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Alfie gave her a three minute cuddle, which he never does, so she got her phone out and filmed it for 300k people on the internet instead of being in the moment with him... sounds about right. She's gross.
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And while TNB is shovelling a great big burger in his gob Alf has got what looks like just some fries or bread? Scraps. A good mind to send that story to TM for them to wake up who they put on their programme 😠
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I’m sure we’ll get a windswept beach shot of her looking bright eyed and bushy tailed with the kids looking miserable. ‘GUYS! it was a MIRACLE! I slept from 10pm until 9am and apparently Ada was as good as gold because she knew I was somewhere in the house if she needed me! I’m her home so it doesn’t matter where we are, she knows ✨
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Two absolute bastards! Even Alf is now wise to them and didn’t want to be near them. If anyone is in that Nando’s they should call the police immediately and say the child has been left there alone.
It’s not even that he is at the next table, within arm’s reach. He is so far away from them. And taking up a huge table, sitting glued to a screen. Jesus Christ, just when you think she has stooped as low as she can, she just goes even further. How they think this is acceptable is beyond me.
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They all look like such a downgrade from their current house.
It’s funny how happy she is about the new house while at the same time relying on her boyfriend’s mum to look after her kids so she can nap and have a full nights sleep. Has she even considered childcare for the move? I’m dying to see season 2 of this train wreck
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Honestly, Ashley, from a working single mother, you need to shut the fuck up with your entitled contradictory diatribe. You whine on about your resentments , which funnily enough, are always worse, when Whipping Boy has been allowed out, in an obvious attempt to guilt trip him.

You have MASSIVE amounts of support. You’ve admitted you never have had both children on your own for a year!!!
Both children are in childcare. ALL DAY LONG. You have a nanny. In-laws.
You are an absolute JOKE. What more do you want? Someone to actually wipe your arse for you? A night nurse?

As a parent and particularly as a mother, you have obligations, did no one tell you what parenting involved? You knew you couldn’t cope after 1, so you had another?

I have no grandparents & there’s no dad, I did it ALL from day one. Daughter didn’t sleep through until she was 3.5. I breastfed all that time. If I get a night off now I spend it worrying and don’t sleep.
I work full time in an actual job that requires thought and is incredibly mentally challenging… and guess what, I manage to do it all otherwise my mortgage wouldn’t get paid ( and when I do get spare time I don’t dick about staring at myself in the mirror)
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It’s the fact that neither of them have any shame. She’s filming it in a busy restaurant and posting it for all the world to see & he’s shovelling food into his mouth and saying ‘peace’ This is a new low,even for them. Seriously hope they get backlash for this.
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Tank Girl

VIP Member
This is so frickin weird. Like imagine as a mother just being at another woman’s home and be like “ goodnight ” here’s my babies, one doesn’t know how to settle without my boob in her mouth but hey , see ye in the morning 🥴
Can you cope 🤪
Lovely Night x ✨
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I know she doesn’t want to be relatable, but this whole thing would have been far more tolerable, if she admitted she found it scary and these are the things she’s doing to work on it.

Instead, she’s like, “oh of course I could do it. I’ve travelled solo. I’ve spoken on live TV. I don’t want to take my kids anywhere and why should I have to”.

She lacks all self awareness, but I can’t tell if she’s actually this deluded, or so deeply insecure that she’s trying to convince herself. Probably a bit of both, depending on the situation.
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The hairdressers didn’t seem to have any issues brushing or cutting Alfs hair. Why does she make out that he hates having his hair brushed!!
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Her privilege is infuriating. She’s self employed, has such a cushy ‘job’ and her kids are in childcare literally next door to her house. Instead of moaning on insta, why doesn’t she have a rest now? Catch up on sleep.

Sleepless night are hard, I’ve been there, working compressed hours in a very demanding professional job. It didn’t involve sitting on my flat arse on Instagram all day with breaks for PT sessions.

She’s so emotionally manipulative too - what a surprise that this has coincided with Tommy having a night out at DOI.

Such a dysfunctional set up.
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Crying that she’s only looking now. FFS - it should have been top of the list when you won’t look after your own children surely?!

As if she’s getting a place for them anytime soon 😂😂😂😂 our nursery isn’t taking til Sept 25!


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I reckon Lovey Day’s thinking “of course he knows what his shadow is you moron, you just don’t see him in daylight hours enough to know.”
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We all knew she was going to punish tnb for working away. He’s now got to get up at 5, look after both kids before getting the train into London while Ashley spends most days moaning about him on the sofa.
it’s funny how when she was bragging about Ada sleeping well and Tommy was up early dealing with Alf she never offered to help!
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Rocky Rosd

Well-known member
For me, it’s the fact that she and Tommy didn’t even try to get Ada to sleep through before they went crying to Nana. They could have put the cot in Tommys room, slept together in Ash’s room and Tommy could have gone in to try and settle Ada if she woke. They could have at least tried to do it themselves. But no, Ash needs a good night sleep so off to Nana. They are pathetic. They are 37 years old. I reckon Ash will get 2 good nights sleep and then they will be back home and nothing will change. But Ash won’t care and it will be good content.
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Find it odd she’s saying she’s getting her first full nights sleep since Ada was born in March
She’s DEFINITELY mentioned previously how much a ‘good sleeper’ Ada is compared to Alf and how they’ve deserved it etc etc
I say I find it odd but I don’t really as she is a proven liar
Wasn’t that long ago can remember her clearly saying she was going to bed at 8pm watching tv bored as there was nothing to do so she clearly can’t be that overly sleep deprived
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