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What an amazing find 😂

She took an empty pram to Gail's Bakery and pretended she was going to baby groups for an ad 4 months later lol.

Tits out and tat to tout - that's all her page is 😂
“Tits out and tat to tout” is surely a thread suggestion contender 😂😂
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Ashley James #26 A Ginuwinely shit mother

Winning thread title by @DaisyDaisy87 (with thanks to Ginuwine for wishing his ex a happy Mother’s Day and inspiring us to use his name!)

Another 2 week thread, which started with Ash showing how not to wear clothes from Tu. You’d be forgiven for forgetting she’s their #ambassador because she only ever wears them when she’s doing an #ad.

Starting Ada’s love of screen time at an early age, so she’s not outdone by Alf, she was plonked in her rented bouncer and subjected to the hallucinogenic vegetables on baby tv. This is as close as children get to veggies in that house. Well, that and an Ella’s pouch.

Alf’s swimming lesson was an opportunity for content, including filming other children and poor Alf underwater gasping and spluttering. It’s okay though, telepathy probably says he’s happy.

In an effort to avoid yet another bedtime (and up engagement), Ash asked for tips on how to clean patio slabs. Mere minutes later she was out jet washing it. I’m not sure she’s quite got the hang of how this asking for advice thing works.

The weekend came to a close with a sneaky introduction to the undeclared ad bouclé chair (which we’d already spotted) by saying she’s going to do a giveaway! It hasn’t been mentioned since….

They had a BBQ, where Alf was fascinated by the bubble machine but didn’t seem to know quite what to do with them 😔

Ada has sensitive eyes, like mummy. And, you know, every other human who lies on the ground looking at the sky when it’s sunny.
Let’s hope she doesn’t have the blinking condition like mummy, too!

The new week brought another trip to London in a leggings and blazer combo, for c section scar treatment and exercises with her private pelvic health physio.

Ash also had a spray tan, which covered Ada’s cardi sleeve. Yummy.

While Tommy and Alf played tickled on the fake grass and Ash watched from a distance, Ada in her rented bouncer was precariously balanced on the garden sofa. One strong leg kick would have seen her toppling to the ground.

Ash took it upon herself to share unsolicited parenting advice in the form of a post about baby wearing. Follow her for more unsafe tips.

Despite having filmed her exercises while with the physio, Ashley had her make up done and had a photographer over to film them again. Why? Who knows.

Ash has realised that she doesn’t know standard online abbreviations such as LG, LO, SO. The only ones we regularly use here are TNB, NNB, and SS so hopefully she can work those out.

Not wanting to be left behind by her big brother, Ada the infant genius said ‘hi’ at the age of 10 weeks! Ash is so desperate for content certain of this that it’s even got a spot on her grid!

Ash also mentioned Ada’s birthmark, which I don’t think any of us had noticed at all.

On to Thursday and baby Ad being dragged back into London! First to the hairdresser while mummy got highlights, then to 84World’s office while mummy got ready, and then to the DJ gig at the Dyson store. Thank goodness for mummy’s ‘agent’ Amy who agreed to wear Ada in the #gifted (and filthy) Artipoppe all evening (seriously, give that woman a pay rise).

Let’s not forget the love note from Tommy too!

Ashley was worried about navigating London with more than just a baby carrier, having to take the (hired) Doona, but she said she can pick it up and carry it if need be.
But she still can’t pick up Alf, though.

Friday saw Alf at childcare until late, despite this being his supposed day at home (has that happened twice?)

A paid post from Ash, promoting a big pharma and their RSV vaccination. She clearly did not do her research on the company before getting into bed with them. Or maybe she did, and us trolls just have more morals than her…

Quick trip down memory lane with her celeb dinner date appearance (and a brilliant YouTube find from @Cariad)

Tommy is apparently teaching Alf that they love Harry styles which I’m sure is totally standard for a man in his 30’s! (Or are the rumours true?)

Alf got his less than 10 minutes a day of mummy with her building a tower for him to knock over. That was it.

Onto Saturday and the Dry Disco! Or, as Ash would like it to be known ‘DJing at Ministry of Sound!’ Tommy went to look after Ada, they had pizza afterwards, and Alf was who knows where with Nana.

Monday brought a sickness bug for poor Alf who was left with NNB, while Ash went to Leeds for Steph’s Packed Lunch. This is it tattlers, our moment of fame! She was going to talk about us!

False allegations
To lose her work
Hate children enough to take their parents away from them

We didn’t get our 15 minutes of fame, because what she said was not in any way what happened. There are two sides to every story, and then there also seems to be Ashley’s version.

It opened up great discussion in her insta comments with most people of course taking her at face value, but we can hope it’s encouraged others to venture over to this horrible troll site and see what we’re really like.

The following day, Ash was on a discussion panel for the NSPCC. It’s not often that I’m speechless, but I have no words for this.

Alf’s childminder messaged to say he needed to be collected early as he was still unwell. Lovely day x

The ‘easy Ada, difficult Alf’ narrative has continued, with Ash taking to her stories to call out the trolls (I guess that’s us?) for daring to suggest it’s unkind to say awful things about her son. (FYI Ash, we’re saying it here, where you have to actively seek it out, so we aren’t actually trolling)

This weekend Tommy is going to a destination wedding, and Ash is not going to hers! This means she’s home alone with both children in Frinton with Nana and Papa! Keep on doing your best not to be relatable Ash. You’re smashing it.

My personal favourite quote from Ashley during this thread, while talking about maternity leave:
‘just having a break and not working’


• Ashley was single for 6 years before meeting Tommy (although they sleep in separate bedrooms!)
• She was a Grade A student (and we’ve seen the GCSE art work)
• She hates the patriarchy
• She ‘doesn’t allow’ her photos to be edited, but she does edit them
• She trusts her ✨instinct✨ with motherhood and does her own research (please, no one else ever follow her lead)
• She claims to have a telepathic link to Alfie to know his needs. She never seems to follow it and actually meet his needs, though
• She never wanted a boy, and makes this clear
• Alf’s diet consists of grated cheese, watermelon and not much else, with the new addition of croissants
• Alf knows the ‘days of the month’, can count to 100, and his favourite number is 91 - according to Ashley
• Alf also knows the ‘adult’ and ‘phonic’ alphabets but not the ‘baby’ alphabet
• Ash is incapable of being alone with Alfie, so either Tommy or his mum are always there to step in if he’s not at the childminder (lovely day x) or with the Nanny
• Snoop is Ash’s dog who is occasionally seen, he was sent away when Alf was little because neither Alf nor Snoop were given any kind of boundaries by Ash
• Ashley is quick to cry troll, but is infact the biggest troll of all

TNB is Tommy (no balls)
NNB is Nana (no balls - Tommy’s mum)


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How lovely to all be home together after a super busy week.

Ada in her bouncer chair, on the table, on her own, down one end.

Alf with Uncle iPad, on his own, at the other end.

TNB and Trash sharing an All Plants meal for 2.

TNB will then bath Alf, put him to bed, and lay out her pyjamas.

Ash will smother her hair in oil, sit in bed with a boob out even if she's not feeding. Probably post a few rants about the most random stuff and fall asleep until she wakes at 4.56am to feed Ada, but not before taking a selfie with one eye shut and her hand under her chin.

Tommy will return from his run with Alf and bring her coffee and a croissant in bed and the whole cycle starts again.

Lovely day xx
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“I cannot imagine how different our household would be if Alf got up at 8:30”.

Well, YOU decided to chuck him in childcare from 7:30am for the last year so a 5:30 wake to start his day sounds about right. Twat.

As for the ‘sleeping Angel’, I’m glad her bassinet is less of a death trap. Roll on 4m sleep regression. You deserve it.
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At least she knows where Snoop is, unlike Biggie 😞

I remember she posted when Alf was a baby that she went for a walk somewhere close to the flat and found him but assume she just left him again.

It was Feb 2021 she last saw him.
Biggie is well looked after now after being abandoned by Ashley. I fed him for a few months back in 2021 and then a neighbour took him in. Attempts were made to get him back to Ashley but they were ignored: next thing we knew she’d left the area for Essex. He’s still a regular visitor to my garden.
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Re: todays appearance - Kate Bottley is ill, Ashley is a last minute replacement with no shame as always.

‘Look who wants me back!’ - to fill 4 and a half minutes as a last minute replacement on a bank
holiday when nobody watches.
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I just can't get over how little she has to do with Alf. I know we all feel the same about this here, but surely her brain dead followers are starting to see that this is not normal? Or am I giving them to much credit?

I have a three year old and a 12 week old. My three year old has just this week recovered from chicken pox so obvs hasn't been at nursery. Guess who was looking after her and the 12 week old Trash? Me. Their mother. Their comfort. It is my job, my privilege and my responsibility. I just can't comprehend how she's publicly like this? But totally makes sense why she has no friends at all!
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She’s at a pretty dangerous cross roads at the moment. She’s spread desperately thin in an attempt to gain any kind of relevance but the problem remains - what is she / what does she want to be marketed as?

Honest / ‘Relatable’ Mummy Influencer:
Claim falls apart as soon as any audience realises she pays for a nanny, uses full time private childcare at 2 years and parents 1 child each with her partner with additional assistance from extended family. Your average British parent could not be further away from that reality.

Fashion / Lifestyle Influencer:
Social media darlings aren’t looking at Sainsburys clothing or baggy sweatpants tucked into saggy socks. The market is already saturated with Molly Mae types.


Social Commentator / Campaigner:
She seems to be increasingly mentioning politics and raising points of protest regarding the government. If this is also a mooted career move, it won’t last long - she’s a compulsive liar whose hypocrisy and downright mistruths can be easily found all over the internet. You simply can’t profess to stand on any form of moral high ground when your actual choices are defined by who will pay you enough cash and/or attention.

The left won’t touch her because of GB News, private education, and white upper class inheritance rich status. She’s slagged the right off something rotten in recent times so that route is gone too. The centrists can’t risk the support of someone who has lied about Sarah Everard, vaccines, upbringing etc as well as being a critic of lockdown.

Campaigners won’t welcome her in any highly visible role because of the above and the reality TV links, as it looks like a desperate grab for exposure, which let’s face it - it always is.

Erm… she presents her in laws with her eldest child every weekend, does that count?
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'I don't follow any of the development stuff" 🙄 well you really, really should. Your 'instinct' obviously isn't telling you that there may be something off with your son's development that will only get worse the longer it's left.
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She enjoys it. She’s getting a kick out of making a rule up out of the clear blue sky and seeing the fallout from it, and Alf being upset. She is a first class bully and always will be, with weak little Tommy as her sidekick trying to impress her by joining in.

The way to do it would be to take Alf out for the day, in the woods as it’s so hot, wear him out, show him nature, have a picnic, talk to him, sing to him, really engage. Then let him have half an hour of his favourite show as a reward and a wind-down at the end of a busy day. Screen time shouldn’t be demonised, just used appropriately, but for that you have to actually put the work in as a parent, and sadly these parents are nasty bond idle wastes of space.
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This is possibly the most unhinged thing she’s done, isn’t it?

Pushing around an empty pram, pretending there’s a baby in it, a full month before the baby is born?

Even going into a coffee shop with the pram.

Having someone follow her to film it.

She had a child already. And multiple pushchairs to choose from. She didn’t need a fake baby and an empty pram.
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The big thing for me is - if she wanted to push the ‘busy mum’ narrative - she had a child already.

Yes, I disagree with these ‘influencers’ using their children, but she didn’t need to show Alf’s face to include him in the ad.

She could have been taking him to childcare, then stopping for a coffee on the way to a meeting or checking the time for a call / appointment.

All the things she did in that ad using a fake baby and empty pram she could have done with her actual child while maintaining his privacy.

That shows the level of detachment she has to Alf. I don’t think she even considered him. A fake baby was a more obvious choice of child than her real child.
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Okay, now I'm fuming.
There was ZERO need to mention the brand in that story unless she was on the beg for free nappies.
How DARE she go on national TV and socials and say how heartbreaking it is that there are families who can't afford formula when she is after FREE NAPPIES, a basic essential for all babies, when she can afford them 10 times over. She should be going down to her local Women's Shelter and Food Banks weekly and donating with the money they're on, and if she gets a deal from this she wants to be giving away every single one of those free nappies. Am I wrong?
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I find it really hard not to respond to people like her. I don’t know why… it’s really triggering for me to read her stories. Her inability to look at another person’s point of view riles me (and is why she’s so dreadful on television!)

the narcissism and selfishness is next level.

i Know this site gets a lot of flack but thank god this thread exists because otherwise I’d be going mad thinking “is this just me?”

also, I’ve never messaged her because it’s just not worth it in any way!
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