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SHE IS NOT IN PAIN WITH HER FUCKING TEETH ASH. She’s poorly with an infection. And if she wants her Mamma, that’s what you fucking well give her.

As well as rest, calpol or nurofen and a nice dark, quiet space to sleep and recover. Read her stories and stroke her head for Christ sake.

She is really taking the absolute piss out of those poor kids.
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How wonderful for the environment to buy a brand new scale and smash it up. Hope it’s worth the hundreds of years (or more?? Couldn’t see what it was made of) that it will spend in landfill.

I just love when skinny, conventionally attractive women talk to me about body positivity, while prancing about in their undies knowing they look smoking hot by society’s standards.

Ash would love to be skinner. If she was told to lose weight for more job opportunities, she would. I don’t believe for a second the line about intuitive eating or that she eats healthily, I think she just doesn’t really eat. There’s no fruit or veg in that house.
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It’s not competitive to wonder why she’s never left the house alone with her two children. That’s not some brave feat, it’s just basic parenting. Even if you’ve never needed to (which is WILD at this point), she’s acting like it’s completely normal lifestyle choice. Even if you find it daunting or challenging (which I’m sure most of us do!!), plan little outings to practice? It’s normal to need to build up confidence. Ash has this bizarre attitude about it all, like it’s beneath her.

The “would you ask a man that” argument is so stupid. Okay, so if some men are pathetic and useless, how does that make it better that you’re also pathetic and useless? And yes, it’s been a year, I find it strange if Tommy has never taken them out solo either.
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🤢 those cards.

She makes such a fuss about Valentine's for someone who is a self declared independent woman who doesn't need a man. (Spoiler: she needs a man and his mum)

@BusyDoinNuffin please don't feel sad about today and especially don't let heart of stone Trash make you feel bad about it.

You could be like me and find out last night that your valentine is actually married and he proceeds to block you today once you confront him 🙃
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The demented face she makes when she's staring at the camera while she's breast feeding genuinely repulses me. Gross. Horrid. I can't even describe it.. it's like she's trying to emulate a sweet little girl with a hint of a smile (smirk). She looks like a human who has been taken over by an evil spirit (the demon of vanity and narcissism maybe)
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I am fucking aghast at this 🤯 Why is Tommy doing this?? And his drip of a mother 🤯 It’s putting a plaster on a bullet wound ffs. She’s very clearly thrown a huge tantrum over him daring to work away and go out yesterday. That’s what I’m reading from it. SHE needs psychiatric help and support from children’s services! Parenting classes would be a good place to start. They can’t keep bending to her like this it’s not feasible and not fair on the two children in the centre of it all. They deserve better. This is absolute madness now. And what we are witnessing is what she is choosing to share! I expect there is a hell of a lot more going on in the background. That poor man cannot be expected to work full time and get up and deal with the children at 5am on his own so this pretentious, entitled pig of a woman gets to sleep. They both decided to procreate, they need to work together to parent their own bloody children and make it fucking work. If you can’t cope - get help. Clare No Balls isn’t the answer unless she’s willing to have them full time - at the rate this is going it will probably end up happening. We joke about Tommy having no balls but I strongly suspect he’s being treated very, very badly behind closed doors here. I think this woman is dangerous.

She is Adeline’s favourite person apparently. That’s nice for Tommy isn’t it? Imagine if Tommy said that? She’d be crushed and all sorts would be said about him 🤬 but it’s ok, he can take it, he’s a man.
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Rocky Rosd

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All I can take from the haircut ‘core memory’ is that basically she loved Alfs hair long (cool hippy vibe) but she couldn’t be bothered to look after it. It got very matted. Tattle noticed. So she made up story that Alf hated people touching his head. What Alf hated was what any person would hate. A comb through matted hair. But over the last few weeks someone has looked after it and it looked good. But she wanted ADA to have her wispy bits cut because that wasn’t looking great. So off to Central London with a child with a temperature for a photo opportunity to fill her grid. And let’s get Alfs done too. Alf loved it. Loved the fishes and had no problem with anyone touching his head.
It’s all bullshit.
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She wished Caroline could see how fab Ashley’s life has turned out? Huh? The one wish you’d have for your dead friend should be to wish THEY still had their life. To wish YOU could see how THEIR love life panned out.

Imagine being unable to embrace your toddler without a phone with a flash on filming the whole thing. Narcs ugh 🤬🤮
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View attachment 2777239
No Ash, that is what a neglected child is. What three year old would rather sit on their own that far away from their parents in a busy restaurant with just a screen??? That is so so fucking sad.

A grade can’t spell three-nager either. Cracking post all round.
I can’t quite believe what I’ve just watched. What a pair of c@nts. TNB stuffing his face grinning at the camera with his back to his son. In what world do they think this is acceptable? And proudly posting it! Why would a child want to sit on his own. This is actually disturbing.
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Every time I think this cannot get worse. Even if your 3yo “insists” - the answer is no. It is busy here, Alf, we are keeping you safe. Here, would you like to sit on the next table? WHERE I CAN SEE YOU?
I want the staff to intervene.


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My daughter is Alfs age, and I look at my friends with more than one child I’m in awe. When I cuddle newborns and have my child with me too it blows my mind looking after more than one child. But I have made a decision to be one and done as I know that suits my family best.

Why would you chose to have 2 children so close in age especially when you were barely coping with one.

those poor children I can’t believe she’s never once been on her own out with them and the fact yesterday was the first time they’ve been on a swing together. Imagine having been to film premieres bubble museums hamleys etc but never on a swing with your sister.

the worst part of it all is she says she never gets mum guilt. How could you not see all the other mums juggling their multiple children alone and not have mum guilt for not doing it yourself/doing the bare minimum of parenting
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Oh my god, dragging poor Ada out across London when she had fucking tonsillitis. Bitch. And not impressed with TNB not advocating for her either if she’s been so obviously poorly. Is ‘nurse’ NNB there?! Why is no one concerned about an unsettled baby that looks ill and has been spiking a temperature?!
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I honestly don’t care about people’s choices, I don’t know their circumstances and how they feel, but her lack of awareness of her own privilege is astounding, for someone who is so aware of (male) privilege.

Constantly having a partner or family or a nanny to ensure you are not alone with your children is privilege.

Paying for your children to be with a childminder or a nanny so you can get your nails done is privilege.

If she was a single mum to two kids living in a flat with no outdoor space, she would be hugely judged for never leaving the house & people would question the impact on the children.

Because she is a white middle-class “professional” living in a 5-bedroom house with a playroom, it’s seen as ok to not leave the house and expose your children to normal life.

That is huge fucking privilege.
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I cant get my head round the latest story, who the fuck lets their 3 yr child eat alone in a restaurant? What must the other customers think? And the staff….surely they need the table for other customers, nandos will be well busy on a sat lunch time 😳 this moron blows my mind, why does she think stuff like this is relatable/normal?? What if he chokes? Falls of the chair? I guess thats the staffs problem in ash’s head 🙄
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