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I’ve just seen her TikTok’s of her trying to justify herself and let me tell you I RAN to tattle 😂 absolute fucking fraud
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I’m actually disgusted by that performance. I’m autistic, as is my daughter. My daughter has many motor stereotypies and stims that she’s really self conscious of, but she can’t always control them. And then you get this girl. Urgh, I’m actually so angry. It’s like a bad pastiche and is harmful to autistic people who do actually struggle like this daily.
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Chatty Member
wow how many years did it take them ? if she had them all along why was she withholding them, letting it get to court. she got a ccj and ruined her tiktok career for what
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She says in her newer crying video that her heatlh deteriorated after the weddings.
But there's like 12-15 weddings she's not provided the photos for over the space of a year/year and a half.
If her health got bad after... even if that was the case.. that'd be a reason for the last 1 or 2 couples not getting their photos.
Not a year and a halfs worth!
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They should just go ahead and sue her. She doesn't have the photos, these poor people are keeping hope on this vile lying piece of shit to be a good human, which of course she won't.

They've done all they possibly can to try and obtain their images and she is being a cunt about it. I have absolutely no sympathy for this lying little cow, karma will hit her hard.
I think they’ve already tried
Just don’t understand why it took her a year to stop doing weddings after she first stopped sending pictures?
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I’m not buying any of it either.

The last video she posted yesterday is basically telling everyone not directly involved to back off, because she’s not coping and if she kills herself then nobody gets the photos. She then goes on to criticise the couple who made a video calling her a scammer.

She was ignoring the people who were directly involved for years. Of course people not directly involved are going to I’ve something to say about it.

Maybe she didn’t set out to scam people. But disability and illness doesn’t give you the right to hold on to people’s money and years down the line still not deliver the goods.
Also, that last tiktok was crying about people getting involved when they don't need to - babe, you've put this all out there! I didn't know anything about this until I saw YOUR tiktok! Should have dealt with it all in private and no-one would be making comments.
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This crossed my mind! Or maybe that video triggered the couples to go public again.

If she no longer has the photos then she is being deliberately cruel not telling them imo. Because if they already have court orders for the money (which they are unlikely to ever get back), it makes no difference if she told them she no longer has them, does it?
Two more. Honestly this makes Anna look even worse. I can’t believe her attitude. She may have autism but it is not autism causing this situation!!

View attachment 2709456View attachment 2709457
She has no right to play the victim, absolute insult to other autistic people she is
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Chatty Member
absolute con artist
how does she even claim pip ? she can’t be a british citizen surely? i thought there’s earnings criteria
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Exactly, I had teachers who never heard my voice once in my first 5 years of school as I would never speak, not even to say yes to my name on the register, but at home with close family you couldn’t shut me up. The clue is in the term ‘selective’ mutism, she’s dumb as rocks and has zero clue.
- - -

also the absolute audacity of having a £150 mug warmer on her Amazon wish list that’s linked in her link tree. piss off.
I was the same at school, especially primary but it continued well into secondary for me it made my life very difficult and I was an easy target for bullies. Made school a miserable experience for me and my selective mutism meant I couldn't speak up about the difficulties I was facing. Honestly seeing people mock such a disabling condition knocks me sick.

Absolute beg, she just wants everything for free that's why she doesn't care at all about taking these people's money and the 'autism card' is something she thought she could use to get off without being punished. I hope these couples take this further, she's a liar and a scammer.
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What an absolute joke. Her performative BS is so insulting. As someone who has struggled with selective mutism as a child she clearly has no clue how selective mutism works because it doesn’t mean you suddenly go entirely non-verbal, it’s situational depending on who you are in the presence of. She’s alone in her room at home, there’s nobody even there??! If it’s to do with the camera then idk, turn it off??! She’s gone the whole holiday period without addressing any of this photography stuff while being on live for hours on end, she doesn’t even allow comments so what was the sudden need to make this bull crap video addressing it other than for attention and sympathy?

she make me sooo bloody angry, she’s making a complete mockery and shit show of neurodiversity and autism.
I had selective mutism as a kid too and it still affects me when I'm super depressed but it doesn't work like this. There were people I could talk too and others, even family members, who had never heard my voice. Seeing someone who looks like they're faking in this manner is so incredibly insensitive to neurodivergent people. She has no clue and it shows, and tbh this video along with the one with the bloopers is just making a mockery of people with autism.

It's absolutely disgusting. She needs to be held accountable, not just for the photos but also for the lying, fake stimming, performative bullshit that is literally just a misinformed stereotype of how autistic people present.
She could have done a video with text on it. Plenty of people do it. But no, we had to have this performance instead. At this point she's taking the piss out of people who actually do struggle with mutism and people with autism in general.
Agree. She's taking the piss and it's vile. As if people with autism, selective mutism and any other neurodivergencies don't struggle enough already.
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Chatty Member
Yes! Soundofaforest is the first person I thought of. She is so sweet though. Can’t imagine her scamming anyone.
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It just shows how precious the photos are. Far more important than the money to them. It must be heartbreaking to not have any, or very few photos of your wedding.
I wonder if she thought it was an opportunity to get even more money out of people when she first started talking about needing a go fund me for various things. Hopefully the backlash has stopped that in its tracks. She needs to just get the pics to them or confess if she no longer has them.
Are we also meant to believe DWP have been inundated with people reporting her? How would they know any other details apart from her name? Feels like another manipulative lie to make people feel sorry for her.
I think she has the photos but saw it as a way to try and get money from people.

She claims in her video that it's all being sorted and she isn't doing it just because she got caught or it came onto Tiktok.
Yet these people have said they've asked for the raw files for months and months, one of them for over a year. So of course it's because she's been found out. 🙄
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I hope there’s a point at which the couples start blasting her on tiktok because clearly she’s not going to give these pictures back

I understand things being overwhelming because I’ve been there myself and getting started on doing those things actually being hard, but with her recent lives I’m sure she would have found the motivation to sit down and drag some pictures onto USBs
She deserves all the hate and backlash she gets now!
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VIP Member
I’m not buying any of it either.

The last video she posted yesterday is basically telling everyone not directly involved to back off, because she’s not coping and if she kills herself then nobody gets the photos. She then goes on to criticise the couple who made a video calling her a scammer.

She was ignoring the people who were directly involved for years. Of course people not directly involved are going to I’ve something to say about it.

Maybe she didn’t set out to scam people. But disability and illness doesn’t give you the right to hold on to people’s money and years down the line still not deliver the goods.
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VIP Member
is the robot voice an edited voiceover? It sounds very similar to her 😂😂

Honestly this is a sad comedy at this point because the effort in editing this is probably a lot yet she doesn’t have time to sort through pictures
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Chatty Member
Her apology video was the first I knew of her - or so I thought. After looking at her profile I realise I'd previously seen her pinned video reacting to a comment about her getting a job.

It doesn't make sense to me at all how one year you can be capable of being a photographer - a very socially demanding job in terms of being approachable, friendly, easy to work with etc (I 100% wouldn't be capable of it!) and then a few years later be unable to speak fluently and make 'eye contact' with your camera. Does autism really work like that? I thought you 'regress' into it in your early years and then that's who you are...

Okay, so let's say she is suffering from fibromyalgia (another munchie favourite). I understand not being able to be a photographer anymore, as it is physically demanding. But editing photos on a screen? Not even editing but even just sorting and processing the raw files into something that can be sent out? Surely that's no less demanding than making all these bloody tik toks fighting with every comment that tells her to get a job.

I think she's full of shit personally. I've also noticed her speech pattern (edit - when she feels like it) is very similar to Carrie Redhead (redheadresidence) who has waldmanns disease. Wonder if that's another little snippet of personality snatching
I noticed the similarities to how Carrie of Redhead Residence speaks too! I’ve also noticed her try to signal that she has other conditions too in some of her comments, like the attached, where she’s trying to suggest she has ARFID without explicitly stating it (probably in the hopes someone else will pick up on it) she goes on in another video after this one claims she does have it, since I guess nobody picked up on it from that attention seeking comment. As someone who struggles with ARFID myself (it’s a type of eating disorder that can be common in those with ASD) this really riled me up. Having ARFID isn’t all heart eyes and love emojis, it’s fucking awful. I hate having to eat the same crap every day. It’s taken a huge toll on my physical health, my relationships and my entire life. It makes me soo angry that she’s all 🥰 over having a fucking eating disorder. It smacks of ‘researched autism indicators’ and she’s now cosplaying it across TikTok.


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I get that they’re upset they don’t have the photos and they have every right to be but honestly implying they’ll never be able to think of their wedding without anxious pain because of it is ridiculously overdramatic. Photos of one day aren’t the bee all and end all and I find it really hard to believe that a wedding that took place in 2022 has no photos at all for the son to see Mummy and Daddy because of Anna. I didn’t have a professional photographer at my wedding but I’ve got plenty of photos other people took and I doubt a child is going to go “But mummy this isn’t a professional photo!!!”

I think the only way they’re going to stand a chance of getting any files she may have is to go to the press about it now like they’ve all apparently been contacted to do.
I guess it depends how you dealt with photos at your wedding. We asked guests not to take any photos during the ceremony so if we didn’t have professional photos we’d not have any of me walking down the aisle with my dad (who has since passed) or during the ceremony. We’d not have any of the couple portraits or family group shots. We’d have a handful of photos from the reception of course but nothing in the scale or quality, or of the moments, that our professional photos had.

For me, I can also absolutely see how it’s tarnished thoughts of the wedding for them and the continued stress and anxiety it’s causing will compound that.

I am also autistic and have ADHD, so I understand Anna’s behaviour to a point. But if I truly had the photos and wanted the couples to have them, I’d happily just had over the hardware or cloud accounts where the photos were and let someone else sort it out. That way it’s off my list, but if I was too overwhelmed to deal with it, I’d not have to.
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This girl reminds me so much of an American autistic girl who also posts with headphones on, not able to hold eye contact either, the only difference being is that the American girl is more hyper but strangely coincidental how similar the both accounts are
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