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When I was at uni I started seeing this guy. Everything seemed good at the beginning, we went out on nights out together and then eventually I started staying over at his place. That’s when it all changed. After I’d stayed he would ignore me for sometimes days and it would drive me insane, he actually made me fall for him very quickly and then he made me very ill with his ghosting because I was so stressed over it. This went on for a long time and I kept falling into the trap, he would come back and say, “oh I’ve been busy” or whatever and we’d carry on as we were. In the end I saw him for what he was, I met a nice guy on a night out and we started dating and are still together now. Funny enough when I started dating my current partner, the guy I had been seeing started trying to make contact again🙄🙄.

the point is don’t let it drag on, because you’ll just get more and more hurt. I hope you’re doing okay because I do know how painful it can be.
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I just hate that he’s getting off easy when he’s the one that made all this mess.
He hasn't got off easily. He has lost the opportunity to date you. On the other hand, you've narrowly avoided dating someone who from the sounds of it, does not care about other people's feelings.
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Has anyone read a book called “Why men love bitches” by Sherry Argov?

Apparently it’s very popular and meant to be good for setting boundaries and standing up for yourself in relationships. She claims by doing so, it increases a man’s love and respect for you.

It sounds good, and I want to buy it, but want to know if anyone had read it and thought it was worth it? :)

Or if it’s just bullshit 😋
You don’t need that book for advice. You’ve got tattle instead 😂
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I never post but seems as so many of us have been in the same situation I thought I would share my story. I was seeing this guy for around 3 months everything was going great and it was heading in the direction of being official. Then one day when we were hanging out he was acting out of character so I asked him what was up and he shrugged it off and said he was having a off day. 2 days later I get a message while i'm at work saying he doesn't want a relationship and he just want to be friends. Obviously I was quite upset at this was so out the blue as only the week before he told me how happy he was and how he was waiting for the right moment to ask me to be his girlfriend. As hurt as I was I decided to give it a shot at us staying friends but things were never the same. We went from talking all hours about all sorts to barely getting a message back, the whole tone of the conversation we did have was just different and I knew deep down he couldn't be bothered anymore so I just gave up. Fast forward a few weeks with no contact I thought about messaging and asking him on what had gone so wrong to find he'd blocked me and got back with his ex girlfriend who he would constantly slate saying she was jealous and controlling
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As others have said, my first reaction was love bombing. I’ve been a victim of this and I wish I had known what it was at the time. It’s a massive red flag. You’ve had a lucky escape IMO.
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YES! This is the best advice I ever received. My notes on my phone contain the innermost thoughts of my crazy 🤣 I’ve spent many nights tossing and turning then written the crazy message in my notes and gone soundly to sleep with it all off my chest.

I did send one once, but it waited for about 3 days to make sure I really meant it all and I asked his permission before sending it 😳
Oh believe me, when I have fights with my boyfriend, I write what I really think of him in my notes 😂😂 and then compose myself and talk calmly. Anyone who read my notes would think I’m a maniac 😂 sometimes I read them back and cringe at myself!
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This is especially true. Heed these words! Everyone telling you that you should delete him is saving you a lot of grief. Here's why:

You said in your post that in Option 3 you'd leave it, but then you said this:

That's not leaving it. That's allowing the door to remain open for him to come back whenever it suits him with an explanation, that you would then listen to! No! Not okay that he gets a part in the narrative at this stage. Not okay that he retains the power to restart communication when he feels like it.
Doing it this way also means it's always in the back of your mind and a part of you is waiting for his explanation. You're causing yourself more pain that way.
If you decide to leave it, then delete him everywhere and actually move on.
Agreed. Take it from me. I spent five years agonising over someone who'd block me and then unblock me. Tell me that talking to me was a chore and then restart the conversation like nothing happened months later. The toll it takes on mental health and self esteem cannot be understated.
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Girl chat needed!! Sorry this is so long haha. I’ve given in-depth detail, it looks obsessive but I’ve just done it to give you a clear picture because my mind is just all over the place.

I’ve just started seeing this guy. We met on a dating app. Both 25. He’s not your stereotypical fk boy or anything. He’s not a pretty boy either. He’s intelligent, has a very good job (works in medicine discovery), close family, he’s a bit nerdy but I like that etc.

Things had been going really well. We’ve been dating for just over 2 months (he lives alone so we bubbled - our first few dates were walks with my dog in the park. Also I’m in Scotland so we aren’t in a major lockdown... yet) which doesn’t seem long but we’ve already spent a lot of time together. We feel very close already, we’ve both told our families about each other but haven’t met yet (obviously). When we spend time together he always asks me to stay over etc which is nice to feel like he wants me around (previously I’ve always felt guys can’t wait for you to leave lol). He treats me like a princess and I’ve never had someone treat me so well before. He compliments me, is very affectionate etc. Probably even more than me! Which I am not used to, I always feel like I’m the one giving more if that makes sense. So this has been such a wonderful experience to feel so wanted. He’s said multiple times about how he can’t wait for future things with me like going on holiday etc. When I have to leave his he usually asks me to stay ‘just a bit longer’ and then he’ll make jokes about me ‘just moving in’. I know it’s way too soon for that but it’s nice to know that the idea may be there for the future. Like I said, it’s just nice to feel like he really wants me around. He also said for me to just leave things at his place to save me bringing them every time, so I did (the stuff is still there, nothing major). He surprised me with lovely bath bombs from lush, he said he got them because we were talking about how much I love baths. The first few times I stayed over at his I woke up with a really sore back because the pillows were too flat so when we were at IKEA he said that he wanted me to pick a new pillow one for his house. He also had a small box on a shelf in his place, he moved it and was kinda giggly and said I couldn’t see in it. We were just joking around so I was begging him to show me. It was a box of things from our dates and time together, receipts, tickets, just random stuff. I thought this was so sweet. He said he was keeping it all because maybe he would make me something for Christmas. The weekend before last, he said he was falling for me, I said the same. I’ve never had someone say this to me OR said it to someone else.

For the most part when we are not together we text sporadically throughout the day, not constantly just a few times then we usually chat more in the evenings (after work) about our day etc. This is how it’s been the whole time.

So basically it was all going so well and I was feeling so optimistic.

Rewind to: the beginning of last week -
We weren’t due to see each other until possibly Thursday/Friday so we were face timing in the evenings. This was all fine, we’d chat for a few hours in the evening then go to bed.

Tuesday (last week) -
We had a sort of weird conversation via FaceTime. He was saying that earlier that day he was ‘stressing’ a little about doing things that I wouldn’t like, then keeping them from me, as that would make him feel really bad. I was so confused about what on earth he meant! He said he wished he met me first, before he dated anyone else (this was the first time I’d heard of him dating anyone else). I asked him why he felt this way, was is because he had to now tell them that he was not interested? (which I know can be a difficult thing to do). He said he had already stopped seeing them. BUT he went on to say that it made him feel bad, like he was lying to me and that he doesn’t want to stress about those things. I told him I understood and what mattered most to me was how we proceeded from that point, not what happened in the early days. He then went on to say that IF he ever HAPPENED to go on a dating app when we were together, that is wouldn’t mean anything and sometimes he just gets bored. I don’t agree with this but it’s hard to explain over FaceTime. The point of a dating app is to swipe on who you are attracted to in the hopes that a conversation begins and that leads somewhere, so I don’t agree with doing it when in a relationship. There must be some motive there. Basically I was very confused. I think he wasn’t explaining himself properly. He gets very flustered and muddled up and I try to calm him and tell him to just be straight but he still gets worked up. He told me he’s suffered with anxiety for most of his life and that he’s still takes medication to help. I get that, I have anxiety as well but maybe is different ways to him. I think perhaps he meant that he had been on those apps when we were dating and now feels really bad because his anxiety was making him worry. So he then ended the conversation saying ‘I’ve already told you I’m falling for you and I am. I really want us to be exclusive but want to ask the right way (ie not over FT) but I just want you’. So from that conversation I was very confused but then kind of reassured but still confused... 🥴

Wednesday (last week) -
He told me that he was very busy with a report for work that was due at the beginning of this week. He had already mentioned this to me earlier that week so I was aware that he had been working on it. He said that as it was his first report, he was really struggling and that it was taking much longer that he anticipated. This meant that he was going to spend the whole weekend doing the report and therefore couldn’t see me Thursday/Friday. He was very apologetic and said that if he was finished by Sunday, we could spend the day together. If not, he said he’d be able to see me the beginning of this week. I was understanding and told him not to worry about it, work is obviously very important.

Thursday onwards -
He started texting me way less. I always try to not read too much into these things because, it’s only texting!! But if you remember how I said we’d text somewhat regularly and now that suddenly stopped you can just feel that something is off (I’m sure you all know what I mean). I told myself that he was busy, I gave him space to work and I didn’t pester him. Texting went like this:
- He text me Thursday night, I replied later that evening
- He didn’t reply till Friday night, I replied later
- He didn’t reply till Saturday night, I replied later
- He didn’t reply till Sunday night, I replied later

Our conversations were varied and felt normal (even though they were once a day). He told me about his report and how long it was taking, he’d wish me a good sleep or that I had a good day, at one point he said he wished I was there to snuggle him. So the things he was texting me were normal. On Saturday I said I was sorry he had had such a crappy week and weekend. He came back (on Sunday) saying ‘No I’m sorry, for being so shit, I’ve just got so much work still to do’. So I thought, ‘okay he’s really busy’. I didn’t push him to make arrangements with me for the week because I was trying to just give him space and time to do his work. I replied to his message on Sunday night.

We haven’t spoken since. I know it’s only three days but radio silence all of a sudden is just strange! His last seen on WhatsApp was Sunday at 6:00pm ish (until last night). So he didn’t even come online for days, which again is very strange. I know he communicates with other people via WhatsApp so that’s very strange and just made me feel like maybe he was avoiding me?

He came online last night at around 6ish but he hasn’t even read my message let alone reply. My head starts to go a bit crazy when things like this happen because I start worrying that something is really wrong. When he hadn’t been online in 2 days I genuinely thought ‘well something really bad could have happened to him and I’d have no way of knowing!’

I always feel like a ‘crazy woman’ when I start looking at ‘last seen’ etc and I feel like guys make us out to be crazy for looking at those things but that’s because they suddenly start acting SO WEIRD. It’s not crazy. I find it weirder that he suddenly wasn’t ever online. That’s crazy. Or the fact that when he finally did come on, he didn’t read my message and reply when we were pretty much in a relationship. It’s so out of character. So like I said, I started to worry that something was maybe wrong so I sent a simple ‘I hope you are okay?’ I sent this last night at around 8pm but he’s still not been back online...

I’m just so confused. He’s fallen off the face of the earth. Part of me is thinking ‘is he ghosting me???’ But literally the last time we actually spoke (and not via text) he was saying he was falling for me, wanted to be exclusive etc so what the hell?!?

I don’t really have a question, I just wanted to vent. I feel a fool. I told my family about him, something he encouraged me to do! (and I’ve never told my family about a guy before!!!!). So now they keep asking about him and I just mumble something because I’m embarrassed, I don’t know what to say. I also told my friends just last week!! So if I come back not even a week later saying this I’ll just look so stupid.

Part of me thinks he wouldn’t be ghosting me because why would he have said all that stuff, that he was falling for me, encouraging me to tell my family, having keepsakes from out dates, asking me to keep things at his etc. WHY would he do all that if his intentions weren’t serious. I know sometimes guys just say things but that’s all taking it a bit too far. He has my stuff at his house! Surely that would just make things really complicated so why ask me to leave things if he was going to ghost me?

What are your thoughts?

For a second I thought, maybe he had the virus and feels bad and doesn’t know how to tell me? I hadn’t seen him in person since the 31st so perhaps he caught it after or... I honestly don’t know. I’m not sure why he wouldn’t tell me though, we could wait a few weeks it wouldn’t be a big deal. As you can see, my mind is just wandering to every possibility. I’m so confused.
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Chedranian Girl

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It's so sad because you sound lovely, but you do sound as though you'll forgive him one hundred percent if he got in touch now and said oh sorry, I've been busy. Nobody is too busy to send a text. Whatever his excuse, blanking you like this is just horrible. Don't let him off the hook even if he does bother to reply. You deserve so much better. And honestly? I think he'd have been out the door for me the moment he said about still using the dating site! That would say it all to me right away about his idea of commitment, and no amount of backtracking with talk of exclusivity would have fixed what he'd said or admitted to doing. :(
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Also Sweetcorn, don't ever be scared to be the one who ends things. Especially if they're not treating you the way they should. Your time & your thoughts could be spent on better things.
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I wouldn’t message again. No way. He knows you’ve text, he knows you exist but he’s choosing to ignore you. You might get a basic reply somewhere down the line but he will quickly go back to not texting. It’s Wednesday night and he hasn’t had 10 seconds to text?

Forget about him.
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Hey tattlers, thanks again for all your well wishes!

I decided to go with number three so I haven’t contacted him and removed him. Thought the best way was to just play cool and look completely unbothered so that’s what I’ve done. I’m okay, I’m not going to cry over him, it’s so not worth it. More than anything it just makes you feel so embarrassed because like I’ve already said, now I need to explain to my family and friends, when I just told them about him 🤦🏼‍♀️

At this point I’m just frustrated in general with men and dating. I hate to generalise but from this thread it appears so many men act this way (or worse) and I’m just left wondering how many more times will I be screwed over? Part of me wants to give up with dating apps but then I’d have no way of meeting guys, even more so now with covid, but even if covid wasn’t a factor it would still be hard for me to meet guys (I also work in a very female dominated environment). I’m kinda losing hope that guys won’t always be assholes.

As well guys are just so hard to read and they change their minds in the blink of an eye. Like in this instance, I think he just got spooked by how intense things were getting and maybe thought he wanted something more casual instead, which is mega frustrating because HE was the one to make it so intense. I imagine this happens with many guys, they are all in then suddenly get cold feet but.. why? Don’t go in so intense if it’s going to freak you out! Haha it’s really not that hard.

Should we as women be more assertive about what we expect? But then I feel like most guys would think you were a bit ‘crazy’ (yep their favourite word) and back off straight away. But then you think we’ll that guy really wasn’t worth the time then but ughhh they are just impossible 😂

But yeah maybe we should get a dating advice thread? Where we can share stories and advice (If there isn’t already one?) because it appears so many of us go through this stuff and I really enjoyed this girl chat with you all 💘
you are SO YOUNG!!!!!!!! You have your whole life ahead of you to meet people and find the one who’s right for you! Please don’t think you’re never going to find a decent guy - you will!!! Just don’t try to force it. Enjoy your life for you for now - enjoy your friendships, your family, try out different hobbies, sports, go travelling - see the world, try different jobs, volunteer, do things just for the thrill of doing them not because it’s what’s expected but just because! You are young & free and the world is there waiting - full of so many incredible things to see and experience and so many people you’ve yet to meet. You will meet someone - organically and when it’s meant to be and it will be like meeting the other half of your soul - I promise.
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Hey guys! Thanks for all your replies 😘

I’m going over a few options in my head.

1. Part of me wants to message and ask him straight. He’s avoiding the conversation, because it’s uncomfortable, so I want to put him in that uncomfortable place to actually SAY what he has to say because sometimes being an adult means owning what you are feeling/saying. He’s put me in an uncomfortable place so 🤷🏼‍♀️. I feel like if I don’t acknowledge what he’s doing then he’s getting away with it which I don’t like, someone has to hold these boys accountable!

2. The other part of me wants to send him a sassy message (without even letting him explain) about how treating girls this way will never work, most girls won’t stand for it and just generally give him a reality check about what he’s doing. Just so maybe he can think ‘shit, I messed with the wrong girl’ sort of thing. I feel like this will sent a boundary for not only me but girls in his future and hopefully... he’ll learn something??? (why we have to teach grown men how to treat a girl is BEYOND me). I’ve thought about what I’d say but I’m really not sure so that’s holding me back from doing that at the minute

3. Or I could just leave it completely. If he wants to explain he can come and explain, I’ve already given him opportunity to do this when I reached out on Tuesday. If he did explain I’d probably just read it and be done with it, play him at his own game so to speak (but then I’m I just stooping to his level? Haha). I feel like if I messaged him again it’s just clear that I’m giving him more of my time and possibly sitting around waiting for him, I don’t want him to think he has that power over me. I feel like giving him anymore of my time is just time wasted. If he can continue to go on his WhatsApp, see my messages, ignore them and continue on with his life, then that’s on his conscience. No doubt he’ll actually feel bad about it and be thinking it over himself. But... my conscience is clear 😊
Go with option 3, but take control of it yourself- delete his number & contact details and block him across social media. Then draw a line under it and move on. Do it now, and just know that he wasn’t the right guy for you and that you are freeing yourself up for the opportunity to meet someone who is right for you. You are only 25, you are so young! Just enjoy your own life for now - do things that you want to do, enjoy time with friends & family, find work that you enjoy, travel etc and you will naturally find someone who fits with you.
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I’ll be honest he sounds like 99.9% of the men I’ve met on dating sites - so keen to start with, talk of a future, lovely gestures then bam.... ghosted.
He’s a coward, he’s probably done it before and he definitely will again.
These men are predatory on dating sites it’s easy pickings.
Move on.
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Chatty Member
You only know what he’s been telling you.
This guy has been in your life for 8 weeks. I’ve got stuff in my fridge that’s been there longer!!!!!!
You don’t know him. You only know what he has allowed you to know. It’s actually scary the way you are defending him/justifying his weird behaviour.
This is only going to go one way - he’s going to carry on behaving like a prick - reeling you in with bullshit excuses and then ignoring you when he can’t be arsed/has another woman on the go. Hes 25! He’s not thinking about “your future” or anything of the sort. Come on a you know deep down that this is off, otherwise you wouldn’t even have posted on here looking for advice. Your gut is telling you that something isn’t right here; listen to it.
I’m not making excuses for him! I know he shouldn’t be ignoring me, hence why I contacted him again yesterday. And I know it was still really early, I’m not saying that I was expecting an engagement at the end of the month or anything. But it doesn’t matter how early it was, I think there’s a basic level of communication that you should have no matter how early and that’s why I was asking for your opinions. I wasn’t sure if I was reading too much into it, not making a excuses.
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I honestly don't think he got spooked. He was playing you all along and his behaviour has been awful. Glad you aren't going to cry about him. He doesn't deserve you.
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Hey guys! Thanks for all your replies 😘

I’m going over a few options in my head.

1. Part of me wants to message and ask him straight. He’s avoiding the conversation, because it’s uncomfortable, so I want to put him in that uncomfortable place to actually SAY what he has to say because sometimes being an adult means owning what you are feeling/saying. He’s put me in an uncomfortable place so 🤷🏼‍♀️. I feel like if I don’t acknowledge what he’s doing then he’s getting away with it which I don’t like, someone has to hold these boys accountable!

2. The other part of me wants to send him a sassy message (without even letting him explain) about how treating girls this way will never work, most girls won’t stand for it and just generally give him a reality check about what he’s doing. Just so maybe he can think ‘shit, I messed with the wrong girl’ sort of thing. I feel like this will sent a boundary for not only me but girls in his future and hopefully... he’ll learn something??? (why we have to teach grown men how to treat a girl is BEYOND me). I’ve thought about what I’d say but I’m really not sure so that’s holding me back from doing that at the minute

3. Or I could just leave it completely. If he wants to explain he can come and explain, I’ve already given him opportunity to do this when I reached out on Tuesday. If he did explain I’d probably just read it and be done with it, play him at his own game so to speak (but then I’m I just stooping to his level? Haha). I feel like if I messaged him again it’s just clear that I’m giving him more of my time and possibly sitting around waiting for him, I don’t want him to think he has that power over me. I feel like giving him anymore of my time is just time wasted. If he can continue to go on his WhatsApp, see my messages, ignore them and continue on with his life, then that’s on his conscience. No doubt he’ll actually feel bad about it and be thinking it over himself. But... my conscience is clear 😊
His silence is an answer in itself. Even if you were just going to ask him straight and put him on the spot, he'll probably just ignore it. It looks like he's avoiding confrontation now and so I doubt he is going to care if you ask him outright.

Sending sassy messages never helps as it isn't going to endear you to him and he doesn't deserve you spending all your emotional energy thinking about it. Also, if he isn't interested anymore he'll use that to try and justify why he doesn't want to continue dating you.

I'd go with three and leave it. Delete his number and the old conversations so you can't see when he was last online. Delete him from social media. It's hard at first but eventually you will move on, and it will save the heartache of agonising over why he's not responding.
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I think the note-ranting has been one of the best things to take home from this thread hahaha I’m so glad you all do it too.

i *hate* when I forget to delete them though and I go back in and find some spiel I’ve written ‘to’ my boyfriend and then I’m reminded of it and I feel shit again hahaha
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