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Just why would you post a pic when your child looks so sad/tired?🤔😞 Narc that she is thought she looked great so posted it anyway 😡
And as for it being down to personality on why one was more interested than the other 🙄🙄🙄 more passive aggressive put downs for little Alf 😢
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Wow! That’s shocking.

Good grief! This is dreadful. What an absolute bitch.
The flowers were something I’d shared on the depression thread on here. And the fear of my children being taken away was at one of my lowest points with my mental health. That’s where she found that from.

Supports women, champions others, shouts ‘be kind’ and references Caroline Flack at any opportunity, but doesn’t actually follow that herself.
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Tank Girl

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No one is judging the little people Ashley. People are pointing out the shitty effort at parenting. Her defensive comments just show she’s completely missed the point. Of course all children develop at different rates. And if every aspect of your children little lives are shown from morning to night expect people to comment. There’s years of parenting experience on these threads alone. These nasty trolls here care more about your kids milestones than you do. Go fucking educate yourself on child development. It’s not something you outsource because you can’t be arsed like your hair or makeup. Grow the fuck up admit you need help. It’s part of being an adult
Lovely Day x
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Love_laugh _live

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I reckon it must be absolutely killing her inside that her kids aren't these picture perfect commodities. That's probably how she convinced herself to have kids in the first place, what financial gain would she make; what doors and avenues would it open for her as a socialite into a world she could never conquer...

It's really sad because she will come back at us asking why we latch onto Alf being sad or unhappy... However, I'm yet to see see a fulfilled, loved and happy child.

So yes Ashley, that's why we latch onto that notion - present us a different one, I beg you!
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Rocky Rosd

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I honestly feel gobsmacked that she’s put that. It sounds sinister.
That makes me furious. She is projecting all her feelings about men onto Ada. He’s a docile 3 year old. Why on earth would she be scared of him. Because he occasionally snatches a toy from her? Or because he tries to lie on top of her, giving her a hug that you have actively encouraged.
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To be fair my two and a half year old was devastated that the ‘special lunch’ and the ‘lovely food’ I’d been harping on about all morning wasn’t the Happy Meal he’d obviously had in mind. As far as he’s concerned, it’s the ultimate treat meal 😂 cue a big strop at the sight of his turkey roast. Even so there was no question of him not being involved. Also if I’d presented him with a baby xylophone he’d look at me like I had two heads. Where’s the entertainment in that for a nearly three year old?!
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I usually just lurk, but had to comment for this! There is absolutely NO way a professional has seen Alf and said that his gait is fine. At the very least they would have spoken to her about the W sitting. It should be discouraged and the fact Ashley just merrily allows him to sit in that position is awful.
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POV: your toddlers hair is matted for a second time but Mummy’s had her crunchy curls done just for HER special day

Go downstairs in your pjs. Watch them open presents with a cuppa. Pick up all the rubbish and soak in the excitement. Get ready for childcare/school in a mad dash. That’s what functional loving families look like.

NOT get ready for the cameras. She makes me sick 😔 I wish her luck with the arguments over that baby walker, as predicted Ada’s claimed it 😂
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Half of the things she’s written about Alfie on his birthday post are insults disguised as compliments. Negging.
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She’s addressed loads of what we have been talking about. But Ash, if you read here again,I need to know:

How did your Grandad once see Beatrix Potter in his sheep farming career, given she died in 1943?
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Awful post. Generalising that non-parents aren’t doing much because that what she did, generalising that everyone over indulges and feels bad about it, because she did, generalising that everyone is unhappy with their body, because she is, and then predominantly using pictures of her at the heaviest despite the fact that she is indeed losing weight and she was only that size due to pregnancy!
Fake AF!
I read Peter Rabbit to my kid when he was literally in my womb. She’s such a strange woman . She does nothing for that boy.
She loves the idea of parenting, especially if it involves passing something of herself on and ‘shaping them’ but not the reality. She lives in a fantasy world where she does something once and it becomes her identity, where if she thinks it, it’s real.
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Maybe I’m the odd one but the thought of my son being in my mum’s belly turns my stomach. Makes me think of a lizard carrying slimy white eggs around in their belly like on some fecked up wildlife documentary 😂
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Well-known member
Absolutely blown away they filmed his birthday and she got her hair professionally done before he was allowed all his bits. Madness madness.

1. FIRST time blowing out a candle!?
2. You’re supposed to brush curls like that OUT

Christ. Poor Alf.
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Chatty Member
My daughter is 3 months older than Alf and we’ve only managed to potty train her this month.
3 months ago she was not remotely ready.
The constant ‘he’s nearly 3 he shouldn’t be in nappies’, isn’t true. looking at Alf I don’t think he is ready, his mobility is poor, his speech isnt great and he doesn’t seem to have the best understanding (though his parents are shit communicators). Forcing training on a kid that isn’t ready will just cause him stress.
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Also- her gushing Boxing Day post about a very ordinary outing makes it glaringly obvious they never do normal things together as a family. Going to the pub with kids and seeing them make friends is a standard event for most. I laughed at her comment about wanting her house to always be filled with people. She barely lets the kids stay home and would need to find friends and people that tolerate her for his to ever happen.
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I have to say the clip of Alf and Jasper is v cute. they do seem to get on and have the classic rough and tumble of early boyhood. Ashley please cut his hair. he cant see properly because its in his face. Its just annoying for him - be a mum and sort it out.

everything else has already been said. Im still reeling over the fact that shes publicly addressed rumours from an independent gossip website. Or do we reckon she is getting DMs about Alfie's development? publicly admitting to her ignorance of milestones - so from that we can infer Alf has not been seen by any expert (they would have explained milestones to her) or a GP, health visitor or any other qualified professional.
I don’t reckon she’s had that many DMs because,knowing her, she would have had great delight in publicly showing them. She definitely reads here and the fact Jasper is a bit younger and more advanced ( potty trained), has pushed her over the edge into aggressive defensive mode

And all that ‘don’t dare compare a child to other children’ or whatever. You just did- with Jasper.
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What does that post about projecting mean?
We're all projecting our own feelings of being a bad parent on to her, "When someone unconsciously attributes their thoughts, feelings, or behaviours to another person they’re projecting"
So whenever anyone criticises, they're jealous, bitter, unhappy with their life, a troll or projecting. She has it all covered as to why none of it is true and she's blameless.
I’m sure we all don’t brush our children’s hair or give them presents under 3 eh?
These the queen of projecting, every post does it, under the guise of “society thinks” then some horrible view that she herself holds.

Utter bullshit that she's never second guessed herself as a parent. She u-turned on forward facing car seats, excessive use of the Ipad (which sadly she couldn't undo), routines. All thigs she accused the "Mummy police" of not understanding she was just doing what was right for her child and it worked for her.

I can't even imagine never having had a candle. Ours has theirs, (relit multiple times) anyone’s they can possibly help with… we even sang ‘we wish you a merry Christmas’ to a Christmas cake complete with candles to indulge the absolute joy they get from it. A mere mention of someone birthday we get ‘will they have candles” 😂
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Wonder if she got perineum from one of her private appointments where they told her the stitches weren’t wrong.

Marta “…your perineum…”
Ash “what’s that?”
Marta “it means the bit in between”

Ash then proceeds to use perineum for every ‘bit in between’ she can.
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Hold on, only Ada went swimming cos Alf was sleeping? First time he’s sat in a normal chair at a dinner table.


And still hasn’t had a hair brush.
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