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Chatty Member
Hi guysssss, long time no see!

So, our favorite mama and her TWO babies (Nalia and Mo) are finally in Miami! Yayyyy, finally a vacation after all the hard work. I mean, Annie probably deserves it for putting up with Mo, who is probably a bigger and fussier baby than Nalia. Honestly, run Annie, he will ruin you!

They are staying at 1Hotel South Beach, probably to make Mo's wandering eyes happy, because honestly it doesn't look like a place suitable for babies, but what do I know?

Maybe they are there temporarily (while waiting for an AirBnB), because I can't imagine spending a month in a hotel. But again, what do I know, I am poor *shrug*

So, just out of curiosity, I went on Booking and checked the prices, and hypothetically from 27 April to 26 May, the whole stay would be around $ 30.000. *Cries in poor*
They do not live on this planet.
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I think growing up in Germany without a father made him less traditional in a way. In Europe, there is not as much pressure as there is elsewhere to marry and have kids at 20.
Well I think they would still be bored with each other even if living in LA 😀 plus it would probably brought more problems into their relationship and Mo wouldnt have his german base, his friends..he would just be nobody there which would cause him maybe more "panick attacks"
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I'm surprised she hasn't released a green juice yet.

Annie's juices :ROFLMAO: :sick:

I googled it.. turns out, it already exists :ROFLMAO: they also sell popsicles. I have no words.
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If you guys had to pick one, who would you rather live with? 😂 Annie or Mo? (Just have a bit of fun and picture the scenario, don't say "not one of them")
I would probably have to be super rich to be living with Mo, otherwise he wouldn't stick around 😂 and Annie? Gosh I couldnt even imagine that..I think she is deep down a nice, caring person but the control freak in her would suffocate me. What about you?
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Chatty Member
When they went to LA, he was vlogging too, and if you watch his video around minute 17.30, he talks about this restaurant. Also, look at the description box of the video LOL 😂

Oh my god 🤣 how embarrassing! How does she not have second hand embarrassment! This would give me the ick hahaha
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I once commented on a video when they were in L.A. about her running a whole cycle on the washing machine to clean just one pair of her sneakers, saying that it wasn't very sustainable and was rather harmful for the environment, when she could have just brushed them with some soap and rinsed them with water. She said nothing, but probably told Momo who jumped in and told me to mind my own business. So much for being a fairy voiced nature loving girl.
Wow. Or actually, I'm not surprised. But maybe I'm surprised that she didn't immediately block you or remove your comment.
She's always saying she loves nature, but really does a great job of destroying it. Never facing reality, never taking responsibility for her actions.

I am interested how she ended up connecting with Durian Rider. I've been thinking about him/his weirdness lately. I can not remember exactly how she got around to meeting him and freelee and such. Did they just reach out to each other on social media or did they have a fellow friend?
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I don't think she would choose a name that someone writes here in this forum - just out of principle 🤪
But then again, she does not read any (negative) comments, so who knows 😄
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Her friend Sam posted a video with Annie, I didn't actually watch it, just skimmed a bit, they talk about motherhood and changes after pregnancy. Annie looks "casually" polished while this other girl seems like she doesn't even try. And one of the comments was interesting, how people unsubscribed from Annie's channel because of how perfect her life was/seemed.


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Chatty Member
so the new product they wanted to introduce is a hair clip for $30? Is it me or this is just crazy!
Why would anyone buy a hair clip for $30? It almost comes across as a money grab
Agree. But you'd be surprised the bunch of money a follower pay for a crappy product just to be featured on an Influencer account. Is kind of sad (stupid) a follower blindly gives her/his well earned money to finance Annie's and Mo's lifestyle.

The moment an influencer find out their followers give them their money for anything, they start to sell the most pointless items with no shame. That's how they get richer every day.
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I totally agree with you that it does not say a lot about his father qualities & IF that would be the reason that would be great, however I don‘t think that‘s the reason.
The fact that he puts out „content“ like that in the most important days of a new family still says a lot … he could just kept quite, too. Also they made the pregnancy, gender etc very public so it would be weird to just stop posting … we will see.
I totally agree with you.
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I feel so sick of Mo, he looks ridiculous in the white blazer with belt..stealing Annie's watch, ughh 🤢 he also started to wear only white and beige. I actually felt sorry for her, Im sure she just wanted to please him with this vacation, what a selfish self-centred man.
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Yes I can. I will do it tomorrow. I'm a bit too tired tonight but I will look into it tomorrow and come with some rough estimations. But you have to be careful with such things because we have no idea what are all the things she owns or has investments in, we also don't know how much she sells with their beauty products and how profit they have. Maybe she put some investments in buildings, we don't know. But I can make estimations based on youtube and ADs if that's what you want to know. Let me know.

Does Mo have no armpit hair? Isn't that quite rare or does he get it waxed? Lol, i bet.
He probably does laser with Annie 😂 since they also get mani/pedi together!

About the estimate, please don’t waste time. I was just curious because I saw on a couple of sites that she could earn between 600-2000$ per month. I’m no expert but I’ve always heard of people who can earn 20/30k per month, so it just seemed a bit low because she has a lot of subscribers. But I literally don’t know anything about how YouTube works.

She does probably have investments from her dad and what she earned at the beginning.
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As soon as I posted about him holding a camera and filming whilst driving, he posts a video of his friend recording in the car. He must religiously read this thread haha
I hope he had fun reading out recap relay :ROFLMAO:
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Well-known member
Wow..very well written. ♥ And if I ever feel bad again after watching her video and regretting not being as perfect as her, I will come back here and read it again. 🙂 thank you
Never feel bad about yourself. This is what I hate about the people who put out unrealistic content. Impressionable young people can feel worthless and ugly. You are not. The internet is amazing, but it is also fake. Never forget! ♥♥♥

Yes thanks a lot, it resonates so much with me. I just watched another youtuber and she said „I thought if I should share this negative experience but I don‘t want people out there to compare and feel bad so I get out of my comfort zone“. I don‘t expect to share parts that you are not comfortable or embarrassed by when so many people are watching, but creating this fake world does a lot of harm and is not responsible in my opinion. Even the fact that people are talking about it online on another platform is the result of that fakeness. I would not want that at all, but it‘s a price that she is willing to pay (also showing the face of her daughter I think?!). It‘s too much in my opionion. I don‘t wish anything bad on her and her family either and at some point I will simply turn away from her content, but I think it is a very wrong direction she is taking.
I agree. You see thru the bull and seem pretty grounded to me. ♥♥♥
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Ok, so I haven't been following so much on here, and this may be totally old news (sorry if it is), but has anyone seen the youtube video reaction to one of Annie's pregnancy What I Eat in a Day by some channel called Goatis (he calls the video "Annie Jaffrey, What I Eat to Give Birth to A Sick Child 🤬)?? This video popped up randomly in my youtube algorithm today. Now, I am all about some "light-hearted' snark on how Annie may be behaving annoyingly, but this dude takes it MUCH too far in his video reaction, and basically rips Annie (and her pregnancy) apart 😢, in the cruelest, most vile and unnecessary way (he is the sick one, if you ask me).

As much as Annie's content annoys me and I am not a big fan, I think his video is WAY out of line, and I had to comment negatively on it. I wanted to share here because if you guys do come across it, I suggest you do the same, and write him something negative or flag this video, so he understands that what he is doing is not ok, even if Annie is not your favorite person. One thing is to not care for Annie or her content, and another is to attack her and her pregnancy in such a manner 😡 - I'm pretty shocked, honestly. I feel genuinely bad for her, that she has to deal with stuff like this while pregnant - even she certainly does not deserve this😓.
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New member
Is too short for a pregnant woman and any other girl older than 14. I don't understand that outfit, she doesn't look chic neither cute. It looks like she forgot to put her pants on.
Agreed. She often wears dresses and skirts that are too short. I don’t find it flattering.
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VIP Member
This was exactly the first thing that came to my mind too… And what a coincidence that it was also her ring finger. Mo comes across as the type of guy to be very violent and bad tempered behind closed doors… plus he is Middle Eastern, it’s in their blood. I should know because I’m also from there.
I just came across your post. The last sentence about Middle Eastern people is quite offensive and racist regardless of where you’re from. Mass generalization.

Hope a mod drops by here and deletes this portion.
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I definitely think there’s tention between them but I don’t think he’s violent towards Annie and intentionally hurt her. I put a lot of things past him but not that…
Specially in the last view she posted. He was cutting her hair and they were both sitting silent. Is that not weird?
I mean if my husband was cutting my hair we would be talking, joking around, etc. The air was just so tense.
I think there has been many arguments about how he is not around etc. I also think him going to Octoberfest caused a big fight.
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