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Alf gets conjunctivitis- she flies to Holland to look after her sisters kid.

Ada gets conjunctivitis - she’s frogmarched to the drs on a Saturday morning for drops. Then calling 111 without the aid of Nana. Well done Ash x

Honestly. FUCK this woman!
Drs have never been open on a Saturday you moron. It’s not the ToRy government. Health professionals need a day off to do fuck all…like you.


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She can’t look after or spend anytime with Alf but she can fly to see her sister to ‘help’ her with her newborn and her toddler?
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Don’t be a troll… she is a hard working Mum of two don’t you know?! She’s had a long day prancing in front of her phone on the “underground” and back to back meetings with her management about what Pizza party/charging station/hoover shop she will be headlining at next. 😂
Just saw what you said regarding Tommy… I was thinking EXACTLY the same thing. She spent enough time with him on the train home, he’s had his 10 mins for the day! Has to get his chores done and go to his quarters. Probably doesn’t have a TV in his room as well as not being allowed a dyson fan to clean the air.
I hope it wasn’t the same 10 minutes she dedicates to Alf each day. Where, as he does with his sister, he gets a nice treat seeing his mum for a change.
I saw the matching crocs and thought “cute. M for mummy, A for Alf.”
But no, it’s M for ‘mums fucked off and left me with the paid help again’
I know it’s basically the motto of this thread now but….. poor Alf 💔
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Also Ada -
Ash says Ada has white spots in her mouth which she thinks is thrush. (Just you wait for that to spread to Ash’s nipples)

Ash says she thinks Ada has an eye infection.

She says Ada has nappy rash which isn’t clearing so might be a fungal infection. (Ash, that’s the thrush you total idiot)

Then she says Ada might be a bit run down.

IS IT ANY WONDER?! She’s been dragged to every single place possible and she’s only 3 months old!
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At least she knows where Snoop is, unlike Biggie 😞

I remember she posted when Alf was a baby that she went for a walk somewhere close to the flat and found him but assume she just left him again.

It was Feb 2021 she last saw him.


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What in the actual fuck have I just read? 😂
1) Why is he still teething at this age? Has he even seen a dentist? Molars *should* be through by 2.5. It’s just a fucking excuse for her. *not all kids are the same I know.

2) I wouldn’t DREAM of taking a toddler for lunch at a golf club restaurant on a Sunday when there will be 70 somethings in their best dressed wanting to eat their leek and potato soup starters in PEACE. I went with my great aunt once at 11 years old and I had to be seen and not heard. Who thought of that? 😂😂😂😂

3) ‘not ready to look after 2 kids yet’. If her shitty disciples WITH kids still find her relatable they need their grey matter checking.
FINALLY SHE ADMITS SHE’S NEVER LOOKED AFTER BOTH OF THEM ON HER OWN. 3 kids between 2 people is not that fucking difficult. Try taking 4+ out on your own like some of us HAVE to cos our MIL’s aren’t on standby and life’s goes on.

4) the fact that Alf doesn’t know how to interact with Ada 3 months on says it all. He’s never around Mummy or Ada and still doesnt know why this Mummy hogging miniature human has arrived.

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Oh what the actual fuck. If you’re not ‘brave enough’ to have two on your own, you should have shelved plans for precious baby girl. Did she not consider this?! How does she think millions of parents manage solo with 2 under 3 on a daily fucking basis?

Also if your toddler is feeling sensitive, having a bad day, and in pain with his teeth, here’s a fucking top tip. Don’t take him to lunch at the golf club.

Also don’t blame normal toddler boundary pushing behaviour on ‘teeth’. It’s probably just regular childhood development, deal with it, then HELP THEM to deal with it. Bet his teeth are fine.
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I used to follow a few other threads but stopped because I felt like those people couldn’t really help their annoyingness / they are actually trying to be a good parent and who am I to judge…

But Ashley is so arrogant and egotistical. Zero humility. Endless vanity. And she just gets worse.

I just feel so sad for Alf because you can see they don’t have a bond.

I think Tommy Tickle is a spineless enabler / spoilt mummy’s boy… but also he does do some parenting (ie early starts, bedtimes, swimming lessons). If Ash did bedtime every other day or something with her own son other than ten mins of blocks filmed for the gram, I’d not judge her half as much.

but 3 months and she’s not done ANY parenting! I would judge a dad if he did as little as her!!!
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What a load of bollocks about people tutting at her with her bags and buggy etc! It’s literally nothing new whatsoever to see babies and prams on public transport. No one cares. She carries on as if she’s the only person to do it and there are no other babies or children on the same train! People can be pretty distracted living their own lives but if you need help, you can say, ‘would you mind giving me a hand up these stairs?’ and I find it incredibly difficult to believe anyone would say ‘no you cunt, you shouldn’t have had kids if you can’t cope’

which actually would be quite an accurate insult 😂
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I’ve got to go away for work and leave my 21 month old with my mum next week for three days and I genuinely have a proper sad feeling about it in the pit of my stomach about how much I’ll miss him. My head is currently a mad scramble of practical things I need to organise for him, his favourite foods and putting his clothes out etc and getting my mum to stick to his routine so he’s not unsettled. I know I’ll be thinking and worrying about him every spare minute. I actually cannot imagine just breezing off and leaving him through choice and being in a different country with no more thought than if he was a bloody goldfish or a house plant that I knew someone would water at some point. She is an absolute sociopath.
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I really hate Ashley for papping Alf off at the first chance she gets all the time but the other side of me recognises that at least Alf is with someone who cares about him and that makes me feel better about the situation.
How TNB, NNB or her sister can’t see what is happening here and telling her she should seek some support is astounding to me.
Unless things are being put in place behind the scenes. I doubt it though. Ashley will just say she is following her instinct and her instincts are telling her to be a neglectful mum to her first born now that princess ad is here.
It is blatantly obvious that Alf hasn’t fit the image for Ashley from day 1.
Sadly, I think the worst thing that could have happened to Alf is having a cousin so close in age, as all Ashley does is compare the two (even though she says she doesn’t as they are all different yadda yadda yadda) and she sees Alf’s failure to hit milestones as exactly that, ALF’S FAILURE. Nothing to do with her neglectful parenting. This is all on Alf in Ashley’s mind.
Case in point, Ad isn’t even walking yet but she’s getting her hips looked at. Alf has had problems with mobility since the get go but he’s 💫just not much of a walker guys💫
She’s abhorrent.
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She was only just on GMB saying that children whinging/crying is their way of communicating that they're upset/in pain/tired etc but now her own child is doing that (aka being a normal active toddler) and 'spoiling' her day in the sun with ✨ baby girl ✨ he's 'disruptive'.

Honestly, as pathetic as it is, thank god for NNB being on call, she clearly knows how incompetent Trash is and how little she cares about that poor boy.
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Alf gets conjunctivitis- she flies to Holland to look after her sisters kid.

Ada gets conjunctivitis - she’s frogmarched to the drs on a Saturday for drops. Then calling 111 without the aid of Nana. Well done Ash x

Honestly. FUCK this woman!
Drs have never been open on a Saturday you moron. It’s not the ToRy government. Health professionals need a day off to do fuck all…like you.
She’s breastfeeding so does not need drops for her eyes. Breastmilk clears it up straight away, I have done this with my kids and it’s amazing.

Why would you leave the iPad out, let him take down and not allow him to use it?! These two honestly are the world’s worst. And of course record his reaction for content. Horrible people.
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If I went out for lunch with a friend and after an hour it became apparent I couldn’t parent the child/ren that I had chosen to have I would be mortified. I most definitely wouldn’t be owning up to it to strangers on Instagram. Nor the fact that I hadn’t parented both of them on my own in 12 weeks.
It’s shocking. Especially from someone who considers themselves to be a really great mum
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I am just getting this off my chest, TNB is giving me the absolute creeps, every video of him he pretends not to know he is being filmed then looks up and does a kind of smouldering look and all I can hear in my head is "I am coming to get you" when chases Alf and turns into Tommy Tickle
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She has such a warped attitude toward men. I’m a feminist (the key is that I actually know what the term means) but would never justify any decisions or behaviour with ‘well yeah but a man would get away with it’

It’s an overly simple, reductive argument and is harmful to the actual feminist movement not to mention the majority of hard working, loving and considerate men out there. Her view seems to be ‘if you can’t beat them, join them’ - but the group she seems to want to join is the selfish ignorant crowd she professes to hate.

As always, it makes no sense.
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Obviously some very complex issues going on with her, but i think she’s frightened of being with Alf on her own. The panic displayed when attempting to have Alf for one afternoon ? This runs beyond the lack of bond.

Clearly isn’t as afraid of Ada, but is that because she’s still so tiny and conforms ( to an extent?)

I also think she is trying to create the conditions that she becomes breadwinner and TNB doesn’t have to work, HE stays at home and does the stuff she can’t / won’t do. Kills 2 birds with one stone also because she gets to switch the stereotypical gender roles as well.
I think his family certainly come across as enablers here and this must be because they believe her own hype.
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I didn’t have the sound on for that iPad video. I’m fucking raging. I feel physically sick at ‘are we having withdrawal symptoms? 😏’.

If I’m brutally honest, I’m in the process of making a report to submit because I have seen enough neglect with this little boy. I do believe Alf is SEN/neurodiverse. We shouldn’t speculate but when evidence is served up to us on a plate to see I am done with watching this shit go on anymore. It’s time Alfie gets some proper help.

@InTheDollsHouse I hate showing faces too but Alfs hurt and distress sometimes need to be seen. We arent just gossiping trolls. There is concern and whenever she sends people here, they need to see it!
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