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It’s pretty common for kids to regress in certain areas or want to be treated like a baby when they get a younger sibling and see how much attention they’re getting. Even in a normal household with no clear favourite child 🥴. But the normal response isn’t to continue to baby and stunt your toddler. You find ways give them more attention and make them feel safe again and they get over it. I agree not to pressure them or shame them, but you need to encourage and help them to behave appropriately for their age.

Remember the other week after her girls day with Ada, she said she’d take Alf for a solo day the next weekend? Such bullshit.
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Chatty Member
If I’d been away on holiday for two weeks or however long it’s been, I’d completely recognise my child is probably tired and would ensure they spent the day at home playing with their toys they’ve been away from, and probably put on something they enjoy on tv. I’d also probably do a food shop and make sure they had a decent meal before bed. If they’d had a bloody prolapse I’d be down the doctors with them. I’m still not over her inability to just stay at home and let the kids play.
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Afternoon, all…
I’ve just caught up with the Adventures of Ash and Ada (Alf optional), and wondered whether - and tell me if this is too farfetched - she’s lining herself up for a prospective political career once she moves to London.
I mean, consider it - she’s ‘aged out’ (how genuinely horrible/despicable that concept is) of her Career in Underwear; her children will be at school soon and, even if legislation is not introduced/passed re: monetising those who can’t consent, they may be evermore resistant to appearing on camera, have lost the ‘cute factor’ associated with extreme youth, or subsumed beneath the next wave of ‘influencers’. So what does she do? I can’t imagine her on OnlyFans or similarly grotty sites; she’d get too much pushback as it would clash with her feminist stance, apart from anything else. I doubt she wants to train for a new career. So… Minister for Women, is it? Testing the waters on TM to register her in the public consciousness?
The big problem is that she ‘speaks’ for a very small subsection of women: middle class, bourgeois and materialistic ones. She has made no attempt to engage with the largest group of women, who indeed are largely (and shamefully) invisible: working class ones.
Working class women are underrepresented in a multitude of ways - working class mothers even more so. Single mothers who are working class even more than that. Single mothers who are working class and come from minority ethnic backgrounds even more. What could an influencer, who is given everything she hints she wants (or openly demands), have to offer such women? Women from more diverse backgrounds? Women who may have had fewer educational and professional opportunities? Women who have not had the privileges or chances available to Ashley? Women on the breadline? Women working two jobs, minimum wage jobs, who have caring responsibilities, who have no time to concern themselves with gender ideologies or climate change or the immigration/asylum debate (two VERY different things which do not collapse into a single issue, Ashley)? Women with whom she may disagree on every topic, yet whom she would have to treat without fear or favour, without judgment or criticism? I just can’t see her managing to speak for the working class, for people largely marginalised by the middle class chatterati. And I can’t see them accept her as a role model, prime example of motherhood, or someone to emulate.
The lack of working class voices in public discourse is a major problem for all political parties and perspectives. When Ashley cites statistics re: childcare, of whom is she thinking? Herself? She has money to burn on PTs, unnecessary aeroplane flights and private hairdressers; what would she do if she were a carer on £10 an hour in this economic climate? When Ashley says it’s ‘okay’ for Alf to be neurodiverse, that it doesn’t matter (although when either she or one of her minions came on here and had a pop at my own autism, she/they certainly thought it mattered), has she considered what such a condition would represent to a working class woman who could not afford a diagnosis, whose child may go to a failing school where his/her condition was not picked up, that their learning and potential could be greatly inhibited, and that their neurodiversity could be misread as challenging and antisocial behaviour - which could lead to lack of educational attainment or employment opportunities? (Phew, what a long sentence!) When Ashley bemoans men in general and their purported lack of engagement with their children/families, has she considered what happens to single mothers, abandoned women, survivors of DV/SA, generational lack of fathers/fatherhood?
No. Everything comes from a middle class perspective. The upper classes/aristocracy are a convenient scapegoat re: wealth disparity and a source of cultural entertainment (to wit, her horrible approach to Kate’s absence/surgery/revelation of her tragic diagnosis, and her wish to present Meghan as a victim). Her ‘bad’ day merely shows how entitled she is - unable to deal with the children she willingly brought into the world, calling upon her non-husband to charge across London to rescue her like something out of a 1940s film, her inability to cope with the smallest possible iota of adversity. How does she plan to get through life and motherhood? What is she going to do when Alf’s school demands she deal with and have assessed his ND traits, or if Ada has behavioural problems, or the teen years in general? How is she going to instill resilience in either child? What kind of role model is she, that she films herself weeping because she encountered some adversity?
TLDR? Don’t go into politics, Ashley, because it requires humility, empathy, hard work, sometimes vicious levels of scrutiny and judgment of every part of your character, and the need to fall on your sword for the party if a higher-up has fucked up. Don’t represent yourself as a voice for women without researching, engaging with and understanding working class women. Don’t say it’s ‘okay’ for a vulnerable child to be ND without understanding that life is incredibly hard for children who don’t conform to evermore restrictive behavioural norms. Don’t embarrass yourself on national television by going off-piste with antigovernment rhetoric if you don’t have all the facts and evidence at your fingertips. Don’t demand kindness from others when you display none. Don’t demand pity and understanding from those who have lives that are actually challenging, those living in poverty, those who have no help and those who never, ever have any time for themselves.
Sorry to inflict the longest post ever on you all, but I started work at 0400 with overseas students and I’m feeling crabby.
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Chatty Member
That clip at the airport ( the reunion) -she literally hugs Alf for 5 seconds,had the phone already in her hand and takes a video.
This is a way of life for this lot-I don’t think they could function without it ( as ridiculous as that sounds) -the desire for engagement & likes must be all consuming.

A few years ago I used to receive books before their release date to review-on Goodreads/Amazon. I had a high ranking as a reviewer and the pressure to get reviews out on time and then get loads of likes was ridiculous. It kind of took over my life so imagine what this lot go through if they don’t post for a few days.
It’s just so contrived and embarrassing. Imagine the conversation with Tommy before hand - right get your mum to record from the side and then I’ll also record as I walk through the doors. Then make sure Alfie runs to me first and damn well make sure Ada toddles toward me.
Then I’ll record what’s also being recorded some more, Alf won’t mind because he is used to every interaction with me being recorded. We’ll call it ‘the reunion’ even though I’ve literally been away from you for 48 hours, through choice and in order to create said reunion content. The people watching probably think she’s been away for a very, very long time doing something meaningful. Not prancing around in barely any clothes. I can honestly say I have never and will never record myself being reunited with my child. Ever. Most decent mums literally can’t wait to get them in their arms, kiss their little faces and squeeze and talk with them. A phone is the last thing on the mind.
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Why have they got home from France and immediately gone to soft play?

Said the children were glad to be home then took them out again!
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Lol at 500k being enough for a ‘portfolio of houses’. She’s so stupid. Let’s face it if someone offered her a gig on Love Island or some other show that’s shot abroad you wouldn’t see her for dust, and she’d dress it up as ‘I need to be successful to make me a better parent, and one day Ada and Alf will appreciate that’
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What planet are these monsters from? Softplay wtf???!! Ada’s clearly unwell! That telepathy doing wonders 🥴
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Trolls the lot of you! He just wants to be a baby… “he’s mummy’s baby!”

I tell my 3 year old twins that they’re Mummy’s Babies… they shout at me, “I’M NOT A BABY! I’M A BIG GIRL!”
They are in the same Tripp Trapp high chairs with all the attachments removed long ago, sat at the table with the rest of the family.
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Tank Girl

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Wow. She blows me away. Really and truly. Every time you think she can’t get worse she does. Fuck these people encouraging her with these simpering messages. Poor Ada. I never predicted she’d be as horrible to her as Alf. But hey the Ashley show must go on. I feel sick looking at her . And why does she constantly rub her eyes / face on stories now with her fingers it looks deranged.
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‘I deserve to wear nice tops and the sexualisation isn’t my fault’

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That cardi over the corset top 😂😂

Making out like she never gets a hot coffee despite the kids being out of the house 10 hours a day! If questioned she’d say she just meant on the plane but she’s obviously implying she’s a busy Mum. Such a sly fucker.
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Sorry but she’s left Alf a million times just to do Steph’s Packed Lunch (or does it not count because she took Ada?)

and the trip to Holland to see her sister.

Was the weekend away with Tommy that tragic Irish “DJ gig”?

she’s so full of shit!
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What really irks me is her "wo-is-me" stance. She discusses juggling motherhood. Yet she does no such thing. She returned from her French trip was really worried about ada, announced Ada's medical information to a load of strangers, posted about the struggle of work and caring for an unwell child but then palmed ada off. By all account her work that day was her recent reel talking about how apps and ai can be used to distort, that seems so pressing compared with an unwell child with a urgent medical condition. I get parents sometimes need to work with an unwell child if illness is not life threatening...but ashley...really? That reel could not wait? And then she talks about how difficult it is. It isn't...not for you honey and do you know what, that's fine but stop making out it is and you're some wonder woman barely getting by.
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Anyone could see Ada didn't look well on that flight add to that the details Ash shared - so why take her to soft play you pair of bellends!

Nobody cares you have deadlines. You work from your phone, you could have done it in France when you had the whole no balls family pandering to you.

And get your dirty fingers out of your eyes and mouth!
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Sometimes I wonder if they have a brain cell between them 🙈🙈

So chances of them staying at home all weekend to crack on with the potty trading??? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

I will eat my own hat if they manage 48 hours in their own beautiful £1.5 million 5 bedroomed house with garden..... 🤔🙄🤣
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Tank Girl

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She makes everything difficult. I’d say she’s exhausting to be around. The eating in the hall is beyond ridiculous. Like her crazy sleeping arrangements and all her attempts at “ parenting “. The sitting in the back. All of it. She thinks it’s intuitive or creative. It’s not. It’s ridiculous.
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prolapse or no prolapse - Ada has herpes simplex i.e. a cold sore. was obvious from todays stories. would explain her fever and pain (it hurts!) also it CAN be quite serious in children. my brother was hospitalised for three weeks with it when he was 3. she's a useless c*** how DARE she broadcast Ada's confidential medical information to everyone. that should be between her, Tommy, Nana and her GP. i feel sick that i even have the information to be able to write this post. she's a fucking disaster and this would absolutely qualify as meeting the threshold for a fresh social services referral in my honest opinion.
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The flowery jumper, silk skirt and samba combination is not as cool as she thinks it is, not particularly flattering on her….and this woman complains she doesn’t have MORE time to throw things like this together 🙄
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lol “I wanna hang out with them all the time”
- except you stick them in childcare all week when you don’t need to 😂
Also “I love helping them navigate big emotions”

does anyone else enjoy toddlers big emotions because that’s the worst part of having a toddler for me 😂 maybe I’m a terrible mum
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