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Chatty Member
This is NO shame on Alf or anyone else. But she goes on about Alf being some sorts child genius? That’s why he’s not physical? Those puzzles he’s doing are for 18months. My daughter who is 2 weeks younger can do the 24 piece puzzles very easily, has been doing them since 2.5. It’s very obvious she doesn’t interact with any other people with children because Alf is very average?
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Rocky Rosd

Well-known member
Re. The cake. No one, how ever rich they are should spend that sort of money on a bloody cake. In my set of friends, you make your own cake. You say to your child what sort of cake would you like and they say a pirate ship or a football or a pink one and you get to work. Now I’m not a baker but for my kids birthdays, that’s what I would do. My husband who is more artistic would do the writing on top. They looked pretty shoddy but they were made with love.
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Imagine saying you have always known your child was autistic but that you aren’t actually arsed to do anything about it or seek out any help available to support both yourself as the parent and your child to develop in the most supported way possible.
Ashley’s intuition strikes again.
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What is this crap she shares.

It's not relatable mum content. She's not a fashion icon. She's not a fitness guru. She's not a foodie account and she isn't doing any work.

It's a dump of a mundane, beige life.
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How Tommy can watch those stories and not pack his bags is beyond me. No wonder she’s got no friends. Tommys mates must think she’s an absolute cunt
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Chatty Member
“I dont want to be married” says the women who wears a ring from her partner on her wedding ring finger 🙄

for someone who doesnt want to be married she sure does mention it an awful lot. Like at least once or twice a month.
One doth protest too much me thinks 😂
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She’s definitely trying to channel a more grown up holly willoughby look to manifest presenting this morning.. a Temu version of holly willoughby but god loves a trier 🤪
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‘I don’t care.‘
‘I’m not fussed’.

She hasn’t had a single thought of Alf needing extra help in the future. Just because she’s ‘not fussed either way’.

Mum of the year 👏🏼
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Ash is taking the high and mighty road with this. By her saying she’s not fussed - in the way that they’ll love him regardless, is her trying to look like a good mum and it’s the complete opposite.

I’m half expecting her name to pop up in a ND Facebook group I’m part of (a few 1000 members) because this will have touched nerves of thousands of parents with ND children. The battle we face daily against a lack of funding, lack of training in mainstream schools, years of waiting for assessments and diagnosis. Just to say ‘it is what it is’ and yet seek no support for HIM.

99% of parents run to the GP/HV when that penny drops. It’s nothing short of neglect for Alf.
Boils my piss.
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I went to sleep feeling quite sillly for feeling so invested in this nobody and being vitriolic on here, as at least she’s finally addressed it, but I’m comforted to see others feel the same.

Pregnancy hormones maybe but it’s one of my biggest fears that my children will have mental or physical additional needs. Not because I’ll love them differently, but because I don’t want them to face challenges in a life that’s already hard, feel different or rejected, struggle to make sense of things that come easily for others, have to fight for help. I’d be worried for them, how we’d manage as parents, how our lives would change. I just want to protect them from difficulty in their lives. How she can be so blasé just blows my mind and makes me feel so sad.

I was recently reading the thread about violent autistic children to try to gain understanding (an autisic teen keeps breaking into our property, we’re working with their Mum) and what the parents and children are going through is heartbreaking. Ashley is either supremely naive, supremely arrogant, or sticking her head in the sand, I can’t wrap my head around it.

I’m sorry to anyone who found the way she delivered her latest revelation triggering 🤍
I’m triggered and I HATE how invested I am. I want to walk away from this thread so badly. I could use my time much better! But Ashley is one of those people who thinks having an ASD child is just them lining up toys, sorting things into colour order and only liking pasta. My ASD teen is turning aggressive and diagnosis is years away. EHCP is non-existent at school and everyday is a battle. Ashley has completely belittled the ND community and underestimated the support it takes to navigate ND kids through society.
The other day I saw a mum post on a Facebook group asking how she can sign her child over to social services to go through the foster system going forward as she just can’t do it anymore. Another mum needed talking out of suicide.
Ash has a platform (sadly). You can’t talk shite about these things without knowing what you’re dealing with and approach with sensitivity 😔

ETA - the fact you worry for your bubba shows that should you have to face anything, your baby will have the best parent helping them ❤
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She’s back on This Morning. This is becoming worryingly regular.
I wouldn’t worry. It’s an out-dated, shit show that’s holding on by the bones of its finger tips. That’s why they constantly need filler and bring in dregs like Ashley so they can pack out the slot and justify keeping it running altogether. I think it will be cancelled before long 🤞🏼 especially now those two have finally fucked off 😅
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Chatty Member
My daughter gets a £12 cake every year that I ‘pimp’ with decorations matching her theme that I buy off Amazon 😂 and she fucking LOVES it, she tells everyone she meets for weeks about the Cake her mum made special for her.
a £600 cake is for no one but Ashley
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So…. Was she running late and running round trying to find her phone with kids crying etc…. Orrrrrrrr…… was she standing eye fucking herself in the mirror in a seemingly quiet house?

You decide!
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Tank Girl

VIP Member
She’s so thick it literally blows my mind. A woman who sprays her boobs with toxins while breastfeeding is banging on about air quality for an Ad for slave labour advocates. Stop it.
her post about This Morning is so full of shit. Trying to make out she had no contacts but forged a path with hard work. Bull shit. The only reason anyone knows who she is is due to the fact she got her tits out/ sold her soul on reality TV. End of. It’s pathetic how she goes on. She’s such an air head it took her YEARS to get this shitty slot despite all her desperation
. She’s hardly inspirational now is she.
Whoever that presenter she sent her show reel to was correct. Zero talent. But hey YEARS of getting yer tits out got her a slot eventually. And she’s proud of herself. Fuck off ya dimwit.
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I know autism often isn’t diagnosed till later but surely you would worry to a degree, not for what that means. You’d worry that you were getting them the right level of support, diagnosis or not?!?!
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Chatty Member
What a sad life , i believe deep down she is sad and very very lonely

i mean we all know they arent in. A happy relationship but ashley HEAR ME OUT

1) Your not 5, your allowed more than one best friend
2) i have a few “best friends” i guess thats what they are called, i love them dearly
And would do anything for them
My husband is also my best friend, literally i dont know what id do without him, i would be lost. The fact you can say that about tommy tells you everything you need to know - its not a real relationship. He should be your priority along with your children , i mean they arent either

christ she is vile

she is a female version of andrew tate. Spewing venom over the internet
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