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Goes for a tattoo with her girlfriends. Takes her short king along 🫠🫠
LOL at getting a head massage during a 5min fine line tattoo.. oh the dramatics!.. and thinking it will be clear enough to read in 10+ let alone 40+ years. Even without the excessive alcohol consumption it will be fuzz. More so and quicker for a heavy drinker. - my skin suit is quite heavily tattooed so I kinda know.
You know what would have been cuter and more impactful than a basic tattoo… a shared bank account. $10 a week into an account each year amongst friends to donate the money to a worthy cause. Something myself and my closest gfs are looking at doing to *make a difference* Rather than make a big fucking song and dance about a cause.. claim to be doing something and then gently slide back into the ole .. move like I love myself posts after the HUGE DV MOVEMENT…. Very reminiscent of the Climate Change posts you were soooo passionate about… how about you fucking achieve something in a real space and place Anna Rose????

Looking at the attached screenshots from her FB.. take out climate change and replace with DV context and it’s almost bang on….

Interested to know her thoughts on fast fashion and their impact on climate change… 😉


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Omg lol just catching up. She’s giving lady of the night finished with her “client” and going to pop into the gym. This outfit was already ridiculous without the knee high boots.
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The overseas Europe trip must be costing a pretty penny. Im guessing shes paying for most of the holiday. She still has weeks of rent and bills to cover here while shes away.
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Has Anna made any announcement about funds being paid this year? Or she still going to say the busineth isn’t profitable yet and she’s still putting “her own money” into taw collective?
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Well, she has no plans to stop drinking, as evidenced by the visit to Champagne, France on the Euro itinerary. Being a years long heavy drinker and being of “advanced maternal age” isn’t an ideal combination for conception.
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I can’t engage in the CSA conversation. It’s well and truly above my skill level, however, I will ask. Where’s all the TAW clothing at this meet up? I thought TAW was supposed to get girls from work to play without a change in clothes.
I though the ladies would be draped head to toe in in.
Very good point!! Even Scamma wasn’t repping her brand…
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Were my eyes deceiving me, was crotch rot munty in an oversized jumper and come fuck me boots to wear on the plane?
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Yeah, I cant see her quitting drinking to drop a few pounds, she’s too hardcore. I bet they’ve already been trying to get pregnant for a few months (her trips to Mackay) and it hasn’t happened as easily as she thought it would so she has realized she needs to stop the alcohol if it’s going to take. He’s stopped to support her because they both know that she can’t watch him indulge and not drink herself. Just like we’ve guessed that they are planning on filming a proposal while they’re there I’m sure she also wants more than anything to be able to brag about how she got knocked up on their fairytale trip too.
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Yeah, it’s past time for these women to get lawyers involved. No more back and forth with this sociopath. I understand that is an expense that not everyone can swing but surely some of them have family members or friends who are attorneys who can send her letters.

Buyer beware always and shame on them for throwing their money at something so dodgy and without a clearly defined mission to begin with but surely Anna’s promises made on video and in text on social media and the discord has got to be legally binding to a certain extent. At the very least she has got to be violating consumer laws let alone financial laws.

Ladies, stop indulging this bitch with the opportunity to gaslight you - tighten the screws NOW.
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Im just wondering out loud about this bank she was with and how they shut down her account with no Comms. Seems unlikely, right? If that account type didn’t exist anymore they would be wanting to move her and her CAsH to a different account. Instead they close the account, without telling her and I guess they just say ‘oh well bad luck’ and do… something with her money until she chases it and only then they send a cheque out.
Agreed. This doesn’t make any sense. We have all used banks and transferred large-ish amounts of money (because when you are an adult this is normal, not special, not wEaLthY as such, just living life) and we have all probably had bank accounts that attract higher interest rates for larger amounts that yes….do have an end date. And yes, you have to be on top of your life admin and answer calls and not think you are super special and so important so you don’t have to. All allegedly of course and just my personal opinion 😉
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The track pants are far from “the perfect grey tracksuit” - look at the wrinkles around the crotch region! Thats wedgie hell. Such a bad fit. Other than her bolt ons, she’s very flat, so they are going to be an even worse fit on anyone with a butt or stomach.
They are also quite tight around her thighs and from the back view, the bum looked too small also.

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Such high end, luxury lifestyle.
It’s the whole bloody sentence in pretty large font. The number of people in this select group of low intellect high vulnerability who own a mirror that long would be negligible. I guess you can cut it up and layer it and have it cover a whole half of your mirror though 🫠
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So, croctch rot annajanet is hoping to buy a house, my question is, How? She has the nfts, I have no idea how much money that has made. Bitcoin isn't cold hard cash in a saving acct. There is very little chance any of the big banks would lend her $$$ for a purchase. She would need a decent deposit plus all the associated fees that go with that. She blew the twat course money on Carnivale. I can't see her getting on the homeowners ladder anytime soon or if at all.
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Was this new Inner Circle free to the twats who bought the colouring in pictures or did they also have to pay. My question is will she be paying tax on this $34000 approx? I see that money as her European holiday account. Good ole crotch rot munty is a conniving creature. She opened the self-love school for the twats and dragged in thousands and went to Carnivale and Bali and now she's opened Inner Circle and going to Europe, a bit to coincidental.
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Popping these here as reminders of what she has promised to deliver

1. “We are about to have our first ever boardroom meeting call” she said she’s been having boardroom meetings for two years and no one has ever questioned her about updates in the TAW hub. Except, this post in the discord was 30th Sept 2023. Eight months ago. The first ever tAW boardroom meeting was 8 months ago and she has not even managed to
a. Have them in a regular date or
b. Even have them monthly. Give me time and I’ll go through when each one was scheduled to go ahead and when (if) they actually did

Regardless, she has not been having boardroom meetings for 22 months.

(Her words here in her first reply to the discord discontent “ Again, as per what is listed in the roadmap & verbally been communicated on every single boardroom call monthly for 22 months - the hub is for masterclasses from OTHER coaches with my foundational program on there yes, the value of which already exceeds $5,000 (what I would charge if I hosted that course away from the HUB)”)

2. What she was going to share at the bored meetings
“ sharing the books & 'behind the scenes' of the company. Pricing structures, revenue to the cent, expenses to the cent - and projected profits as we go along month by month” Nah - she spent her monthly bored meetings regaling her TAWkward women with tall tales about how successful and disruptive she is.

1.“ From day 1l said that the TAW Hub was going to be the most inspirational, educational & motivational space on the internet” with “The next masterclasses [after the only one that she has uploaded with Unicorn Kel ] to come have already been locked in with the coaches & experts and it's going to range from financial coaching to sex experts to business growth queens.”. This was a post from April 2023. In hindsight, it’s all lies. She met Ryan - allegedly - in May so she was distracted by 🍆


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