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VIP Member
letting the person in front of me decide what i order? this week as a video? babes it’s time to get a new career. ALL this spare time to plan videos, no originality, just recycling the same content time and time again

And then taking the rest she's bitten into her "friends" mmmmm
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Not being funny but literally every clip in that vlog she was eating or it involved food in some way
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Girl, same 💗
Plus I just don’t get the “logistics” of not washing your hair in the shower!
How do you keep it dry?
Doesn’t the steam f it up and you have to blow dry it again anyway?
Same with if you wear a shower cap? I’ve tried, my hair was a mess!
I have very fine hair so if I put it in a hair tie it gets a “kink” so I’d have to style/blow dry it again anyway! So I may as well have just wet it!!
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does the advice include masturbating in the morning when you wake up to give yourself a “boost”?

(……please tell me i’m not the only one who remembers her saying this???!! idc i’m not shaming the masturbation, just the major amounts of CRINGE)
imagine the smell 🤭
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Everything shower is a pretty popular term online these days, I’m surprised to hear so many people question it!
Tbh I've heard it

It's still stupid AF but then there was a whole discourse about if you need to wash your legs in the shower a while ago so maybe everything shower is needed lol
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Right this is gona sound weird guys lol. But how long as she had that mole above her eyebrow 🤣 iv never noticed it before until recently but dunno if she’s drawing it on to make it look bigger/more predominant or what lol
She does it in her new video. One minute it’s not there, the next it is, then vanishes again. Don’t know why she’s drawing one on? It’s like the fake freckles
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In their latest podcast she goes ‘I really want to go to like, some of the cute little Europe countries this year. Like I really want to go to Italy, the Amalfi Coast.. like Positano and places like that’

who’s going to tell her they are all Italy?

She also said Cappadocia, which is in Turkey!
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Chatty Member
I lost this thread since the last one and don’t have the energy to read the 28 pages, has anything notable happened this month?🤣
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I got 10 mins into the podcast and I already was ROLLING my eyes to the back of their sockets!

btw please excuse any grammar mistakes, so much to type and cba checking anything lol.

Ok, so first things first she starts off by saying she cancelled the 5th date because of work/she had a video to film (lmao, sure Jan). Saffron sniggers awkwardly and goes ‘but like you didn’t cancel on the day did you?!’ *silence* Ana stumbles and fumbles because she knows all this is made up so has no real timeline and hadn’t thought her story through… Ana ‘um no I can- I can’t remember really when did I ca-‘ *pretends to think back*. Saffron calls her out and goes ‘it totally was on the day!’ Just so awkward and obviously she had been caught.

Then she says it’s because she doesn’t want a boyfriend and her and guy discussed how they both didn’t want to rush things etc. and she likes that they’re on the same page.. more fake laughter from Saffron, who then (rightly so) says ‘I don’t think it’s that you don’t want a boyfriend because you’ve been saying you want a boyfriend for the longest time, I just don’t think you’ve found the right person yet’. THEN after literally all that rambling about not wanting a boyfriend above, Ana goes ‘yeah I agree’ ????? why the fuck did you not say that in the first place then? She acts like some confident bad bitch but she’s the opposite, she can’t even confidently tell her best friend why she cancelled the 5th date. Her excuse of needing to film a video was so obvious, she could have said literally anything else. We all know she doesn’t film on time and is work shy AF. As other posters said, she clearly wants some instagram ‘poster boy’ type of guy like Saffrons bf, but she just doesn’t have the stereotypical looks unfortunately (the only reason Louis went for S is because she’s literally had facial reconstruction). I am in no way saying she’s ugly, she just doesn’t have your typical ‘model’ look.

Then the next segment about the gym was so cringe and urgh my toes were curling just listening. She’s clearly making it up & has no idea what she’s talking about, I wish I could put into words but it’s so hard to explain - I feel like she just talks for the sake of filling silences, almost like word vomit. She said she’d been doing the 12/3/30 but couldn’t remember what it was called so Saffron had to remind her. She then said she felt like it was too slow/not steep enough and Saffron said that’s because the creator of that exercise was from the US and their machines are different. Ana then goes ‘ohhhhh yes that must be true then because I adjusted it and no joke it was literally the hardest thing I’ve EVA done’ ??? Really. Saffron goes ‘aww love that for you…’

Saffron then says that Ana should start weight training and Ana asks what that is - no response initially so she asks again. Saffron goes ‘like lifting weights?’ Ana ‘what with my arms?’ …. Saffron ‘um, arms, legs.. glutes’ Ana ‘oh! yes I really wanna work my bum, Byron showed me how to work one of the… what’s it called.. like leg machine thingys and I just felt like so accomplished after like oh wow I can use this I can do it!’ Saffron ‘yeah of course you can work it’ *more patronising laughter*

Sorry but she’s honestly f*cking pathetic. I’ve never known someone so reliant on others or just absolutely no clue about absolutely anything! She quite literally knows nothing about the gym, it’s embarrassing. She just wants a big arse and thinks walking uphill for 20 mins a day will make that happen. The podcast is horrifyingly tragic. You know it’s bad when you make Saffron Barker look intelligent.
Having not listened but just going off your post, idk if Saffron laughing would even be patronising if someone is saying things as stupid as Ana. She wants to appear like she does all of these things everyone else does but just makes herself sound more stupid. If she just said I’ve started doing xyz so let’s see how it goes people wouldn’t laugh at her so much, & if she didn’t end everything with “love that for me”, which makes her sound like some NPC in a barbie game.
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Chatty Member
Sounds sus to me. If what shes saying is true, I bet you any money he has a secret gf on the side lol
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