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There’s absolutely no accountability for that money she’s raising, I remember in the beginning she’d say oh I’ll show the receipts etc but I don’t ever remember seeing any!! €140k in 3 years?? Not a bad salary for CEO of orphans in Tanzania I suppose……
Why do you think Louise from Tír na óg orphanage stayed well clear from her,she saw right through her .
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The math isn’t mathing here for me with this one! The hubby must be making a fortune and I know she gets a good lump every month with child allowance, DCA etc. I know she claims to be good with money but don’t care how good with money you are, things are so expensive now. There isn’t time for her to “save” between trips she is away so often!! Us as a family of 4 both parents working could just about afford a basic week in the sun this year! Plus 2 over nights in hotels for a family occasions had us broke! Not to mention all the stuff like birthdays, after school activities. I am really suspicious I have to say! And I am really really over the Africa stuff, I find it very strange. I’m a long long time follower even before IG and I just finding her not enjoyable any more.
I get DCA for three kids along with children's all for four, husband has his own business and we didn't even manage a night in Ireland this year.
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Is mother fecking earth there again? She doesn't work, so the eejits donating whatever scam she has are paying for her to goultiple times a year. I'd nearly wish for a lockdown so she can't go
She has so many benefits yet her kids don’t need minding. Welfare should investigate every euro being paid
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Give me Strength

Chatty Member
Wow. I’ve just found Stella Maris Lodge on Facebook. Not the poor underfunded school that saint Lenore makes out at all. Far from it. It seems Teddy has “sisters” all over the world, raising funds for her. The kids look extremely happy and well looked after with plenty of gifts, food and parties. New uniforms and sports gear sponsored by other people. Great for the kids. I’m glad so many people around the world are supporting them. And the lodge seems to be booked out all year round too. Now I’m really wondering what’s behind all this “fundraising”
Edited to add Teddy is the hotel manager. Not sure what she has to do with the school.
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I think that’s why the girl running the orphanage has cut her off. Everything Lenore does, is for Lenore. To make out like she’s some kind of mother Theresa. She tried to get her foot in with that orphanage too, but I’d say the girl saw right through her. I mean did Teddy and Co really need a trip to Zanzibar AND Ireland?? Staying in top hotels etc. Imagine what the cost of all that could’ve done for the school and the kids. This constant begging for money while living the life she lives herself…..something just doesn’t sit right with me. I know if it was me, there’s no way I could book all these holidays etc if I was GENUINELY so concerned about kids in Africa. I just couldn’t.
And wtf are her nails like 🤮🤣
She’s not doing much housework with nails like that 😂😂 that’s all I can think of when I see them!!
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Christ on a bike 🙄 I'm in foul form, robbed blind from back to school and car tax and house insurance due. Watching Saint Lenore white savior is pissing me right off. Going on like Irish people are minted, send on €5 there and I'll sent it to Teddy. Most people having a fucking bob by the time food, mortgage, utilities and petrol is in the car. In your maddest dreams imagine going on a solo holiday half way across the world before kids go back to school. Is it just me or is this just way off on a single wage with 6 dependants 🤔🤔🤔
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Give me Strength

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No it’s owned, they rented privately after the council house and the house they’re in now was a grandparents house that they’ve “done up”
Done up with the “outside bath” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I do be screaming when I see that bath. I’m sure she actually thinks she lives in Tanzania 🤣 I have to have my heating on for 4 hours and my water on for 2 before I get in the bath. I be frozen otherwise 🤣🤣 NOTIONS 🙄🤣
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Poor Lenore. Imagine having to wait in a crowded area for over an hour!! In Dublin airport of all places. Does she think Disney Land is going to be empty just for her and her kids 🤣 And bringing Bodhi on a 9 hr flight his first time flying 🙄 Kids all taken out of school again for holidays too. I thought routine was so important for them 🤣
It's Lenore’s world the rest of us just live in it 🙄 non stop bitching during summer school hols as well how they don't understand how it affects family with autism in house not having routine, cue a picture of child with school bag ect ect I can't get over the money 🤯🤯🤯 also would love to know what husband makes of it all fucking nuts bringing kid with additional needs on a 9 hour flight, Portugal or Spain as a trail first would be obvious but not for ''Mama Christmas 🤢''
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Give me Strength

Chatty Member
If I was away and my house was flooded, I’d be on the first flight home. And that’s without even considering about children with additional needs. It’s clear as day she has always put Bodhi first before any of the other children.Bodhis first holiday so Bodhi can’t be upset and made go home early. Could you imagine if Bodhi was at home!! She’d be on the first flight then. Someone told me she only had the other 2 trying for the perfect boy. And I’m actually starting to believe it.
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He was always a bit of a fool in school. Doing stupid shit thinking he was funny. He wasn’t. I actually kind of feel sorry for him now. He has his hands full with her and those mannerless kids who are never disciplined or taught right from wrong. And that is all her doing. She will never be happy. You can’t please her. And he darent say no to her. She was always like that, having to have the best and latest of everything. A show off as we used to say back in the day. Notions.
I feel sorry for him. The kids don't lick it off a stone with the spoilt, self righteous behaviour. She passed a comment saying it was his first family holiday in how ever many years and it was good that he saw how the react together. He works around the clock according to her and I assume takes holidays so she can swan off and do her mother Teresa saint of Africa bit.
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I normally avoid Facebook as it can be a bit hit and miss with people replying or even responding to you, its tumbleweed at times and it can be much easier to hide behind a blog but going to put myself out there to those Im friends with here - so here goes!

Due to the many trips out to Tanzania over the last few years now and the huge amount of fundraising work which has included a whopping 92k for 6 deserving Irish charities and over another 90k for many organizations in Tanzania to help so many - it has led to the biggest undertaking of my life.

I suppose the more you visit there, the more horrors you uncover, the more clued in to corruption you become and also wise to those who are trying to take advantage of your kindness. Its everywhere unfortunately but with that said it also comes with the upside of many beginning to trust you, as youre not just another Mzungu passing through & people start to open up as they see you may actually be different and give a shit & are not just there for a safari or a photo op with a child and a lollipop.

Trust in children is a very tough thing to gain and it takes years to form as you have to let them come around to you, especially when as a child, you have been let down or violated by most of the adults you have trusted in your short life.

On this last trip in February, we managed to thankfully step in to save a child whose family had plans on killing her as she was a burden due to her disability, this hit hard and close to home as a Mother of children with disabilities and we also fought hard for the safety of another who is around the same age as Indie but was in the care of absolute animals. Lets leave it at that. It took us weeks of working together to try and make this happen and almost broke us.

This trip led to a big decision or push of setting up a project with my very close friend like a sister, which we will be running and having full control of funds for through the right official channels, using it for the right reasons and for its full intent & purposes - the children in the locality who are in need of help, safety and proper care & love.

In doing this, we wanted to pay tribute to our Grandmothers from whom we both got our sense of wanting to help others from. So the name is a nod to both of them, Teresa & Etta - and the Teretta Foundation is in the process of being formed.

This foundation will oversee a safe house for 32 children (to begin with) who are victims of abuse and or at high risk of, due to their living arrangements. Most children are at risk of being abused at home and on their way to and from school. We have probably in excess of that number needing help right now.

Look we are aware, we cant fight all the injustices but we can play a part in not turning a blind eye to the atrocities we know damn well are going on, in a country where the kids have little to nothing as it is. Many children are not even registered at birth and as soon as the elections start more children will start to go missing particularly those with albinism as a means of sacrifice. Yes, this actually goes on.

I am fully aware that there is so much going on in the world right now and everywhere we turn in life there is so much sadness and people are finding it tough to cope in general. Its easy to scroll past more negativity but please, even as a Facebook friend on my page, read on.

I have done lots and my bit for those in need in Ireland in the midst of having a full and challenging set of circumstances in my own home and Im fully aware that people are of the opinion, well charity starts at home. I know this and I have stepped up, I am just asking people to maybe spread the word if possible about what we are trying to accomplish, as its our own now.

Help doesnt always have to be monetary to support, a kind word about our efforts, a simple like or a share helps too.

We have a big task ahead of us of raising a huge amount of money in order to build a self sustaining project, which we will have running alongside the safe house - so we wont have to be fundraising in the long term as one will be able to cover the running costs for the other. Its just getting this off the ground is the challenge.

In order to try and raise funds - I will as always be walking the walk and not just talking the talk, so I am going to be donning a wedding dress in a few weeks to trek Kilimanjaro to showcase my commitment to the cause!

And Im also looking for some people to come out and volunteer with me in September and be a part of this - this would be ideally suited to those who want to make a difference and step out of their comfort zone as you get stuck in, in many community projects with us whilst also seeing the beauty of the country in a jam packed 9 night/11 day itinerary Ive created. This trip will be with guides for the whole duration and we welcome solo travellers.

Every booking for this will help us with our urgent goal - as I cant stress how each day that passes here means the children waiting and praying for our return there - are in direct line of fire there.

This is the official page for anyone who would like to help or read more about 👇

If you would like to get on board - maybe you are a bit of a social butterfly & are a part of many whatsapp groups with reach, or you could do an event, coffee morning etc to help we would be thrilled. It takes a community to build one and word of mouth can be what makes the difference 🫶

Thanks so much for your time x
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Her kids need a smack of reality ovbs not the 3 younger ones 🤣🤣
Youngest was 'diagnosed' with autism during the year. She no more has autism than I have. She's just wild due to Lenores lack of proper parenting. It suits Lenore to have her diagnosed, then she can get the same transport to school as the other 2 who clearly are on the spectrum.
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Interesting how Lenore has put the spin that she is the only one to fundraise for the school where as @Give me Strength has pointed out Teddy has a load of others on her page from all over funding the place too. The whole story about rice running out, no treats etc doesn't quiet ring true. Soooo many questions.
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One more time Lenore 🚨NO ONE asked you to have the 6 kids that you constantly complain about, NO ONE 🚨
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Jesus H Christ 🙄 that's at least 3 times she has shared the reel of her ''surprising'' them, if she was chocolate she'd eat herself 🤢 she's soooo fucking smug.
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If anyone can afford unlimited holidays and luxuries they should pay their way and not accept benefits when their clearly not necessary.
Absolutely 👏 considering it’s her local (or very near) school she could get up off her hole and bring them to school!! And they are now all in the same one!! My daughter gets a taxi because her school is 40 minutes away but if we were lucky enough to have her somewhere more local I’d def be bringing her, she loves her bus but it breaks my heart that she can’t go to school with her siblings 😢
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She says the kids are missing their sister in the house next door but they don’t miss their mother when she goes to the other side of the world being mother Teresa.🤯🤯 she’s so full of shit.
Ah but sure they would have their bedrooms and their space so they wouldn't mind 😉😜 this wan is off the fucking wall, the comment at the end of her post last night about most people not having a clue 🙄 girl, you haven't a notion, she doesn't live real life at all and thinks she has it so tough. Multiple holidays a year, constant shopping sprees, extravagant birthdays for the kids, most people are finding it tough working full time and paying bills never mind her life.
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