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I’m absolutely gobsmacked at how low this woman will go.

The sight of poor 10 month old Ada sleeping in a car seat downstairs while her selfish mother won’t feed her or cuddle her because she prioritises a spray tan over comforting her baby!! Then Ash going up to her own bed leaving Ada in the car seat is just beyond belief. How can NNB bear it?! 😪
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I’ll preface this by saying that I absolutely hate this government. I despise it. What has been done to the people of the UK and NI in the Tories’ name is utterly despicable. Fourteen years ago, you could get a doctor’s appointment for the same day; cancer patients were seen in 14 after diagnosis. You could get your passport in four hours and be assured that your kid’s school wouldn’t fall down around your ears. You could expect a short waiting list for your operation and for criminals to be rehabilitated. I loathe Sunak and his mob and can’t wait to vote for Labour - I’ll be campaigning for them come the GE. None of you would’ve known that, however, because it’s not something that I’ve ever mentioned on these threads. In a way, it’s not necessary to mention it. The Tories are on their way to a landslide defeat. We’ve all witnessed how this country has become shitter unless you belong to the top 5%. Everyone is miserable - and angry.
I’ve certainly been called a Terf because I don’t want trans people in women’s sports, prisons, domestic violence spaces, hospital wards or lavatories. As someone who has been r*ped three times, sexually assaulted more times than I can count and survived severe domestic violence, having biological males in vulnerable areas makes me freak out, quite frankly. I won’t comment on the Brianna Ghey sad, sad situation, because I deliberately avoided it due to how incredibly upsetting it is/was. One mistake that Ashley has made is in terms of categorisation, in her response re: women’s sports. Men and women are the two main categories. The other things she mentioned are descriptors. Ergo, we have a trans man, a Black woman, a disabled individual. Saying that we need trans voices in sports is to say that it is a discrete category of it own, which is not the case. Certain issues, such as biological men in women’s sports (particularly tough contact sports like rugby) should never have been considered in the first place, as a safety and fairness principle. Male body structures are completely different from women’s, and give them an advantage. That is an incontrovertible biological fact.
I do hope she’s getting Alf SEN help. His little run the other day - ! Poor baba.
Hope that everyone is well. I’m battling horrendous depression and anxiety at the moment and am sunk into a permanent state of misery right now. @InTheDollsHouse - I never posted your birthday .gif; I’m so sorry.
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I feel for Tommy and his lack of balls. Been frogmarched to Hamleys/central to do something they’ve already been to, stupidly jet lagged and unable to keep his eyes open. She couldn’t give a shit about that man.

Poor Alf asking her questions and she’s just gawping at herself on the phone point blank ignoring him. He didn’t have the f’ing co-ordination or fine motor skills to make a bracelet! She’s mental!
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Love the fact all the scrunching faces on today's reel are from the eyes down because she knows she can't scrunch her forehead and stick with the story of my skin is imperfect.

So this was filmed the same time as the chin hair stroking reel. Clearly just sat up in her bedroom filming herself and then thought up some content.
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Imagine if a man said ‘she’ll be 6 feet under’ about a woman. About Ash. How dare she use those words so flippantly when she is apparently so triggered by men being terrorists etc. I say this as someone who both worked and has experience of abuse. She has no idea what real work looks like, does she think Tommy was in US just bumming around, his diary was probably back to back. Then throw jet lag in and it’s been far from a jolly. Jesus, she can’t even get a train to a 2 hour job without making a hugely disproportionate song and dance about it like she is some intrepid explorer, single handedly finding parts of the world while carrying 2 children, simultaneously breastfeeding one.

She gets worse by the day and I honestly don’t know how TNB puts up with her. I can only assume that her personality disorder comes with a lot of emotional and financial manipulation, he is probably acutely aware that if they split she wouldn’t be trusted to look after her children and that comes with a lot of responsibility. Plus can you imagine how much she would misrepresent him on Instagram. Their break up would be content for her and she’d lap up the opportunity to play the victim. She is the most entitled, spoiled, pandered to princess. Can she honestly believe that she has the right to use this against him?? She’s had an easier week than ever. In laws literally stepped in and did all the out of child care hours parenting and she has just done her usual filming of aff links, lounging around looking for things to moan about that will never end have never impacted her, PT session for her ‘recovery’ (get a grip Ash, I’d had major surgery and was back training 3 times a week within 3 months (during my limited spare time, not as my actual job) and 8 weeks after a long and difficult birth.

I mean, fair play to her that she has all this hand holding and parenting (of her) but don’t make out that you have it hard and make money and content about how much of a superwoman, martyr you are simply because you’re the female of the species.
Take a bow 👏🏼

The only thing I find mildly amusing about her is that she preaches feminism, laced with venom and contempt of the male species but is actually the antithesis of what a feminist is 🤣 If it wasn’t to the detriment of her poor partner and children it would be hysterical! There is nothing strong and independent about this creature and she’d be fucked if she didn’t have Tommy, a man, and she knows it deep down hence the constant poison. She is weak and pathetic and I hope mothers of daughters use her as an example of how not to be. I’m certainly using her as an example to my boys but not in the way she’d hope. She is a very dangerous and toxic individual all around.
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I feel for Tommy and his lack of balls. Been frogmarched to Hamleys/central to do something they’ve already been to, stupidly jet lagged and unable to keep his eyes open. She couldn’t give a shit about that man.

Poor Alf asking her questions and she’s just gawping at herself on the phone point blank ignoring him. He didn’t have the f’ing co-ordination or fine motor skills to make a bracelet! She’s mental!
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She always does that to him. Whenever he has the cheek to go out or she knows he might be tired, she plans an activity that involves a super early start on an early train into London the next day. She’s a pathetic, nasty POW.
We’ve had many bracelets making sessions over the years. At home. Why can’t she just be at home with the children I’m sure they would appreciate a home day doing arts and crafts in their safe place. Scrap that. What should be their safe space but it’s actually just a set for all their narcissistic mothers filming of them for content. I know all children are different but my child loves nothing more than the weekends where there is no alarm or dashing about then out the house early, just spending time in PJs just hanging out with and cuddling mama. She doesn’t want to interact with her children unless it’s organised, public, gifted Instagram content. And a place to show off her AFF linked clothes (and skin) that SOOO many of ‘you guys messaged me about’. Yup, she had no intention of sharing the links otherwise and her outfit of the day not at all carefully curated and filmed for that very purpose.
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This insta post sums up why I hate the way she bangs on about being responsive so much. Most of us who are (loosely, in my case) following gentle, attachment style parenting, don’t feel like martyrs? We’ve made an informed choice that we’re happy with. Yet she wants the bloody medal doesn’t she? She wants everyone to hear her sacrifice, and fall to their knees in awe of just how bloody wonderful she is. And the biggest joke is she’s a complete fraud.

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The way she’s surprised and impressed about Ada doing really mundane, typical things makes me even more concerned about Alf’s development 🥴
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Of all the things I’ve hated her posting. This absolute takes the win for me. She’s an absolute disgrace.

The culture wars around this topic are vile. There’s no question of that. But so is forcing a female rape victim to be supported in the same centre as biological men. Or female prisoners to be left vulnerable to biologically male prisoners. Female athletes having their careers destroyed by biological males. There HAS to be nuance to this subject. It’s important that things are discussed and considered from every seat at the table. Weaponising it for clicks and likes makes her just as bad as BOTH Sunak and Starmer yesterday, imo.
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Cheek of her posting about Miley’s moving forehead to say it should be normalised / celebrated when she gets hers frozen 15 times a year? Also, Miley could have had a small tweak here and there. It’s possible to have Botox without completely freezing your expression. Regardless, why is she so obsessed? Seems like another sloppy way of getting people to comment “Yesss, thank you SO much for posting this!!!”
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The whole thing is so dysfunctional. Watching her stories gives me so much anxiety and just makes me so so thankful I am not her and that my babies are my babies (if that makes sense). My 12 week old sleeps so much better than Ada. And ya all babies are different and some are just bad sleepers I get it; we've had tough weeks too because she has had really bad reflux but when it gets to around bedtime we put her in her sleep sack, give her cuddles, offer her milk if she wants it, give her more cuddles and then put her in her Moses basket... I go to bed at like, 7.30 myself next to her and I don't complain endlessly that I've LOST MY EVENINGS and then (shock horror) that big light does NOT come on until morning even if she wakes up. I also have a 15 month old and I have literally never once got her "up" and out of her bedroom/turned on the big light/got out a screen or turned the tv on , no matter how many times she woke in the night. I'm no expert on babies but it's just freaking common sense that doing things like shoving screens in babies faces is not going to help them develop good sleeping habits/patterns....

So nana brought Ada up at midnight ...? So she was asleep sat up in that car seat for hours? So so so so dysfunctional/nuts. Why has she done this? I'm sure Ada would have probably slept fine if she'd implemented some proper structure/a calm sleeping environment.
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There’s a lot of things I could say about Tommy, but it’s obvious he’s got a bond with poor Alf and it’s not just because he takes him to swimming lessons once a week 🙄
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Zero shame to him, but Alf is three, let’s not act like he’s some toilet training prodigy. He’s on the late side now. And yes Ash, we see that you waited for Nana to move in before you bothered.
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That would be very weird, but actually kind of makes sense with why the kid was at the child minder with them too?
I did think it at the time particularly as she talked about the house being sold very soon afterwards. The irony of her friend moving to where she is escaping to be closer to…friends.

3 under 3. How pathetically embarrassing. She literally spent all day away from her children so she could take photos of herself and talk sh!te online then got the person who has her children more than she ever does to take a picture of her with them and one other. She genuinely thinks collecting her children and walking them around the corner is a big deal. 3 under 3….get a grip Ash. You don’t / didn’t even look after your 2 under 3 on your own. Ever. Her lack of awareness outside herself is astounding. Tommy’s colleagues must have a right old laugh about her over a coffee in the kitchen.
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I don’t know about any of you but I ALWAYS walk out meetings, head to the toilet with another person (who has also left mid meeting) and have them film me switching my clothes around. Then we head back to the meeting and everyone in that room is really impressed and says I’ve just increased my credibility…..
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Maybe it’s because you don’t have a drop of stress in your life, don’t actually parent, don’t do any housework, don’t have money worries.

Maybe it’s the Botox.

Or maybe it’s the one magical carrot.

I guess we’ll never know.


If she ever does dry disco again they need to see this casually endorsing alcohol as a coping mechanism.

Edit because I wrote enforcing not endorsing!
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‘Although he’s told me he’s tired so he might be 6 feet under by tomorrow’. Ashley Louise James. February 2024.

‘Feminism is about equality and that means equality for everyone…..Trans people deserve to live long and happy lives’. Also Ashley Louise James. Also February 2024.
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