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I do think there is some amount of internalised homophobia in a lot of those kinds of people. I'm not sure it's inherently homophobic to suggest that two men slept with each other though (although doing so without *any* evidence does make it a conspiracy theory).
I think it’s homophobic as there’s no evidence whatsoever to suggest that he cheated on his mrs with any man (let alone Macron), so it just seems like a smear campaign that’s coming from people who already hate him because he’s pro LGBT. They think being gay is a bad thing and see it as a big insult to label someone they don’t like as gay.
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The home educated groups have become completely overrun by nasty, rude CTs who tell you that you have no business being a home educator if you believe in vaccinations or science. It’s unbelievable that all of these people accuse you of being ‘rude’ for believing in science and yet they are THE most spiteful, insulting people in how they talk to others.

I HE because my child has needs incompatible with MS. It is horrifying to be suddenly surrounded by people who think that satanic pedophiles rule the world.
My husband's family is from an area of the Bible Belt where there are so many people like this :( and they won't send their children to school because they don't want the kids to learn about evolution, civil rights, etc. Often the parents are barely literate or numerate themselves, and/or they have so many children that the mother just doesn't have time to educate them and the kids are effectively left to get on with it
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Anyone else find the radio silence from the antivax crowd in response to the news stories about the WHO planning to declare aspartame as ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans’ quite amusing? I’d have thought this would be right up their street!
Yet nothing…
I suppose if they can’t blame a disease on the covid jab, they’re not interested 🤣
Who would they tell? Everyone who had the jab is dead and everyone who didn’t and knows what ‘they’ are up to already knows what’s going on 🤔
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Weebles Wobble

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Idk if the turpentine post is satire or not tbh. It has become impossible to tell with these people. I joined a group on facebook called ‘urine therapy power’ and the posts are honestly so disturbing. You get the odd troll post but you can tell that the vast majority are coming from real profiles 🥹.
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They refuse vaccines but will happily drink, inhale and inject their own piss 🤪.
Also, notice the hard grift going on from the admin, charging $300 for a urine therapy course lol
Screenshot 2023-07-30 121342.png

So this person believes that - if they run out of water - they can recycle their urine indefinitely, but at the same time believes it contains magical properties that are good for the body. How does it do both then? How does it do good and yet remain fully intact? Does it flow round the body helping it and then reassemble to the bladder, ready to run the circuit again?

And if God built it in us for this purpose, why not go the extra step and extend the plumbing so that it never leaves the body but continues to be recycled?

I have so many questions! Answers on a postcard please!
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Nessie is hard to find because half the time she isn't there, she burrows down into the mud at the bottom of the loch and goes through the stargate there which links to the private pool at her seaside residence.
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Article today in the guardian, measles cases are on the rise again.
“Modelling by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) suggests failing to improve vaccine uptake could have severe consequences. While the risk of a nationwide epidemic is low, it believes an outbreak of between 40,000 and 160,000 cases could occur in London due to low vaccine uptake in the capital”
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Do you think I should let my husband know he can go out of the closet? I won't be mad as it's the government's fault. I have to say he has been really good at faking being a heterosexual all these months!
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To think that the UFOs and aliens discussion is slowly reigniting and people would still rather discuss COVID, whatever is going on in American politics or domestically and how it's all scary deep state stuff

I just want the fun conspiracy chats back 😭 COVID and this QAnon stuff has really ruined it
Tbh I feel like at this point, the conspiracy theories about aliens/UFOs are actually more believable than some of the shite I see people spouting on social media about covid vaccines and crisis actors 💀
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A girl I went to school with posted this on her insta story just now, apparently she is a part of the team currently working on this project. The aim is to try and collect information about scientists & doctors views on vaccination (other similar studies suggest 90-99% of doctors believe that covid vaccines are safe and effective, no surprise obv) and to then use this information to promote vaccine campaigns and influence public policy. Apparently early research has already shown that even just letting people know that doctors are backing the vaccines leads to increased vaccine uptake. It is interesting as a lot of antivaxers seem convinced that healthcare professionals are antivax (which is obv not true) and I often see them saying stuff like “loads of healthcare professionals don’t agree with the vaccines, all of the doctors at my local hospital say they’d never take it.
It’s definitely good to see that there’s actual research going on at the moment to try and find effective ways to reduce the spread of misinformation and combat myths about vaccines!

They twist it both ways, though.

It's either as you say - ie lots of doctors won't take it and think it's dangerous. Or, when they're told about doctors who recommend the vaccines, they'll just say that most doctors are no good these days and just prescribe drugs willy nilly to get money from big pharma. 🥴
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I'm in a Facebook group for women who are recovering from eating disorders. Someone posted about how autoimmune disease contributed to her ED because she had to follow a very limited diet to prevent flare-ups, and she believed a vaccine caused it. Every rabid anti-vaxer crawled out of the woodwork and it was a bingo card: "vaccine injuries!" "experimental gene therapy!", "COVID vaccines were rushed/not tested!" "I'm not anti-vax, I think it's ok to innoculate against polio or cholera!" Along with pseudo-feminist justifications ("vaccines aren't tested on women, they're not designed for our bodies!") and weird neo-con arguments ("if women stopped being so promiscuous they wouldn't need the HPV vaccine!") The mods eventually closed comments but any more of that and I'm leaving the group. I think it's disgusting how CTers prey on people who are very vulnerable - it's understandable for instance that someone with an eating disorder, which have high fatality rates and are hard to treat, will jump on any justification for it and anything they think might help
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They're so obsessed with it. It's like they constantly want their viewpoint to be vindicated, which it why they try to attribute pretty much any ill health to vaccines.

Personally speaking, if I hear someone's ill, my first reaction is concern and hope that they feel better soon. I certainly wouldn't dream of gleefully assuming what caused it. Strange indeed.
I just think it’s bizarre how they’re happy to absolutely smear HCPs, make awful accusations about them and claim they’re evil bigpharma poison pushers who have been complicit in killing half the population, but often when it actually comes down to it and they find themselves unwell, suddenly they trust the HCPs again and will take whatever ‘poison’ they’re told to take. Obviously there are the more hardcore ones who would genuinely rather die than admit they were wrong, but most of the time I reckon a lot of what they say is actually just attention seeking.

Anyway, some slightly more positive news for this thread is that on Sunday, the Spanish general election was held, there was no clear majority unfortunately and it could easily go to another election (lol classic), but the far right party Vox (full on climate change deniers, hate immigrants, women, gays etc) have lost 19 seats since the 2019 election. They’ve gone from 52/350 to 33/350 and I think it’s great to see. Instead of following the current trend in Europe of electing far right governments, Spain has rejected that.
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My youngest daughter’s dad keeps telling her that there are chemtrails in the sky. She’s only 3 and the idea of chemicals in the sky worries her. She understands a lot for her age, is also autistic and has PDA. So when she asks other people in the family about it and they tell her ‘no it’s just condensation in the sky’, it’s confusing for her - why does her dad who should be her rock think this?

Anyone have any advice on how I should handle this?
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Sorry to hear that; it sounds terrible. I had my covid vaccines, but I would never have tried to convince family or friends to either get the vaccines or not to. I've always said it should be down to personal choice.

I don't know your mum, but I imagine if you'd begged her to get the vaccines, she'd have told you an emphatic no, so I don't see why she then thinks it's OK to push her views on you.

Clearly no one told this person brevity is important.

I like how they think someone's actually going to read all that. Even if they had the eyesight to do it, I'd be worried they'd cause an accident if they tried!
I asked her to get a whooping cough vaccine for my children and you’d almost think I asked her to chop 10 years off her life.
The extreme views and opinions of people who are deep in the conspiracy theory hole is hard to live with. They are VERY selfish and small minded people.
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Hunter Biden's laptop? Covid vaccine mass maimings? Wef/Bill Gates shenanigans? Honestly I haven't a clue what we're supposedly being distracted from.... guess it must be working then! 😩😂
I wouldn’t know mate, I’ve got adhd so I’m always distracted. Probably caused by all the aluminium and mercury vaccines they kept injecting into me when I was a child 🤪
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You know CT that makes me laugh.
The theory about doppelgängers. For some people I totally understand why they might potentially put a doppelgänger in their place but why would they need to do that to Avril Lavagne😂 no offence to Avril lavagne, im sure her family would miss her terribly but why does the world need an Avril doppelgänger 😂
As has also been pointed out before, in the original (modern) case, if Paul McCartney was replaced in 1967 then the replacement has had a hell of a career in his own right 😅

And the guy who made up the Avril one (a Brazilian music blogger) later admitted he was trolling anyway.
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