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People in teatime are saying how genuine and authentic Keiara is 🤣 & how could she partner with someone that is so opposite and problematic for the podcast
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Bet the kids aren't though. Bits and pieces on a platter. Nice and easy Friday night.
She’s just naturally thin with fakies. Those two 20
Minute gym sessions aren’t doing sweet f all. And that loincloth is just so unflattering.
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Our spesh K doesn’t really show the kid’s meals anymore more. I’m sure with 3 jatz biscuits, 2 slithers of watermelon and 1.5 cubes of cheese topped with a slice of kabana (special treat) each, it will fill those hungry kiddos up!
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I think 30 mins away … big dads birthday

Next she will be going on about how hard it is to pack for a family of 5 to go away .. why doesn’t she do any cleaning at night or when the kids day sleep - oh that’s right that’s me time!
A few vlogs ago but geez .. wonder where she learnt the swear word??? You bogan K!! That’s my new name for her bogan K
The kid learns from Kurt of course !
If any of her kids drop the F bomb- she would 100% lay that at Kurt's door.
I understand but no they are definitely on the pipe same as trashy you guys have to understand about these manic moods and this constant up and down behaviour is a telltale sign of drug use
Someone tell me what "on the pipe" mean.
I'm in UK and tht has sexual connotations here.
Drug Use?.
Definitely not. They are just prime examples of fame hungry people who are just living breathing avatars.
Without social media, keiara would be a Mum struggling to get out of fake post partum depression. Regan would never have been born as there is no way spesh would cope.
Her whole life is based around social media. Just take a moment to think about her life if she never started a youtube channel.
She would probably be putting in a shift like the rest of us.
Cue the depression as she would need some kind of excuse to sit on her arse all day.
She just lacks life skills. But her narcissistic traits have HER believe she is superior
I think 30 mins away … big dads birthday

Next she will be going on about how hard it is to pack for a family of 5 to go away .. why doesn’t she do any cleaning at night or when the kids day sleep - oh that’s right that’s me time!
A few vlogs ago but geez .. wonder where she learnt the swear word??? You bogan K!! That’s my new name for her bogan K
Well packing for them isn't hard.
Not like she styles her kids at all or matches shoes to go with that outfit etc
Few pair of pj for Regan with some nappies and that's her sorted.
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Guys, do yourselves a favour, go to todays Vlog “getting back on track” at 5:15 and listen to special K mimic Alamos morisette. It’s fucking hilarious.

This Is like when you sing in the car and put on the singers voice but sound horrible.

Also special mention at 16:20 when she FaceTimed ashy to get excited about the podcast being ranked 4th. I’m tempted to leave a comment asking what number it’s at now hahaha.
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It'll be another 'bits & pieces' platter for the kids tonight. Going down the beach at close to 6pm. You'd think she would be at home sorting out dinner. But instead she had 2 walks, reading her book, beach strolls, singing, 'playing' guitar and her latest hobby flop, painting. Can we get anymore out of touch with what being a mother involves. Definitely not overflowing your own cup before you fill your kids bellies with something half decent 🤯
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Did anything come of the teatime goss? I don't follow the group but curious what was written and if there was a follow up...
The anonymous ‘Group Member’ on the post was sticking up for Special K which made a lot of members think that the anonymous ‘Group Member’ is actually Special K and that she made the post 🙊
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Keiara comes across so uneducated and bogan-like. The constant swearing, the incorrect use of words, the pronounciations - "gornnn" and "cooooopppppie mayo".
She just sounds dumb. Ashy sounds more professional and more intelligent (can't believe I actually said Ashy Bines is more intelligent than someone lol!)
Most of the negative reviews are specifically mentioning Keiara which I am loving!
As much of a tosser Steve is, he is business savvy... he will step in and stop (ie control) Ashy from continuing if he thinks Keiara is going to "damage her brand".
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But let’s be fair here, she is in the healing, self love, self care, processing her damage from not eating at the dinner table process, she needs this time 🤣
Kurt on the other hand is completely capable of feeding, dressing and taking care of 3 children, running the household, washing the clothes and cleaning the house on his own whilst he is listening and supporting his narcissistic wife dribble on about her self care self love and me time journey
I feel bad for her not being able to sit at the table for meals NOT.
Imagine when the kids are older and they plaster all over social media how they had to endure platters of bits and pieces for their dinner while mum and dad ate steak constantly! God I hope those kids trash them when they get older!
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Shop opened November 2021 - just found the vlog where she came out waving to everyone like a celebrity.

So didn't even make it 18 months.

Can't believe she hasn't mentioned it on stories. Such a fake bitch.
Omg how cringey is that vlog of the shop opening of her waving to everyone like she’s a celebrity walking down the red carpet 🤣💀

I had second hand embarrassment for her.
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Do we want to bet on how long the Growl n Howl podcast will last. I say 4 weeks max. But it wont be because its a colossal flop that no one gives a toss about, oh no, it will be because their "busy" lives wont allow them to align at that moment in time , it will be a sign from the Universe telling them that they need to listen to their nervous system and just slow down & take a break for now to prioritise themselves and hopefully, if we are lucky they will also give us the reminders and permissions to do the same.

PUHHHHHLEASE, how the fuck does someone get burnout from focussing everyday on themselves!
One little thing changed in her routine, Durt stayed out late and she had to parent buy herself for few hours....... THAT is what has given her burnout, actually having to PARENT.
This woman is one fucked up bitch. So fucked in the head.
Imagine having a full on panic attack because you have had to step up and parent your kids.
But she did 5 therapy sessions so she is all good now! One day this twat may actually realise that she needs ongoing help from a professional. But then again I am not sure narcs would benefit from therapy.
And Kurt was up and helping her as she said he went to lie down when Regan went for her nap. So she wasnt on her own for that long. As for Kurt, not only does he spend the night with the kids when they are sick he still gets up and steps up when he is suffering . I have said this before but truly believe it. Its like he is the Dad and Special K is his girlfriend. Wants to be the kids pals when she is there/wants to, but isn't fully committing to be totally hands on with them.
When Mila was sick, Kurt went downstairs to lie with Mila, Spesh K put the camera on and filmed herself talking about it ! Joke of a mother !!

She has to point out that Kurt went out and Kurt is sleeping .. she never used to do that as much - she reads this forum 4 sure!!
Notice how Mila got new shoes after everyone was talking about her boots at the zoo !! And WOW at the park today all the kids have a normal shift on and not the LER crap! Or maybe they are all in the wash and she is waiting for Kurt to do the washing!!
Yes but ! On a vlog, when K was talking about Regans shoes, she added Regan was rocking a new "fit" from Grandma.
So its been Kurts mum thats went out and bought trainers for them all. She was probably mortified in Sydney seeing her granddaughter clump around in done in boots with every outfit she wore.
I reckon Debbie sees through K and just does what she needs to do for her Son and Grandchildren. Especially now that she knows K will just delete them from their life in a instant.
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Does she ever consider that Kurt might like to do something for himself when the opportunity arises, rather than it ALWAYS be her time to take “five minutes do something for herself”?

Surely one day it’s just going to be too much for him being married to the more selfish, self absorbed person ever.
But let’s be fair here, she is in the healing, self love, self care, processing her damage from not eating at the dinner table process, she needs this time 🤣
Kurt on the other hand is completely capable of feeding, dressing and taking care of 3 children, running the household, washing the clothes and cleaning the house on his own whilst he is listening and supporting his narcissistic wife dribble on about her self care self love and me time journey
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Tonight’s vlog! -my goodness!! So she made out in the vlog that Kurt was still in bed at 2.30pm!! - well on the actual day in her stories .. he was UP out of bed at midday and helped her and then went back to bed later! She is pathetic!!
And geez… taking the kids to the park was such a huge effort for her! Normal mums look after the kids all day most days when their hubby is working PLUS cook a nutritional dinner from scratch! Mrs K you have no idea! LER needs to fail so Kurt goes back to his plumbing and therefore she can wake up and actually be relatable!
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Condolences to poor specialk who has to spent time with her kids, its too much work for her.. yes shock horror having 3 kids is exhausting what did she expect.. to think she considered having a 4th. Someone self absorbed as her shouldn't have kids at all.
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Oh ffs she needs to quit it with the singing. I can hold a tune but would I consider uploading it to my Instagram? Not in a million years. She just thinks she is shit hot and all her little minions fawn all over her, telling her how great she sounds. Stop Keiara. You are NOT what I think most people would classify as a good singer. She also puts on some weird accent/affectation to her voice. It literally makes my skin crawl.
Honestly it's like a cat screeching and the playing of the guitar she literally just strums one chord waits for it to finish then strums another. Not exactly rocket science
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I actually had a chuckle at the very thought of my last comment.

Could you imagine Spesh on the field with all the other soccer mums at 9am on Sunday mornings 😁
They would be asking her if she was going directly to a wedding afterwards 🤣
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So right! Stupid woman honestly lives in fairy land…. She’s lucky she has a servant … sorry I mean her husband to keep the house in order and watch the kids.

I have 2 days a week child free and still can’t get time to sit in my ass read books, go to the beach or a swim daily because those two days are filled maintaining the house and life admin 😅
I’m saying that I do also clean the toilet and feed my kids a proper dinner… unlike spesh K
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