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Holy moly, the 3 year old walked down the road without the pram. Why do I get the feeling she isn’t disclosing why she got the ‘dreaded’ call just so she can palm him off elsewhere tomorrow.
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Maybe Tommy is relocating to the States 🤔
Ash is moving to London with the littles and Tommy will come back every few weeks. Ash will get a live in Nanny who works 24hrs and she will realise that she can do this all on her own (with the Nanny of course). Her and Tommy will consciously uncouple and the littles will spend 6 months with Tommy Tickle and 6 months with her. Ashley’s time will be during term time only and Tommy will have them for every holiday. 😂
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It's so ridiculous that his parents have moved in for the week to help her with a 3 year old and nearly one year old. She is so incompetent. I wonder what Tommy's siblings and sister in law thinks about it.

I have 5 sister in laws and my parents have never moved in to help with their kids as we're all adults and our kids are our responsibility.
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Chatty Member
She’s so full of shit 😂
All these things she says we are judged for is such shit.
I’m late 30s and most of my friends are child free, no one has ever judged them for not having/ wanting kids and NOONE I HAVE EVER MET has ever said that there’s pressure on getting married.
does she live in the 1950’s? She is fucking tapped
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Did anyone catch her saying she’d like to go on the celebrity version of the traitors if they did one? You’re not that famous 🤣
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There is so much to unpack from this... I don't even know where to start.

My first thought was you don't ever take them to the park for fresh air? Or on a walk 😬 I rarely feel the need to take them to entertainment venues (maybe birthdays when they're older) my kids would never know what normal life was like - aka. Playing on the swings, having a snack from mums bag, going to see the ducks etc.

And she always has to clap back her favourite "you wouldn't ask a man this". Actually yes we would, it's not the 50s
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Zero shame to him, but Alf is three, let’s not act like he’s some toilet training prodigy. He’s on the late side now. And yes Ash, we see that you waited for Nana to move in before you bothered.
I doubt ash has had anything to do with it. Imagine getting your boyfriend’s mum to potty train your 3 year old because you can’t be arsed? It probably doesn’t bother her much anyway as there’s zero chance she ever changes his nappy.
Also, hilarious that ada is the least girly looking baby facially and is the spit of Tommy. Literally looks nothing like Ashley
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Amazing she makes a living from just being so shit at everything. Many people can be crap at something, or not nice people, but there's normally at least 1 thing you could say they were good at, but with her, I struggle.

Shit friend - no one bothers with her, she falls out with people and has to fake a reel pretending she's having fun

Shit cook - it's a ping in the microwave or a lasagna that I wouldn't feed my cat

Awful fashion sense

Stands for nothing, rants incoherently about random stuff

Boring girlfriend

Uninspiring workouts

Awful mother

There is probably more, this is just what she's shown us over the last week.
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Someone get this woman a pride of Britain award, she’s taken time off of jumping on bandwagons and making reels about brown tights to spend FORTY FIVE WHOLE MINUTES watching her son at a dance class.
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I don’t believe A Really Good Mum would say this

Who just ‘gives up’ putting their kid to bed cos they’re hungry and want to watch TV?! Unfuckingbelievable

View attachment 2716644
Absolutely mad! Give up stick them infront of the tv after 20 minutes

I sometimes battle my toddler for over an hour and it is PAINFUL and I’m hungry and tired and bored and have loads of things to do/want to do but you don’t just give up and go and watch tv!!

No wonder she doesn’t want to go to bed she gets to watch tv if she stays awake!
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Jesus christ she's so useless.I used to have 2 babies in a twin pram and a toddler on a buggy board attached to the pram,walking to town,park,duck pond,playgroup,friends etc.What does she mean by Alf needs a lot of attention?Just take the kids to the local park ffs.Omg this has wound me up.
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After a rubbish day I‘ve come in from a lovely evening to see her IG and it’s made my blood boil all over again.

Her absolute refusal to accept she has crossed a line is only as mind blowing as her followers sycophantic comments.
There’s so much I want to say; so many people so smug yet incorrect, so few making decent, reasoned arguments and getting shot down with insults by the those masquerading as the ones who care.
They think they’re supporting trans rights. They’re supporting a fucking moron who’s used a murdered, vuberable teenager to have a go at the conservative government. I want to comment but can’t deal with the backlash, how is that an open debate.

Time to take a step back. I feel so sad.

Oh and my lovely evening x was at a hungry horse eating shit burgers with my three-nager having melt downs then cuddling them to sleep and I wouldn’t change that for Ashley’s ‘fancy meetings at sketch’ while she abandons her children all day for the world.
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Fair enough in the week you maybe split the kids and don’t dress Alf (weird AF but I kind of think ok, a weekday routine is fine) but on a weekend when you’re both at home surely you occasionally leave Ada playing and go up to get Alf dressed? Does she never change his nappy? Never think oh I’d like them to match today so I’ll have him wear this or that etc. It is the most bizarre parenting ever. His dad’s abroad so I can choose his clothes this week?! It’s literally like she got bored of Alf and “gave” him to Tommy while she plays with her new toy Ada!
My little boy is 10 months younger and I love dressing him - I thought I’d find it so boring (in general in think boys clothes are pretty awful) but I actually enjoy choosing clothes for him and we have loads of fun being silly while he’s on his changing table. It is so strange as she just chooses to opt out of pretty normal and actually enjoyable parts of motherhood every day with one child. I dress mine in a lot of plain/neutral stuff and don’t do characters or bright colours so it’s not everyone’s taste but there are some lovely boys bits if you shop around (Newbie where she buys shit loads for Ad does some gorgeous boys wear but I guess she never bothers looking or spending her money on him!).
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Chatty Member
Ada isn't sleeping because she's getting television when she wakes. Some babies are just bad sleepers, BUT this is not helping.

Trash, PLEASE get into a routine for your babies. They need a solid consistent bedtime routine and to be put down at 7/7.30pm. No screens or blue light before bed either. Just a handy hint 👍
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The baby is nearly a year old for crying out loud. Why can’t she be put to bed?! White noise, one of those projector light thingies, lullabies, lying next to her holding her hand through the cot, ANYTHING but being propped up in a car seat with the tv blaring surely?! If NNB was available to help then why is she letting this happen? I don’t understand how on earth this is even relatable content. She’s not a newborn that you drive around the block in desperation to get to sleep! I was still on 4x nightly wake ups with my baby at this age (and getting up at 6am to do a 12 hour shift 4 days out of 7) but not once did I think I’d try popping him upright in front of a tv show ffs
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It still shocks me she shoves Alf in a pram for that ridiculously short walk literally round the corner. I know she tried to say he would always choose it but why… give him the choice every time? Just say we’re walking today and make it fun, do a treasure hunt or talk about what cars you can see, let him try and build some stamina. The fact she has various pictures of herself pushing her kids in a pram 100m shows how this woman is just playing pretend as a parent like it’s some kind of novelty.
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Chatty Member
I just do not understand how a church hall is an appropriate environment for early years. I doubt they are setting up and packing up various activities each day, that there is daily outdoor space to play freely in, what SEN provision they can support with.

Imagine failing your children so badly and being absolutely clueless about it, all while bragging at what an excellent mum you are.
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Chatty Member
That’s such a good point

He was even smiling!
Probably cos he was allowed to walk 200m for the first time ever.

She is deliberately keeping his world so small. Mainly because her world is so small, and that’s why every tiny thing is such a drama and why she asks #canyoucope - actually, yes, we are functioning adults that can do more than one task at a time.
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Nana is clearly staying for a week isn’t she. Just pathetic.

Why doesn’t she book the spray for one of the 8 hours in the day where she has no children? And wear a strap less bikini. I’m lost for words.

I feel so so sorry for Ada.
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