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What the actual hell?! She’s dressed up like crocodile fucking Dundee to peddle a chocolate that she definitely doesn’t eat 😆 my god she is an embarrassment.

‘When TimTam approached me….’ More like when they approached a few other z listers that turned it down, they were grateful to find her at the bottom of the barrel. She’d go to the opening of a crisp packet.

‘I don’t even know of the equivalent in the U.K.’ there are literally loads 😂 it’s chocolate and a biscuit. Ever had a penguin 😂
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She's envious of Em Clarkson. Who not only trained and ran a marathon 14 months postpartum, but also ran a pretty hefty PB, raised money for charity, and re-cemented her influencer niche as hobby running/body confidence/inspiring women to exercise in a healthy way. All while keeping her kid offline, and preserving a semblance of her pre baby identity. Honestly she was starting to irritate me a bit last year but I have mad respect for the way she's done this. She is very fortunate and I'm sure has loads of help but it kind of reinforced that Ashley tried to segue into mummy blogging because she thought it would keep her relevant/tv career in shape but realised that she hates motherhood and has now tied herself personally and professionally to a life choice she profoundly regrets because she is talentless and has nothing else to offer. Its pure projection and jealousy as per fucking usual.
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Why is cocomelon blaring like that at the dinner table? Alf probably can’t be bothered to feed himself because he’s so engrossed in the screen. Ada will soon be the some once the novelty of feeding herself wears off. Hate the way they dismiss their shit parenting choices as just Alf’s crap personality because Princess Perfect Ada is soooo independent and advanced 🙄
Also why do the potato wedges on her plate look raw 🤢 3 adults and 3 largely docile babies in a huge house with plenty of space and toys to keep them entertained and she acts as though life couldn’t be harder. She is an incapable human.
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lol that her and Tommy have decided 2 adults and 2 kids is too hard so he has to take Alf off for the day while her and Jas go to London … with 2 kids 🤦‍♀️
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Has anyone told Ash that not being able to self feed at three means Alf needs to see a speech path (among other things)? And almost certainly means he isn’t “advanced” with his speech. Also delays are measured not be what a child is capable of, but what they actually do day to day.

It’s not even slightly impressive that a 14 month old is self feeding and doesn’t want to be spoon fed. Stop trying to baby her too.
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From maiden to mother, really. MAIDEN?
Just another excuse to post a juicy pic of herself not for the male gaze.

Absolutely the worst ambassador for maternal mental health ever. Agree the "it'll get better for you cos it did for me" message is so damaging to people who are genuinely struggling.

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I have a toddler and during the week I guess we have different ‘routines’ in that I like to chill by getting into bed early and reading tattle and he likes to stay up later and watch TV. But he still comes and gets in the same bed later on! Different beds can’t be a great sign for your relationship. Even if you’re not having a lot of sexy time it’s still a form of intimacy sharing a bed
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Long time lurker. Might have missed this, but what happened to the thing about cutting TV down with Alf? She was doing a whole thing about it a while ago and how much it was having a positive impact on his behaviour, so they only watch TV as a family for a very limited time each day, but now is back to screen time like this? I mean my kids get a lot of screen time some days, so I'm not one to judge 🫣 but I wondered if she'd spoken up about this and whether there was a reason - like did she realise it wasn't the TV thing making a difference after all??
Because everything she says is lies and for content.

Screen time ban - doesn't happen
Fridays with Alf - doesn't happen
Saturday breakfast in PJ's - doesn't happen
Eating a daily carrot - doesn't happen
Being a great mum - doesn't happen
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I just wanted to add - focussing on it being enjoyable for you seems strange and narc-y to me. Why should it be? Some of the best stuff in life isn’t enjoyable but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth while. Like in my example I wouldn’t even consider whether I enjoyed it or not but rather did I do ok? Are both my children ok? What can I do so it runs smoother next time? Personal enjoyment seems to be a weird thing to focus on
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What happened to being Ada’s home?! She’s vile. She loves pregnancy, newborns and breastfeeding because it gives HER attention, that’s it. She hates parenting and it shows in every interaction she has with those kids.
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You’ve hit the nail on the head. She’s made so many backhanded compliments about her sister formula feeding and having a routine. She’s insanely jealous and wants the type of children she has.
By coincidence, Ashley’s children want the kind of parents their cousins have.
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she can't wait to start doing mum & daughter and mum & son dates when they move to london. Of course, when they move to london. Couldn't possibly do anything until they move to london. Why will things be any different in london.

what on earth is wrong with these two complete and utter jokers that they can't figure out how to just... be at home on a Saturday afternoon with their kids without having to "babysit" them in shifts. Nuts.
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What the fuck is that latest post? So if Tommy wants to go out he has to seek permission by kissing the ground she walks on, being a modern day slave with the kids and roping in Nana so she doesn’t have to do fuck all? And so she doesn’t give him a dogs life. And not once has she said where she helps him if she’s heading out.

That’s no relationship to be in. If my husband or I want to go out we team up where we can, suck it up with the kids bed time for one another if we need a break and wish each other a happy time.

They’re so warped 😩
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She’s such a spoilt big baby honestly. Absolutely pathetic. It’s like your parents going out for the evening and leaving you some pizza and ice cream as a treat, except she’s a grown adult woman. They have such a weird relationship dynamic.
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Again, what century is she living in? The vast vast majority of mums work. Why is it such a thing with her? My husband gets as much parental leave as I do now (seems fairly standard for white collar workers now), but even when he “only” got six weeks with my first, of course people asked when he was coming back to work?

She acts as if she’s the CEO of some major company and not spending most of her days getting tans and looking at clothes to buy online.
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Such a werid relationship dynamic. It reads like tommy has to appease her so he can go out otherwise she gives him a hard time. Not to be dramatic but it could be considered abusive. If roles were reversed I'd be telling her to be careful.
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View attachment 2909988

Wanting sleep and independence is not the same thing as mental illness.
She’s a parody. All she bangs on about is her lack of sleep, even when Ada sleeps through but wakes at 5am. She got her independence back because Nana’s a fucking enabler, Tommys a doormat and Lovely Day is the shittest childcare in Essex. She sent her kids packing as soon as she could! Telling someone it’ll be ok cos it is now for her isn’t going to stop someone from ending their life or harming their baby.

She’s dangerous and makes it more worrying shes been given this platform by TM 🤢
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