss out of people who actually do struggle with mutism and people with autism in general.
This was going to be my exact comment!
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Chatty Member
yeah and that’s also why I think she originally got a bit burnt out with one of the couples and didn’t edit the photos, when she realised she could get away with it she kept doing it and then eventually this led to her not turning up at all and still getting the money.
there’s people saying she may have sold her hard drives for money
pip & dodo said they paid £900, and that other couples paid over £1500
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I can’t comment on whether she is or isn’t autistic but I’m wondering if some of her MH symptoms may be mimicking some of the symptoms? For example, I have a sensory processing disorder but I’m not autistic. I also have MH issues.
I think she has MH issues and likely there is some overlap with autism symptoms but I also think she was deliberately playing them up for her tiktok when she “needed” to. Like the rocking back and forth wearing earphones, that just screamed bullshit to me.
She definitely won’t be working. These were her responses when someone asked her about that yesterday

View attachment 2938265

View attachment 2938267
Even here is an example of it, her speech is fine until people ask her a question she doesn’t want to answer or point out her speech and it seems put on. There’s clearly a bit of anxiety about answering but then the pauses and the tone she used to use come back out and it’s like you can see her concentrating on doing that.
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I can hardly say I'm surprised. I'm sorry but if she can sit on live all night chatting away she can get it sorted!

Absolute scammer!
100 percent agree, I’m autistic and so is my son but if I feel a burn out coming on I tell my family so they can give me motivation to keep doing what I need to do, not scam people
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Chatty Member
Ah I didn’t know she was married! Or about the 12 years, I did read she had a photography business in Sweden which I thought would be more recent as she looks pretty young, anyone know how old she is?

Edit: Just seen above that she’s 32. That’s crazy. Feel like she has aged a lot since she was last active on Tiktok though.
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Payment for wedding photographers is usually in full before wedding day. They will take a deposit to secure the date then require the rest shortly before wedding date. So all those couples will have paid in full.
Ah ok I can see why that would make criminal intent more tricky because if she already had all the money, if the intent was to scam them just for money then there was no need to turn up to the job at all.
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They should just go ahead and sue her. She doesn't have the photos, these poor people are keeping hope on this vile lying piece of shit to be a good human, which of course she won't.

They've done all they possibly can to try and obtain their images and she is being a cunt about it. I have absolutely no sympathy for this lying little cow, karma will hit her hard.
I’m sure that’s their next step if they find out she doesn’t have the photos. So sad because they’ve said they don’t even care about getting money back, they just want their wedding photos. But I agree, suing her seems like their only option and I think that would be the only way to get her to act (if she even has the photos). She’s an awful woman.
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