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Omg her business meeting was for the fucking Lumi 😂😂😂 Can you imagine her saying “wingers babe, I’m going to work so can you bring all 4 kids up to me as I’m soooo busy babe, you know earning enough to match you” and it’s that bunch of wankers sat around telling each other how to post on insta and kissing each other’s arses. What a loser
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The minute you can travel with both doses she'l be getting jabbed up double quick.

Or not because she'l need to wait 😂 cant use your money to get them any quicker Ash.

Oops just saw the stories from this morn where she's said she wont get the vax to travel. She travelled around the world at 20 and didnt get any of the jabs recommended just took malaria tablets 🥴
Until the country she wants to go to insists she’s has it as a condition of entry, as is the case with many other vaccines

I don’t know how that happened because there are some countries that you cannot enter without vaccination proof. She’s now saying you should go on holiday and chance getting terrible tropical diseases etc. I wonder what the people living in these countries who are beyond grateful for vaccines that stop these illnesses would say to that. I wish she’d just shut the f up!!
Assuming when she says travelled round the world she means Benidorm and Magaluf
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Showing videos of foxes saying the wildlife is mad round there. Like she lives in the woods and not opposite an industrial estate and a main A road 🙄
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She really doesn't have a clue, having the vaccine reduces the risk of severe covid and reduces the chance of passing it on. But poor Ashlie is only bothered about herself so why would she do anything to benefit others.
Since her divorce she’s become a right nob! Wingers is obviously a yes man and has given her the confidence to chat shit on topics she clearly doesn’t understand. If she’s so against the vaxx why is she so desperate for everyone else to have it? She wants all the benefits of everyone having the vaxx without having it herself. Personally I don’t care if someone is vaccinated or not. I had mine to protect me from getting seriously ill if I got COVID. We all know there’s a high survival rate for many but those that have died/ have long Covid show we don’t know what card we’ll be dealt!
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Chatty Member
That absolute box that she has Oscar living in… it’s unbelievable! Has no windows. Reminds me of Harry Potter living in the cupboard under the stairs. Meanwhile golden boy Archie is reading his Art Book sitting in his own en suite bath with his face mask on (does anyone else know any 11 year old boys that put face mask on…?). Million quid McMansion and not enough bedrooms.
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So this week she’s seen her Dad who has flown in from Spain and is supposed to be self isolating then her Mum and now she’s seeing her brothers family. That is how variants are spread. And she got it wrong Lateral flow tests are not being accepted as they are not that accurate. If you get a positive test on them you have to go for a pcr test which is done in a lab an definitively tells you whether you have it. So you have to have a pcr test to return to say you definitely don’t have it. Or definitely do have it!
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Chatty Member
Is she suggesting you lose 2 litres of water overnight based on a study that looked at the fucking desert? I mean it says comparable conditions. Is it it currently 35 degrees Ash? Here it’s 12.... but then she does live in the land of bullshit.
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As someone has already said, she's dropping followers for ramming the lumi down people's throats, her ridiculous covid opinions & for blatantly rule breaking with her multiple "bubbles". She's a big hit for herself if she thinks she's losing followers through jealousy of the new house, not everyone is materialistic like u Trashlie! Oh, and how have I just noticed the size of her hands? 😳 Man I knew she had huge trotters but has the paws to match too, they wouldn't look out of place on a dinosaur the size of them!
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I can’t believe she thinks people have unfollowed because of her house. How about people are sick of your rants? After she split from the ex she openly admitted she was struggling financially and flogging handbags etc on instagram and then she met Wingers and his money bought them a lovely house and nice holidays. She’s acting like she has contributed to this. She hasn’t. Oh and people buy from people they like. If she wants the Lumi sales to improve, she needs to ditch the COViD rants (we are all bored of it) and stop going on about followers. For a grown ass woman she’s acting like a teenager. If Wingers binned her off tomorrow, where would she be? Back in the rental asking for help, selling her used items. She needs to remember people can fall just as fast as they rose!
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Surely they’ll be at home for fathers day? Surely even she will realise how selfish it would be for them not to be?
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I hope mingers is ashamed of himself. Second weekend in a row that her kids are away that his girls are shipped off for a whole weekend so he can follow her round, pretending they have this amazing life. When does he spend time with his girls, just the 3 of them? He’s either working to fund her ridiculous need for an expensive house and skincare (and yet cheap shit clothes) or off following her round opening his wallet. Disgusting pair deserve each other
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Exactly this. I work an actual full time job, plus unpaid overtime cause I take my job seriously, 16 hours plus a week commuting (outside COVID), two young kids and the associated bed times, bath times, home work, school clubs, etc AND two step children and their associated routines, home work and so on. Plus a house to run, a marriage to make time for, a garden to maintain... I’m lucky if I get a few hours in the evening to sit with a book and grab an early night, it’s rare I’m able to get up before 5.30 (the time I already need to get up to go to work) so I can do some exercise. My weekends are spent having much needed quality time with my family so it’s rare I can or want to swan off to get my nails done or my eyelashes applied.

Self care is important. But for a lot of us that’s a hot cup of tea or a bath alone. Watching a couple of episodes of something with your husband before you get an early night ready for another day.

I’m sick of hearing about this job she doesn’t have, and how hard it is to look after kids full time when I see her without them more than I do with. I’ve not had a day without a child with me since first lockdown in March 2020. Fuck off with Your self righteous bull shit and your manifesting. Your “success” is a complete fabrication and no one is jealous of you or trying to bring you down. If there was anything to be envious of you wouldn’t be trying to curate your whole life on Instagram, you wouldn’t be sucking up to bigger accounts and you wouldn’t be part of a fucking MLM. Nothing says I’ve made it and everyone is jealous of me like a pyramid scheme & beggy posts for likes 🙄
My only child free day since lockdown started was in April this year, I was childfree for 6 hours until I gave birth to my 3rd child 😂
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