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yup they are out in force. What i'm starting to notice is all the CT/Anti Vax/Racists/Rightwing type folk seem to make up their minds quite fast & not actually wait til any facts have come in.

And those reading that i'm not calling Anti Vaxxers racists as bound to be 1 reads it that way
Yes, horrific on twitter regarding the Nottingham tragedy how quickly the racist/right-wing anti-immigration lot have jumped in with their definitive takes before err... actually knowing any facts.
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Bro fell for a deez nuts joke 😭

Also notice the vape in his hand lol. So terrified to take a vaccine that he’s willing to spend his day stood in the street and spreading fake news about it, yet happy to get periodontitis from inhaling lungfuls vapor filled with one of the most addictive chemicals known to man 🤪
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One thing I feel like we haven’t mocked hard enough is all of these idiots who are going out and committing criminal damage against council property in the name of “stopping ULEZ” 🤣.

The police must be loving these facebook groups, people posting photographic evidence of their crimes along with their full government name! Unbelievably stupid 💀
Worst part is that the majority of the morons in these groups seem to be crusty old boomers, yet unfortunately this type of vandalism is something which people like to blame solely on the youth…
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Yes, and some of those same are ranting about an imminent lockdown and they'll never comply with it, etc etc. It's a fantasy world. Slim to zero chance any further lockdowns would happen with Covid19, but they seem to want to keep talking about it anyway!
So many of them are blatantly fantasizing about there being another lockdown announced so that they can relive their glory days of posting about how they’d gone to tescos maskless like a badman, and all of their CTist followers would then give them clout for it and tell them how “brave” they were💀.

They need catch up though seriously, no one gives a fuck about lockdowns anymore, we’ve all moved on to Mexican aliens now 🤓!
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I still can't fathom how quickly some people plunge right into a CT way of thinking when faced with something with a perfectly mundane explanation.

We've talked before about how certain influencers use sm accounts to push a CT-take on an event (like the Titan submersible) possibly without believing it themselves, in order to get clicks, wind people up, create discord, or whatever it is that motivates them. There's a palpable shift towards blaming the Left, blaming Liberal, progressive, pro-choice thinking on a number of subject areas. I've seen people complain about the 'right wing' accusations but from what I've seen on twitter plus various threads here, this is absolutely the case - with migration, lgb issues, trans rights, politics - more and more indignation, anger (rage even) and intolerance seems to creep in. It's a relatively small step to the bigger inolerances and hate crimes that signify a lurch towards fascism. All quite worrying, especially in the light of Jan. 6th in the US. Hopefully it's a small though loud minority on sm that have such intolerant views.

Back to the Titan tragedy this week. It's shocking how many people, especially on twitter, slipped right into believing it was either a fake incident or indeed a porthole for billionaires to slip through & start a new, incognito life! 😩😂 Maybe they believe these ludicrous alternatives because it's more exotic/exciting than the mundane reality: a stupidly unsafe, unregulated, unregistered, tin-can subaquatic 'vehicle' catastrophically imploded.... as predicted by several experts in that field. It should never have been able to happen. Tragic, preventable. Not a CT though.
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Seems like some of the anti vaxxers are annoyed at covid even being discussed now. Wonder if they were against reports of seasonal flu outbreaks pre pandemic?!
Yes, and some of those same are ranting about an imminent lockdown and they'll never comply with it, etc etc. It's a fantasy world. Slim to zero chance any further lockdowns would happen with Covid19, but they seem to want to keep talking about it anyway!
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These people are obsessed with the idea that there were no sudden, unexplained deaths of young and healthy people before vaccination/before COVID. Some of them probably believe Stephen Gately's sudden death 15 years ago from a heart condition he didn't know he had was down to the COVID vaccine ...
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Thanks Carole. Sorry it happened to you too. I can't believe after everything that's gone before, a segment of one of my posts was again shunted out of context onto a separate thread. Then I'm made a target of ridicule, for absolutely no reason. What the heck is wrong with people? By 'haunting' do you mean that kind of harassment, or the weird allusions to having multiple accounts? I really have no clue what that's all about. Feel a bit sick about it all tbh. 😪
Yes, I mean the harassment. This one took parts of my posts from various different threads and posted them “over yonder” to try show what a terrible person I am!
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I was watching a piece on the news the other day about the MMR vaccine and they interviewed two mothers - one who had got her child vaccinated and one who hadn't.

When it came to the latter, it was like a tweet coming to life on the TV; all the usual lines trotted out about how we don't really know what's in it (I think her words were: "you can't just look up the list of ingredients!") and how she therefore didn't trust it. I bet she takes to Twitter and Facebook with her theories, too.

I think a lot of people still don't realise how dangerous measles can be and that it can't really be treated directly once someone has it; only the symptoms can. We'd eradicated it in this country and now it's seeping back mostly because of anti vaccine/conspiracy theory propaganda.
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Anyone else join facebook local groups for random towns just purely to see shit like this? Seeing CTists in the wild actually admitting to believing in this shit with their full name on display, in front of all of their neighbours is genuinely incredible.


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Sorry, but what is the submarine thing a distraction from again? Like what is it that it’s supposed to be distracting me from exactly?
Hunter Biden's laptop? Covid vaccine mass maimings? Wef/Bill Gates shenanigans? Honestly I haven't a clue what we're supposedly being distracted from.... guess it must be working then! 😩😂
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Lol I know such a cringe financial CTist, she’s always going on about cashless societies and bitcoin (has quite obviously fallen for some digital money pyramid scheme thing as well), reckons the banks are all controlled by the jews and is always laughing at people who keep their money in the bank and talking about how financially free she is and how her money is always gonna be safe etc. However she’s literally on UC, and I really wanna point out to her the irony of banging on about how ‘financially free’ she is from the banks compared to the average person just bc she withdraws all of her monthly UC in one go, when the government quite literally controls her entire income?
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It is massively overstated imo and a very simplistic way of looking at things. Obviously shutting the country down caused issues, but it’s not solely responsible for the current state of the UK economy. Other countries had lockdowns too (which were far more severe and went on for far longer) and their standards of living haven’t fallen nearly as much as it has in the UK.
One aspect is the weakening of the £, I believe if I can remember correctly started with the uncertainty of the Scottish Referendum vote (if it didn't certainly didn't help) or could have been after when with the 2015 General Election forgot which, then the Brexit vote happened and made it even worse, where when importing goods they essentially cost more.

A lot of the financial crash was facilitated by what Thatcher and Raegan did in the early 1980s, deregulating the banks and etc, prior to then the banks and investment firms and etc could only get their revenue from a very strict tight group of sources, they removed that was I'd have thought to get the systems going again (the economy essentially). I've read a lot of people blaming Labour (evidently right wing voters) when in reality has little to nothing to do with them, they though didn't correct it or stop it from happening but has more to do with the Tories than Labour by a very long mile.

It's largely why house prices have since then continued more or less to go through the roof as a result, as banks could then offer with the deregulation loans/mortgages of up to something like 50% of the value of a property in some instances, when they could do about half of that previously (approximating of course).

With us leaving the EU is like dumping a whole load of salt onto a gaping profusely bleeding wound.

The exchange rate for years used to be about for every £1 GBP was the equivalent to about $1.90USD, lets just say the £ started weaking as far back as 2008 as I can't actually really remember when the £ started weakening against the $, is more like now about for every £1 is worth about $1.30.
Sorry, but it’s ridiculous. All of the problems which get blamed on “lockdown” already existed way before covid did. A global pandemic may have exacerbated things, but the government has been running the standard of living in the UK into the ground for well over a decade now. I don’t get how people can’t see that.
Feelings exactly the same here more or less.
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There was an item on yesterday's ITV news about a decrease in the uptake of the MMR vaccine. Obviously it's causing concerns as there has been an increase in cases of measles, which can be very damaging.

I know we've talked about it on here before and some of it was put down to a general distrust in vaccines since the covid vaccinations, but this news item said there were likely to be other factors, too. From memory they were:
  • Lockdown meant less transmission of disease, therefore less parents felt their child needed it (especially if they weren't going to school at the time)
  • Lockdowns/covid vaccinations meant the MMR jab was deprioritised to a degree and now the NHS is playing catch up
  • A perception that there's a 'window' for children to have the MMR jab and if it's missed, it's too late. That's incorrect, the MMR vaccine can be given at any time.
There were probably other factors I've missed out, but it wasn't a clear-cut case of people don't like vaccines as much now, so they're not having any or letting their children have any. Obviously people are being urged to have them, which those who are against vaccines will no doubt describe as "pushing", but it's just out of a desire to get the numbers of MMR down.
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You know CT that makes me laugh.
The theory about doppelgängers. For some people I totally understand why they might potentially put a doppelgänger in their place but why would they need to do that to Avril Lavagne😂 no offence to Avril lavagne, im sure her family would miss her terribly but why does the world need an Avril doppelgänger 😂
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You can bet your bottom dollar they’re the type to moan about council money being misspent as well. Yet if they continually deface council property then more money will need to be spent repairing and/or replacing it.

I’ve got no problem with people protesting but don’t they realise that vandalising property is a great way of ensuring you don’t get what you want? Nor is it likely to get other members of the public on your side.
Literally. They keep saying they’re doing it “for the poor”, but are so dim that they’re incapable of figuring out that it’ll be the working class who’ll end up eventually footing the bill for the damage.
I just find it bizarre how these right wing mugs have managed to become so radicalised by a fucking regional traffic policy, yet they will literally never mobilise themselves for issues which actually matter.
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