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Silly Sausage

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Often people just want to vent and don’t actually want advice. They just want to be heard and feel seen. The problem is that this is an advice thread and you will be getting advice even if you don’t like what you hear.

My advice is to remember what you were interested in before you became preoccupied with him contacting you. Do something you enjoy and take a step back. Don’t be so available. You will find clarity once you step away.
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He then went on to say that IF he ever HAPPENED to go on a dating app when we were together, that is wouldn’t mean anything and sometimes he just gets bored.
Late to the party here, but this bit 👆 is the crux of it all.

He has a dating app. He is using the dating app. He has met someone else. He was planting the seed for you to know he has the dating app. Maybe hoping you’d fuck him off immediately. Maybe to plant the seed in order to fuck you off imminently.

He is playing the anxiety card. He doesn’t want to communicate with you anymore. He pulled you in and fucked you about. His behaviour is not acceptable and you deserve better.

I would go as far as saying that this would likely be normal behaviour for him. The thrill of the chase, make the person fall for him and then fuck her off when his work is done.

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Wish I found this thread last week.. was literally dating a guy for 7 weeks.. he was really full on and always said the right things - deleted dating apps after the first date - told his parents about me etc - said he could see me as his girlfriend and that that was a huge thought as he wants his next gf to be his wife (we’re both 24🙃) - I thought nothing of it and just thought it was sweet as I’m used to guys just fizzling out or just wanting causal - anyway last week out of the blue tells me he doesn’t want this anymore and ended things....... I was in shock. He made it intense and moved things quickly yet he made me feel like I was pushing it... I blocked him on everything but ugh it honestly sets you back with trusting guys again as they can say all the right the right things then bam cold as ice 😞
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Hahaha I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does this. If I ever lost my phone I'd be more panicked about someone opening my notes pages than my banking app 🙈😅🤣
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To add to the fire 😂 he texted the other night saying we should sleep together 1 last time for closure!????? Like no no.. just no no boy.
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Chatty Member
Yes I was leaning towards number three, it’s much more my style. If someone wrongs me and they know it I didn’t usually like rehashing the detail with them because, what’s the point? When I’m done I’m done. I just hate that he’s getting off easy when he’s the one that made all this mess.

I genuinely feel like we need a thread to discuss men’s behaviour because it honestly baffles me! Reading all your similar stories is just wild. Why are they like this?! Why do they say things they don’t mean?! Why do they make promises they have no intention of keeping?! Is it really hard to just... not say those things? I don’t find it hard. Why do they go all in, then get scared even thought they were the ones that were so full on? Why do they think texting regularly (and I don’t mean obsessively) is some sort of major commitment? It’s just texting! Why can’t they just be happy with one woman? Why do they constantly blow hot and cold? Then why are we the crazy ones when we question their wrong behaviour? I could go on, honestly they are such a strange breed. It makes no sense 😂.
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Hey guys! Thanks for all your replies 😘

I’m going over a few options in my head.

1. Part of me wants to message and ask him straight. He’s avoiding the conversation, because it’s uncomfortable, so I want to put him in that uncomfortable place to actually SAY what he has to say because sometimes being an adult means owning what you are feeling/saying. He’s put me in an uncomfortable place so 🤷🏼‍♀️. I feel like if I don’t acknowledge what he’s doing then he’s getting away with it which I don’t like, someone has to hold these boys accountable!

2. The other part of me wants to send him a sassy message (without even letting him explain) about how treating girls this way will never work, most girls won’t stand for it and just generally give him a reality check about what he’s doing. Just so maybe he can think ‘shit, I messed with the wrong girl’ sort of thing. I feel like this will sent a boundary for not only me but girls in his future and hopefully... he’ll learn something??? (why we have to teach grown men how to treat a girl is BEYOND me). I’ve thought about what I’d say but I’m really not sure so that’s holding me back from doing that at the minute

3. Or I could just leave it completely. If he wants to explain he can come and explain, I’ve already given him opportunity to do this when I reached out on Tuesday. If he did explain I’d probably just read it and be done with it, play him at his own game so to speak (but then I’m I just stooping to his level? Haha). I feel like if I messaged him again it’s just clear that I’m giving him more of my time and possibly sitting around waiting for him, I don’t want him to think he has that power over me. I feel like giving him anymore of my time is just time wasted. If he can continue to go on his WhatsApp, see my messages, ignore them and continue on with his life, then that’s on his conscience. No doubt he’ll actually feel bad about it and be thinking it over himself. But... my conscience is clear 😊
I would honestly just leave it. Either of the first two he will call you clingy and obsessive and crazy, all the standard stuff. If you just ignore it eventually he’s going to be thinking oh...I thought she liked me but she doesn’t seem bothered now. 100% the best approach atm. Also the first two won’t actually make you feel any better anyways, you’ll either get ignored more, a spew of abuse, or an answer you don’t want to hear. Just say nothing.
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I’m so invested in this, I must know where he’s been and why he has fucked off our friend sweetcorn

I can’t stand cliffhangers 😭
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Girl chat needed!! Sorry this is so long haha. I’ve given in-depth detail, it looks obsessive but I’ve just done it to give you a clear picture because my mind is just all over the place.

I’ve just started seeing this guy. We met on a dating app. Both 25. He’s not your stereotypical fk boy or anything. He’s not a pretty boy either. He’s intelligent, has a very good job (works in medicine discovery), close family, he’s a bit nerdy but I like that etc.

Things had been going really well. We’ve been dating for just over 2 months (he lives alone so we bubbled - our first few dates were walks with my dog in the park. Also I’m in Scotland so we aren’t in a major lockdown... yet) which doesn’t seem long but we’ve already spent a lot of time together. We feel very close already, we’ve both told our families about each other but haven’t met yet (obviously). When we spend time together he always asks me to stay over etc which is nice to feel like he wants me around (previously I’ve always felt guys can’t wait for you to leave lol). He treats me like a princess and I’ve never had someone treat me so well before. He compliments me, is very affectionate etc. Probably even more than me! Which I am not used to, I always feel like I’m the one giving more if that makes sense. So this has been such a wonderful experience to feel so wanted. He’s said multiple times about how he can’t wait for future things with me like going on holiday etc. When I have to leave his he usually asks me to stay ‘just a bit longer’ and then he’ll make jokes about me ‘just moving in’. I know it’s way too soon for that but it’s nice to know that the idea may be there for the future. Like I said, it’s just nice to feel like he really wants me around. He also said for me to just leave things at his place to save me bringing them every time, so I did (the stuff is still there, nothing major). He surprised me with lovely bath bombs from lush, he said he got them because we were talking about how much I love baths. The first few times I stayed over at his I woke up with a really sore back because the pillows were too flat so when we were at IKEA he said that he wanted me to pick a new pillow one for his house. He also had a small box on a shelf in his place, he moved it and was kinda giggly and said I couldn’t see in it. We were just joking around so I was begging him to show me. It was a box of things from our dates and time together, receipts, tickets, just random stuff. I thought this was so sweet. He said he was keeping it all because maybe he would make me something for Christmas. The weekend before last, he said he was falling for me, I said the same. I’ve never had someone say this to me OR said it to someone else.

For the most part when we are not together we text sporadically throughout the day, not constantly just a few times then we usually chat more in the evenings (after work) about our day etc. This is how it’s been the whole time.

So basically it was all going so well and I was feeling so optimistic.

Rewind to: the beginning of last week -
We weren’t due to see each other until possibly Thursday/Friday so we were face timing in the evenings. This was all fine, we’d chat for a few hours in the evening then go to bed.

Tuesday (last week) -
We had a sort of weird conversation via FaceTime. He was saying that earlier that day he was ‘stressing’ a little about doing things that I wouldn’t like, then keeping them from me, as that would make him feel really bad. I was so confused about what on earth he meant! He said he wished he met me first, before he dated anyone else (this was the first time I’d heard of him dating anyone else). I asked him why he felt this way, was is because he had to now tell them that he was not interested? (which I know can be a difficult thing to do). He said he had already stopped seeing them. BUT he went on to say that it made him feel bad, like he was lying to me and that he doesn’t want to stress about those things. I told him I understood and what mattered most to me was how we proceeded from that point, not what happened in the early days. He then went on to say that IF he ever HAPPENED to go on a dating app when we were together, that is wouldn’t mean anything and sometimes he just gets bored. I don’t agree with this but it’s hard to explain over FaceTime. The point of a dating app is to swipe on who you are attracted to in the hopes that a conversation begins and that leads somewhere, so I don’t agree with doing it when in a relationship. There must be some motive there. Basically I was very confused. I think he wasn’t explaining himself properly. He gets very flustered and muddled up and I try to calm him and tell him to just be straight but he still gets worked up. He told me he’s suffered with anxiety for most of his life and that he’s still takes medication to help. I get that, I have anxiety as well but maybe is different ways to him. I think perhaps he meant that he had been on those apps when we were dating and now feels really bad because his anxiety was making him worry. So he then ended the conversation saying ‘I’ve already told you I’m falling for you and I am. I really want us to be exclusive but want to ask the right way (ie not over FT) but I just want you’. So from that conversation I was very confused but then kind of reassured but still confused... 🥴

Wednesday (last week) -
He told me that he was very busy with a report for work that was due at the beginning of this week. He had already mentioned this to me earlier that week so I was aware that he had been working on it. He said that as it was his first report, he was really struggling and that it was taking much longer that he anticipated. This meant that he was going to spend the whole weekend doing the report and therefore couldn’t see me Thursday/Friday. He was very apologetic and said that if he was finished by Sunday, we could spend the day together. If not, he said he’d be able to see me the beginning of this week. I was understanding and told him not to worry about it, work is obviously very important.

Thursday onwards -
He started texting me way less. I always try to not read too much into these things because, it’s only texting!! But if you remember how I said we’d text somewhat regularly and now that suddenly stopped you can just feel that something is off (I’m sure you all know what I mean). I told myself that he was busy, I gave him space to work and I didn’t pester him. Texting went like this:
- He text me Thursday night, I replied later that evening
- He didn’t reply till Friday night, I replied later
- He didn’t reply till Saturday night, I replied later
- He didn’t reply till Sunday night, I replied later

Our conversations were varied and felt normal (even though they were once a day). He told me about his report and how long it was taking, he’d wish me a good sleep or that I had a good day, at one point he said he wished I was there to snuggle him. So the things he was texting me were normal. On Saturday I said I was sorry he had had such a crappy week and weekend. He came back (on Sunday) saying ‘No I’m sorry, for being so shit, I’ve just got so much work still to do’. So I thought, ‘okay he’s really busy’. I didn’t push him to make arrangements with me for the week because I was trying to just give him space and time to do his work. I replied to his message on Sunday night.

We haven’t spoken since. I know it’s only three days but radio silence all of a sudden is just strange! His last seen on WhatsApp was Sunday at 6:00pm ish (until last night). So he didn’t even come online for days, which again is very strange. I know he communicates with other people via WhatsApp so that’s very strange and just made me feel like maybe he was avoiding me?

He came online last night at around 6ish but he hasn’t even read my message let alone reply. My head starts to go a bit crazy when things like this happen because I start worrying that something is really wrong. When he hadn’t been online in 2 days I genuinely thought ‘well something really bad could have happened to him and I’d have no way of knowing!’

I always feel like a ‘crazy woman’ when I start looking at ‘last seen’ etc and I feel like guys make us out to be crazy for looking at those things but that’s because they suddenly start acting SO WEIRD. It’s not crazy. I find it weirder that he suddenly wasn’t ever online. That’s crazy. Or the fact that when he finally did come on, he didn’t read my message and reply when we were pretty much in a relationship. It’s so out of character. So like I said, I started to worry that something was maybe wrong so I sent a simple ‘I hope you are okay?’ I sent this last night at around 8pm but he’s still not been back online...

I’m just so confused. He’s fallen off the face of the earth. Part of me is thinking ‘is he ghosting me???’ But literally the last time we actually spoke (and not via text) he was saying he was falling for me, wanted to be exclusive etc so what the hell?!?

I don’t really have a question, I just wanted to vent. I feel a fool. I told my family about him, something he encouraged me to do! (and I’ve never told my family about a guy before!!!!). So now they keep asking about him and I just mumble something because I’m embarrassed, I don’t know what to say. I also told my friends just last week!! So if I come back not even a week later saying this I’ll just look so stupid.

Part of me thinks he wouldn’t be ghosting me because why would he have said all that stuff, that he was falling for me, encouraging me to tell my family, having keepsakes from out dates, asking me to keep things at his etc. WHY would he do all that if his intentions weren’t serious. I know sometimes guys just say things but that’s all taking it a bit too far. He has my stuff at his house! Surely that would just make things really complicated so why ask me to leave things if he was going to ghost me?

What are your thoughts?

For a second I thought, maybe he had the virus and feels bad and doesn’t know how to tell me? I hadn’t seen him in person since the 31st so perhaps he caught it after or... I honestly don’t know. I’m not sure why he wouldn’t tell me though, we could wait a few weeks it wouldn’t be a big deal. As you can see, my mind is just wandering to every possibility. I’m so confused.
This happened to me! Said all the same things and stuff and I’d stay at his, him mine, we’d go out and stuff, he’d cook and teach me how to. Then one evening he was so so quiet he came back alive and casually told me he’d been on a date and thought she was amazing!!! It all went tits up for them and foolishly I went back....laid in bed one morning and his phone pinged up another girl I’d suspected after flirtatious fb comments so I walked out left the front door open, deleted and blocked him from everything! Never spoke since (3 years). I saw him in Sainsbury’s last year walking with purpose with a bunch of flowers when he saw me he swiftly changed direction and ran down the nappy aisle! 😂. Hope your guy doesn’t turn out like him (mine was over a year though and I did love him hence magically forgetting the date, I feel so ashamed by that haha)
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My ex did this to me after a year and we lived together. I was on holiday, and I could sense something was up by the lack of replies, sounds silly but the lack of his 'likes' on my photos on social media etc. I eventually called him out on it and he left me unread for two days, despite being online. I then texted him again and said I will be coming to collect my things, and he responded apologising and saying he just didn't want to face up to it.


You deserve so much more, I personally would walk away now whilst it's early days. There shouldn't be alarm bells this early on.
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Hey guys! Thanks for all your replies 😘

I’m going over a few options in my head.

1. Part of me wants to message and ask him straight. He’s avoiding the conversation, because it’s uncomfortable, so I want to put him in that uncomfortable place to actually SAY what he has to say because sometimes being an adult means owning what you are feeling/saying. He’s put me in an uncomfortable place so 🤷🏼‍♀️. I feel like if I don’t acknowledge what he’s doing then he’s getting away with it which I don’t like, someone has to hold these boys accountable!

2. The other part of me wants to send him a sassy message (without even letting him explain) about how treating girls this way will never work, most girls won’t stand for it and just generally give him a reality check about what he’s doing. Just so maybe he can think ‘shit, I messed with the wrong girl’ sort of thing. I feel like this will sent a boundary for not only me but girls in his future and hopefully... he’ll learn something??? (why we have to teach grown men how to treat a girl is BEYOND me). I’ve thought about what I’d say but I’m really not sure so that’s holding me back from doing that at the minute

3. Or I could just leave it completely. If he wants to explain he can come and explain, I’ve already given him opportunity to do this when I reached out on Tuesday. If he did explain I’d probably just read it and be done with it, play him at his own game so to speak (but then I’m I just stooping to his level? Haha). I feel like if I messaged him again it’s just clear that I’m giving him more of my time and possibly sitting around waiting for him, I don’t want him to think he has that power over me. I feel like giving him anymore of my time is just time wasted. If he can continue to go on his WhatsApp, see my messages, ignore them and continue on with his life, then that’s on his conscience. No doubt he’ll actually feel bad about it and be thinking it over himself. But... my conscience is clear 😊
You are going to come across people in your life who will never ‘explain themselves’. You will not get any closure from them. His silence should be enough. He will continue to ignore you, regardless of what approach you take. He has shown his true colours. Do not feed this any longer.
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I just read the whole thread and was so invested!! Sweetcorn, I'm so glad you made the right decision, you are worth more than some twat who wants to mess you around. I thought I'd share my ghosting story because me and my friends sometimes still laugh about it:

I met a guy through a new friend I'd made through my volunteering work in 2019. We really hit it off when we met and spoke all night at this bar we were at. We exchanged numbers and texted for months talking about what kind of dates we would have, before finally going on an actual date. On the date, he showed up 45 minutes late (!!!) but because we'd met through a mutual friend and had met before and got along I thought "might as well wait because he seemed so cool when we met". He barely spoke for the first half of the date which was SO awkward, but I just thought maybe it's extreme nerves or something. Then he got drunk and started acting as chatty and cool as he had been over text and the first time we met. So basically he couldn't seem to form a sentence whilst sober lol 🙄

The date went really well in the end and we made vague plans to do it again. Then the slow freezing out started, which was bizarre because we had ideas for our next date. When I finally texted him after three days silence to set a time and place for a second date, he replied back in a really nasty and blunt way saying I didn't pay for anything the other night, so a second date wouldn't be happening. Even though 1) I had offered to pay for drinks and 2) if it was such a big deal, I would happily have sent him some money.

Needless to say, he never replied, I felt like I had dodged a massive bullet. What upset me the most was the mutual friend we had met through who I really liked hanging out with ghosted me too. Guess they were a group of dickheads, eh?
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It actually sounds like love bombing and alarm bells are ringing.


It’s all just verging on being a bit weird.

Why the need to “bubble” together? You’ve known the guy for a few weeks!! He’s a relative stranger!!!!!

All the chat about keeping the stuff in a box..... sorry but that’s kinda..... creepy. What 25 year old guy does that?!

all sorts of alarm bells are ringing here. He sounds like a wrong’un
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A few folk have said the FT was him trying to back off but he ended it saying that he wasn’t explaining himself properly and that he was falling for me and wanted us to be exclusive. Maybe it was him trying to back off but to end it like that doesn’t make sense, that’s getting even deeper into it 😅 x
Truth bomb:

Men will say anything to avoid an awkward conversation/confrontation and men will say and do anything to keep a regular stream of attention and sex coming on tap. He’s more or less told you that he’s still chatting to other women via dating apps!

the WhatsApp thing is a red herring. There’s millions of ways to contact people - he will know that you are looking on WhatsApp to see when he’s online so he’s probably just not using it for that reason.
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100% agree with all of this! If this is someone you saw yourself being in a relationship with then you have nothing to lose from messaging him. If he doesn’t reply or gets annoyed then he isn’t the type of person you’d want to be with in the first place xx
Exactly it is absolutely not ok for a grown adult man to basically be in a relationship for 2 months then suddenly just turn round and decide never to speak to you again with no explanation. Men need to be held accountable for behaviour like this they get away with it far too often. Fair enough they might call you a psycho but when you think about it it’s actually them that need psychiatric help if they think acting like that’s ok. It would be different if you were calling him out after 1 or 2 dates but it’s not.
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Reading your story brings back so much memories of my first love. We moved so fast. It was all so perfect. After a month he suggested we move in together soon because we lived so far from each other and it was unbearable. I was super young and excited to be in love and we started searching for homes online.
One night he left to go home and I've never seen or heard from him him again.

His best friend contacted me a while after that. Apparently he was seeing other girls too and lost interest. Your boy already told you he gets bored and goes on dating apps... I really hope he's just busy. If not then I'm so sorry and please don't blame yourself like I did.
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Chatty Member
Thanks for all your responses so far ☺. I’ve read them all and will continue to. I will make contact with him again, not sure when or what I’ll say yet 😬 hahaha

Even though it’s a shit situation to be in, I’m actually really enjoying this girl chat with you all 💖. Why do relationships have to be so complicated and why do guys act like this?!?!? Seriously we need to invest money into looking into this 😅 There’s no need for it, say what you mean, say how you truly feel, it’s not that hard. I’ve never told a guy something just to win him over or because I think that’s what will make them ‘fall’ for me but guys do it all the time.
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I’ve noticed a lot of different advice here, I was single and dating people from apps for a few years I feel like I’ve had every encounter possible. My advice to you is don’t be scared to do something in fear of being labeled ‘crazy’ or a ‘psycho’ I feel men use that as weapon for us to back off.
He sounds like a genuine person from how you said things were going before so maybe this report has had an effect on his Mental Health if he started telling you about being on medication. It also sounds as if something from his past may have popped up, maybe an ex texting or something.
You have nothing to lose in this situation so if I were you I’d just text him or phone him and ask him straight out what’s happening. You’ve been staying over and I assume sleeping with him so he should have enough respect to be truthful about the situation. If he freaks out and calls you crazy then I think that’s an excuse and he has been trying to ghost you so it’s his loss anyway better finding out now than further down the line. If it is totally innocent and he is the person you thought he was he’ll be fine with you asking a simple question and probably even feel bad for upsetting you and giving you doubts about the relationship.
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