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She can forward face him all she wants; her child her choice… but why forward face him so he can see her. He’s behind her? He can’t see anything except the back of her seat. She would have to turn around fully in her seat while driving to see him. It makes no sense!
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LOL so Alf’s “days of the month” is him repeating the months (more like sounding it out) from a song on a telly programme. Hardly narrating the months off his own free will 😂
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Chatty Member
Your child repeating a song does not mean he knows the months of the year. Sorry Ashley.
Not even repeating all the words just noises for most of them 😂 he’s an A grade student already. Next we’ll get a video of him leaving the childminder saying “lovely day” x
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is tnb also avoiding taking care of his own child 😳
i can’t stand that smug look on her face whenever she palms off her child. she can’t hide how pleased she is.
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The thing is, I suspect she would be able to take maternity leave financially (hello 10s of £thousands worth of hols this year) but she won’t because she doesn’t want to lose what little relevance she has and wants to cash in on the newborn content.
I appreciate it’s a bit like when you’re self employed you can’t just wind up your business for 9 months then come back where you left off but it’s simply not the same thing as people who need to go back to afford to live. It’s down to her own choices but she doesn’t make it out like that, it’s always ‘woe is me’.
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Christ, Alf looks bloody miserable with her at the beach. Genuinely looks confused as to why she’s holding him for a photo. He’s a different child in Nana TNB’s video! She had to get that photo at pick up didn’t she? ‘Oooo look I’m trying to like my child’

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she doesn’t need to heat her home for alf. he will be at the childminders or at nana’s. why is she so fucking stingy when it comes to her son??? narcissistic behavior
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Says she is not turning on the heating then shows an app with 500 quid sitting there. Also hides the total amount at the top. I use Plum too and she’s definitely got thousands in the total from how long the amount looks. Yes so relatable Ashley you twat. Just put your heating on and don’t mention it again ✊
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She looks so unnatural when she's pretending trying to have fun with Alf. It's so forced it makes me cringe inside. At least No Balls looks genuine.
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She blames so much on being a lockdown mum but in a honesty, I don't see her behaving much different, if anything, I think she could potentially be worse.
What’s really annoying is that she’s not really that much of a lockdown mum, mine was born a couple months after Alf and everything was open and back to relative normality within a couple of weeks. I was taking mine to groups and all the rest of it by the time she was a few weeks old.
Yes fine it was lockdown while she was pregnant, which was shit, but she can’t keep harping back to it and blaming it for everything.
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this is on her pregnancy highlight, before her post about going swimming at 20 weeks - why lie?!
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Lie number 826104056282046 from Ashley: ‘I’ve been taking Alf to the forest’ when? You’ve barely seen him since you stopped breastfeeding!
And let’s face it, we all know if you had been to the forest there would photo/videographic evidence of you adoring yourself whilst Alf tramples along behind just about in shot so don’t tell porkies.
She’s a pathological liar!
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"Days of the month". Is she just genuinely fucking thick or is she trolling is now? 🤣 Days of the fucking month. Days of the week, Ashley. Weeks of the month. Months of the year. She's got to be trolling, no one goes online and posts that shit to a following of that size, surely. If she is that thick, no wonder poor Alf still isn't talking properly. Her idiocy combined with her lack of time with him is stunting him. My son is Alf's age and can speak in sentences, and hold mini conversations that other people can understand. Then again, he also eats proper food not just melon and grated cheese....
This is the second time she’s said days of the month! There is no hope for the grade A student
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I didn’t even notice the ad bit, so I was right. She’s basically there to tag the resort in her ig stories. I was joking ffs 😂😂 this is how ridiculous it is. GOING TO A SPA AND TAGGING THE PLACE IS NOT WORK 🤦🏻‍♀️ Just takes the piss out of every actual hard working person out there who follows her.
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Just 3 nights away from Alf??! Maybe that’s the LONGEST they had left him (til last week) but definitely not the ONLY nights they had left him! What a twat she is, trying to act like the victim.

They had a weekend in the country house- 2 nights
They had the wedding in cotswolds- 2 nights I think
3 nights in Spain (I think) for her birthday
She had a weekend away with the girls - 3/4 nights
She had a Weekend at soho farmhouse- 2/3 nights

what else am i missing

Also- there is NOTHING wrong with going on weekends away for occasions when you have a young child, we all need a break, but it’s the multiple nights away, on top of not parenting or seeing him all week!!
A normal person who knew they were going away for the weekend would make sure they spent some time with their 19 month old during the week to soak up that mummy time. The bottom line is she doesn’t want the mummy time. She wants to be away from him all week under the illusion she is so busy working 24/7 and then spend weekends away from him too.
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I really wish she’d shut up about breastfeeding. She makes it sound like the worst experience of her life which isn’t exactly advocating it. And she went on about exclusively breastfeeding for about 4 months after Alf started solids so you know she’s full of shit, it wouldn’t surprise me if she used bottles and just pretended for the gram
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He probably knows his days because of trashley saying " mummy won't see you Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday but possibly Sunday darling"
It’s like a really depressing version of Craig David isn’t it..

Oh a Photoshoot at home- this pregnancy is the worst kept secret ever.

also- I only see him for half an hour In the mornings? Well she obviously doesn’t get up with him then? As surelt no one with a toddler gets them up, changed fed and out the door to nursery in half an hour! They’re always up way earlier than they need to be (in this house anyway 😂) I get a good 1.5/2 hours in the mornings before we are all at work and nursery by 8am.

Sorry to add to post again, bur clue number 4,671 she’s pregnant. Bed early (which she says she never does) and Tommy bought her food. Making sure she’s eating. 👀
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I started following her after she fed Alf on Jeremy Vine. I hadn’t heard of her before this, I had fed my first 2 for over a year and I thought “great! She’s normalising breastfeeding, good on her!” She has become the total opposite!
She definitely promotes breastfeeding as a chore. It would put anybody off. She would put anybody off having children at all.
She reminds me of my sister-in-law who has popped out 5 babies in the last 6 years and has a husband that runs after her doing everything. She hardly looks at the children (the woman is a GP) I have never met a less maternal woman in my life. On her days off the children are constantly farmed out to whoever will have them. The eldest 2 were at summer camps every week during the school holidays.
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