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pepe le pew

VIP Member
Bear with me.

So you have two men, brothers actually, who have stayed together their whole lives. These two men are roaring towards 40. Both incapable of having a normal relationship with a woman. Instead they live a protracted childhood involving filling their ‘compound’ with toys. Toys. All the stuff they couldn’t afford when they were young. Cars, some bought others leased, swords, samurai bollocks, cigars, brandy, clothing that Hugh Hefner would have burned. What 40 year old still lives with their brother and doesn’t have an independent family unit of their own? Answer, a man no women wants,

And when you look closely, these two brothers, although well groomed, well, they aren’t handsome are they. Andrew in particular has a weird head and forehead, bald, slaw jawed and crowded mouth. Tristan just looks like him except for the hair transplant.

Their ‘act’ doesn’t work in the USA, or the UK so they travel to the arse end of the EU to one of the most corrupt countries in the world, Romanian. They go there because they’ve had two money making ideas. Pimping women out on video cams and emptying the wallets of bedroom locked down Incel men who don’t understand why women aren’t collapsing at their feet when they venture out of it. In Romania people here remember the years of oppressive communist regime of Ceaucescue. New money invigorated them. The Tates promise wealth, but never delivered it. Instead they used their women.

Theres no queue of childhood friends, or relatives, or blood brothers lining up to tell the world everything about Tate is wrong. Just one solitary Romanian girl who he slapped with a belt and probably gives her a Chanel bag, and for that she is eternally grateful.

He’s a bad person. Not only is he a bad person he is trying to convince Muslim men he is all about Islam. He clearly isn’t. Ask yourself? How comfortable would you feel with this man in your front room drinking tea with a teenaged daughter or other female? He is a predator. He will probably die in jail in Romania, because Romanian men don’t like people who abuse their women.
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Wish people would stop trying to give Greta credit for his arrest too. Hate that child 😒
That "child" is 19 and Tate was ridiculous to go after her. People make fun of that situation not because they believe Greta has anything to do with his arrest but because it shows how disproportionnate his ego is. Who cares that he has 33 cars. The only thing I see is an arrogant and hateful man that is involved in dodgy businesses possibly including human trafficking.

What I find pathetic is grown-up men who have been for years after a child (now an adult) and mocking her. People against Thurnberg's convictions should bring counter-arguments instead of making fun of her youth or her autism.
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I’ve been too scared to post about this anywhere else on the internet and won’t even talk about it to people in real life as I can’t seem to get my words out about it, but I was “recruited” by Andrew Tate in 2017 shortly after his ejection from Big Brother. The only reason I’m doing this here is because I’m for the most part anonymous.

He started DMing me on Twitter and asked me if I wanted to go for coffee, I accepted and he said he was bringing another girl with him. This would turn out to be the girl from the videos/the girl who is defending him online now. In hindsight I don’t know why I even went, but I was 22 and naive and had never come across much danger in my life. It’s very embarrassing to think about now, which I think contributes to the reason I’m hesitant to speak about it. I had watched his series of Big Brother and I think that despite the reason he got kicked out I just felt special going for coffee with someone I had seen on TV.

I can’t remember how it came up but when I was there he asked me if I’d ever considered webcam work. I said no I hadn’t but I don’t mind hearing about it. Him and the girl (who I wont name… although I do know her real name and online name) started selling it to me, telling me how much money I would make and showing me the messages between her and her viewers, with examples of the things she did. Andrew told me that I wouldn’t need to do any of the typing myself and that they would have people manning the keyboards and that all I would have to do is sit there and look nice and laugh and smile. He said I would live in a big house in London with a group of other girls, and foolishly I said yes.

I prepared to go and was put in contact with his secretary, who went by Naomi but I’m sure it was an alias. Eventually I got ghosted by her and never ended up going. Which is a good thing in hindsight after all of this stuff has come out.

I ended up going into webcamming of my own accord afterwards, which ended up sending me into a mental spiral and deep depression due to the way it made me view myself. I’m not exactly blaming Andrew Tate for that, but I never would have considered it if he hadn’t put the idea into my head. So I have always held it against him slightly.

I’ve never told this story before and I know some may not believe me. But I needed to open up about it somewhere and I’ve always been confident of my anonymity on Tattle.

If I remember anything else I will add to the thread, and I’m very open to answering questions that people might wonder about. And I’m sorry for the long essay.
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I was trying to work out who AT reminded me of, then it came to me!!! 🤣🤣🤣 (Children of the 80s in the UK may remember Pob)
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I hope he actually gets charged with something. Otherwise it'll just all help feed him and the idiots that follow him will become even more galvanised.
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I've just realised tonight that my boy has been groomed by Andrew Tate, not directly of course. He has been watching and reading about him and this has brainwashed him into believing some of the shit he has been spouting off.

He's 14 and some of the things I've had to listen to in the last hour or so that he thinks is acceptable is absolutely horrifying. I'm mortified and furious and feel a failure all at the same time.

This is only the second or third time I've ever heard his name I knew nothing about him.
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Well well well

BREAKING: Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan have been arrested in Romania in human trafficking probe

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I guarantee the lads who idolise this small, pea headed Dan Bilzerian wannabe were the ones queueing up at Aldi at 4am to buy Prime drinks.
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this man makes me physically sick and I cannot fathom how he has a follwing,one of the worst things to come out of social media ever, he's racist, is a misogynist, homophobe , abuser, wanted for sex trafficking and preys on barely legal women, how the fuck is so popular? the things he says about woman are vile, claiming were sluts if we have had more than 1 sexual partner,yet he can have as many as he wants and claims were property to be owned? disgusting, also claims gay people chose to be gay and dont deserve rights, my little sister is a lesbian and I can tell you thats not true at all, the amount if abuse aimed at LGBt people is disgusting and I've seen her reduced to tears on manny occasions because of ho,ophobic slurs and being labelled all sorts by the likes of tate, it is most certinley not a choice, she tried to take her life before coming out due to shit people say, believe me its not a choice or an easy life, hes disgusting, he said he wouldnt give CPR to a man ro save his life cause thats ''gay'' the man is vile, why do we enable people like him? im worried for the necxt generation of men coming up and tking his word as gospel the world is scary
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The irony of it being a young girl like Greta Thunberg too to contribute to his downfall. Glorious 🤩
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I know a girl who could absolutely ruin this man if she went to the media because ever since Andrew got his original Twitter account back, she has proof of him messaging her a couple of years back when she was under aged offering her a “job” & to move to Romania but she doesn’t want to deal with the death threats from his fans & potentially even real life threats. He’s such a shit talker saying “no one came out to complain about me” yes mf because they’re scared of you. You literally brag about running in the mafia circles of course women are too scared to open their mouths. Idiot
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Wish people would stop trying to give Greta credit for his arrest too. Hate that child 😒
You don't have to like her (though hating a teenager who isn't intentionally offensive is odd) but it's quite perfect that for all his chat about being an alpha male who has it all together and knows how to make a woman do what he wants lost an internet fight that he started against someone who's been a legal adult for two years.

He didn't even have the words to come at her and ended up getting arrested shortly after.

It makes everything he stands for all the more embarrassing.
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Bull***t Buster

VIP Member
I am so glad I found this thread! I have been following Andrew on IG for a few years now. I had absolutely no idea of the allegations against him as stated above. He both fascinates me and repulses me. I am fascinated by this lavish lifestyle, the big houses, numerous sports cars, private jets here, there and everywhere, the fact he is so into taking care of himself, eating well and training yet constantly has a cigar hanging our of his mouth 🤷‍♀️ Where the fuck does he get all his money from? He kind of reminds me of The Tinder Swindler! I often wonder how much of what he shows is actually real. On the other hand he is an arrogant twat who is extremely derogatory about women and justifies his racist views by saying he cant be racist as his Dad is black!
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You don’t have to like her but coming for Greta when she didn’t send for him was beyond pathetic. He’s a weak man hiding behind a fake persona. Where’s his same energy for a grown powerful man?
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American - British kickboxer turned influencer, is currently doing the rounds on social media due to all the controversial (misogynistic) things he has said/done including:
- if you ask a woman what she's upto next week and she replies with a bunch of things she's doing she's a h*e
- 40% of the reason he moved to Romania is because they are less likely to look into s3xual allegations made against you
- was removed from Big Brother 2016 after a video got released of him beating a woman with a belt, which he layer stated was "consensual"
- at 35 years old he is constantly referring to 19 year old girls
- currently under investigation for human-trafficking
... the list is endless, what are your thoughts and opinions?

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(sorry if there's already a thread on him but I couldn't find one)
I’ve known this man personally pre social media days, seeing his content blow up and millions of people knowing him is actually so surreal. His girlfriend of over 10 years is the girl from the belt video. She wasn’t being abused it was consensual. They are still together to this day and he continues to help her and her family. I do agree with the fact that the way in which he speaks does negatively influence younger boys and men who already have aggressive tendencies. However the allegations about trafficking and things of that nature are completely untrue. People directly involved to that industry don’t build such a social media presence. They may know people who are involved in this, because let’s face it even a regualr person in romania knows dangerous people but I know for a fact this is not how they obtained their money.
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pepe le pew

VIP Member
I’ve been vocal on Twitter over my displeasure of the Tates nd their empire building. And believe me, their fans have come for me. I switched messaging off and I actually blocked some people. I’ve been on Twitter since 2012 and never blocked anyone before.

I think that there is a REAL crisis in masculinity. It’s real. Men looking to other men for their answers. And I think it started with this ‘locked in ‘ culture of spending time in your bedroom playing video games and going on chat sites. A self imposed imprisonmen. As a result a person socil skills diminish. I’ll give you an example of what I mean. I’m a woman. When my kid was born for a period of nearly a year I didn’t speak to hardly anyone. I stayed indoors. Shopped once a week with my head down. Spoke to no one. Even my family kept away. One day I was forced to go to a church day care group, with my child. She played with toys with other kids. I say alone at a table. A member of the church attempted to talk to me. I was almost monosyllabic. Couldn’t speak. Struggled to make conversation. I know that sounds extreme. But it happened.

People need people, and they need to feel needed by people. Men today are struggling. One of the most DAMAGING things Tate ever said was that depression wasn’t real. Suicide is the second biggest killer of young men today. Heart disease is the first, second is suicide, caused by mental health issues.

If the Romanian legal system FAIL to successfully charge and prosecute the Tate brothers, it will make them martyrs.
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