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they’re going to be without childcare from May-September 😅 Jesus what a shit show 😂

hire a temp nanny, take time off or don’t move away from your family help, you bloody idiot. Oh wait, it should be ok right, because in London there’ll be a ‘village’ and all her mates can pitch in to help!
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The funny thing is the beauty of her ‘job’ is that it’s flexible around kids… imagine if she had an actual job she had to physically go to. How’s this thick bint managed to bag a house over a million, can afford a packing/removal service and still has to rely on Instagram to solve her childcare issues 😂 No idea how followers are going to help! Idiot
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Sometimes you wonder can these influencers get any more clueless and then they show you yes, yes they can.
I know I don’t have kids but even I can say that you shouldn’t share such hugely intimate medical details about your BABY online. None of us should know what’s wrong with her. None of us. AND ALSO wouldn’t you be sorting that out as soon as you land back home?! Going to soft play?? WTAF??
She’s another one who has had kids and yet seems to hate spending time alone at home with them, always has to be doing stuff.
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“We really are amazing us parents - espically Mums.” Why especially Mums?
She’s taken a sick child to soft play, gone to the GP expecting to be seen in an emergency (I wonder if she even tried to call, ours has a recorded service and yes you might have to sit in a que for an hour but needs must) and making it all about the government instead of her sick daughter.
Now she’s leaving her with a Nanny to film a reel. What makes that amazing?!
At the least she could sit with Ada either side of the actual recording, rather than sit on her phone talking to strangers, reposting tags!
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She is pathetic. I’ve spent alot of time in France and on the occasions I’ve been concerned about my child’s poor health, I’ve managed to get the appropriate help without turning to IG. She proclaims she speaks French, mother in law in an ex nurse, she clearly has access to transport and is close to a small town. They love a pharmacy in France and pharmacists there are almost triage in their approach. No GOOD doctor would ever want the responsibility of giving advice through Instagram and neither should they ever be asked or do so. One of my best friends is a Doctor but I’d never expect her to diagnose me or my child online. They wouldn’t have time for a start and would just tell me to see my GP or go to ED if really concerned. Her begging and privilege knows no bounds. When you travel abroad you have a responsibility to ensure you know where to turn if any family member becomes unwell.
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So Alf can sit unaided, alone in a chair in Nandos but is contained at home.

No Saturday ritual of going out for a family breakfast today?
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Who said Montessori yesterday?

This is in Battersea

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Me! I called it. Knew she’d only get a place in a Montessori after leaving it so late (it’s not a bad concept if done right it’s just a different set up to a formal nursery) these look like church hall, everyone in together jobbies and of course the ‘let me do it myself’ ethos which is technically a good thing but honestly when I worked in one and had to watch near babies pouring their own jugs of water or put their own coat and shoes on. You’re not supposed to intervene and help unless they ask for it and I’d be standing there with a soaking wet child who had been trying to put a shoe on for 47 minutes and hadn’t asked for help because they could only speak in babble 🙈

Also not open until 9 with an early finish and long holidays 😂
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She wouldn’t know a toddler with big emotions if they kicked her in the face being wrestled in the car seat. Alfs practically sedated and immobile with a serious lack of communication. Ada’s been taught to sit pretty all her life, weighed down by shoes that would be better used as paper weights.

It’s ok to lose your goddamn mind with toddlers. They’re hard work!!

What a stupid ‘just you wait’ comment 😡
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She laughs when she says that in some ways her 1 year old is more advanced than her three year old.

God she is really failing that poor boy.
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Bet her mum would be thrilled to have a reel which compares youth with old age 🥴

Let’s not pretend she doesn’t have a strained relationship with her. She’s said on podcasts her mum never showed her love growing up. But she’ll use her for content when it suits her 😶 She wouldn’t have thought to use NNB. Can’t risk pissing her off.
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She sure seemed like she was loving helping them ✨navigate big emotions✨ on the Peppa Pig bus last week when she had to call Tommy at work to rescue her 🤔

She just talks so much shite.
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If any of my kids had a rectal prolapse I would be straight down the hospital with them.Something is really off about this.Ada is one years old and has a prolapse.Not only is this fucking shocking,but the whole nation knows about it.Why is Alf scared of toileting and Ada having a prolapse????
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So she’s had someone with a small following from the LGBTQ+ community praise her reel and instead of acknowledging trans or thanking him, she’s harping on about being called pretty and wants it on her ‘tombstone’.

She would leave those kids for 6 months without being paid £500k. Sorry Ash are you preaching poverty with a ‘large sum of money like that being life changing’?

Fuuuuuuuckkkk just shut up you twatty melt. Tommy’s right. You aren’t cool 😂
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If I read the whole “when people tell you just you wait…. It gets better and better” thing once more from her… my goodness change the record!! It’s not even honest, she shows clear disdain for Alf unless she’s trying to use him as a cash cow and even then struggles not to sneer at him. Her kids are shoved in to childcare every minute they can be for her non existent career and she regularly dumps Alf on Tommy to have a day out with golden girl Ada and she cannot cope with both kids on her own even though Alf is apparently so cool to hang out with and Ada is largely still immobile.
Also why not book a hotel room with a separate lounge area or even interconnecting rooms rather than sit on the floor in the corridor where you can’t even hear or see your kids.
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Rocky Rosd

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She just doesn’t care enough about those two children. She used to be obsessed with Ada to the detriment of Alf but now she doesn’t care about her either. She has a child who has had an anal prolapse and is on antibiotics for something else. Any normal mother would be monitoring her child’s liquid intake to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Constantly checking she’s ok. But no, Ada’s gone to the nanny. There are no deadlines for the two posts she has done today. She just loves doing them. Craving the engagement. Desperate for the likes.
Alf wants to be a baby because he thinks his mother likes babies better and if he ate by himself and went to the toilet by himself, she would do nothing with him. Her only mum friend has a little girl so he doesn’t see any bigger boys having fun and being independent. I feel so sorry for Alf. Pre school is going to be so hard for him.
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Yesterday she said she deleted the story asking for a doctor, because she ‘didn’t want people to worry’ and then today she shared the intimate details.

She makes NO sense.
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this should not be allowed!!!! several hundred provisions in the Online Safety Act dealing with children's access and use of social media and exposure to certain types of content. not ONE single provision addressing children (usually very very young children) as content themselves. how their exploitation by their own parents makes them 10x more vulnerable to abuse and predatory behaviour online. Im so mad at the government for failing to deal with this - Ash shouldn't be able to post Alf naked at all. and there should be consequences for this. poor guy he's such a sweetheart how unfortunate he got lumped with this evil witch of a mother
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