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Gotta love how they give her the mother and father role when she is already a giant failure at one and the one that prevented the other.

So, ahem, how are they living in Beverly Hills again? I mean if Ioan is not the father surely he isnt paying and should be refunded everything he spend on them, right? I mean I'm not saying that the father role is only monetary but he is not allowed to be anything more (tell me how should a father step up if the kids try to get restraining orders against him), and Alice thinks she is both, so...

She is such a weak person.
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Chatty Member
Hold on a second. A few months ago the eldest filed for a restraining order against her father and now she's "available" to see him?
Didn't Alice also say that said child is done with him and doesn't want to see him anymore in the podcast? Her whole narrative is literally built on them hating their father and now she's done a 180 and claims they willingly want to meet him?
She really doesn't see how much she's telling on herself with these comments, does she?
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Tone's tweet about Stephanie has made me angrier than anything in this saga in a long long time. It's just so cold.

And I see Alice's cheating tweet is hanging on a techicality. Sure she said she cheated on every boyfriend ever, but she never said she cheated on a husband, and that's all OK then and totally different. If you say so, Alice.
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I like how Alice ended her post with her typical threatening mention of someone's name. Iris. Bianca Wallace. EDDIE CIBRIAN. welp. 😂
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Imagine being years out from a marriage separation, fighting with weirdos online, while your ex husband and fiance are simply living their life ... While not being abused by you.

Our Alice is Special.
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It's Father's Day here in the U.S. and I can only imagine how painful it must be for Ioan as well as the children. 😢
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Alice & supporters: I got a domestic violence restraining order against me because of WORDS, boo hoo

Also Alice & supporters: Tattle should be shut down, you don't realize the power of words 😭
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View attachment 3001052

I don’t think Tony and his father are on good terms either.
I think there was more to Stephanie than the way she passed, yet that is how they speak of her 😢.
FFS this is appalling even for vile Tone. Here’s a tip for you Tony, try saying Stephanie was my step sister who sadly passed away. Says a lot about a person the way they speak of the dead especially when it will have been the worst thing to ever happen to his dad. Not full of compassion the Evans siblings are they?
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The sad old bitch still thinks others are jealous of her.
I mean, my life is absolutely shite right now. My injury hasn’t got better, so I’m still largely and unavoidably housebound, I’m having to withdraw from my Master’s because the teaching has been absolutely terrible and, without guidance or direction from my supervisor, I wouldn’t pass (so that’s £3k down the Swanee), and I’m in a state of total limerence over a guy - but in my current position, a relationship is just impossible. But at least I’m not 53 going on 13. At least I interact well with 99% of those I encounter on the one SM platform I use, rather than accusing them of ‘jeAloUsY’ if we disagree. At least my ego isn’t so corrupted and feeble that I think others should worship me for sweet FA. At least I don’t lie, and lie, and lie to myself and others as readily as I breathe.
If Alice were remotely sane and, you know, not a narcissist, I’d give her tough love and tell her to evaluate her life. Take stock. Own her shit. Stop being a хуіло and try to start over and rebuild. Stop lying. Retrain. Realise that she’s more likely to get financial support if she doesn’t act like a bitch-fiend. But she’s doing this on purpose - taunting him again to delay financial proceedings. You know, I doubt this even has any effect on IG any more. She’s pulled this trick so often that all it merits is an eyeroll and ‘whatever’. Sad, vindictive, suppurating old walrus. She’s beneath contempt really, isn’t she? If I’m like that in my mid-50s, I’ll drown myself.
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There will never be anyplace online where Alice can post shit that won't be called out. The internet is forever. Enjoy, Alice.

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Show Alice her own posts proving she's lying, she'll call you obsessed. Makes perfect sense.

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So, assuming she gets feck all support due to overpayment and abuse - I think we can assume she will try and use that to blacken his name (as per usual).

What can/should Ioan do to pre-empt or mitigate against this?
Tbh I don't think he needs to do much/anything but keep being himself. MadBetty mentioned that Ioan is liked and respected by her industry friend and Alice is not. Some of you may recall me mentioning many threads back, that I am also a long time friend of an industry type. A well established casting director in Europe/USA, who does both very successful shows and film casting, and knows and likes Ioan. Hadn't heard of Alice or any of her, er, body of work when we spoke a few years ago on the topic. Anyway I met him recently again for a catchup and the topic came up again. He said "oh yeah, the ex wife, she turned out to be a total psycho, didn't she". So congratulations Alice, you've gone from a complete non entity in the eyes of the industry you were so desperate to break into, to a laughing stock and someone no one is going to touch with a barge pole. But hey, at least they've heard of you now. 🤷‍♀️
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Her life is an endless search for enemies. A constant fight to prove she’s a victim, when it’s clear to everyone with half a brain cell that she’s a nasty, vile piece of shit who used to look good a thousand years ago and posed for photos next to men more famous and talented than her. I’d feel sorry for her if she wasn’t such a cunt.

ETA I’m very comfortable with this comment.
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I might be being a bit thick here but isn’t Father’s Day about celebrating your father. Not your father trying in vain to prove he is the reason you have a roof over your head and food in your stomach along with access to health care. I mean the fact Ioan actually earns enough to pay tax also means you have a school to go to. Alice’s tax contributions come from the money she receives from Ioan so even there she proves she is a drain on society.

Alice cannot post a tribute to her father because her rightly grey rocks her and she has publicly given him good cause for that.

Her kids cannot post a tribute to their dad because they have tried to bully and intimidate him at her bequest. Or they are so mixed up they did themselves including calling a DM journalist.

But Alice makes it about Alice. Ella’s birthday, all about Alice. Father’s Day all about Alice. Christmas all about Alice. Halloween all about Alice. First day at school, all about Alice. All controlled and ruined by the presence of Alice.
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Mad Betty

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There is absolutely no other reason to keep Yo's pictures up and his name in the handle, it's just that she's not over him and never will be, no matter what excuses she makes.
Ownership. She still wants to claim him as her own on some level. There is no healthy reason to keep her Insta an homage to her previous life with him. It's untoward. He's about to marry someone else. She made their divorce a public spectacle. She's tried to ruin him on every level.

To this day, years on now, she continues to demean him in her Insta posts like yesterday's passive-aggressive dig at him for Father's Day. The girls have nothing to do with him. She's made damn sure of that.

It's all about ownership.

Let him go.

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