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VIP Member
I have a chronic illness caused by undiagnosed endometriosis, the endo had stuck to various organs causing havoc and requiring multiple surgeries including a hysterectomy and bowel resection.
One of the CT lemons saw my posts about being sick and decided that I was constantly ill because I've had the vaccine.
The person even laughed about my husband having Covid, not realising he's anti-Covid vax and refused to get his 'clot shot'.
I've run out of any sympathy or patience I might once have had with these people.
They don't give a mad fuck about causing hurt or distress to other human beings, it's all about how that can feel superior.
Hope they get probed by an alien.
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I blame Trump for a lot of it (not all obviously!) but his approach is to never take accountability. If someone accuses him of anything, he just says "fake news!" and his followers lap it up.

Russia is similar - even when they do something obvious like poison Sergei and Yulia Skripal, they just say "this is an utter lie" and their citizens either never know about it, or if they do, they just believe Putin and his lackeys.
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I just love the irony of CTs spending hours posting disparaging memes about the sheep who spend hours on the Internet
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In about 2 hours we get to see if people in the States turn into zombies and start killing each other.

I wonder why she says it'll only turn "some" people into zombies? I wondered if they were planning ahead, so that when people don't turn into zombies they can say "we only said SOME and the ones that turned were taken away by the government" - or something along those lines!

Mind you, I remember some people kicking up a fuss about the emergency test here. There were lots of people saying emergency alerts should be deactivated on phones because it was a government conspiracy to control us all. I don't think anyone mentioned zombies, though.

They give the government far too much credit. If today's speech from Rishi is anything to go by, they haven't got a fucking clue. They can't even build a railway line - Project Zombie would never run to cost or budget either. We're gonna be OK.
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Chatty Member
Just home from spending a week visiting various family and in laws. Spent a very interesting evening listening to how the UK is going to end July 2024 due to some unknown unpaid lease agreement between the King and the Pope. Apparently all UK citizens that have money in the bank or own a property will lose it and we need to start stockpiling food and being more self sufficient now. That was the most tame theory spoken about 😳
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Chatty Member
Not a conspiracy theory, but an example of people thinking that *they* will never be the ones affected by the way they vote. 🙄

See also: well yes I voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces party but I never thought they'd eat *my* face.

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Sir Lancelot

VIP Member
I think the US is fake and is just a studio set in Pinewood.

In other news, Uri Gellar has gone mental on Twitter after gettjng called out for posting an image from The X-Files and implying it was a real photo of aliens.
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VIP Member
I can't understand what goes through climate change-deniers' heads, when the evidence of extreme heating is all around us. Do they never read deeply into what's happening to global temperatures, or recognise the effects of it themselves?
So worrying:

I think it's mostly about denial. It's not nice to think that climate change is real and the impact it's going to have on the planet if measures aren't taken to curtail it. So they find it easier to dismiss it as scaremongering.

Plus I suppose they can't believe it in a way, because it's supported by science and their whole shtick is to mock science as biased, fake, etc.

I found their attitude to Greta Thunberg really spoke volumes, too. I saw some awful things being said about her long before she was 18. Grown adults writing vile things about a teenager. It really brought home to me what some of them are like.
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It's like they constantly want their viewpoint to be vindicated, which it why they try to attribute pretty much any ill health to vaccines.
Every time I see a social media post where someone is talking about an illness they have, some moronic CT bot writes ‘did you have the Covid vaccine’ underneath. This is sometimes when the person is terminally ill Or had already passed away. They are vile and have no empathy. In the most recent case where I saw this, the lady had got symptoms of being unwell in 2019. It’s unbelievable how these people will trample on anybody just so they can believe they are right.
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Haven't listened yet, it's on my play list for tonight. It's about Andrew Wakefield and I think is only three episodes (one out so far for non-subscribers.)
Andrew Fucking Wakefield has a lot to answer for

(and no, I won't type his name without the expletive)
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Seems like some of the anti vaxxers are annoyed at covid even being discussed now. Wonder if they were against reports of seasonal flu outbreaks pre pandemic?!
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VIP Member
Yes, the white supremacists of the wizarding world!
I suppose when people don't have much going for themselves, they clutch at things like this to feel superior.

I was reading a tweet the other day about someone who'd been sadly diagnosed with cancer and several people were in the comments either asking if the person was vaccinated, or saying things like "there's so much cancer about since the covid vaccine was rolled out". How ghoulish.

They always seem to want a simple explanation to everything, whereas there are multiple factors as to why cancer has increased - eg overwhelmed NHS not seeing people as quickly (yes it got worse during lockdown but it was bad before then too), people living longer, people exercising less and living more sedentary lifestyles, etc. Plus some of it's just down to genes. My dad was diagnosed with cancer in 2019 when it was too late to cure. But he'd lived a healthy lifestyle, he wasn't overweight, he ate well, he did all his cancer screenings and so on. He did everything right, but it still got him and his brother (my uncle), too.
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VIP Member
Nahhhh I actually thought that the whole ‘pureblood’ thing was a joke until I saw these 💀


Peak antivax cringe
ETA it always makes me laugh when CTists complain about being censored online, that reddit group has like 10k people and the r/conspiracy group has nearly 2 million
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Kim Mild

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I've been down a bit of a rabbit hole due to finding a photo of Concorde for the iconic photo thread. There are what I suppose are very young adults, who seem to think Concorde / supersonic passenger aircraft wasn't a real thing. People were posting saying they thought it was a concept aircraft, or from a film .

I could imagine all the doubters trying to prove it was a hoax , like what they do with the moon landings .
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New member
Do CTs not get the irony of comparing being asked to get the vaccine to Nazi Germany whilst using Nazi terms like "pureblood" to refer to themselves. Also feeling proud about having a certain blood group is strange, again quite ironic they're going down the "my genes are superior" route but wah wah literal Nazi Germany made me take a vaccine.
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New member
Also why is it that information from any source other than random-blog.ct featuring photoshopped graphic is seen as bad? Could it be these sources are often more truthful (not always of course) and this shatters their world view?

Strangely enough MSM and other popular sources of information suddenly become gospel when they might be saying something CTs agree with. Funny that!
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I do think there is some amount of internalised homophobia in a lot of those kinds of people. I'm not sure it's inherently homophobic to suggest that two men slept with each other though (although doing so without *any* evidence does make it a conspiracy theory).
I think it’s homophobic as there’s no evidence whatsoever to suggest that he cheated on his mrs with any man (let alone Macron), so it just seems like a smear campaign that’s coming from people who already hate him because he’s pro LGBT. They think being gay is a bad thing and see it as a big insult to label someone they don’t like as gay.
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