Andrew Tate

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So Tristan has 2 kids now? I'm guessing Andrew none?
It’s difficult to know for sure too many conflicting statements

The Romanian press says that there is a tv presenter who has a child with Tristan, this woman said she was surprised to hear he had other children she went to the prison with a small child not a baby so the 3 week old is probably not hers

Where it gets confusing is the press said that another woman called Abigail also had a daughter looks like toddler age with Tristan, but this woman was believed to be a girlfriend of Andrew they transferred a business to her registered in Dubai

So 3 week old would make Tristan a father of 3 under 5 with multiple women there could be more

Andrew I believe has 4 children with multiple women but for reasons not yet clear they are kept very private none have been photographed visiting prison, he has alluded to having over 10 children but he is a born liar so who knows
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There was a YouTube video not too long ago where Andrew said about Tristan and his daughter but not said anything about himself having any. Who knows.
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There is a new interview of American lawyer with Piers Morgan

In Aug 2022 Piers gave Andrew Tate a platform when he had an open case in Romania he allowed the explanation of swatting to be given to the audience

Swatting is when people call the police and make up a story to get the police attend a property, this is not what happened a report was made to US embassy regarding a US citizen in the initial raid a Moldavian woman said she was also held against her will and raped

The file stayed open from April that is why he transferred ownership of companies to Georgiana and Abigail in Dubai where they were all moving to

The lawyer says their treatment is unfair and implies if there was evidence they would have been charged by now it’s almost like friendly free pr
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Was just watching a youtube video interview that had a clickbaity title about Andrew Tate talking to two "alpha females". The whole thing was ridiculous and Tate as usual comes across as a total moron.

The whole concept of "alpha male" and "alpha female" is such bull and how if you don't conform to Tate's dumb toxic male stereotype, you have no hope.. he and these supposedly intelligent women agree on the most ridiculously immature things that Tate says.

They are literally fawning all over him and justifying his sensationalist concepts about attractive "alpha" women only wanting "successful alpha bad boys" - sorry but if you are really an alpha male, you don't need to try and prove you are one! Tate thinks being an alpha male is flaunting materialistic things (cars etc that prob don't even belong to him), physical strength (kickboxing..honestly I think his brain got damaged through this sport!), how good looking someone is (highly debatable..would not touch him with a barge-pole).

I just find it so sad that boys and young men in particular look up to him..such a pathetic excuse of a person. He honestly thinks he's intelligent and that people hate him for telling "the truth". There was a comment someone (female) made about Tate not being a misogynist and that he "clearly loves women"...Tate has made it very clear he seeks to control, degrade and psychologically manipulate women. I'm sure the trafficking allegations are 100% true.

Andrew Tate is an emotionally stunted narcissist with questionable morals.
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Tate has made it very clear he seeks to control, degrade and psychologically manipulate women. I'm sure the trafficking allegations are 100% true.

Andrew Tate is an emotionally stunted narcissist with questionable morals.
Didn't he say at one point his dad also had NPD? Runs in the family it seems. Just shows how good narcissists can be at manipulating people, his fans are beyond delusional and #FreeTheTates is trending on twitter rn.
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@Uncreativename I think that interview is on Tam Khan YouTube couldn’t watch it all, I can guarantee you Andrew doesn’t think any woman is Alpha

Tam Khan put a video on Twitter of the Moldavian victim dancing in her underwear allegedly on the night she was raped as if to imply there’s no way she could have been raped based on her lack of clothes and behaviour, then he removed the video and said it was haram

He is a big defender of the Tates not only is he a longtime friend they have financial ties he has lived in Dubai 15 years and has introduced them to his network
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In the Tam Khan interview he emphasised twice that the women had not been paid, implying no financial incentive to rehabilitate Tates image

Lubna - Journalist has previously written positive pieces about Andrew and Tam in Dubai what does writing friendly pieces get her in return

Sadia Khan - Used to be a teacher in UK now lives in Dubai various times in the interview she promotes her relationship therapist business why would she be critical when she has a lot to gain by being part of their network

One comment Andrew made was when women take to the streets nothing happens when men do it’s a revolution, Lubna the so called high value alpha journalist educated woman responds if women don’t take to the street there will be no dinner

These two women degrade Onlyfans creators but happily talk away with a cam girl pimp pornographer in order to promote themselves and this is after he was arrested for human trafficking

Thanks to Andrew POS individuals are exposing themselves
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It's funny that the Tates and their followers think the "gender war" is so legitimate that they assume getting women to defend them cancels out any accusations.

Women can be terrible too! We know that already. That's separate from the discussion of misogyny and harm against women. Misogynists are not just men, just like not all feminists are women.
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There is a reason why comic books like Superman, Bat Man and superhero stuff is aimed at men. The male brain needs that sort of affirmation. The idea of themselves as strong, impenetrable and heroic. The movies that are made about these tropes, like the marvel universe. It’s predominantly men, and young boys who enjoy this. The Tate thing reminds me of this. Tam Khan-has shown reprehensible behaviour in the course of this. Posts video of the victims. Identifying them, a right they have by law of anonymity both in the U.K. and by Romanian law. That’s why I have reported his channel. And I am going to move heaven and earth to have him removed forever from youtube. Could you imagine this happening in the Muslim community the U.K. A woman raped and her face plastered all over the internet. Absolutely reprehensiblE. People showing their true colours. I hope that the courts have their ducks in a row. If he walks he will destroy womens saftey.

The baby excuse is solid gold fact that they have absolutely nothing to protect themselves with. So much for the chess masters. They have the pretend lawyer Stefan Loredan making statements on their behalf. Look at his YouTube channel. He gives advice of tax evasion and hiding money in Dubai. He got the failed lawyer who screwe’d up Tysons rape case, thinking that’s a plus?? He is delusionail. These two brothers will say anything. Tristan purportedly threw a letter on the ground to be ‘found’ by the media naming two girls who had made allegations against them. TAM KHAN among others tweeted this note and named the girls, endanger8ng them against Twitter idiots to find them.
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Didn't he say at one point his dad also had NPD? Runs in the family it seems. Just shows how good narcissists can be at manipulating people, his fans are beyond delusional and #FreeTheTates is trending on twitter rn.
That wouldn't surprise me. Intrigued to know his thoughts on his dad's NPD if that's correct - I mean in Andrew Tate's eyes, mental illness doesn't exist so presumably labelling his dad that is just society trying to oppress him and tarnish Andrew's reputation by association.

How on earth can that be trending on Twitter? I'm guessing it's Tate's minion of aggro University of idiots who are trying to rally support for their shady cult leader.

Yes that's right! Tam Khan is also a grade A idiot. Has about 1 braincell left after all his fights i'm guessing..not that he started with many to begin with!

Is Sadia related to Tam or just a common surname coincidence?

Yes that comment by Lubna is hilarious!

Interestingly Sadia really does most of the talking for the 2 women. I am definitely going to look up her credentials as I thought she came across as way too dim to be a psychologist so I assume she hasn't got much experience or education to be a "relationship therapist" - honestly i think she has shot herself in the foot by associating herself with that debate as she really comes across badly!
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This was the clip where he talks about it.

I know, and honestly the tweets are pretty embarrassing. His fans are pathetic.
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Well put! The irony of all of this is basically everyone involved with the Tates is a shady (insert whatever profession they proclaim to have). Nobody respected, intelligent, successful or legitimate in their field wants anything to do with them or their circle. I hope they get booted off every social channel and get comeuppance for their deplorable behaviour.

This was the clip where he talks about it.

I know, and honestly the tweets are pretty embarrassing. His fans are pathetic.
Haha he sounds just like his Dad. The way he tries to spin it though is ridiculous. There is no way that he was forced out because of a translation fight. He then said it got personal..yes, i'm sure it did - because he doesn't know the full story. Like Andrew, his Dad was probably sociopathic, had a delusional sense of grandeur, impossible to work with and was a liability to the force.
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There are women who are enabling men in their harm against other women the Ghislaine’s to the Epstein’s

Some women are being forced to go along with it then there are others who are morally bankrupt and sick in the head

Irina/Vivien is potentially a victim turned abuser then you have Dumb Lubna & Dumber Sadia sitting there taking part in creating a positive aura around Andrew Tate in exchange for self promotion connections etc

Another thing from the Tam Khan video is saying those critical of Qatar and Emirates are racist, 2 out of 4 of them at the table are Asian do they know or care how many Asians are currently held as slaves under Kafala passport system

Both Lubna and Sadia think western women have little to no integrity what integrity do they have themselves
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John Poulos

Left his wife in 2021 transferred everything into offshore trust leaving his children with nothing

In Dec 2022 he posted on twitter that he met a woman for the first time and took her on holiday, he announces they are getting married

In January 2023 Valentina was beaten and strangled to death

Poulos is a fan of Andrew Tate he is not being linked in msm just found it interesting the pattern of flying women around talking about marriage violence
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All that Tax dodging has really paid off for Andrew, application is being reported to transport the Bugatti to Romania from Dubai

Tina Glandian has gone quiet for all the talk of breaches in international law bad conditions etc nothing has been filed no formal complaints made

Previous poster here put that Vivien/Irina had been given $1 million dollars when she retired I highly doubt that she is on Twitch e-begging, if Andrew is to be believed he has screwed her over on taxes and if she is keeping money for him her bank could soon be frozen
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We would be fools to dismiss Tate. He is no genius. I truly believe there is some serious mental illness at work on him. He has created a cartoon character, monetised it, somehow tapped into an underground zeitgeist and is full on, pedal to the metal, on the road to total oblivion. If he were my son I would have intervened by now. It is very telling that his own mother will not have anything to do with him, or his brother. The sister also. Plus uncles, aunts cousins etc. Only vapid YouTube stars, cautiously using his brand, and keeping a safe distance in case they get pulled down in his wake. Ergo Adin Ross, the Paul brothers etc. It is terribly sad, and terribly telling that the only celebrity to reach out to him is another sad fantasist Steven (black belts in everything even origami), Seagal.
I hope the Romanians have something real on him, other than his abuse of their woman, and denigration of their country’s reputation abroad.
I loved how Tristan attempted to separate himself from his brother this week. ‘Ask them what laws Tristan Tate has broken’ he yelled. Trying to separate himself. We forget he is even there, he is like an appendage of his brother, his foreskin maybe. Poor guy. Hope he finds a nice high value girl and settles down. Who lives with their brother when they are in their forties. Losers do.
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Surely any high value girl wouldnt look twice at him at this point
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I personally am waiting to see if Vivien/Irina is arrested and questioned.
I think she probably should be questioned there’s warnings to cam girls on Twitter from 2019 about her and Andrew luring women to Romania who end up stranded

Also I’m conflicted because Andrew has been with her since she was very young she doesn’t know what it’s like to have a normal relationship

How old was Vivien/Irina when you met her in 2016?
I’m going to disrespectfully refer to the two Romanian girls as Thing 1 and Thing 2. Ropey looking AF without the use of filters in the police van. One of these girls had to attend her grandmother’s funeral accompanied by police and wearing handcuffs. If she is a stalwart ‘bottom bitch’ as Andrew claims, she will know the secrets. They will need the girls to turn on the brothers. But I expect having Tate talk shit and reminding you how smart he is all the time, they will be either super protective or worn down .
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