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To use a favourite quote of my dads, Scammie “can’t even lie straight in bed”.

As previously pointed out upthread, over the last two weeks, Annie’s continually said that she and Trent were over 3 months ago.

Yet, in her didcord, on 21st November she was referring to getting her and Trent’s little Perth home all ready for Christmas.

Now maths really is not my strong point. But even I can work out that Nov 21st to Jan 12th is only 6 weeks. And 3 months? Isnt that 12 weeks?? There seems to be 6 weeks missing from that time line??!!


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Anna “I got upgraded to VVIP”
Her friends husband “I hooked my friends up with VVIP”
Right? Hilarious. Those husbands are probably lovely but i don’t think they’re getting upgraded ‘for the talent’ 😅 also - posts four times abound the VVIP upgrade. Mate - you got free entry to an b-grade festival in Brisbane. You’re not backstage with Beyoncé.
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Annie seems to get really excited by the most mundane things. Has she led a very sheltered life? Like an end of lease clean and a handyman? Is this like the first time she’s purchased the services of provider? Does she usually have to do it herself because of $? She’s way too overexcited about this. I also love that she is so impressed that the complex manager said to her that if there is a place available she’s welcome back at any time. Well of course, if you’re in the business of renting out flats and you’ve got one available and you know the history of the person applying to rent it…ummm well it makes sense. It’s not that she is aWeSomE and pHenOmEnAL is just…like…how the world works?
It’s because she is so SPecIAL….she makes an IMPACt with everything she does…weekly shopping, putting her bins out, driving down the street. Hundreds of thousands of people have been drawn to her and she is recognised everywhere she goes…she is queen👑👑👑Alternatively…her life is so mundane and dull and she is so sad and lonely that she needs to aggrandize everything
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This reads like a resume to apply for a relationship with a misogynist.
The amount of times her arm randomly shoots up to the sky is always my barometer of how much she’s spiralling into her delusional thoughts in the moment.
Imagine those poor removalists packing in the next room, hearing bits of her monologue of how hard she works and how much fun she is.
My god yes. She is waiting for a king to come in and claim her? VOMIT. I’ve said it before - pick a fucking lane anna. Either you’re fine on your own and you run your own show as an independent woman. Or you’re waiting around for a masculine king to claim you. Because I’ll give you the tip - the kind of douche bag bloke who wants you to call him a king and be all masculine, ain’t wanting a woman who’s always proclaiming that it is all about them and they run the world (sorry, heal the world) blah blah blah.

I think we all know which lane she’s actually in and which lane she proclaims to the world she’s in.
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I’m not a fan of Annie, but Trent is VILE.

He is a thick, slut shaming misogynist. And she chased him backwards and forwards across Australia.

If this is the mAsCuLiNe energy she’s been rabbiting on about, I’ll remain in my fEmInInE only, thanks. He’s really revealed what a gross misogynist he truly is, but I guess that’s what happens when you spend your time fighting against non-existent “feminazis” and acting as a crumb maiden. You attract men like this.
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Nice to see Anna’s completed her weekly purple screen stories retelling her life story, because you know, it’s been a week.

Wasn’t the NFT utility modules supposed to be SLS on steroids? Why would her NFT cult followers pay to do SLS when they supposedly have already done it? Who does she think is left to do it? No one else to scam….. 🫠
I’m sure there’s a screen shot of that somewhere…LOL
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There is a line between confidence and egotistical that Anna crosses regularly. latest stories are classic examples of that.

“Hundreds of thousands of people came to me” during covid. Conveniently neglects to mention that her follower count, at its highest, was 70k.

And threw in a god reference - is she pivoting to Christianity like PK??

And - the last two stories. Girl is out of control.
“Think how much you get out of all this content that I provide for free. Just imagine how much you’d get out of paying for one of my containers”😂😂


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Scamma: “I absolutely invest in my skin”

Also scamma: “here’s me basking in the hot Australian sun covered in pigmentation, with skin so burnt and dry that it’s tight and wrinkly at the same time”.

Does she not realise how much of a total contradicting vacuous idiot she is?! 🤦‍♀️


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Lol VRO, exactly what violence is occurring here by a named director of a company who is located at the other end of Australia? Anna you are a LIAR!!!

Also a little more on the VRO thing… these threats that Trent are making are in regards to the business, so it’s a civil matter and governed by corporations law. If Anna want an urgent stop to this she needs to apply for an injunction, that process must involve lawyers and any application like that would literally cost in the hundreds of thousands. Sif Anna would spend any of her grift money on that process…
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The courts are so backlogged there is absolutely no way it would have been seen by a magistrate yet. It would be weeks at a minimum, this also allows time for Trent/ the accused to apply for the transcripts of what wordsalad she babbled in the first place to get the order on. She is absolutely full of shit.

Ohhhh another festival.. can’t wait to see Spanna start the DF with her amazing moves 🙄🙄🙄
You're in luck, she's given a preview of her dance moves and I'm having severe second-hand cringe
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I wish he’d just pop on here and spill all the tea. Just get it all off your chest buddy. We’re here for it. (Except for all the personal health stuff which you shouldn’t be sharing!)
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I’m so confused by 90% of the population. By what maths do we work out that 90% of the population isn’t successful? Because we are the 12th happiest nation on the earth. 60% of Australians say they are happy. So that’s pretty good. Australia has 2.2 million millionaires, and we have one of the highest median wealths of all the western countries in the world. So if we’re going by money (which Anna loves), we’re pretty good. We live in a stable democracy with low unemployment, excellent health care and a great education system.

oh. She must be talking about our appalling climate record. Or the still terrible support of our First Nations people. Or our ongoing economic decisions that have disproportionately affected those living below the poverty line.

THAT’S what she must be talking about - she wants to help those who have been born into a cycle of disadvantage. Those pesky no-hopers who just won’t spend $500 buying clip art or joining a gym or living in a beachside location so they can exercise for free or god forbid, joining an overpriced ‘container’ so they can listen to some ill-educated woman who’s claim to joy seems to not be those common markers (friends, close family, a partner, a satisfying role, helping the community, hobbies) but the less common (drama, walking through fire, earning odd large pieces of money by scamming vulnerable women). She’s ALL about helping.

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Looks like Annie Scammie did some damage removing her ‘Office’ sign. How would anyone know she had an office in a spare bedroom of her flat if she didn’t put a sign on it!
Regarding the office sign - I actually posted it I think on the last thread asking why it said “mooshs office” or some weird name. I thought maybe that’s what her active wear was going to be called 😂😂 when dildo ken exposed her, she signed off one of her emails he showed as “mooshie” or some cringe BS. So, that office sign was little her weird relationship nickname 😂😂😭😭💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
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Such a transparent and authentic community Scamma has created where they’re too scared to voice their thoughts in case they get blocked! I’m so glad they’re speaking up and really hope they see through Scamma’s mental health claim. Do your research Awakened Woman! Listen to your intuition - this is not normal!

Trent’s behaviour is vile however she’s the one that added him into the business. While he’s a co founder surely he can talk about it as much as he wants?
I hope they voice their thoughts to ASIC ...
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