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You can tell she’s just not a girls girl. Who in their right mind goes to a party or whatever it was knowing that someone else was wearing the same/similar outfit?! Great way to piss people off Ashley. What a cow she is.
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Hi Ash, thanks for reading here. I’m surprised you’ve had the time with all that zooming in on your perceived flaws and fighting the cruel society us women live in. I can honestly say I’ve not really had a problem with how society treats me but that is probably because I don’t look for problems and society doesn’t really give a sh!t what I’m up to. Plus I don’t place my value and worth on my aesthetics, so in all honesty I couldn’t care less what anyone thinks in that respect.

Anyway, my suggestion for 2024 is take your children off IG. Stop using your poor, innocent babies, who have no means to consent, as content in the absence of anything of much interest. Give them privacy. Try your best to minimise, even better, eradicate the digital footprint you have created for them. Yes, you, someone who should be their safe place and safety advocate, has been the opposite. That way, nobody would have the audacity to have an opinion on your children. When I say opinion I mean care. Care about in a way you clearly don’t. How sad that instead of reading here and thinking ‘wow, they have a point’, like all narcissists you’d rather argue the toss and become defensive. What a waste of energy, energy that could be used getting support for your gorgeous boy and, even better, educating yourself.

Your most recent post may very well be a veiled dig at us but the ‘who has access to you’ is so filled with irony. Hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of strangers have access to your children. Infact you have no idea how many as your account is open, so it doesn’t just stop at 400k followers. You have no idea where images and information about your children is being shared. You have no control either because now it’s out there, it’s just out there (so I take back what I said about eradication, that ship has long sailed).

2024 - a year closer to law makers doing the right thing by children. I genuinely believe that by 2030 using children for content will be legislated against across most countries. I dread to think the implications this will have for parents when those children become young adults and there are ramifications. Was showing all those photos of your child on your boob and all those posts about how many sh!ts they have done in one day, really worth it? Those gifted days and holidays and cute outfits won’t be what your children remember. They will remember the time, care and psychological safety you offered them.
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It obviously wasn’t 7:30 if Ashley had crunchy curls do her hair.
Imagine getting a ‘professional’ to style your hair for a video of your child opening their birthday presents before a full day of childcare.
Fucking mental!!!
Don’t normal Mums look like shit because they stayed up too long sorting things out and then got up early from the excitement 😂😂
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I mean yeah I could go into the garage and pop on some size 8 vintage Topshop from my youth and marvel at how I bulge out of it or can’t get the zips up but I won’t because

a) I know it doesn’t fit, I would have to be in an actual famine for that to happen anytime soon
b) I’ve got a shitload of actual stuff to do today
c) at least some of it has probably been chewed by mice

Get a life Trash, honestly!
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I don’t understand the whole Alf sleeping while they were swimming, WHAT! My boy is a month younger than Alf and very rarely naps now, he does get tired in the afternoon and will sometimes fall asleep in the car but if we are doing something we just wake him up?? He must’ve napped for quite a long time? So weird to leave him sleeping and only take Ada swimming, surely when he woke up he was like ummm what about swimming? I know my boy would.
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Who put 50p in this dickhead tonight?

I bet the "professional" is her Dad, he was a fireman dontcha know? Or Nanna no balls - whose nursing knowledge is very suspect at times!
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It’s the smugness that does it for me. She’s so proud of herself. For doing what? Putting her children in full time childcare while she has her hair done and does some aff links? She is so deluded. It’s taken her 11 years to do a few This Mornings and a few Stephs packed lunches. And a couple of very low grade Dj gigs. And while she has concentrated on this, she has moaned continuously on how unhappy and lonely she is. No friends and a very weird separate life relationship. Great life Ash - congrats.
I don’t see how next year will be better either
SPL is gone
ADA will be on the move more & she can’t ‘milk’ the BF content anymore - a house move & the realisation London isn’t the same as it was 10 years ago
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I just don't understand why they're buying shoes for Ad and why at 8.30pm is she letting her play, she should be in a routine by now 🙈 baby sleep is so important!

Trash, she's not a child yet... she's still very much a baby
It seems silly to me (but I'm not the authority on parenting lol I am just winging it every day)... If my babies ever wake up or are still awake anytime between 7pm and 7am we keep the lights dimmed and we stay in the bedroom and make it clear that it's "night time".. I think if I'd started bringing my baby downstairs into bright lights at night time then she would be even less likely to go to sleep

I also have no idea why shes taken ada to get shoes several times now and she's what, 8 months old and not walking? And Alf who is actually struggling to walk only gets hand me down shoes or gifted stuff that doesn't even fit him yet when he would absolutely benefit from
being measured and getting some proper shoes.
A baby who isn't walking doesn't need shoes... my daughter is 14 months and she's taken a few steps inside independently but isn't actually walking and I've literally never put her in shoes. I'm only going to put her in shoes once she's properly walking and when we're going outside. Inside she's pretty much always barefoot and when we go out she wears socks so she's not cold but that's it... i hate wearing shoes myself and take them off the second I can so why would babies want to wear them
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She doesn't know how to just "be" and potter around the house.

She's either out and about, overwhelming those kids and not giving them routine or they're home, locked in the pen staring at the TV like zombies.

Because neither her or TNB cook or clean, those kids haven't experienced sitting in the kitchen listening to their parents ramble on about what they're doing, following behind around the house with a duster, roaming free around their home etc. They don't eat together so don't get that family interaction or learning how to use cutlery.

It's so desperately sad that she thinks it makes her a great mum because she can give the luxuries but is spectacularly failing at meeting the basic needs of those children.
@piquant I'm really sorry to hear what you went through. Hope everything is ok now.
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Why do they always take the kids to soft play or something similar? Just do normal stuff with them!! Take them food shopping! Get Alf to help make a meal, eat it together with Ada! Do we think Alf has ever done any baking or cooking? Doesn’t look like it from home or Lovely Day.
Play a game with Alf! Build some Duplo, or play with trains… play garage or doctors or something related to the real world.
I find their parenting so bizarre!
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Alf’s expression is quite normal for an ND child, I’m afraid to say. You get so over-sfimulated by sensory triggers - I imagine fhat Disney on Ice is a riot of sound, colour and movement - that you shut down and go… blank.
I used to go to a lot of rock concerts, because I am actually obsessed with music (it’s my greatest joy in life: I was born with perfect pitch and the ability to just pick up any musical instrument and play it, and it’s got me through the worst and most difficult times. Sorry, merail). I remember psyching myself up for days, and for days after the event, I would be very flat and fragile. An overload of stimuli has varying effects on me, from withdrawal to limited self-harm. Alf looks completely overwhelmed. If AJ is having him assessed, she should know that one of the key features of autism is the inability to cope with numerous sensory triggers.
Bless my dearest @InTheDollsHouse for your kind words the other day - I’ve just emerged from my pit, shaky and exhausted, but no longer aching.
I hope that everyone else is doing well, and that no-one else who is ND/has ND family or children was too triggered by the horrific Mrs Hinch reveal this week. Ashley, announcing that your child has autism (and Mrs Inch piggybacked on to her son’s diagnosis and claims also to be autistic - I have my doubts) needs to be done with the utmost tact and sensitivity, because Alf is too young to consent to having his medical information revealed to the public. You could help a lot of people with ND children if you do it in the right way - but definitely not a highly choreographed photoshoot in matching outfits (or indeed showing your child in the most inappropriate photos, ie on the loo/potty). Going into detail about the assessment process - what it’s like to try to get help in the first place, the various hoops you have to jump through, dealing with paediatricians et cetera would be vastly more useful to the general public.
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Oh wow, she is super creepy! I knew she was but seeing all these posts again, along with the book/address one,just really makes it hit home.

Imagine if she didn't sell every part of her life and invade her children's privacy, nobody would be able to report her as nobody would know anything.
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Sounds to me like she’s come to the realisation herself or someone has finally had the balls to say it to her, now they’ve seen him alongside Jasper and seen how glaringly obvious it is. It now sounds like she’s spewing venom over it on her stories because it’s so much easier to take it out on and blame her dms or trolls because she’s a gutless coward. Someone did say on here that this would probably happen when they all got together over xmas. Alfie is not gifted or advanced in his speech and brain (wtf?) or any other way. Something is going on with him as a result of, or exacerbated by her just being a really shit mother. He has been massively stunted by both of his useless parents. She’s clutching at straws in a desperate attempt to make herself feel better because that’s all she cares about at the end of a very long day.
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She’s obviously been busy reading here. I find it absolutely impossible to think she’s had his hips looked at. What’s more likely is Ada had her appointment and he happened to attend 🙃

IF she really did get him looked at, she’d surely at the very least be correcting his W sitting. Yet we see him pictured doing it all the time. It’s absolutely obvious to anyone that he particularly struggles with limb co-ordination.
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Alf can’t watch a movie because as another poster above has pointed out he’s so used to flicking through YouTube videos.
He’s never sat and watched an episode of peppa pig or the like from beginning to end and then built upon that. There’s a reason why episodes of peppa pig are 5 minutes long, bluey 7 minutes, paw patrol 22 mins and so on and so forth. They develop with children and their ability to concentrate for differing periods of time.
Alf is used to 2 minute super simple songs - the clue is in the name on this one Ash.

Intuition strikes again.

I’m glad we’ve rattled her though she might actually seek some support for Alf now.
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Oh yeah. Didn’t she live with Josie once or something?
Yeh it was when she split from Matt Richardson I think? She was distraught and Josie drove to collect her (not sure where her other friends were?) but I find it odd cos they never see each other anymore. Maybe it’s cos Trash doesnt live in London? Everything will be fine when she moves to London I think.
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Ada wouldn’t go to sleep so they had to go back in the playroom? Why wouldn’t you just take a couple of toys in to your lounge so you could sit and chill and just let her play? It’s like those kids cannot be anywhere in that house other than the playroom for fear they’ll mess up “her” space. So very telling Alf gets excited meeting characters but barges straight past Ash without a second glance after not being with her all day, id be embarrassed if my child showed Marshall more affection than he ever did me!
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