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Exactly. That’s why you can’t rely on an online screener. ADHD symptoms are often normal, it’s the frequency, duration and severity that makes the diagnosis. The screeners are useful, if you’re honest, but easy to fake if you just want a nice screenshot for Insta. I’ll note that she’s talking about ADHD for herself, which makes me think she’s actually not that comfortable with autism.

Calling bingo now that she’ll seek help her alleged issues, before she gets help for Alf.
Just did the test myself and had the same results as Trash. Having taught many kids with ADHD to varying degrees over the years and seeing how debilitating it can be if not well managed, I can unequivocally say that I don't have ADHD. And neither does Trash.

Her time would be better spent completing a check list on developmental milestones for three year olds. Funny how using the screener tool on herself and she's immediately talking about being ND but any indication that Alf is deviating from the norm and she shouts about how everyone is different and we can't put too much credence in guidelines.
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It’s so funny when she goes on about pink for girls and blue for boys being forced by society when she only ever dresses alf in dark boys clothes and only ever dresses Ada in totally impractical frilly floral dresses.
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I think what’s important to remember here is that we are only talking about Ashley and what she shows on her social media.

We were criticising her using a Doona for an unsupervised nighttime sleep, and for showing it to the world.

If she wants to put her own child/ren in danger not much will stop her, but by showing it online she may ‘influence’ someone else to do the same. That is reckless and unforgivable.
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Talking of Ashley’s truly dreadful dress sense did you all see her aff link the swimming costume that Ada wore on Saturday. Same colour as the pool water wasn’t it. As soon as she went a few inches under she became invisible.

I cannot believe the utter thickness of the woman. But you crack on and get your pennies love. You hopeless excuse of a mother.
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Remember when she was so smug about what a dream sleeper Ad was...especially in comparison to Alf! 🙄
She can never keep track of her lies. Alf was a dream until about 6 months. I bet she doesn’t say that she has PTSD from Ada’s sleep though.

She’s also completely bonkers - Ada’s clearly now up watching TV. The last thing you’d do with an unsettled baby is bring it down under bright lights and a blue screen. If she’s got a friend over for a catch up/drink surely TNB can walk around with her in a dark bedroom. But then that wouldn’t suit the narrative of only her being Ada’s home!
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Does Ash not realise that most parents deal with waking babies/toddlers/children throughout the night and then have to wake up to a 6am alarm and head to a full day at work? This isn’t unique to her! Most parents just get on with it though and don’t feel the need to document it every night. I wonder if Tommy Tick-Tick works with women who are as insufferable as Ash? Surely he sees other women/parents at work who just get on with it. She’s lacks awareness so much, it’s quite baffling.
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I don’t believe for a second there was any problems booking Nickelodeon.

She came on insta moaning about them (out of working hours) and within a very short amount of time (an hour or so) she went back on stories to say she had a venue booked. Bollocks did they ‘go down there in person to firm it all up’. She’s lying and being dramatic for content as usual. Why would you make Nickelodeon look like the bad guys if there was no issues AND they regularly go there???!!! Id bloody bar her for trying to drag their name through the mud
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Ughhhh whyyyyy. You don’t need to jump on the ADHD bandwagon. You really don’t.
In her head, that’s it, she’s diagnosed now 🙄 We won’t hear the end of it. “Having a really hard day with my ADHD”. Yeah don’t worry about Alf who constantly sensory seeks, hand flaps and can’t walk or talk properly. He’s doing great
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Practically sprained an ankle running here after the Doona post. She does not give one solitary shit about safe sleep does she?!
Do your own reeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeearch guys.
she’s fucking dangerous
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Christ, who put 50p in her today?!

I don't even know where to start with her little rant? What happened to her stupid little catchphrase good for you and good for me. Like, if someone wants to be a trad wife, go for it. Its 2024 - I think she's entirely missing the point that it is 100% their choice. The trad-wife influencers are choosing that life, they haven't been forced into it. (Well, I assume if they are making content on it, they aren't!).

She is just so toxic. And the lack of self awareness is just astounding! On one hand, she projects she is this working mother, rushed off her feet, full time job juggling cleaning the house, making dinners, doing bathtime / bedtime ... but in reality, she drops the kids of at nursery & creates aff links all day. She's admitted Tommy does the cooking, cleaning, bathtime / bedtime. How does she not realise she is the trad husband in this situation?!

She obviously needs the engagement, otherwise she wouldn't be going off on one. And don't get me started on the her saying men are terrorists. Poor Alf doesn't stand a chance growing up around her :(
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It’s nice to hear Alf chatting, but I’m even more convinced she did not go for the 2y check up. My child is similar age to Alf and was flagged for speech delay. She now has SALT support and audiology and has come on leaps and bounds - clear sounds, full sentences, confident in asking for what she wants. Alf would 10000% be identified as needing support and would likely have had some intervention by now. It is not good enough to trust your mystical instincts as a) it’s hard to know what they should / shouldn’t be doing, that’s why there are experts and b) you miss the opportunity to give tangible and transformative support. I work in special needs and I will defer to the specialists in each field as I don’t know it all, and it depresses me that she thinks she does.
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Ffs no one loves baby classes as an adult - the point is it’s for the child and the enjoyment you get from them is watching the enjoyment your child gets from them

I can’t get over having a 3 year old and his first time at a music/dance class so sad for him. He probably didn’t understand what to do because he’s never been before whereas the other kids go every week.

wheres Ada this morning? Why not take both of them together
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Guys my daughter who is 2 weeks younger then Alf. I asked if she could count down from 10 backwards, she did. And she can do the alphabet! I can’t believe she is a genius! I reckon she will be ready for uni soon. Was proud so wanted share
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It's always women that have a strong preference for having girls who end up taking so much pride in their (unwanted) sons becoming "girly".
Gosh you’re so right!!! And then just harp on about how ‘gentle’ and ‘caring’ their boys are. Mumsnet is bloody awash with it. How they stroke their mum’s hair and share crisps with them or whatever. Bullshit. My ‘gentle’ boy tried to shove his hideous sharp pterodactyl toy up my nose earlier, I presume out of innocent curiosity although it was quite sudden and one can never be sure. He would rather lose a finger than share his crisps with me. It doesn’t mean he’s not awesome but I’m not going to be peddling any gentle or caring narrative anytime soon and that’s ok 😅
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👋🏼 Ash! Have you done some research? Because I just quickly did and….

“When babies sleep in the sitting position, their heads can fall forward, restricting their airways and causing them to stop breathing. This devastating phenomenon, known as positional asphyxiation, was found to be the cause of 48 percent of deaths in car seats in a 2015 study published in The Journal of Pediatrics, affecting children up to age two. The other 52 percent of deaths were caused by strangling on straps, often because they weren’t properly secured.”
“We thought we were going to find a lot of premature infants die in car seats,” says Jeffrey Colvin, a paediatrician at Children’s Mercy in Kansas City and one of the authors of the study. “Instead, we found perfectly healthy babies who had been put into car seats not for the purpose of travelling. That’s just where the caregiver had them sleep, which makes it so much more preventable.”

Get her out you numb skull.
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Anyone find her story strange where she was moaning about Ada’s sleep then felt the need to caveat it with “she is a lovely girl”. Seemed such a strange comment to make about your own baby daughter.
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First time commenting on the thread but I am triggered too. I have a daughter going through the assessment phase and it’s hard trying to her her the support she needs and the waiting list is 3 years so we have a wait ahead! She’s an arsehole, she should be fussed and pushing for help for this sweet boy! He deserves more!
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