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Christ. where to even start?

So the trad wife phenomenon is on the rise, especially in the states. It is linked to increasing political polarisation, vaccine skepticism, Christian fundamentalism and the ability for women to stay at home while also having a social media platform and being able to make pocket money while doing it. Usually this is in the form of participating in MLMs. it is believed to be a response to increasing economic and political precarity particularly in the 'left behind' communities of the white lower middle class. It is also a function of wage stagnation meaning it is not 'worth it' for women to work outside the home due to the prohibitive cost of childcare and orher associated expenses. This way of life has received good PR from shiny mormon influencer accounts like Ballerina Farm and her perfect looking blond children on a huge ranch in Utah. (although her situation is the product of inherited wealth). The move towards homeschool/homesteading which is associated with these trad wife accounts is also a function of right wing exceptionalism, anxiety about 'end times', move away from perceived dependency on government, and associated conspiracy theories. In other words this is an observable reactionary movement which has resulted from many social conditions and is certainly not a backlash to feminism alone (although it may be a reactionary response to Me Too, in part.)

Of course, speaking intelligently about this would demand actual knowledge and being informed on the topic, which is being heavily investigated by social researchers. Ashley however seems to have taken it very personally. Why does it bother her so much that she feels the need to devote several incoherent stories about it while insisting that its absolutely fine for women to serve her husbands? Even worse, she has nothing incisive to say other than repeating her inane version of choice feminism which is honestly as intellectually moribund and trad wifeism. Clearly there is a deeper political issue at play here (the same issue that will likely get Trump reelected) but someone she makes it all about her pathetic brand of year 9 spice girl brand of feminism and manages to shit on men and their mental health in the process. She somehow goes from discussing trad wives to talking about femicide and all men are terrorists .. sorry what? if this was in an undegraduate student essay it wouldn't be getting an A. it would be failing for lack of research (the irony), overdrawn conclusions, failure to appreciate existing research on the subject, non sequitur, poor use of English language, failure to check provenance of sources and lack of imagination.

she is GENUINELY the stupidest woman on the internet. even more stupid than those trad wives she has such beef with
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Chatty Member
I’m sorry but I just can’t stand it when she says about it being a chance for Tommy and Alfie to bond. It’s sooo belittling of Tommy - he’s done a hell of a lot more for that kid than she ever has yet she talks about them like they never see each other. I’d be fuming if I was Tommy. How dare she! She never spends ANY one on one time with her son at all! Infuriates me. She’s the worst type of person.
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I went to the farm yesterday too, and in between making sure my toddler didn’t get his fingers bitten off goats, telling him to stroke not poke a poor unassuming ferret and trying to persuade him that he didn’t HAVE to jump in every single puddle of shitty water like fuck I had time to remember I had skin. Let alone admire it.
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‘I’d like the bar to be raised’

I’d like to lie in bed and wait for someone to bring me a croissant from Gail’s but it ain’t fucking coming and the day isn’t going to do itself.

You stupid, entitled vacuous cunt 🙊
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I agree with both sides - sadly a lot of children wouldn't have access to swimming lessons BUT Alf does so the comparison to others who also are lucky enough to have the privilege of lessons is an easy one to make. It's so nice to see him confident in something though, however he's not advanced. I think that's the thing here, she's so full of it with how advanced he is. It's very strange when he's not.
I'm a swim teacher and just want to make the point that it's important not to brag about a child being 'advanced' like Ash does about Alfie (not criticizing anyone here just Ash specifically) because it's critical that the children don't get overconfident in the water and attempt to enter a body of water thinking they are more skilled than they actually are. She needs to relax a little.

At his age the most essential skills are safe entry, for the swimmer to turn and reach the wall, and when appropriate to be comfortable floating on his back (even aided is ok). It's so important kids enjoy swimming with no pressure or fear and I really don't think it's fair she is constantly showing him in the pool to thousands of followers along with her incessant bragging. Just let him enjoy the lesson in peace, it's a safety skill and if he enjoys it that's wonderful. No one needs to see or hear about it.
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In fairness on the swimming, not a huge amount of UK children have lessons when they’re as young as Alf or Ada. Many wouldn’t be able to do what Alf is because they haven’t had the opportunity to learn. Pre-school lessons like that can be costly and it’s prohibitive for most families.
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It's so ridiculous that his parents have moved in for the week to help her with a 3 year old and nearly one year old. She is so incompetent. I wonder what Tommy's siblings and sister in law thinks about it.

I have 5 sister in laws and my parents have never moved in to help with their kids as we're all adults and our kids are our responsibility.
I sort of said before I don’t see a problem with help if you need it and it’s available however… it’s that she still calls herself a super mum, responsive to every need and all that bollocks and not address it. She can’t have both.

If she said “I’m not cut out to juggle two kids on different schedules, I just don’t have it in me, i need extra help” I’d applaud her accepting her limitations.
Even “I struggle to give them both 100% on my own because of the lack of sleep & I have to work” - it’d be bullshit but something. Instead she ignores that she’s never had them alone.

She could have so much good, honest content about not being the mum you wanted/expected to be, realities of two children, coping when you find it mundane, forgiving your limitations etc but instead calls herself a great mother, boasts of no guilt, claims it’s normal to hate parenting so it’s not a problem, ‘society’ needs to change not her. That’s the issue to me.
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The amount of comments cheering Ashley on makes me feel nauseous. But I challenge anyone to find a person in this country who would disagree with her. Of course everyone opposes it. It’s not worth hailing her to become fucking PM over it. Her followers are just as a thick as her. But also, she’s picked a topic where she knows everyone will agree with her and cheer her on. Her narcissism is off the chart right now. She thinks every single follower will be wishing mon - weds away so they can gawp at her on TM on Thursday.

Lastly, who the fuck poses for photos with their pram on the nursery run? It’s such a novelty for her. Almost as cringe as slagging the King off 5 minutes after he tells the world he has cancer.

Crunchy curled
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I don't understand what she has been trying to say in the last 24-48hrs. What's the messaging here?
- Men are terrorists.
- As a blanket rule, Men don't do their share of the parenting or carry any mental load.
- Women had no rights in 1970.
- In 2024 women are still being told they should be married by a certain age 🙃
- Being a traditional wife (eg SAHM with domestic duties) is BAD, but according to Ash the oracle, it's important to have a choice and choose not to have that life. It's great if men choose that life though, but like fuck should they get praised for doing house duties!!!!!
- Tommy is much tidier and 'faster' at keeping a clean house than filthy Trash is.
- It's so wrong that childcare is expensive and some people like Ash work hard but don't get maternity leave 🥲💔 she doesn't have a choice but to send her kids to the childminder if she wants to 'work'.
- She's good at DIY but unfortunately breastfeeds all night so doesn't get much time to focus on the house repairs.
- Ash doesn't know what to say when people ask her if they should have kids, as she misses her old life.
- She was once 30 and single and never wanted kids (and still isn't really sure she wants kids)
- Alf is really poorly with a temperature but let's ignore him and outsource his care elsewhere.
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Who calls mums frumpy???!! She holds mums in the lowest regard. SHE thinks mums are frumpy and boring!
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I wonder if TNB will come back from America with a gift and supermum card for her again.

After all she is has managed to have the kids in full time care for 10 hours each day, have a PT session, get her nails done, have a spray tan, make 1 evening meal, choose an outfit for Alf for nursery, try on various outfits, create Instagram polls for said outfits, go out for pizza, open free gifts, spend about a billion hours on Instagram.

What a hero! And all with just the support of NNB and PNB all week.

Thank goodness she didn’t have to think about pumping this week too.
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How embarassing getting the person who’s actually looked after your children all day to take a photo of you pretending to be a really good mum for the 5 seconds you look after them for
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Well, I’ve had a taste of being a ‘trad wife’ recently, having lost my job just before Christmas. Let me just say if we didn’t have to worry about money it would be pretty good, but unfortunately we do, big time, and my income is now selling vintage Topshop on eBay in sizes I can only dream of getting into again if I contracted dysentery. I like cooking so that’s fine but scouring Lidl for abused discount chickens and wonky veg does rather take the shine off. I thought I wouldn’t mind keeping on top of general housework but you really do notice all the shite that you really should tackle but just don’t. Why do I have a drawer that is overflowing with string and old batteries and I KNOW there’s a family of harvest spiders in the shoe rack and I’ve not evicted them.
Anyway that’s my tuppence worth. I will say for my son it’s like a dream come true that I have time to draw cat pictures on cardboard boxes or make cornflakes cakes.

But with money and a supportive partner I can 100% see how it would be an attractive option! She’s so black and white, I swear she’s neurologically challenged.
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Just when you think she could be any more stupid 😂 Ada is at that age where they learn by association. She wakes, she gets TV.

It’s 👏🏼 Not 👏🏼 Rocket 👏🏼 Science 👏🏼 You 👏🏼 DUMB 👏🏼 ARSE 👏🏼
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Anyone else still wearing the kind of clothes they wore before kids just in a size, or two, bigger?

I didn’t realise I had to dress like a mum, I just dress like me and parent??

But then being a mum isn’t something I play at every now and again
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All toddlers need a lot of attention. What is she on about. If anything, Alf is incredibly placid and always glued to a screen, certainly can’t run, so it’s not like he can bolt away from her. Does she honestly think it gets easier as they get older? When Ad can walk and they go in different directions? It’s not going to be easier for another 3-4 years. Immobile baby is the easiest time!

Yes, Ash. I would also judge a dad who was incapable of caring for his own children.
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