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I get that they’re upset they don’t have the photos and they have every right to be but honestly implying they’ll never be able to think of their wedding without anxious pain because of it is ridiculously overdramatic. Photos of one day aren’t the bee all and end all and I find it really hard to believe that a wedding that took place in 2022 has no photos at all for the son to see Mummy and Daddy because of Anna. I didn’t have a professional photographer at my wedding but I’ve got plenty of photos other people took and I doubt a child is going to go “But mummy this isn’t a professional photo!!!”

I think the only way they’re going to stand a chance of getting any files she may have is to go to the press about it now like they’ve all apparently been contacted to do.
I think maybe dramatic was their only option and they’re just fighting fire with fire as Anna has been dramatic enough to suicide bait over it. Seems like desperation at this point.
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Chatty Member
I just saw a video from someone that hasn't got their photos and they (and others) have agreed to buy the memory sticks and send her prepaid envelopes so all she has to do is put the raw filess on and send them back... these couples are saints
I saw that video. I hope she does do it, but there are plenty of options to share the files online that could be done today, this seems like it’s buying her more time. I know the files are big but there are things like drop box offers a 30 day free trial for a business account with several TB of storage, is one example off the top of my head. I am sceptical that the flash drives will be returned but time will tell.

Are we also meant to believe DWP have been inundated with people reporting her? How would they know any other details apart from her name? Feels like another manipulative lie to make people feel sorry for her.
Completely agree- DWP would have no way of finding her based on first and middle name, and even if they could work out who the report was regarding they wouldn’t just call her to say hi, you’re getting mass reported… rubbish.
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I noticed this. What is she doing on the live I didn't really stick around.

I sure hope she's sorting these photos out whilst she's on live all the time.
She was doing a jigsaw when I saw her on the live last night.

I feel for the couples, must be hard to know what action to take because i imagine at this point they just want the photos and after finding her on TikTok they possibly thought there might be a chance so would want to keep her sweet.
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She claims all the money was spent on household bills which is why she cant refund them.. but she had over 32k from people.
So so many people have offered to do the photos for free and so many have said she wont take them up on the offer.
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I don’t think she has them anymore either, I said this at the beginning, or else she would have sent them and be done with. She knows she is in deep shit so is burying her head in the sand still…
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Thread for tiktoker Autistic.etc to discuss the wedding photo debacle and whether or not she’s full of shit.
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So she didn’t even turn up to at least one of themView attachment 2714054
Her deposit is £500 btw!
Just thinking about this. The couple on TikTok who think they may have been the last had their wedding in august 2022 where Anna did turn up.

This review says their wedding was September 2022 where they paid and lost a £500 deposit at least six months before (six months of no contact and didn’t turn up). So I wonder how many more couples she took deposits from but never contacted again? It’s a different situation as they lost money but probably not photos as they would have sorted something else out.
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Genuinely astonished she handed over the photos! And even more than they’d asked for judging by them looking for more couples.

I think she might use that she did it as a reason to come back, claim she was having a breakdown the whole time and once she came out of it she sent them.
I think this is on the money. She wants to come back to social media but knew she couldn't without handing over the photos. She'll come back with I did it as soon as I could, it's not my fault, I'm a good person, blah, blah.
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I think they’ve already tried
Just don’t understand why it took her a year to stop doing weddings after she first stopped sending pictures?
this is where I struggle with it being civil claim vs fraud?

I think the response has been there was no criminal intent, which might be true initially but is there not a tipping point? Ignoring the early couples but still taking on new couples - what would the defence be, that she took on too much but always hoped she would get round to it, but she’s still not getting round to it?

If she didn’t keep the photos then what does that also tell us about her intent? When did she ‘lose’ them and under what circumstances?
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There’s no excuse for what she’s done to those people. It’s very Jack Monroe, taking money and delivering nothing but excuses. Plenty of people with autism are self-employed and manage their own deadlines and honour their commitments (myself included) but these grifters use it as an excuse to rip people off. I’m sick of it now.
I think she’s even worse than Jack Monroe because it looks like she’s actually done the work for some but is still refusing to send the raw files with various excuses. So either she’s lost them or she’s being deliberately extra malicious and either way that’s awful.
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This comment makes me think she does still have the photos. I wonder if she is just absolutely furious with the couples for going public and just not sending them out of spite / control.

I am not convinced she would have purposely just deleted them in the past two years when she has 20 couples chasing her - she would have to feel pretty confident that doing so wouldn’t get her into more trouble legally and I think she might be more likely to hold on to them for as long as possible, as security, and only give them up when she is left with no other choice?
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She’s deleted all her videos relating to the photos. Not a surprise really.
Yeah and quite avoidant when asked about it on lives as well. Guess she’s hoping everyone will forget eventually and she’ll be able to rake in money from lives
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She claims all the money was spent on household bills which is why she cant refund them.. but she had over 32k from people.
So so many people have offered to do the photos for free and so many have said she wont take them up on the offer.
She’s even refusing to just send the raw files over, one of the couples has said that’s all they want at this point.

Something is really off with her… where are the photos? Presumably she actually took them as she did turn up to that wedding.
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Chatty Member
I had selective mutism as a kid too and it still affects me when I'm super depressed but it doesn't work like this. There were people I could talk too and others, even family members, who had never heard my voice. Seeing someone who looks like they're faking in this manner is so incredibly insensitive to neurodivergent people. She has no clue and it shows, and tbh this video along with the one with the bloopers is just making a mockery of people with autism.

It's absolutely disgusting. She needs to be held accountable, not just for the photos but also for the lying, fake stimming, performative bullshit that is literally just a misinformed stereotype of how autistic people present.

Agree. She's taking the piss and it's vile. As if people with autism, selective mutism and any other neurodivergencies don't struggle enough already.
Exactly, I had teachers who never heard my voice once in my first 5 years of school as I would never speak, not even to say yes to my name on the register, but at home with close family you couldn’t shut me up. The clue is in the term ‘selective’ mutism, she’s dumb as rocks and has zero clue.
- - -

also the absolute audacity of having a £150 mug warmer on her Amazon wish list that’s linked in her link tree. piss off.


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Pip & Dodo has uploaded a TikTok with an update on behalf of all of the couples. Looks like no progress and she hasn’t heard from Anna since 7th Dec. They’ve reported her to the police and re-written the contract so all she has to do is send them the RAW files and that will stop them pursuing any legal action against her and she still hasn’t replied. She can’t have the files still. If the police interviewing her over it didn’t scare her into handing them over there’s surely no way she still has them.
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Yeah, I can totally see it.
I've followed Nicole (soundoftheforest is her username) for a few years now I think. I've always thought she seemed pretty nice.

They do have very similar mannerisms.
I do believe Nicole is genuine though, she's shared quite a few videos of herself as a child, stimming ect.

Makes you wonder if they've copied her or used her as an example to go by!
I like her too and don’t think she’s scamming. I used to follow her on my old account as I thought it was amazing how well she did moving into her own apartment and living independently.
But as for the other one I definitely think there’s something not right about her
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The video where she's replying to someones comment, where she is stroking the dog, she's acting completely fine? There's no stimming or struggling to keep eye contact with the camera? Yet every other video she makes a point of it? Fucking loon
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Autism or not, I'm leaning towards not, it isn't an excuse for her behavior.
I get being burnt out and struggling with executive dysfunction but she's been on live doing other things enough that she could've just sorted the photos. If she has them, again I'm leaning towards not.
I fully agree with all this
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