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God these oh I’m so ugly and self conscious followed by 50000 selfies of her dolled up to the 9s are so exhausting now.
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That video of Alf getting his face painted has melted me. He actually looked so happy and excited to have had it done
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View attachment 3018884Guys she pays for this hair!!! Like I can’t actually cope. A 13 year old does her hair better for double maths.
The lanky ashy extensions with the warm hair colour that doesn’t match at all! The stringy unblended extension curls 🤢
I’ve lurked on this page for ages and I just have to say I can’t believe how many people were involved in styling this Temu Fraggle Rock extra. Sorry might be a bit too much of an 80s reference for some
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Seems to me like Alf/Ada are only ever awake half the night when Ash has ‘big work commitments’ the next day. Conveniently suits her ‘exhausted working mum’ narrative. If Ada really was up for hours, what’s the bet Ash stuck her in front of a screen in the middle of the night. I seem to recall Alf strapped in his pram at like 3am one night plonked in front of the tv. Madness.
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I’ve said before and I’ll say it again. She’s giving major Kiera Knightly vibes in Love Actually. ‘I look quite pretty’. She is VILE. Missing her sons intro session at a brand new nursery to play dress up which she could easily have done herself just before the event. She doesn’t deserve children.
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The most frustrating thing about Ash for me is that I DONT DISAGREE with a lot of the stuff she says. but the thing is, I know she doesn't mean any of it and doesn't care about any of it, she doesn't stand for women because she hates women and she's just saying things because she's a fricking sociopath who wants to be seen as this morally superior feminist (she is not one) just because it fits her own agenda of wanting to lounge around in bed all day on Father's Day getting waited on hand and foot by a subservient guy and it suits her agenda of not ever looking after her own children on her own because she hates them. Or is indifferent to them, whatever it is that sociopaths feel.

I actually don't think it's the "norm" for guys to be super hands on dads so I do agree with her. It's becoming more normal, sure but there is still so much work to be done there. Or maybe it is becoming the norm for guys to be hands on dads, but what people class as a 'hands on dad' isn't anywhere close to encompassing all of the things it takes to raise children, run a household etc. Perhaps in some social groups the fathers are all stepping up beyond belief but from where I am standing I'm definitely not of the opinion that it is equal. My husband is probably someone who would be classed as a super hands on dad but even in our situation there are just so many things he doesn't see or have to ever worry about. We're working on it but I don't see it ever being entirely equal if I'm honest, and it's not cause he's a bad guy it's just because there are things that are so ingrained in us that are so hard to undo.

I think things DO need to be challenged. It's just Ash is the ENTIRELY wrong person to do it and for people who do come across her and hear her "views" she probably makes their opinions of the whole thing worse because she is so disingenuous and foul.
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I'd never leave my kid with a soaking wet and heavy nappy weighing them down like that. Never mind then taking a photo where you can clearly see it? Awful.

The dirty clothes I can definitely live with. Im on maternity leave right now looking after my 7 month old and 19 month old full time and after less than 5 minutes playing in the park, sandpit, eating lunch, doing crafts my 18 month old is filthy. I'm definitely not changing her clothes 10x a day and im not stopping her from having fun and getting messy, so it is what it is! Id change her clothes if they had got so bad they would be uncomfortable, like if she was doing water play and had got soaking wet or something but I wouldn't think twice about a bit of food or paint down her.
So I wouldn't think anything bad about a toddler looking grubby on the surface unless I had more information e.g. i saw them wearing the same thing day after day or saw something to suggest they didn't start the day off clean/didn't get bathed often etc.
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The irony in Ash parroting on about women not being able to "have it all" while she actually does have what a lot of working mums parents would have high on their wishlist: flexible work and ample childcare. In her position, she doesn't really have a lot to complain about.
But in the same way, she doesn't really have anything at all. Her 'work' isn't real work - please don't tell me you can feel fulfilled from pouting and posing for a few hours a day, her relationship with her kids is non-existant, her other half clearly detests her, she doesn't see any friends, and she doesn't appear to have any hobbies to try and fit in outside of this work/kids juggle she seems to be struggling with.
On the surface she's got it pretty good with her £1.6m London home without doing a hard days hours work in her life, but I can tell you with confidence I wouldn't be swapping my life for hers, not a chance.
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I’m currently dealing with a 2.9 year old dictator so I’m using my brain in a way MI6 would be proud impressed by.

She is so black and white. So keen to put people in their little boxes and act all superior for flung things in any way different to the norm. Stupid cow. There is no norm.
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There was nothing on for Alf as he was a lockdown baby, in the same breath, he went to water babies. She couldn’t lie straight in bed!
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That photo of TNB posing smiling smugly with a book is the biggest ICK to me
What in the ‘overheard in Waitrose’ was that. They do yoga and tennis and visit food banks….

As for the denim shorts being oh so big (proven by her swishing them side to side like she is drying her lower back all the while eye fucking herself), thank god her parents and Tommy are on standby cause this mama has got it ALL going on.
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I didn’t even try to lose weight! I only use calorie controlled ready meals and a personal trainer who comes to my home twice a week!
Poor Ashley with a wardrobe full of clothes that are too bit for her. Won’t someone thinking of the skinny influencers!!
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So Ada woke up because she was too hot, yet Ash has two fans keeping her cool... 😕 I can’t fathom it. She’s the most self absorbed bellend going!

“I work so hard behind the scenes” what scenes?!?

She tries SO hard to make people think she works hard, she must have a complex about being lazy. She truly baffles me.
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This....noone is actually judging Alf. Some kids need extra help and support but she refuses to even address that there may be an issue (which I don't doubt she is a huge part of).
She doesn't realise that it impacts all areas of his alot of you have said he needs to see a dentist...but really...would he even understand enough to open his mouth etc for that to work?
yeah I really hope my comment didnt read as me judging Alf. He is clearly a sweetheart and good natured curious child. ASD or not (I'm not qualified to comment) I just know he would have been fine if he had spent his first years of life being properly engaged instead of borderline ignored. His issues with speech are at least partly due to the fact that his parents don't actually engage him in conversation. You can see the difference with other influencer mums. e.g. Manon from bake off whose almost 3 year old does make varuous apperances on her feed in baking sessions with her mother (one of those mums according to Ash) and they converse perfectly normally about the activity they are doing. And she's a bilingual child who often have delayed speech.

his walking is down to uncorrected w sitting and constant restraint in prams - it's a skill that has to be learned and encouraged and practiced ffs.

i am absolutely judging his mother to high heaven (and his father for enabling her abject neglectful parenting). The responsibility for having him ultimately stops with her. she chose to bring him and Ada into the world. sorry if that's parochial or trolling ash, but that is the way it is.
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I wouldn’t ever dream of taking my child anywhere in that state! (As Ashley knows) my absolute fear of my children being removed (totally no reason for this fear, just my broken brain) would mean that I overcompensate.

And there she is, following a social services referral no less, not just having her child look like that but sharing with the world!

I suppose it’s because she feels no mum guilt and she knows she’s a really great mum.

Shame she always looks like the only person she gives a shit about is herself.
Same babe.
I used to spiral if I saw photos of my LO at nursery covered in paint even though I wasn’t even present.
Everyone from my NCT group thought I really had my shit together as my LO was always immaculately dressed, full outfits in the changing bag, socks matching everything they were wearing.
When in reality, I thought if a HV saw her outfit and didn’t think it matched they would think I was failing.
Clothing is still something I massively struggle with nearly 5 years later and when I’m having a bad patch matching socks to outfits creeps back in.

Even now I saw my HV whilst I was having a rare night out with friends recently and even though she probably didn’t remember me, hasn’t seen me or my child in 4 years, I was convinced she was going to report me as an unfit mum for having a few drinks whilst my LO was at home with her dad and I’m ashamed to say I went home.

How she can continue to post all of these things on Instagram truly baffles me.
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She can get wardrobes built on the day she gets the keys to the new house so her clothes can be hung up, but can’t organise a blind fitter … but also does have a blackout in Ada’s room and she still wakes at 5am but wants to know more about blackout blinds. Make it make sense!
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Anyone remember those two “mum friends” she made when she was living in her flat not long after Alfie was born? Whatever happened to them?!
Remember the dance class she once took Ada or Alfie to? Can’t remember which one. What happened to that?!
I’m not surprised she’s got no actual real friends, she is so offensive towards women and obviously we know she’s incapable of a single Instagram post without the whole “it’s funny because dads get away with it” bullshit.
Believe it or not Ashley, if you bothered to go to a baby or toddler classes you’d find the majority of mums there are professionals with careers but are putting their children first by taking them to these groups. I hope she goes to a class and no one talks to her because she is SUCH a little bitch.
I actually don't think she has the brains to communicate with a professional person. Can you imagine her trying to hold down a conversation with a genuinely well educated woman ie a doctor or a lawyer? And without notes.
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