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She DJ’d at the Carmex summer party. She’s gone from dry shampoo to lip balm 😂😂😂😂😂


A vibe 😂😂😂 What amazing doors London is opening for her 🤣

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I just think he looks like a wee soul who has been past from pillar to post while his mother prances about eyeballing herself all day. Any kind of parenting that requires effort Ash just labels as stereotypical mum expectations and why should she of all people have to conform to those! Does she think the rest of us love toddler groups and holding their hand going up and down the stairs fifty times in a row or taking about two hours to go a ten minute walk because they want to go on a trike or a do it because our children want to and practice makes perfect, whether that's social skills or mobility....I know some kids have genuine roadblocks but I think Alf would just benefit for some proper interaction and time from his parents.
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The budding independent feminist who thinks men hold no value in society has made herself look completely reliant on a man, and incapable of doing anything by herself 😂
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Can’t believe the 15 month old can climb stairs and go down slides but not a thought for the potato 😔💔 He hurt his head but instead of consoling him she sticks a phone on him for content. GET HIM HELP TRASHLEY. And yourself whilst you’re at it!

Lucky Caroline. Getting to look at your shit.

Disrespectful twat.
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New morning ‘rituals’. Take child to nursery (as early as is possible no doubt), take other child to park then force her to sleep in order to get ready for ‘work’. Wow, if only I and hundreds of thousands of other parents across the land were able to write those rituals into their days. I dunno, under the guise of school runs. Then document it all like it is ground breaking stuff.


I’m pretty sure it can’t be considered a ritual when it’s only been done twice.
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That Ann Summers photo makes my skin crawl.

Just you wait Ashley until poor Alf is at secondary school and some absolute knob of a teenager finds that.
It’s alright, she’s barely recognisable now - in 8 years time, she’ll be on her 14th face and no one will put two and two together.
Sorry hun, only the SAHM who bake and do arts & crafts will be watching and think you’ve alienated them with your masculine energy 💕


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Fucking hell I’ve cringed myself out of the tube station and down the road WHAT in God’s name is she doing? Did they park that wicker chair behind her in the hope she’d sit the fuck down and stop pretending to DJ while dancing like a Temu Austin Powers?!
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yeah I really hope my comment didnt read as me judging Alf. He is clearly a sweetheart and good natured curious child. ASD or not (I'm not qualified to comment) I just know he would have been fine if he had spent his first years of life being properly engaged instead of borderline ignored. His issues with speech are at least partly due to the fact that his parents don't actually engage him in conversation. You can see the difference with other influencer mums. e.g. Manon from bake off whose almost 3 year old does make varuous apperances on her feed in baking sessions with her mother (one of those mums according to Ash) and they converse perfectly normally about the activity they are doing. And she's a bilingual child who often have delayed speech.

his walking is down to uncorrected w sitting and constant restraint in prams - it's a skill that has to be learned and encouraged and practiced ffs.

i am absolutely judging his mother to high heaven (and his father for enabling her abject neglectful parenting). The responsibility for having him ultimately stops with her. she chose to bring him and Ada into the world. sorry if that's parochial or trolling ash, but that is the way it is.
As this is Ashley James, I think it’s fair to judge Tommy equally for also not correcting his sitting, putting him in a push chair all the time, sticking him in front of an iPad. In fact, we see him as Alfs primary carer so really, rather than saying he is enabling Ash to be a crap mum, let’s call a spade a spade - he’s equally if not more to blame. Poor little Alf, both parents letting him down.
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I saw this meme on the meme thread earlier this week and DANG it hit hard. This is what Ashley has no intention of doing.

Did any of us want to dance round an old community hall. No!
Did any of us want to sing in a room full of peers about spiders going down drains? No!
Did any of us really want to do the kids party when we had a million Other things to do? No!

It’s a constant pressure of putting yourself out/in uncomfortable situations because you bloody well love your kid and that’s all that matters.

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Tank Girl

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Ha ha this fool had to film for a week to make it look like a “ day ” and she still didn’t have enough footage 🤣🤣🤣
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Is she trying to piss off all mothers who follow her with all this LoOk HoW BiG My ClotHeS ArE NoW 🎻

I’m trying so hard to love the extra 5 stone that sits on my body after 4 babies close together but I don’t. If I was seeing that ‘in the trenches’ as she says, it would make me feel so shit
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Is she illiterate? Blind? Mentally impaired? Because these are the only excuses she’d have for NOT KNOWING HOW TO SIGN UP TO BABY AND TODDLER CLASSES.

And it’s Wandsworth for crying out loud. You can’t MOVE for boujee kid’s activities.
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